
YoHumanz is a blog dedicated to helpful and inspirational content about being human today—written in a non-bullshitty, (hopefully) more approachable way. We focus on 3 main areas: Heart, Brain and Soul.

6 Crystal Grid Templates Printables for Love, Protection, Healing

Whether you’re new to crystals or have been using them for years, crystal grids are a good way to amp up your energy and...

Just Like Home Box: DIY Gift Going Away, Military Care Package

This is the perfect gift for anyone who’s away from home. Whether a romantic partner, parent or friend, they’ll appreciate this homemade, heartfelt present. All you’ll...

61 Journal Prompts for Anxiety: For Calm, Insight & Expression

What are you anxious about right now? That’s just one example of a journal prompt for anxiety that you can use to improve your mood. These...

How Long for No Contact: Full Guide on Easily Letting Go

You’re trying to break a bond with someone and you know you need to stop talking to them. But how long for no contact to...

17 Relatable Signs of an Empath: What Is An Empath Person?

Feeling for others. Taking on problems as their own. Becoming engulfed in another’s emotions. If you can relate, you might be an empath. Empaths are sensitive...

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How to Stop Chasing Love For Now and Forever

Chasing love can be exciting but it’s also usually hurtful. We can put in 100% to make someone like us and sometimes, it really works....

Read This If You Feel Alone: 12 Thoughts on the Pain of Loneliness

Feeling a little empty, unwanted, disconnect from the world? Like the globe is turning but you’re watching it instead of inside it? Maybe you have everyone’s...

160 Questions For Couples: New + Longterm (Very Telling)

You just met someone new and you want to know who they are. Besides hanging out, how can you get a little closer? Asking questions is...

9 Free Self-Care Ideas for Mental Health: Science-Approved

What’s the most expensive self-care advice you’ve heard? “Get a pedicure!!” Sarah tells you, thinking your toes will unleash a magical cascade of well-being. “Reward yourself...

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