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3 Tarot Spreads for Future Love: Will I Find Love?

If people aren’t asking tarot about money, they’re probably asking about love. It makes the world go around. We feel great when we’re in love....

The Narcissist vs. Empath: A Relatable Guide for Empath and Relationships

Relationships are hard. Even harder when you feel everything to an extreme. Empaths can have a difficult time in close relationships and may fall into...

14 Practical Ways to Use Crystals for Confidence

Want to feel better about yourself? There’s many ways you can grow your confidence. Crystals can be a fun spiritual tool to comfort you along...

How to Stay Positive When Bad Things Keep Happening

Staying positive when bad things keep happening is a chore. The first few things are tough. But with everything additional that happens, we get sent further...

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