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Card readings

Angel Card Reading #1: Pick a Card

If you landed on this page, you saw our angel card reading on social media and wanted a more in-depth explanation about the card...

Tarot Spread Relationship Layouts: 3 Patterns for Couples

How’s your relationship going? Although you have a good idea of how to answer that, so does the tarot. While relationship tarot spreads can give insight...

Introverted Intuition: A Guide of 25 Relatable Signs for INFJ + INTJ

Whether you’re into personality tests or spirituality, you probably came across the term “introverted intuition" or "INFJ" or "INTJ." But what do those phrases mean?...

39 Acts of Kindness Anyone Can Do To Brighten Someone’s Day

Want to brighten up a sad world? Tiny acts that cost little to nothing...

Monthly Advent Calendar DIY: Advent Calendar DIY Ideas

Forget Christmas advent calendars—give one for the entire year! A monthly advent calendar is like giving a gift each month. They’ll have something to look...

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