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The Narcissist vs. Empath: A Relatable Guide for Empath and Relationships

Relationships are hard. Even harder when you feel everything to an extreme. Empaths can have a difficult time in close relationships and may fall into...

Deepest 10 Cards Tarot Spread Layouts: General Tarot Spread

Large tarot spreads are a great way to take a deep dive into your own life. You can learn about what’s working, what’s not and...

59 Best Affirmations for Manifestation: Speed Up Your Desires Now

What do you want? And how are you going to get it? Affirmations for manifestation are a great tool to use when you’re trying to...

14 Best Powerful Crystals for Love and Marriage: Attraction Romance

Hoping to attract love, self-love or deepen a connection? These crystals for love and marriage can help inspire your love life. Display them in your...

8 Empath Relationship Reminders

Empaths can experience relationships very deeply—which can make them even more challenging. If you’re in an empath vs narcissist dynamic, the partnership may be...

How to Stay Positive When Bad Things Keep Happening

Staying positive when bad things keep happening is a chore. The first few things are tough. But with everything additional that happens, we get sent further...

The Best 3 Card Tarot Spread Ideas: Ultimate Basic Tarot Spreads

3 card tarot spreads are a wonderful way to gain insight quickly. Whether for love, career, family or health—you can use the cards to gain...

11 Actually Useful Steps to Get Over Your Ex Fast- Finally!

There’s no silver bullet to get over your ex quick. If there was, everyone would be stocking up on it faster than they hoard toilet...

15 Proven Exercises for Self-Confidence: How to Build + Keep Forever

How can you feel better about yourself? If your self-confidence is low, it can be difficult to know where to start. Are you even worth...

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