7 Tarot Spreads for Clarity: Reveal the Right Path for You

Looking for clarity?

It’s a main reason people turn to tarot cards—to learn more about a situation. Whether it be your personal life, relationships or spirituality, clarity is always a good thing.

To decrease the fog and see the important factors, try one of the tarot spreads for clarity below.

Mirror Tarot Spread for Clarity

This tarot spread for clarity helps you take an honest look at yourself and your life. How do you feel about your life? What should you be proud of? What can you do better? And, of course, how can you move closer to your goals? Gain insight into all those questions and more with the mirror spread below.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. Represents your current self. The first card in this tarot spread for clarity represents who you are presently.
  2. Represents how you feel about yourself presently. How do you feel about yourself and who you are? Are you confident and self-compassionate or are you insecure?
  3. Represents an aspect of yourself you should be proud of. This card points to something about yourself that you should be proud of. It could be an aspect of your personality, how you handled a situation or a big accomplishment.
  4. Represents an aspect of yourself you might consider shedding. The fourth card in this tarot spread for clarity points to something about yourself that may be working against you. What parts of yourself should you reevaluate
  5. Represents how your life is going presently. How is life going for you presently? Are you happy with the current state of your life or not?
  6. Where should I spend my energy right now? There’s many things you could be spending time on. But what needs it the most?
  7. A tip on moving closer to a goal. What can you do to move closer to a goal or desire?
  8. Message from my higher self. This card is your higher self speaking to you.
  9. A tip to move closer to myself. How can you become more of the person you’re meant to be?

Intuitive Tarot Spread for Clarity

Sometimes our intuition can feel foggy and harder to access. When this happens, a tarot spread for clarity can help the fog dissipate. In this layout, choose a situation you need help accessing your intuition with. The cards will show you a perspective to consider along with a tip for handling it and using your intuition to guide you.

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Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. Describes the situation. This card identifies the situation you’re seeking clarity about.
  2. Describes your feeling toward the situation. How do you feel about the situation? The second card in this tarot spread for clarity represents your personal reaction to it.
  3. Describes a perspective you should consider. What perspectives can you consider taking? This may help illuminate a path forward or other factors to take into account.
  4. Describes how you can best handle the situation. What’s the best way you can deal with this situation? This card helps you gain clarity on what you can—and should—control in the situation at hand.
  5. Describes how the situation can benefit from your intuition. The last card in this tarot spread for clarity relates to your intuition’s involvement. How can your inner guidance help you?
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My Goal Clarity Tarot Spread

Goals are big and overwhelming. Getting clarity can help you know how to move forward in the most efficient way possible. It can also help you minimize the fog and take steps that actually matter.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. My goal. The first card in this tarot spread for clarity represents your goal.
  2. Something standing in my way. What’s preventing you from achieving your goal? The second card in this goal clarity tarot spread will help you determine the challenges you’re facing.
  3. How can you overcome this challenge? The next card will help you come up with solutions for getting past the challenges to achieving your goal.
  4. What will lead me toward my goal? What’s something you can do to move closer to your ultimate goal? This card will help you outline the path forward.
  5. Recommendations for support. Every goal needs a little bit of support. What type of support do you need and where should you get it? Support can look like advice from friends, financial support, community resources and more.

Serenity Prayer Tarot Spread for Clarity

The old serenity prayer has some wise advice:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

This clarity tarot spread will help you decipher between what you can and can’t control in a situation. To delve deeper, it will also give you tips on controlling the factors you can and how to accept the factors you can’t.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. The situation. This card helps describe the situation you’re seeking information about
  2. What I can control. The second card in this tarot spread shows you the factors that are within your control. These may be internal factors. That is, factors inside yourself. It could also point to external factors that you can shift.
  3. How to control what I can. For the things you can control, how can you take the reins? This card helps you focus on action.
  4. What I can’t control. You can’t control everything. This card lets you know the factors in the situation that you can’t control and should accept instead.
  5. How I can accept what I can’t control? Accepting what you can’t control is difficult. How can you work on acceptance in this situation? The last card in this clarity tarot spread will help you let go of things outside your control.
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Take the L Tarot Spread for Clarity

Life is a series of wins and losses and in this tarot spread for clarity, we’re focusing on a recent loss. That loss could be anything: a job loss, breakup, friendship ending, etc. This layout will help you identify ways to cope with the difficult loss and how you can move forward when you’re ready.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. Recent loss. The first card describes the recent loss you experienced.
  2. Your feelings toward the loss. This represents how you feel about the loss. It may describe how you’re coping so far and whether or not it’s working.
  3. How to cope with the loss. This practical message helps you come up with ideas to cope with the loss. Before you “move on” from anything, you need to process it first. That involves feeling and coping with your feelings instead of ignoring them and pushing them down.
  4. What you can learn from the loss. This card points to what you may learn from the loss. Although you might not understand the lesson now while you’re in the midst of grief, these are points you may gain clarity on in the future.
  5. A step to move forward after loss. The last card in this tarot spread for clarity after loss helps you determine how to move forward. While this card gives helpful advice, remember that everyone moves on in their own time. The message simply points to how you can move forward, it doesn’t point to when or give you a timeline (because grief doesn’t have a timeline).

Spiritual Direction Tarot Spread for Clarity

Whether we’ve just begun our spiritual journey or we’ve been walking it for decades, it’s easy to get lost. In the midst of day-to-day life, we can lose direction. Luckily, this tarot spread for clarity can help you get back on track. It first starts by identifying what’s working well for you spiritually and what’s not. Then it suggests a new aspect of spirituality to educate yourself on and a new practice to try. Finally, the spread ends with a message from your higher self.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. What’s working well for you spiritually? The first card in this tarot spread for clarity describes what’s going well in your spiritual life. What beliefs, reading or practices are benefitting you?
  2. What’s not working well for you spiritually? Not everything works well for everyone. What aspects of your spirituality may be holding you back? What should you consider letting go of?
  3. A new aspect of spirituality to learn about. This card may point to a new spiritual topic to research and read about. It also could be an entirely new spiritual direction.
  4. A new spiritual practice to try. Getting practical, this message is about a new practice that you can try and perhaps incorporate into your routine. This may be a strictly spiritual practice or it may be an everyday practice that you can inject spirituality into.
  5. A message from your higher self. To finish off, the last card in this tarot spread for clarity will give you a message from your higher self.
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Clear Relationships Tarot Spread for Clarity

With all the emotions involved in relationships, it can be hard to see a situation honestly sometimes. This tarot spread for clarity in relationships will help you take perspective. You’ll gain insights into how you feel, how the other person feels and if those two perspectives are the same.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. Represents the relationship. The first card in this tarot spread for relationship clarity describes the relationship state. Is it healthy, a roller coaster ride, or somewhere in between?
  2. Represents your perspective. This card describes your perspective of the relationship. What are your major views toward it?
  3. Represents your partner’s perspective. What’s your partner’s perspective? How do they generally feel about the relationship?
  4. Are perspectives in alignment? Are you and your partner’s perspectives in alignment? In which ways are they alike or different?
  5. Something you can do to better the relationship. What can you do to improve the relationship? This may point to different patterns of thinking to consider. It could also point to something practical—like having more date nights.
  6. Something for you personally to consider. This last card is about you in the partnership—what’s something you should consider for yourself? In healthy relationships, this card may point to better understanding your partner, understanding external factors or holding your ground and values. In toxic relationships, this card may have you reconsider whether the partnership is right for you. Although the card above hints at how to improve the relationship, should you? Or is it better to walk away?

Summary: Tarot Spreads for Clarity

When things seem foggy and you can’t see clearly, it’s a good time to turn to the tarot. It can help you gain insights into situations where you may only consider one perspective. Tarot can also pull out your own inner knowledge. Whether you’re seeking clarity about yourself, your goals, your spiritual life or relationships, choose a tarot spread for clarity above.

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