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39 Acts of Kindness Anyone Can Do To Brighten Someone’s Day

Want to brighten up a sad world? Tiny acts that cost little to nothing...

Um, We’re in a Pandemic. Go Easy On Yourself. Here’s 9 Ways.

How have you been keeping busy during this pandemic? If you’re not an...

A Thank You Letter to Essential COVID-19 Workers

A list of thank-yous to everyone working to fight COVID-19 or working to support others during...

Here’s What Social Isolation Is and Isn’t: Explained Very Clearly

Social distancing is a new term and with that, there seems to be some confusion.

29 Mental Health Tips + Resources during COVID-19

Social contact increases well-being. But that’s on pause right now. Going to work...

Empath Anxiety: Is It Me or Them? + REAL Solutions

Heart beating. Mind racing. Mouth getting drier. Am I dying? Am I anxious? Or am I just an empath? If you’re an empath, you may know...

8 Tricks to Get a Text Back: He Ignored My Text

You’re here because he ignored your text, aren’t you? Whether you’ve been left on read or it seems like the person has fallen on earth,...

Tarot Spread for Career Guidance: 3 Layouts for Financial Success

Stuck on where to head in your career? Not sure which decision to make? Or maybe you’re stuck under a pile of debt so large that...

7 Effects of Creeping Your Ex After a Breakup

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’ve stalked an ex before. Maybe every day. Maybe several times a day. Or, maybe, you’re hoping their searching you. If...

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