
YoHumanz is a blog dedicated to helpful and inspirational content about being human today—written in a non-bullshitty, (hopefully) more approachable way. We focus on 3 main areas: Heart, Brain and Soul.

Why You Love People Who Hurt You: 11 Eye-Opening Reasons

Sadly, I’m probably a great person to write this post. I’ve loved people who hurt me—a lot. I’ve known it was wrong and continued to stay. There’s...

Is My Breakup Grief Normal? Normalizing Heartbreak Pain

When we’re going through a breakup, we might feel like we feel too much. Like we’re alone and the only ones to go through this...

Read This If You Feel Alone: 12 Thoughts on the Pain of Loneliness

Feeling a little empty, unwanted, disconnect from the world? Like the globe is turning but you’re watching it instead of inside it? Maybe you have everyone’s...

11 Signs Casual Relationship is Getting Serious + They’re Falling

When you start dating someone, you’re not really sure where it’s going. Can you see yourself in a long-term relationship with them? Do they see themselves...

How To Make Spiritual Cleansing Spray: DIY Crystal Essence

Crystal tinctures are fun and easy to make—even better to use! They can be used as a rub, taken under the tongue or turned into...

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Empath Anxiety: Is It Me or Them? + REAL Solutions

Heart beating. Mind racing. Mouth getting drier. Am I dying? Am I anxious? Or am I just an empath? If you’re an empath, you may know...

35 Unconventional Lady Rules Every Human Should Follow

This list isn’t what you think it is. We’re not telling you how to be a lady. This isn’t the scene in Princess Diaries where...

5 Card Tarot Spreads for Relationships, Life, Change

Want to gain insight into specific areas of your life? Or general ones? Using tarot spreads can help us look at situations from a different...

Meditation for Self-Compassion: 11 Audios To Change Your Life

A few minutes could change your life—or at least, your mindset. Meditations for self-compassion can help bring awareness, calm and confidence. In this guide, we’re showing...

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