79 Sexy, Cute and Flirty Texts to Send Him

Stop texting the same old boring things.

Spice it up a little with a few short phrases that will leave them wanting more.

Whether you want to send something sentimental, loving, cute or just outright dirty, we have a ton of suggestions for you.

Read on to discover 79 texts you can copy and send to your person.


Flirty, Cute and Sexy Texts to Send Him or Her

flirty texts to send him

Want to send your partner, spouse or person you’re seeing a nice text? Here’s some ideas that will have them feeling all sorts of things.

  1. Woke up a little sweaty from dreaming about you 😉
  2. I miss the feeling of you inside of me
  3. I’ve never felt so loved by someone
  4. My heart skips a beat every time you light up my phone
  5. I want to love you the way you deserve to be loved
  6. I’m so lucky I met you.
  7. You’re always on my mind, even when I’m really busy
  8. I’m always wondering what you’re up to and what you’re doing
  9. My bed is a little cold, want to help warm it up?
  10. I’m really getting into environmentalism lately, I think we should start showering together to save water 😉
  11. Your communication is so on point and sexy
  12. I love the feeling when you tightly squeeze my hands like I’m yours
  13. Waking up beside you is something I could get used to
  14. When you hold me, I feel so safe
  15. Do you want a surprise later? 😉
  16. Gonna have to start invoicing you for the time you spend on my mind
  17. You make me feel at home with you
  18. This [love song] reminds me of you
  19. I’ll always be in your corner baby
  20. Just a daily reminder of how sexy you are
  21. You are so my type.
  22. You are so kind to me and I love it
  23. I’ve never felt so comfortable with someone
  24. I wish I was beside you right now
  25. I’m so proud to be with someone like you
  26. Please hurry home, I’m in the mood…
  27. I love that I can always be myself around you
  28. I have an idea for what we can do tonight…
  29. If people knew how good you were to me, they’d be super jealous
  30. I’m so grateful I’m the person who caught you
  31. Your generosity is so sexy
  32. Tell me a secret 😉
  33. I’m more into you than I’ve ever been into anyone
  34. I appreciate you so much
  35. Good morning! Even better one for me, who dreamed about you 🙂
  36. I can still smell you on my sweater 🙂
  37. It’s really hard to think about last night and not touch myself
  38. I’m getting excited imagining you beside me
  39. It feels like you take care of my soul
  40. I’ll choose you every day
  41. I’m not into most people, but I’m superrrrrr into you
  42. Can’t wait to see you later today
  43. I can’t stop thinking about you
  44. You’re so special to me
  45. I’ve never stopped falling in love with you
  46. Let’s plan to spend a day in bed. What day works for you?
  47. Miss your face baby
  48. I love how many nice things you do for me
  49. Whenever I think of you, this warm feeling flushes my body
  50. You’re so amazing
  51. You mean everything to me
  52. Is it bad if I’m imagining you naked?
  53. I want to make you feel the most amazing you’ve ever felt
  54. You make me feel so special and loved. Thank you for being such an amazing partner.”
  55. I can’t stop smiling when I think about you.
  56. You bring so much joy into my life.
  57. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
  58. I love it when we have deep conversations.
  59. You’re so thoughtful and insightful.
  60. You’re my favorite person to spend time with.
  61. Every moment with you is so precious to me.
  62. I appreciate you so much.
  63. I love the way you make me feel.
  64. You make my heart skip a beat.
  65. I feel so safe and secure when I’m with you. You’re my rock.
  66. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life.
  67. You’re an amazing partner and friend.
  68. I just wanted to let you know that I love you
  69. I’m so grateful for all the ways you show me love
  70. I’m still smiling from seeing you today
  71. Can you send me a selfie? I need something to brighten my day.
  72. You make me feel stronger together than apart
  73. I’m so lucky to know you and be with you
  74. You smelled amazing yesterday and I’m loving it on my pillow
  75. Tell me something you want to try in bed
  76. I care about you so much
  77. Just thinking about your amazing body
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flirty texts to send him

How to Personalize a Cute Text to Him

Consider these tips when creating a personalized cute text for him.

  • Be genuine. Make sure your text comes from the heart. Expresses how you truly feel. Avoid using cliches or generic compliments that don’t reflect your unique connection with him.
  • Keep it simple. Short and sweet messages can often have a big impact. Although long messages have their place, sometimes it’s good to keep it short and not over-complicate it. A simple “thinking of you” or “you make me so happy” can be very effective.
  • Consider his interests. Consider what he’s interested in. For example, if he loves sports, you could send a text like “Can’t wait to watch the game with you this weekend!”
  • Use humor. A little humor can go a long way in making your text more memorable. Consider adding a joke or a playful tease to your message. You could also include a meme with your cute text for him.
  • Be creative. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and come up with a unique message that reflects your personality and your relationship with him. You could use an emoji, GIF or add a photo.
  • Consider your goal. Keep in mind your goal when crafting your flirty text to him. That could be to make him feel special, appreciated, etc.

Summary: Sexy, Cute, Flirty Texts for Him

When choosing a flirty text to send him, consider this personality and what you’d like to convey. You can personalize your text using the tips above.

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