
YoHumanz is a blog dedicated to helpful and inspirational content about being human today—written in a non-bullshitty, (hopefully) more approachable way. We focus on 3 main areas: Heart, Brain and Soul.

8 Toxic Relationship Signs To Check Yourself For

We’re so quick to label others as toxic but what about ourselves? It can be difficult to be honest about problems with our behavior. When...

Deepest 10 Cards Tarot Spread Layouts: General Tarot Spread

Large tarot spreads are a great way to take a deep dive into your own life. You can learn about what’s working, what’s not and...

59 Best Affirmations for Manifestation: Speed Up Your Desires Now

What do you want? And how are you going to get it? Affirmations for manifestation are a great tool to use when you’re trying to...

14 Best Powerful Crystals for Love and Marriage: Attraction Romance

Hoping to attract love, self-love or deepen a connection? These crystals for love and marriage can help inspire your love life. Display them in your...

8 Empath Relationship Reminders

Empaths can experience relationships very deeply—which can make them even more challenging. If you’re in an empath vs narcissist dynamic, the partnership may be...

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13 Reasons Why He Doesn’t Text Back

Ignored texts are hard to read. I mean, literally. There is nothing to read. So how can you know what’s wrong, if anything? Are you overthinking about...

Monthly Advent Calendar DIY: Advent Calendar DIY Ideas

Forget Christmas advent calendars—give one for the entire year! A monthly advent calendar is like giving a gift each month. They’ll have something to look...

Tarot Spreads for Love to Get Answers on Your Partner, Crush

Why are you looking for a love tarot spread? Is it because you’re wondering about your current partner? Maybe you want to know if your...

How To Wire Wrap Crystal Stones: The EASIEST Tutorial

Wire wrapping a crystal can be intimidating. If you’re searching for how to wire wrap crystal, you might be confused by some of the information...

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