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Why You Love People Who Hurt You: 11 Eye-Opening Reasons

Sadly, I’m probably a great person to write this post. I’ve loved people who hurt me—a lot. I’ve known it was wrong and continued to stay. There’s...

Read This If You Feel Alone: 12 Thoughts on the Pain of Loneliness

Feeling a little empty, unwanted, disconnect from the world? Like the globe is turning but you’re watching it instead of inside it? Maybe you have everyone’s...

24 Signs You’re in Toxic Relationship That Won’t Change

There’s a lot of talk these days about toxic relationships. It’s almost as if the word is thrown around to describe anyone you don’t like. But...

Quiet Workouts: 11 Effective Tips for No Noise Exercise

Live in an apartment? Don’t want to annoy people with your workout sounds? Yep, I’ve been there. Actually, I am there. I’ve never been to a gym...

How to Answer a Compliment with 6 Non-Awkward Tricks

Compliments are weird, right? They usually feel good to get (even if we’re too modest to admit it). But often they feel awkward to respond to. Like,...

10 Research-Backed Couple Bonding Activities for Puppy Love Flashbacks

What if you took all the time you spent watching TV and used it to better connect with your partner? Whether we’re in a new...

11 Powerful Crystals for Energy: Boost Energy, Focus, Vibration

Everyone could use more energy these days. From feeling more awake, less fatigue and more focused, crystals might be able to help. In this guide, we’re...

Am I An Empath or Just Sensitive? Highly Sensitive People + Empathy

How can you tell if you’re an empath… or just overly sensitive? It can be difficult to tell because both share similar traits. So, are they...

Is My Breakup Grief Normal? Normalizing Heartbreak Pain

When we’re going through a breakup, we might feel like we feel too much. Like we’re alone and the only ones to go through this...

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