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How to Get Closure from an Ex Without Contact: 12 Ways

Splitting with someone you cared about is tough. Even more difficult? Ending a chapter of your life without really knowing the ending. I mean, you know...

79 Sexy, Cute and Flirty Texts to Send Him

Stop texting the same old boring things. Spice it up a little with a few short phrases that will leave them wanting more. Whether you want...

133 Online Dating Questions to Know If They’re The One

Online dating questions can reveal secrets and dealbreakers. They’re a great way to find out about a person before spending too much time on them....

Narcissist In a Relationship: 14 Eerie Signs You’re With A Narc

A narcissist in a relationship is most likely mistreating their partner. But not all people who mistreat are narcissists. How can you tell? There’s some...

Cope When a Relationship Ends: The Best 28 Things to Do

When a relationship ends, you probably feel devastated, depressed and maybe even despair. The list of feelings a person may go through is endless. But...

8 Ways to Call More Peace Into Your Life

Feel stuck? Like life is a constant struggle? Do you go to bed trying to feel hopeful, only to wake up with a sense of...

How to Use Crystals: 60+ Ways to Inspire Life with Stones

How to use crystals goes beyond décor and keeping them in your pocket. Although those are great ways of putting a crystal to work, there’s...

12 Tools for Divination: Fortune-Telling Objects for Deep Insight

There's a lot of different spiritual or "magical" things you can use to learn about yourself--or the future. For example, a few months ago, I downloaded...

Who’s Your Next Lover? 3 Future Love Tarot Spread Layouts

If you’re looking for answers when it comes to your love life, you’ve come to the right place. Using a future love tarot spread helps...

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