
YoHumanz is a blog dedicated to helpful and inspirational content about being human today—written in a non-bullshitty, (hopefully) more approachable way. We focus on 3 main areas: Heart, Brain and Soul.

11 Quick + Simple Actions that Turn Bad Days into Amazing Ones

We all have those days. You know the ones. Where you wake up on the “wrong side of the bed.” …But a more accurate description could be...

71 Interesting Get To Know You Questions for Couples

You can get to know someone quickly by asking questions. And it’s super fun. Rather than having a regular conversation, injecting interesting questions can help...

Three Card Tarot Spread: 5 Easy Options to Unluck the Answers in Life

I love three card tarot spreads. They’re quick, easy to use and still provide a ton of insight. The only problem is we might be stuck...

DIY Coasters from Popsicle Stick: Minimalist 

These popsicle coasters are super easy to make and only require a few materials! Use paint, stamps and whatever else you wish to make a...

12 Best Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Adults: Quick Break

Being mindful isn’t as easy as it sounds. But with a few practices, it gets easier. Mindfulness activities for kids and adults can help us...

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Am I An Empath or Just Sensitive? Highly Sensitive People + Empathy

How can you tell if you’re an empath… or just overly sensitive? It can be difficult to tell because both share similar traits. So, are they...

7 Crystals to Help with Heartbreak, Breakups and Divorce

Going through breakups is rough and having some hope and inspiration can make it a tiny bit better. One way of making yourself feel better...

13 Reasons Why He Doesn’t Text Back

Ignored texts are hard to read. I mean, literally. There is nothing to read. So how can you know what’s wrong, if anything? Are you overthinking about...

How to Stay Positive When Bad Things Keep Happening

Staying positive when bad things keep happening is a chore. The first few things are tough. But with everything additional that happens, we get sent further...

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