Home Ask a Human: An Advice Column

Ask a Human: An Advice Column

Ask A Human: The Q About Being Attached to a Best Friend

 Ask A Human… An Advice Column for Humans by One Human. We want to hear what you’re struggling with these days. Relationships? Breakups? Family? Friends?...

Ask A Human: The Q About Wasting Time With a Cheating Partner

 Ask A Human… is an Advice Column for Humans by One Human. We want to hear what you’re struggling with these days. Relationships? Breakups? Family?...

Ask A Human: The Q About The BF Who Goes Quiet After Conflict

🔎 Ask A Human... is an Advice Column for Humans by One Human. We want to hear what you’re struggling with these days. Relationships? Breakups?...

Ask a Human: The Q About the Mean Husband

🔎 Ask A Human... is an Advice Column for Humans by One Human. We want to hear what you’re struggling with these days. Relationships? Breakups?...

Ask A Human: The Q About the Uncommunicative Husband

🔎 Ask A Human... is an Advice Column for Humans by One Human. We want to hear what you’re struggling with these days. Relationships? Breakups?...

Empath Anxiety: Is It Me or Them? + REAL Solutions

Heart beating. Mind racing. Mouth getting drier. Am I dying? Am I anxious? Or am I just an empath? If you’re an empath, you may know...

12 Best Breakup Advice Blogs to Lean on Through a Sad Split

When you go through a breakup, sometimes it can be hard to contain your feelings. At first, you may rant with friends about what an...

Charm Casting 101: Beginner’s Guide to Charmancy Mystic Divination

Charm casting uses everyday charms to help you gain insight into yourself, a situation or the future. If you have a few charms ready, you...

14 Toxic Relationship Signs to Check For Immediately—Run!

While some toxic relationship signs are covert and can be hard to spot, others are glaringly obvious. This doesn’t mean we’ll address them though. Often,...

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