A Thank You Letter to Essential COVID-19 Workers

thank you essential workers coronavirus covid19

A list of thank-yous to everyone working to fight COVID-19 or working to support others during this crisis.

For healthcare, researchers, retail, media, activists, cleaners and transportation staff and everyone else.

We Thank You

To every essential worker, we thank you.

To every single doctor, we thank you.

To every single nurse, we thank you.

To every healthcare professional whose job description changed because of COVID-19, we thank you.

To every retired professional who’s re-entered the workforce to fight COVID-19, we thank you.

To every hospital or healthcare staff, we thank you.

To every person working in a senior home, we thank you.

To every person working in hospice care, we thank you.

To every paramedic and emergency response worker, we thank you.

To every scientist and researcher trying to find a COVID-19 vaccine, we thank you.

To every journalist publishing science and fact, we thank you.

To every editor or producer making tough calls, we thank you.

To every camera person or news staff, we thank you.

To every grocery store employee, we thank you.

To every gas station worker who helps transport essential workers, we thank you.

To every alcohol retail worker who plays a role in harm reduction, we thank you.

To every public transit worker who helps transport essential workers, we thank you.

To every retail worker who’s been screamed at for under minimum wage, we thank you.

To every transport driver, we thank you.

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To everyone working in transportation and supply chains, we thank you.

To every cleaner everywhere, we thank you.

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To everyone working in domestic violence shelters, we thank you.

To everyone protecting abused children, we thank you.

To every law enforcement office who responds compassionately to abuse calls during COVID-19, we thank you.

To those lobbying for homeless people during COVID-19, we thank you.

To those lobbying for people in prison, we thank you.

To every jury member who went to court during COVID-19, we thank you.

To those lobbying for low-income people, we thank you.

To those lobbying for renters, we thank you.

To every landlord who has forgiven April rent, we thank you.

To politicians fighting for science and fact, we thank you.

To politicians ensuring our travelling family and friends are able to come home, we thank you.

To politicians who choose health over the economy, we thank you.

To politicians fighting for financial support for their citizens, we thank you.

To politicians fighting for financial support for small and medium-sized business, we thank you.

To everyone who donated personal protective equipment (PPE), we thank you.

To every company who’s supported their employees through this, we thank you.

To anyone that has donated to a food bank, thank you.

To every garbage collection worker, we thank you.

To every restaurant owner or manger who’s donated would-be wasted food to staff or others, we thank you.

To anyone that has picked up food or medication for a sick or vulnerable person, or even just a neighbor, we thank you.

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To everyone checking-in their friends, family or anyone vulnerable, we thank you.

How to Get Closure from an Ex Without Contact: 12 Ways

To everyone practicing physical distancing, we thank you.

Who did we miss? Please email me and I’ll add them to the list 🙂

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