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Um, We’re in a Pandemic. Go Easy On Yourself. Here’s 9 Ways.

How have you been keeping busy during this pandemic? If you’re not an...

23 Breakup Quotes To Release Emotion + Move On

Whether you're the heartbreaker or heartbreaking, ending a relationship is rarely easy. Even...

14 Love Quotes That Will Make You Rethink Relationships + Friendships

Love makes the world go around. From family, friendships, relationships, pets and even...

A Thank You Letter to Essential COVID-19 Workers

A list of thank-yous to everyone working to fight COVID-19 or working to support others during...

Empath Anxiety: Is It Me or Them? + REAL Solutions

Heart beating. Mind racing. Mouth getting drier. Am I dying? Am I anxious? Or am I just an empath? If you’re an empath, you may know...

Tarot Spread for Career Guidance: 3 Layouts for Financial Success

Stuck on where to head in your career? Not sure which decision to make? Or maybe you’re stuck under a pile of debt so large that...

Getting Mixed Signals from a Crush: The Ultimate Response + Why

No matter your gender, almost all of us have experienced mixed signals. One moment they seem totally into you. And the next it’s like you never...

7 Effects of Creeping Your Ex After a Breakup

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’ve stalked an ex before. Maybe every day. Maybe several times a day. Or, maybe, you’re hoping their searching you. If...

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