
YoHumanz is a blog dedicated to helpful and inspirational content about being human today—written in a non-bullshitty, (hopefully) more approachable way. We focus on 3 main areas: Heart, Brain and Soul.

Are Breakups Easier for Men? I Asked 15. Here’s Their Response.

When you’re going through a breakup, your first step is to dive into a pint of ice...

36 Customizable Breakup Bucket List Ideas to Move On + Change Your Life

When you breakup with someone, your life can change. If you’ve known them...

Text Messages Being Ignored? 8 Anxiety-Free Ways to Detach from Checking-Syndrome

The person you like hasn’t texted you back yet. It’s been long...

Spiritual Journey: 6 Tools to Develop Your Own Beliefs

Learning spirituality is an exciting, enlightening and rewarding process, but how do you get started?

How To Use Smoke Cleansing to Rid Yourself of Negative Energies

If you’ve ever watched someone sage, they’ll look like they’re waving a burning herb in the...

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59 Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and Her

Toxic relationship quotes can make you feel less alone and may validate your feelings. They can also inspire you to leave unhealthy situations so you...

6 Card Tarot Spread Layouts: 3 Best Relationship Tarot Spread

Get an unbiased perspective on your love life by using a relationship tarot spread. A 6 card tarot spread can help you learn about your...

14 Herb Crafts for Adults: DIY Creative Spiritual Seekers

Whether you’re practicing magik, a nature lover or have a spiritual connection with herbs— making DIYs with them is a good way to ensure they...

9 Trauma Bonding Signs to Scan Your Relationship For

Have you ever continued loving someone even after they’ve hurt you very badly? Instead of chucking them from your life, your feelings grew? If so, you...

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