
YoHumanz is a blog dedicated to helpful and inspirational content about being human today—written in a non-bullshitty, (hopefully) more approachable way. We focus on 3 main areas: Heart, Brain and Soul.

17 Empath Protection Stones for Overwhelmed Sensitives

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we have to interact with people who “steal” our energy. Whether unintentional or intentional, these energy vampires have the power...

69 Relatable Ignore Quotes to Feel Less Alone: Ignore Me Quotes

Being ignored hurts and these ignore quotes prove that others feel the same way. When the person who we care about isn’t paying attention to...

How to Get Closure from an Ex Without Contact: 12 Ways

Splitting with someone you cared about is tough. Even more difficult? Ending a chapter of your life without really knowing the ending. I mean, you know...

Charm Casting 101: Beginner’s Guide to Charmancy Mystic Divination

Charm casting uses everyday charms to help you gain insight into yourself, a situation or the future. If you have a few charms ready, you...

79 Sexy, Cute and Flirty Texts to Send Him

Stop texting the same old boring things. Spice it up a little with a few short phrases that will leave them wanting more. Whether you want...

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7 No-Bull Reasons Why Men Come Back Months Later

For better or for worse (usually for worse), they always seem to come back around. “Hey cutie, what you up to.” “Well Mark, seeing as it’s...

51 Winter Date Ideas Indoor + Outdoor

Winter is the coziest season, so naturally, it lends itself to a ton of date ideas. Whether you want to bask in the cold, snowy...

80 Best Summer Date Ideas That Are Free or Cheap

Stuck on date ideas? Tired of reading the same lists with the same ideas? That’s why I’ve created this gigantic list of every summer date idea...

The Narcissist vs. Empath: A Relatable Guide for Empath and Relationships

Relationships are hard. Even harder when you feel everything to an extreme. Empaths can have a difficult time in close relationships and may fall into...

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