3 Magik Tarot Spreads for Guidance, Advice and Questions

Feeling like you could use from advice?

Not the type that requires professionals. But the form that needs some deep soul searching.

If that’s a yes, consider a tarot spread for advice. By laying out some tarot cards, you can learn about yourself, your life and options for your next steps.

You can use these spreads to attempt to read your future. But if you’re not into that, you can use them as thought tools to explore themes and patterns in your own life. In this way, tarot can be used for spirituality or self-discovery.

Read on to see 3 tarot spreads for guidance.



Tarot Spread for Guidance and Advice

Tarot spreads for guidance

These 3 tarot spreads for advice and guidance will help you ascertain what to do next in a friendly, non-intimidating way. Scroll through our options and pick the one most aligned with what you want to learn about.


#1 Guidance Tarot Spread for Questions

Tarot spreads for guidance

This tarot spread for questions is designed for the seeker who is has a specific query in mind. It could be related to life, love, career, money, health and more. This spread makes you dive deeper into why you’re asking the question and what your options are. Most times, there’s positive and negative aspects to every solution or answer, which will be reflected here.

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Finally, the last card reveals what your ultimate outcome is likely to be.

Card Placement Meanings:

  1. Where you are now
  2. Why you’re having trouble answering this question
  3. The significance of your question
  4. Represents your question or the nature of it
  5. Your past experiences with similar situations
  6. The positive aspects of your answer
  7. The negative aspects of your answer
  8. Blocks to getting the positive outcome of the answer
  9. What your most likely answer is
  10. Advice from your higher self on the question


#2 Tarot Spread for Guidance from Spirit Guide

Tarot spreads for guidance

This tarot spread for guidance helps you tap into the wisdom your spirit guides want to share with you. In this all-encompassing reading, you’ll learn about who your spirit guide is and what they’re here to help you with. You’ll also get tips on how to better connect with them by ascertaining hidden blocks.

Then, you’ll get into the meat of the reading where you’ll get advice on 5 main areas of life. As you may know, spirit guides are teachers but they’re also here to support and cheer us on along our journey. That’s why you’ll also ask them for a tidbit of good news to inspire you to keep moving along. And for your worries, they’ll also provide some comfort too.

Card Placement Meanings:

  1. Your beliefs about working with spirit guides
  2. Blocks to working with spirit guides
  3. Represents the spirit guide who is working with you most now
  4. Represents your relationship with this main spirit guide
  5. What’s the main thing you’re learning from this spirit guide
  6. Spirit guide advice pertaining to love life
  7. Spirit guide advice pertaining to career or finances
  8. Spirit guide advice pertaining to physical health
  9. Spirit guide advice pertaining to mental well being
  10. Spirit guide advice pertaining to spiritual health
  11. Some good news they have for you
  12. Something they want to comfort you about
  13. The most pressing advice they want to tell you
  14. Guidance for a little later down the road (an upcoming situation or life event)
  15. Open question: Ask your spirit guide a question of your choice/for guidance about a specific situation or area of life.
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#3 Tarot Spread for Guidance: A Message

Tarot spreads for guidance

This tarot spread for guidance features a mixed bag of advice. It’s a great layout for when you’re feeling lost all around. Sure, you could pick a tarot spread for love, career or even health. But since many areas of your life feel like they’re in shambles, you need something more all-encompassing.

The layout starts by outlining where you’re at now: your feelings, desires and immediate purpose. Cards will outline advice on achieving those desires and where you can seek support when things are tough. Then, you’ll get into specific pieces of wisdom tailored to areas of your life like love, career, health and more.

To round out this reading, you’ll touch on how you can hop over challenges you’re currently facing while pulling out any valuable lessons. And this envelope leaves you with a positive surprise: something you can get excited about in the nature future.

Card Placement Readings:

  1. A check-in on how I’m feeling right now
  2. My deepest hopes
  3. Advice on achieving that deepest hope
  4. My purpose right now
  5. Where I should seek comfort when things get rough
  6. Guidance for my love life
  7. Guidance for my family life or friendships
  8. Guidance for my career or finances
  9. Guidance for my physical health
  10. Guidance for my mental well-being
  11. How I can better spiritually connect
  12. Something I’m avoiding looking at, but should
  13. A challenge happening now
  14. Guidance to overcoming that challenge
  15. A lesson I’m in the midst of learning right now
  16. An area of my life I can look forward to in the near future
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Summary: Tarot Spreads for Guidance

These tarot spreads for guidance are perfect for when you’re not sure where you’re at in life or where you should go. Choose a spread that speaks most to you and the advice you’re looking for. Out tarot spread for questions is perfect for those with specific queries about any area in life. If you want advice from your spirit guides, you can get it without spirit guide tarot spread. For a well-rounded reading that touches on every area of life, choose the last tarot spread for guidance.

Tarot spreads for guidance


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