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How To Use Smoke Cleansing to Rid Yourself of Negative Energies

If you’ve ever watched someone sage, they’ll look like they’re waving a burning herb in the...

26 Inspirational Quotes That’ll Make You Think About Life

Life can be great and horrible. Lovely and heartwrenching. Fun...

14 Love Quotes That Will Make You Rethink Relationships + Friendships

Love makes the world go around. From family, friendships, relationships, pets and even...

A Thank You Letter to Essential COVID-19 Workers

A list of thank-yous to everyone working to fight COVID-19 or working to support others during...

Am I An Empath or Just Sensitive? Highly Sensitive People + Empathy

How can you tell if you’re an empath… or just overly sensitive? It can be difficult to tell because both share similar traits. So, are they...

How to Stop Thinking About Your Ex: 20 Tricks I Use Every Time

Everything reminds you of them, doesn’t it? Every store you pass by. Foods you eat. Things that you wear. People you see. People who won’t stop bringing it up. Their...

Um, We’re in a Pandemic. Go Easy On Yourself. Here’s 9 Ways.

How have you been keeping busy during this pandemic? If you’re not an...

31 Things To Do When Awaiting an Ignored Text

Quick, check your phone. They may have texted you back in the time it took to read this sentence. Nope? Not yet? Rats. Guess you’re stuck...

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