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141 Essential Couple Conversation Starters for Strong Bonding

Couple conversation starters create bonding, connection and vulnerability. You’ll learn interesting things about your partner that you wish you knew sooner. From fun facts to...

39 Acts of Kindness Anyone Can Do To Brighten Someone’s Day

Want to brighten up a sad world? Tiny acts that cost little to nothing...

Introverted Intuition: A Guide of 25 Relatable Signs for INFJ + INTJ

Whether you’re into personality tests or spirituality, you probably came across the term “introverted intuition" or "INFJ" or "INTJ." But what do those phrases mean?...

33 Life-Changing Positive Affirmations for Anxiety + Anxious People

Could repeating that you’re not anxious make it so? Some people tend to think so. And there’s also some evidence to back it up. While affirmations...

10 Research-Backed Couple Bonding Activities for Puppy Love Flashbacks

What if you took all the time you spent watching TV and used it to better connect with your partner? Whether we’re in a new...

Can Narcissists Change? A Caring Guide for Rocky Relationships

Before we start this post, there’s one thing we want you to consider first. We’d like you to take a moment to self-reflect and...

A Thank You Letter to Essential COVID-19 Workers

A list of thank-yous to everyone working to fight COVID-19 or working to support others during...

How To Wire Wrap Crystal Stones: The EASIEST Tutorial

Wire wrapping a crystal can be intimidating. If you’re searching for how to wire wrap crystal, you might be confused by some of the information...

22 Bright Sides to Heartbreak: Breakup Encouragement and Inspiration

Breaking up sucks. Yep, there’s no way around it. Whether you know it’s the best thing or were blind-sighted, there’s a lot of downfalls to breaking...

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