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Card readings

Angel Card Reading #1: Pick a Card

If you landed on this page, you saw our angel card reading on social media and wanted a more in-depth explanation about the card...

Um, We’re in a Pandemic. Go Easy On Yourself. Here’s 9 Ways.

How have you been keeping busy during this pandemic? If you’re not an...

The Best 3 Card Tarot Spread Ideas: Ultimate Basic Tarot Spreads

3 card tarot spreads are a wonderful way to gain insight quickly. Whether for love, career, family or health—you can use the cards to gain...

7 Tarot One Card Spreads for Quick Guidance & Instant Magic

You can use tarot cards without doing a full spread. In fact, a tarot one card reading can provide plenty of insight into situations or...

Getting Mixed Signals from a Crush: The Ultimate Response + Why

No matter your gender, almost all of us have experienced mixed signals. One moment they seem totally into you. And the next it’s like you never...

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