14 Best Crystals for Manifestation + How to Use Them

Crystals are a spiritual tool that can help you manifest.

Whether you’re looking for crystals to manifest love or ones to help attract better finances or luck, we have you covered.

In this guide, you’ll learn about the best crystals for manifestation. To help you kickstart your attraction journey, we’ll also cover how to use crystals to manifest

REMEMBER: Crystals and manifesting are not a replacement for evidence-based treatment or advice. Please seek out the relevant professional before turning to crystals. Stones are a spiritual tool that can be used alongside other solutions and treatments. Always seek science-backed advice first.


How To Use Crystals To Manifest

Before we get into the best crystals for manifestation, what do you do with them?

If you’re new to stones, you’re probably wondering how to use crystals to manifest.

Using crystals to manifest is versatile. Here’s a few ideas:

  • Choose a jewelry piece with your specific stone for manifestation. Or, make your own jewelry using your crystals.
  • Intention setting. Have your crystals near you to help guide your intention setting. Read: How To Set An Intention For Manifestation
  • Create an altar for manifestation and use your chosen stones for manifestation.
  • Crystal Grid. A crystal grid is a powerful way to manifest. Choose stones related to your goal and lay out your stones. Read: DIY Crystal Grid For New Beginnings, Love, Money & More
  • Place your crystals on your body or beside you while you meditate.
  • If you don’t want to wear your crystals, you can still carry them with you. Keep stones for manifestation in your pocket, bra, wallet, purse, backpack, lunch bag, etc.
  • Crystals look beautiful and make cute decorative pieces. While others will notice the colorful design, they won’t know it’s working to manifest in the background. Place them on your desk, coffee table, shelves, counters, etc.
  • Near Vision Board. If you’ve made a vision board or goal book, keep a special crystal near it or even taped to the back.
  • Consider Goal. Be creative and brainstorm new ideas to use your crystals that relate to the goal you want to manifest. For example, if you want to manifest a new home, take it with you on viewings or beside your computer when you search listings.

There’s many ways to use crystals, so try what you’re drawn to and do what works for you.

We should also throw in a reminder to cleanse your crystals regularly so they’re ready for manifestation!


Best Crystals for Manifestation

Crystals for Manifestation

To choose the best crystals for manifestation, it’s important to consider what you’re trying to manifest. Your goal can help you determine which stones to use. For example, if you’re trying to manifest a new relationship, focus on crystals for manifestation love. Although you can use general manifesting stones, choosing a love-related one may strengthen your vibration.

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#1 Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is one of the best crystals for manifestation. It’s related to the root chakra, making it an excellent choice for grounding, centering and realigning your energy. When you manifest, you want to try to let go of any limiting belief patterns.

Black obsidian can help us identify these negative thoughts. It can help usher out negative energy, leaving it clear for new energies to flow in. If you’re having trouble with negative thoughts related to your manifesting goal, this black stone might be a go-to.

#2 Hematite

Hematite is another crystal for manifestation that’s related to the root chakra. It’s powerful grounding energies can help you narrow in on what it is that you truly want. Coming at your goals with this renewed sense of focus can help you achieve them faster.

As a black crystal typically do, hematite helps clear negative energy. However, there’s another factor at play: our practical actions. A large part of manifestation is the ways we attempt to help ourselves. That is, the steps we take to manifest. Hematite can help us get clear on what those practical steps for manifestation should be.

According to Love Is In The Earth, hematite can be called a “stone for the mind” ass it helps you to “sort out” things mentally. This makes it one of the best crystals for manifestation to get clear on your priorities and desires.

#3 Pyrite

Pyrite, AKA “fool’s gold,” is an obvious choice for a manifestation crystal. With a gold-like appearance, it can be used to attract abundance. On a material level, pyrite can represent the increased income you want to manifest. This makes it a common stone for those who want better luck when it comes to their finances. However, it can also represent the riches in life, such as the joy of family, parenting, etc.

#4 Golden Topaz

Topaz comes in many colors that many help manifestation, depending on what you’re trying to manifest. Most specifically, yellow topaz is thought to be a top choice among crystals for manifestation.

Golden topaz can be used to attract people for friendships or business, according to Love Is In The Earth. Considering using golden topaz if you’re looking to expand your social circle and manifest a good group of like-minded individuals. Also, consider if to manifest business partners or mentors.

#5 Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the #1 stone suggested when it comes to love or manifesting love–and for a good reason. It’s pink hues make it connect to the heart chakra.

The gifts it can impart make it one of the best crystals for manifesting love of all types. Attracting a new relationship can be made easier with a rose quartz. It also is said to encourage self-love, an important aspect of any partnership. It can also help cultivate love in general, such as a loving spirit. If you’re working through anger and want to notice more joy, rose quartz is a manifestation stone to carry.

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#6 Malachite

Malachite is another one of the best crystals for manifestation love. As a green color, it’s also related to the heart chakra, helping you open up and feel safe. It’s a good choice whether you’re trying to let go of a relationship or meet someone new.

In a non-romantic sense, it can be used to manifest love of life, love of work or loving friendships. Beyond love, Malachite is a great stone for manifestation for another reason. It’s green color can be related to money and abundance. It’s frequently used by those trying to attract better financial situations.

Love Is In The Earth refers to Malachite as the “stone of transformation,” aiding you to manifest a smooth life change.

#7 Green Aventurine

As a green stone, you may have guessed this stone is related to financial prosperity. Green aventurine is a great stone for manifestation that involves money or your work life.

Another aspect that green represents is luck. It can be great crystal to use if you feel like your luck has been down and you could use some help increasing future opportunities. Besides increasing possibilities, green aventurine is also tied to the heart chakra, making it another option for crystals for manifestation of love.

#8 Garnet

With its deep red color, garnet is a good stone for those wanting to manifest things related to health. As the color is similar to blood, garnet can be used to represent vitality and overall energy of the physical body.

It’s also known to be a stone of power. This makes it one of the best crystal for manifestation of matters surrounding personal identity, position or pride.

#9 Citrine

Citrine is one of the best crystal for manifestation of overall goodness. Its orange color connects it to happy and joyous vibrations. It’s a great choice for manifesting a happier energy, mood or situations. Since it’s a stone of abundance, it can help create in all areas of life. Abundance in your family, work, hobby or relationship life may all be helped with this crystal.

As a solar plexus stone, citrine can help you with issues surrounding self-confidence. It’s also known to relate to identity, making it a good crystal for those transitioning through life phases, reinventing themselves or struggling to define themselves. Citrine can help you manifest a healthier self-image, making you feel better and more secure in who you are.

#10 Carnelian

As an orange stone, like citrine, it’s also related to happiness and joy. That makes it a top crystal for those hoping to increase their enjoyment of life–whether in general or in a specific area.

Most commonly, carnelian is known as a stone of creativity. It can be a great stone for artists or anyone who creates (which is everyone, in some form!).

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It’s another great choice for manifesting a deep sense of personal power and unshakeable confidence. As a side note, carnelian is also a good idea to keep around your other crystals for manifestation. According to Love Is In The Earth, it can help cleanse the negativity of other stones around it.

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#11 Jade

Jade is a common stone for manifestation. With its green color, it’s a top choice for attracting money and luck.

For manifesting abundance, it can help attract wealth and show you more opportunities that will lead to financial reward.

It can also help attract luck in all areas of life. For example, if you’ve been unlucky in your love life, you can use jade to help unveil blocks or notice patterns. In turn, this can create better love luck.

#12 Amethyst

Although not traditionally thought of as a crystal for manifestation, Amethyst is a good choice depending on what you’re trying to attract. Since the stone carries a peaceful, soothing energy, it’s suitable for those wanting to usher in a more calm lifestyle.

For those suffering from anxiety, Amethyst can used alongside science-backed treatments to help manifest better mental health. As a purple stone, it’s also connected to the 6th and 7th chakras. This makes it one of the best stones for manifestation of spiritual matters, like intuition.

#13 Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye is one of the best stones for manifestation because it relates to personal power. When you’re manifesting, it’s about taking the power within you and harnessing it to create, be open to and realize opportunities.

It can also help you understand the limiting beliefs that are getting in your way and impeding the attraction process. Also used as a creativity stone, it’s also a good choice if you’re trying to manifest something creative, such as for artists or in your hobby life.

#14 Clear Quartz

Finally, clear quartz can be a great addition to any set of crystals for manifestation. Clear quartz is known to amplify energies surrounding it. This can be either a positive or negative factor; but when it comes to manifestation, it’s a good thing! As you work to manifest to your goals, clear quartz can multiply that powerful energy, possibly helping you achieve them sooner.

Consider adding clear quartz to any crystal grid for manifestation. It will take on the energies of the surrounding stones and help burst them into the universe.


Summary: Best Crystals for Manifestation

Firstly, remember that crystals are never a replacement for science-backed treatments or expert advice. Rather, they’re a spiritual tool you can use to support other efforts.

If you’re looking for a way to support your manifestation efforts, try crystals. In this article, we’ve outlined the best crystals for manifestation. What are your top choices? Consider what you’re trying to manifest and consider crystals that align to that purpose. As always, remember to do what’s right and what works for you. Although we’ve provided suggestions here, you might be drawn to other crystals for manifestation, and those can work too!

Crystals for Manifestation

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