Tarot Reading YES or NO: 5 Spreads for The Best Decisions

Yes or no?

If you’re having trouble making a decision, tarot may be able to help with that.

The tarot reading yes or no spreads in this post will highlight the 2 possible paths forward. What will each one look like? And which should you take?

Use these tarot spreads to help you gain insight and make the best choice.

Ready to get clarity on your yes or no question? Keep reading.

Do Tarot Readings Work for Yes or No Questions?

Tarot readings are a fun spiritual and personal development tool.

Rather than looking to the cards for your “answer,” try to use the cards as a jumping off point. When you’re having difficulty making a decision, tarot can help you look into other perspectives. The card’s meanings can help you consider what both paths may look light. In that, you may gain better self-awareness or awareness of the situation at hand, leading you to make a better decision.

With that being said, you should always seek professional, science-backed advice before turning to spiritual tools. For example, a tarot reading for decision-making does not replace the advice of a therapist, doctor, lawyer or financial advisor. The best decisions are made with well-rounded information. Please seek the relevant advice while leaning on tarot as a supportive tool.

Tarot Reading Yes Or No Spreads

If you’re having trouble choosing between yes and no, try one of the spreads below to gain extra insight.

Exploring Yes & No

This tarot reading for yes or no questions allows you to explore in-depth the possibilities of saying yes and the possibilities of saying no. Instead of telling you what to do, this spread allows you to go deeper to uncover ideas and factors that can lead you to the best decision. First, you’ll focus on “yes.” You’ll review your current feelings about it, then discover something new to consider. The third card will represent the outcome of saying yes. The second set of cards will answer those same questions for saying “no.”

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tarot reading yes or no

  • Your current feelings about saying Yes. This card represents how you’re currently feeling about the possibility of saying yes. What are your thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors around the possibility of yes.
  • Something to consider about saying Yes. What’s a factor or idea you should consider when contemplating saying yes. This could point to internal or external influences. It may also point to possibilities in the future if you are to say yes.
  • Outcome of saying Yes. This third card in this tarot reading for yes or no gets straight to the point. If you say yes, what will be the final outcome?
  • Your current feelings about saying No. This card represents how you’re currently feeling about the possibility of saying no. What are your thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors around the possibility of no.
  • Something to consider about saying No. This fifth card in this tarot reading for yes or no highlights hidden information. What’s a factor or idea you should consider when contemplating saying no. This could point to internal or external influences. It may also point to possibilities in the future if you are to say no.
  • Outcome of saying No. If you say no, what will be the final outcome?

Tarot Reading Yes or No

This tarot reading yes or no spread will help you make your decision quickly. You’ll first start with an overview of the situation. Then you’ll learn about energies, factors or circumstances affecting your decision. The last card will recommend whether you should choose yes or no.

tarot reading yes or no

  • Represents the question/situation. The first card in this tarot reading yes or no spread represents your current question. What’s the situation in question?
  • Energies affecting question/situation. This card helps you look into the energies affecting your questions or situation. What internal or external factors are influencing or will influence your decision?
  • Yes or no? The last card in this spread will recommend you to choose either yes or no. Consider the card’s traditional meaning and your intuition. Also, pay close attention to the imagery on the card. Sometimes, we see the answer we want to see, even if that’s not what the card means. Considering this last card from multiple perspectives will help you discern what it’s trying to tell you.
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Yes or No Contemplation

This tarot spread helps you contemplate a decision you need to make. If you’re questioning whether you should choose yes or no, you can get an overview of possibilities with this spread. Learn about the possibilities if you say yes and those if you say no. Then delve into the internal and external factors that you should take into consideration. The last card will suggest the best decision to make.

tarot reading yes or no

  • Represents question or situation. This first card represents the reason you’re doing this tarot reading yes or no spread. What are you hoping to gain clarity on?
  • Possibilities if you say Yes. If you choose yes, what possibilities will be laid out before you? What can you expect to happen in the future? How might life play out after saying yes?
  • Possibilities if you say No. If you choose no, what possibilities will be laid out before you? What can you expect to happen in the future? How might life play out after saying no?
  • Internal factors to consider. What’s an internal factor you should consider when making your decision? This may point to your own thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors. It could concern your own hopes, fears, and desires.
  • External factors to consider. What’s an external factor to consider when contemplating? These are factors outside of your control. It could involve your family, coworkers or partner. It could also point to world events, other opportunities, and outside influences.
  • A suggestion on whether yes or no is best. The last card in this tarot reading for yes or no questions will suggest a decision. As it looks right now, is it better to say yes or no?

Yes or No Choice Spread

This tarot reading yes or no spread gets straight to the point: What will happen if you say yes and what will happen if you say no? Instead of suggesting a decision to make, you’ll learn about the 2 different paths you could take. In learning the 2 possibilities, you can make your own decision on which sounds best.

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tarot reading yes or no

  • Outcome if you say Yes. If you say yes to this opportunity or decision, what’s the most likely outcome? Will it play out in your favor? What will happen? How will you feel?
  • Outcome if you say No. If you say yes to this opportunity or decision, what’s the most likely outcome? Will it play out in your favor? What will happen? How will you feel?

Options Tarot Spread

This tarot reading for yes or no questions helps you look at both options. How will your life or situation play out if you take option #1? And what about option #2? It also looks at another factor you may not have considered but is important in the decision-making process. Finally, this spread will recommend a direction to take.

tarot reading yes or no

  • Represents option #1: Yes. This card represents your first option, your option to say yes. What’s the energy around saying yes and what will happen if you make that decision?
  • Representations option #2: No. The second card represents your second option, your option to say no. What’s the energy around saying no and what will happen if you make that decision?
  • A factor to consider. The third card in this tarot reading yes or no spread urges you to consider an important factor. This is one that should be top of mind when making your choice.
  • Best option. The fourth card suggests what your best option is. The first two cards might have already given you points that lean toward one decision or another. This last card wraps it up with a recommendation.

Summary: Tarot Reading Yes Or No Spreads

Tarot reading yes or no spreads are ideal to use when you’re having difficulty making a decision. The spreads above will help you highlight the possibilities of both choices. In gaining insight, you’ll be able to make a confident decision to move forward. As always, seek relevant professional advice before using tarot cards. Tarot readings do not replace the advice of a therapist, doctor, lawyer or financial advisor. To make the best decision, be sure to gather well-rounded information before turning to tarot.

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