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How to Cleanse Crystals: 11 Magical Methods with Easy Steps

How should you cleanse your crystals? There’s many methods to clear your crystals of unwanted energy. While water and moonlight are the most popular, you...

Tarot Spreads for Self-Growth, Introspection & Transformation

Tarot isn’t just for fortune-telling—it can be used for “self-telling.” The symbols, imagery and metaphors used in tarot can be related to your life and...

143 Shadow Work Prompts To Ease Yourself Into Transformation

Shadow work is the person we want to be challenging the person we are now. Although shadow work can take place in many different forms,...

How to Use Crystals: 60+ Ways to Inspire Life with Stones

How to use crystals goes beyond décor and keeping them in your pocket. Although those are great ways of putting a crystal to work, there’s...

18 Crystals for Grief to Ease Sorrow, Loss & Overwhelm

Grief is an emotion that actually encompasses a variety of emotions. Whether you’ve lost a person, relationship, job or a part of yourself—the roller...

12 Magically Effective Crystals for Good Luck and Success

Need a little luck? All of us could use a bit more. And these crystals may help. Most of us have heard about good luck...

14 Ways to Help Friend After Breakup (Or a Daughter)

First of all, if you’re here, you are SO awesome. That’s because, if you’re on this page, you’re trying to help your friend get over...

10 Best Crystals for New Beginnings and Easy Change

When you’re going through change, you might experience a variety of emotions. While transformation is necessary, it can be difficult. We also might struggle...

11 Crystals for Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Love

Has anyone told you how awesome you are today? I am right now. But so will these crystals. If you’re struggling with low self-esteem, along with...

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