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The #1 Law Of Attraction Mistake Almost Everyone Makes

This post is going to make some “experts” upset. But it’s the truth. The Law of Attraction is pretty simple to understand. It’s basically one...

Halloween Samhain Tarot Spread: 5 Layouts for Personal Ghosts + Goodies

You may practice tarot all year long. But it seems especially special in Halloween season. Maybe it’s the vibes everyone is giving off. Maybe it’s the...

12 Tools for Divination: Fortune-Telling Objects for Deep Insight

There's a lot of different spiritual or "magical" things you can use to learn about yourself--or the future. For example, a few months ago, I downloaded...

57 Quotes About Change by Historic Black Leaders Still Relevant Today

Before we jump into these quotes, we’ll address the most important thing... ....which is what we can do...

Spiritual Journey: 6 Tools to Develop Your Own Beliefs

Learning spirituality is an exciting, enlightening and rewarding process, but how do you get started?

8 Crystals for the Sacral Chakra: Sex, Connection, Creativity, Pleasure

Sex. Connection. Relationships. Creativity. Passion. Pleasure. These are the aspects of the sacral chakra, the third energy center in the system. An unbalanced sacral chakra can...

12 Magically Effective Crystals for Good Luck and Success

Need a little luck? All of us could use a bit more. And these crystals may help. Most of us have heard about good luck...

59 Best Affirmations for Manifestation: Speed Up Your Desires Now

What do you want? And how are you going to get it? Affirmations for manifestation are a great tool to use when you’re trying to...

Quiet Cardio Workout: 28 Moves + DIY Workout Printable

How can you do cardio inside without annoying your neighbors? Is it possible to work up a sweat without leaving home? Luckily, it is. Even if you’re...

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