34 When a Relationship Ends Quotes: Get Over a Heartbreak Sayings

When you’re going through a breakup, you might be in such emotional turmoil that you don’t know what to do.

When the relationship ends, you know it will be tough, but you might not have expected it to be this difficult.

Everyone is living their normal lives meanwhile yours has completely shattered. It feels like nobody can relate and you’re more alone than ever.

Reading when a relationship ends quotes can help you know that others have been there. It’s normal to feel intense and you can work through these feelings. To get over a heartbreak, have some self-compassion by recognizing the common humanity in your emotions.

In this post, we’re sharing 34 when a relationship ends quotes.

When The Relationship Ends

When the relationship ends, you might work through a range of emotions. You might experience:

  • Sadness or depression
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Loneliness
  • Despair
  • Overwhelm

Know that it’s normal to struggle through your emotions when the relationship ends. Although unpleasant, it’s very human. Give yourself permission to feel whatever you’re feeling. Depending on the person and situation, some breakups feel worse than others. And some people are more affected by breakups.

If you’re someone who feels intensely when the relationship ends, try to have self-compassion. Don’t compare your struggle to a friend. For example, you may wonder why you’re struggling so bad through a breakup when your other friends don’t. Remember that everyone is different. Many people don’t share the intensity of their struggle either. Your healing journey is your own and shouldn’t be compared to others.

If you’re hurting, one helpful thing to do is to turn to when a relationship ends quotes. Reading these can help you feel less alone. It reminds you that others have been through your struggle,  felt just as intensely, and have come out the other side. Instead of telling ourselves to “get over it already,” we can have self-compassion. We learn that feeling sad after a split is a very human thing.

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When a relationship ends quotes also can help you gain power over the situation—whether the split was your decision or not. If we break up with someone, we might feel bad or have emotional pain, even if it was the right decision. Quotes from others can help you stand firm in your decision: you followed your truth by ending it.

Reading when a relationship ends quotes can also help you bare a split that wasn’t your decision. When you’ve faced any form of rejection, it can be difficult to overcome. Naturally, we’ll be upset and hurt and perhaps devastated. But in time, we can feel empowered by the situation. We know that when the relationship ends, it’s because it wasn’t meant for us. We learn how to become resilient in the face of rejection. We build our confidence back up and trust we’re worthy. And we get closer to the relationship that is meant for us.

When a Relationship Ends Quotes

These when a relationship ends quotes will help you recognize that your difficult emotions are very human and you’re not alone.

If you leave, you’ll find what you need

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Each breakup, I get closer to my person

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If you’re waiting for the impossible, let go

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And I still hope you’ll change

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Leave. All it takes is the belief you’ll find what you need.

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It’s better to be lonely and alone than lonely with someone else

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Losing you meant finding myself.

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It’s hard to move on. But you can do hard things.

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You let me look through your windows but you never opened the door

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I’m stronger alone than with you

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I never loved you, I loved your illusion

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Your standards aren’t high just because someone fails to meet them

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Closure means accepting you may never understand it

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I used your bullshit as fertilizer to grow flowers

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Choose you

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Leaving doesn’t mean you don’t love him. It means you love yourself.

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I’m still starving from the breadcrumbs you fed me

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Even years of heartbreak is better than a lifetime of it

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If you don’t deserve it, don’t accept it

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You took away my naivety

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You don’t need someone who loves you. You need someone who loves you the way you want to be loved.

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He doesn’t need to be in the story. You’re the main character.

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Losing someone doesn’t mean it’s a loss.

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Maybe I was too much for you but you were too little for me.

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You can miss someone and heal at the same time.

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I wish memories left as quick as you did

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I still think of you when my phone lights up

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I hate being a stranger to someone I knew inside out.

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I overvalued your nothing. You undervalued by everything.

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I’m breaking the cycle. Have fun on your hamster wheel.

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If you can’t get someone out of your head, maybe they’re supposed to be there instead of in your life.”

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My heart was so full and it’s taking time to drain out

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They asked what happened

I said you died

“He died?” they shrieked

“He’s dead to me,” I replied.

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Katie, I hope one day you leave

Even if you have to cheat

I hope you find what you need

Katie, he swears you’ll never leave

But all it takes is belief

That you’ll find what you need


When a Relationship Ends Quotes: Heartbreak Quotes: Toxic relationship quotes

I’m better now

Without you here

Now that you’re gone

I’m so glad you’ve disappeared

Out of sight

Out of mind

And out of my life


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Get Over a Heartbreak—For Good!

If you’re looking for ways to get over a heartbreak when the relationship ends, you probably won’t find exactly what you’re looking for. That’s because healing takes time and patience. While there’s some strategies you can use to get over a heartbreak, there’s no way to immediately stop the feelings.

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Stop making your goal to stop heartache. That’s probably not possible right now. Instead, make your goal to support yourself through your heartache. Apply self-compassion is the best way to get over a heartbreak. Research shows that self-compassion can encourage people to adjust better after a breakup.

Realize that the situation is difficult and you’re doing your best. If the other person hurt you, realize it’s normal to feel emotional pain. If you feel you could have done better, realize that every human makes mistakes which they can learn from. In any case, support yourself through your emotions and give yourself permission to feel and work through them.

For more tips on how to get over a heartbreak when the relationship ends, read our guides:

Summary: When a Relationship Ends Quotes

When the relationship ends, you’re left to face a range of emotions. While healing doesn’t happen overnight, we can take small steps to lessen the intensity of them. If you’re trying to get over a heartbreak, first know it’s normal to struggle—so have some self-compassion during the process. Another tool that may help is reading when a relationship ends quotes. These can help you feel less alone and more normal in your pain.




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