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12 Powerful Crystals for Love and Healing Romantic Grief

Crystals for love and healing can support you on your journey through romantic grief. Whether you’re going through a serious split, the end of...

The Best 3 Card Tarot Spread Ideas: Ultimate Basic Tarot Spreads

3 card tarot spreads are a wonderful way to gain insight quickly. Whether for love, career, family or health—you can use the cards to gain...

10 Most Useful Healing Crystals for Beginners to Ignite Life

Discovering crystals opens up a whole new, magical world. At first though, you might be confused when it comes to crystals for beginners. There’s so...

Tarot Reading YES or NO: 5 Spreads for The Best Decisions

Yes or no? If you’re having trouble making a decision, tarot may be able to help with that. The tarot reading yes or no spreads in...

111 Crystals for Chakras + How to Use Crystals for Each Chakra

Looking for crystals for chakras? Then you’ll love this huge list. When you’re working with chakras, you might be wondering which crystals align with what...

Um, We’re in a Pandemic. Go Easy On Yourself. Here’s 9 Ways.

How have you been keeping busy during this pandemic? If you’re not an...

7 Tarot One Card Spreads for Quick Guidance & Instant Magic

You can use tarot cards without doing a full spread. In fact, a tarot one card reading can provide plenty of insight into situations or...

14 Love Quotes That Will Make You Rethink Relationships + Friendships

Love makes the world go around. From family, friendships, relationships, pets and even...

How to Stop Thinking About Your Ex: 20 Tricks I Use Every Time

Everything reminds you of them, doesn’t it? Every store you pass by. Foods you eat. Things that you wear. People you see. People who won’t stop bringing it up. Their...

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