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14 Signs They Don’t Care At All About You- Sorry!!

If someone cares about you, they definitely won’t do the things on this list. Caring about someone has a lot to do with learning about...

8 Healing Crystals for Dreams and Enlightening Sleep

Having trouble remembering dreams? Want better ones? Or maybe you want to get rid of your horrid nightmares. Do you want to connect with your spirit guides...

7 Tarot Spreads for Clarity: Reveal the Right Path for You

Looking for clarity? It’s a main reason people turn to tarot cards—to learn more about a situation. Whether it be your personal life, relationships or...

8 Crystals for the Sacral Chakra: Sex, Connection, Creativity, Pleasure

Sex. Connection. Relationships. Creativity. Passion. Pleasure. These are the aspects of the sacral chakra, the third energy center in the system. An unbalanced sacral chakra can...

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