26 Inspirational Quotes That’ll Make You Think About Life

inspirational quotes life

Life can be great and horrible.

Lovely and heartwrenching.

Fun and a dread.

These quotes portray the human experience in a way we couldn’t put into words ourselves.

In this post, we’re sharing 26 inspirational and life quotes.

26 Inspirational Quotes About Life

“We are Addicted to our Thoughts. We Cannot Change Anything If We Cannot Change Our Thinking.”

-Santosh Kalwar

inspirational quotes

“Yesterday I Was Clever, So I Wanted to Change the World. Today I Am Wise, So I Am Changing Myself.”


inspirational quotes

“The More One Judges, The Less One Loves.”

-Honore de Balzac

inspirational quotes

“Imagination is More Important Than Knowledge. Knowledge is Limited. Imagination Encircles the World.”

-Albert Einstein

inspirational quotes

“To Love Oneself is the Beginning Of a Lifelong Romance.”

-Oscar Wilde

inspirational quotes

“Time is Your Most Valuable Currency.”

-John Di Lemme

inspirational quotes

“Vulnerability Is Our Most Accurate Measurement Of Courage.”

-Brene Brown

inspirational quotes

“Fearlessness Is Like A Muscle.”

-Arianna Huffington

inspirational quotes

“Vulnerability Is the Birthplace of Innovation, Creativity and Change.”

-Brene Brown

inspirational quotes

“Be Kind, For Everyone You Meet Is Fighting a Battle You Know Nothing About.”

-Wendy Mass

inspirational quotes

“If You Own This Story You Get to Write the Ending.”

-Brene Brown

inspirational quotes

“Keep Breaking Your Heart Till It Opens.”


inspirational quotes

“They May Forget What You Said, But They Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel.”

-Carl W. Buehner

inspirational quotes

“Care About What Other People Think and You Will Always Be Their Prisoner.”

-Lao Tzu

inspirational quotes

“We Are All Different. Don’t Judge, Understand Instead.”

-Roy T. Bennett

inspirational quotes

“We Cannot Selectively Numb Emotions. When We Numb the Painful Emotions, We Also Numb the Positive Emotions.”

Tarot Spreads for Love to Get Answers on Your Partner, Crush

-Brene Brown

inspirational quotes

“Love is Proved the Moment You Let Go of Someone Because They Need You To.”

11 Fun Manifestation Writing Exercises to Attract ASAP

-Shannon L. Alder

inspirational quotes

“No One Has Ever Become Poor By Giving.”

-Anne Frank

inspirational quotes

“The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with One Step.”

-Lao Tzu

inspirational quotes

“First You Jump Off The Cliff and Build Your Wings On the Way Down.”

-Ray Bradbury

inspirational quotes

“Happiness is the Absence of the Striving for Happiness.”


inspirational quotes

“I Alone Cannot Change The World, But I Can Cast a Stone Across the Water To Create Many Ripples.”

-Mother Teresa

inspirational quotes

“Love and Compassion Are Necessities, Not Luxuries. Without Them, Humanity Cannot Survive.”

-Dalai Lama XIV

inspirational quotes

“Only When We Are Brave Enough to Explore the Darkness Will We Discover the Infinite Power Of Our Light.”

-Brene Brown

inspirational quotes

“Success is The Sum of Small Efforts, Repeated Day in and Day Out.”

-Robert Collier

inspirational quotes

“When the Power of Love Overcomes the Love of Power, the World Will Know Peace.”

-Jimi Hendrix

inspirational quotes

“We are Addicted to our Thoughts. We Cannot Change Anything If We Cannot Change Our Thinking.”

-Santosh Kalwar

inspirational quotes life
inspirational quotes life
inspirational quotes life

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