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43 Indoor Social Ideas During Tough Times

Can we start calling it “physical distancing” already? Because that’s a more accurate...

How to Stop Chasing Love For Now and Forever

Chasing love can be exciting but it’s also usually hurtful. We can put in 100% to make someone like us and sometimes, it really works....

69 Useful, Productive Things To Do When Bored At Home

You’re at home and bored and although you could just watch TV all day, you’d rather be productive. But how can you wisely use your...

31 Things To Do When Awaiting an Ignored Text

Quick, check your phone. They may have texted you back in the time it took to read this sentence. Nope? Not yet? Rats. Guess you’re stuck...

Tarot Spreads for Self-Growth, Introspection & Transformation

Tarot isn’t just for fortune-telling—it can be used for “self-telling.” The symbols, imagery and metaphors used in tarot can be related to your life and...

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