
YoHumanz is a blog dedicated to helpful and inspirational content about being human today—written in a non-bullshitty, (hopefully) more approachable way. We focus on 3 main areas: Heart, Brain and Soul.

12 Best Breakup Advice Blogs to Lean on Through a Sad Split

When you go through a breakup, sometimes it can be hard to contain your feelings. At first, you may rant with friends about what an...

FREE Angel Card Reading

What Does Your Future Have In Store? This angel card reading could give you a bit more insight. Angel cards feature positive & uplifting messages about what you...

12 Tools for Divination: Fortune-Telling Objects for Deep Insight

There's a lot of different spiritual or "magical" things you can use to learn about yourself--or the future. For example, a few months ago, I downloaded...

104 Things to Do After a breakup to Stop Hurting | Best Distractions

When you’re doing through a breakup or divorce, it may be the only thing you can think about. The thought of living without them, even...

57 Quotes About Change by Historic Black Leaders Still Relevant Today

Before we jump into these quotes, we’ll address the most important thing... ....which is what we can do...

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Who’s Your Next Lover? 3 Future Love Tarot Spread Layouts

If you’re looking for answers when it comes to your love life, you’ve come to the right place. Using a future love tarot spread helps...

Cope When a Relationship Ends: The Best 28 Things to Do

When a relationship ends, you probably feel devastated, depressed and maybe even despair. The list of feelings a person may go through is endless. But...

Getting Mixed Signals from a Crush: The Ultimate Response + Why

No matter your gender, almost all of us have experienced mixed signals. One moment they seem totally into you. And the next it’s like you never...

66 Affirmations for Throat Chakra: Third Chakra, Creativity Affirmations

Cat got your tongue? If your throat chakra is blocked, it might have. The fifth chakra is dedicated to topics involving communication and expression. When the...

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