Whether you’re the heartbreaker or heartbreaking, ending a relationship is rarely easy.
Even if we love the person, leaving can be the best thing.
But that doesn’t mean we don’t grieve and miss them (or sometimes, the person we thought they were).
One way to take something positive out of the relationship is to consider what lessons you’ve learned (even if the lesson is never to be with someone so terrible again).
Losing someone can also mean gaining something else and moving onto a better life.
There’s many different ways to look at heartbreak. We hope these breakup quotes help give you perspective and validate how you feel ❤️

“Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness.”
-Kris Menace

“There are Far, Far Better Things Ahead Than Any We Leave Behind.”
-C.S. Lewis

“I’d Rather Have a Broken Arm than a Broken Heart.”
-Christie Brinkley

“Moving on is Easy. It’s Staying Moved on That’s Trickier.”
-Katerina Stoykova Kleme

“Keep Breaking Your Heart Till It Opens.”

“The Most Difficult Aspect of Moving on is Accepting that the Other Person Already Did.”
-Faraaz Kazi

“In Order to Truly Value Loyalty, You Must First Endure the Affliction of Betrayal.”
-Thomas Merritt

“When Someone Leaves, It’s Because Someone Else is About to Arrive.”
-Paulo Coelho

“Some of Us Will Never Know We’d Owned Someone’s Heart for a Season.”
-Joyce Rachelle

“Healing Yourself is Connected with Healing Others.”
-Yoko Ono

“Hearts Live by Being Wounded.”
-Oscar Wilde

“Some Think that Holding On Makes Us Strong, but Sometimes it’s Letting Go.”
-Herman Hesse

“I think it’s Important to Realize that You Can Miss Something, But Not Want it Back.”
-Paulo Coelho

“Life Becomes Easier When You Learn to Accept An Apology You Never Got.”
-Robert Brault

“Remember that Sometimes not Getting What You Want is a Wonderful Stroke of Luck.”
-Dalai Lama

“Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart so Better Things Can Fall Together.”
-Marilyn Monroe

“If Your Heart is Broken, Make Art with the Pieces.”
-Mineko Iwasaki

“I Don’t Think Anyone Can Give You Advice When You’ve Got a Broken Heart.”
-Britney Spears

“Stab the Body and It Heals, but Injure the Heart and the Wound Lasts a Lifetime.”
-Mineko Iwasaki

“Never Allow Someone to Be Your Priority While Allowing Yourself to Be Their Option.”
-Mark Twain

“If You Love Somebody, Let Them Go, For If They Return, They Were Always Yours. I f They Don’t, They Never Were.”
-Kahil Gibran

“Love is Proved the Moment You Let Go of Someone Because They Need You To.”
-Shannon L. Alder

“Love is So Short, Forgetting is So Long.”
-Pablo Neruda