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How to Recharge Crystals: 6 Basic Ways to Try Now

Collecting and using crystals is fun what how do you recharge them? After a while, crystals start to take on the energies around them. For...

Tarot Spreads for Love to Get Answers on Your Partner, Crush

Why are you looking for a love tarot spread? Is it because you’re wondering about your current partner? Maybe you want to know if your...

3 Tarot Spreads for Stress to Calm the F Down

Stress sucks. Nobody likes it. Yet it is a largely unavoidable part of life. Despite our best efforts, it’s inevitable that we’ll get stressed sometimes. There’s plenty of...

Empath Anxiety: Is It Me or Them? + REAL Solutions

Heart beating. Mind racing. Mouth getting drier. Am I dying? Am I anxious? Or am I just an empath? If you’re an empath, you may know...

Am I An Empath or Just Sensitive? Highly Sensitive People + Empathy

How can you tell if you’re an empath… or just overly sensitive? It can be difficult to tell because both share similar traits. So, are they...

33 Life-Changing Positive Affirmations for Anxiety + Anxious People

Could repeating that you’re not anxious make it so? Some people tend to think so. And there’s also some evidence to back it up. While affirmations...

14 Ways to Help Friend After Breakup (Or a Daughter)

First of all, if you’re here, you are SO awesome. That’s because, if you’re on this page, you’re trying to help your friend get over...

12 Powerful Crystals for Love and Healing Romantic Grief

Crystals for love and healing can support you on your journey through romantic grief. Whether you’re going through a serious split, the end of...

23 Breakup Quotes To Release Emotion + Move On

Whether you're the heartbreaker or heartbreaking, ending a relationship is rarely easy. Even...

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