Angel Card Reading #1: Pick a Card

If you landed on this page, you saw our angel card reading on social media and wanted a more in-depth explanation about the card you chose.

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In this general message, you will pick on of 3 angel cards:

  • Career Transition
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Claircognizance
  • Here’s a more in-depth explanation of each.

Career Transition

Message on Card: “Your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change.”

In-Depth Message: If this card comes up, it’s usually because you’ve been asking for help with your career. Sometimes, change is stressful and difficult, but you’re being helped to clear the old out. Pay attention to your repetitive ideas, dreams and visions as these are a roadmap to guide you. You may not see the entire road ahead of you and there may be plenty of hills, but this signals the beginning of something new and something better 🙂

Healthy Lifestyle

Message on Card: “Eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep, and exercise regularly for optimal health.”

In-Depth Message: If this card comes up, it’s usually because you’re neglecting some part of your health or put it on the backburner. Follow your inner guidance about lifestyle choices and listen to inner nudges about diet and movement. Rather than seeing healthful actions as a nagging chore, try to see it as a way to increase your energy and feel better. This can make self-esteem naturally blossom and get you out of any ruts you may be in.



Message on Card: “Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers.”

In-Depth Message: “If this card comes up, it’s usually because you’ve been praying for resolutions. This card signals that the answer is or will come to you in the form of repetitive thoughts telling you to take steps or make healthy changes. Don’t discount thoughts, dreams or common knowledge. You’re tapped into divine wisdom now and it’s important to recognize and record your thoughts, then act upon these answers to your prayers!”

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