DIY Coasters from Cork

These cute DIY coasters are easy to make and fun to customize!

With a variety of designs and color combos, you can design a set to match your decor.

Ready to learn how to make these DIY coasters? Keep scrolling

Steps: DIY Cork Coasters

Hexagon Stencil: To make these DIY coasters, you’ll need a piece of cork (I used a cork pot mat from the dollar store). You’ll also need a hexagon stencil. If you don’t have a hexagon stencil, you can print one and trace around it. I used this printable and went into my print settings to adjust the custom scale percentage until I got a size I liked. I think I used around 75%.

diy coasters cork

Cut Hexagon Shapes Out of Cork: Trace around your stencil and cut the cork out using an X-Acto knife.

diy coasters cork

Tape Designs: Using tape will help you get clean, crisp edges. Apply it according to the designs you want to tape.

diy coasters cork

Paint: Paint the first and second blocked-off section. (For some designs, you’ll have to let the first color dry before reapplying the tape for the second color/shape.)diy coasters cork

How To DIY Coasters from Cork

DIY Coasters from Cork

These DIY cork coaster can be made with supplies from the dollar store.
Keyword: diy coasters, diy work coasters, dollar store crafts, dollarstore crafts, easy crafts


  • Piece of cork (I used a cork pot mat) (I used a cork pot mat)
  • Tape
  • X-Acto knife
  • Hexagon stencil (see article for printable link) (you can really use any shape you'd like though)
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes


  • Trace stencil around cork.
  • Use an Exacto knife to cut hexagon out.
  • Use tape to block off the first painting section.
  • Paint. If necessary, let dry, place tape again and paint second color. See pictures in post for various design ideas.

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diy coasters cork

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