Tarot Spread for Career Guidance: 3 Layouts for Financial Success

Stuck on where to head in your career?

Not sure which decision to make?

Or maybe you’re stuck under a pile of debt so large that you’re not even sure which step to take first.

When you’re in this situation, an expert should always be your first go-to. But one thing that can provide support and guidance are tarot spreads. These can help give you hope along your journey and provide hints on how to feel better.

You can use these spreads to try to tell your future in the career realm. However, if you’re not into that, you should know that many people also use tarot as a tool for self-discovery and self-improvement. By learning their meanings, we can shine a light on patterns, problems and archetypes that play large roles in our lives.

Read on to see 3 layouts you can use if you’re looking for a tarot spread for career advice.

Important: Your first line of advice should always be an accredited expert, such as a financial advisor or career coach. Tarot is a spiritual tool that can help support us along our journeys.


3 Tarot Spreads for Career Guidance

tarot spreads for career guidance

These tarot spreads will help spiritually guide you throughout your career or financial journeys. Take a look at the layouts and choose the one that aligns the closest to what you want to discover.

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#1 Tarot Spread for Career Searching or Finance Advice

tarot spreads for career guidance

This layout is ideal if you’re searching for options when it comes to your career and finances. Sometimes, we might be presented with so many options or different paths that it’s hard to choose. Other times, we don’t even think we have one good option.

This tarot spread for career will help you uncover the paths and purposes you should consider. It will also make you think about deep blocks you have in these areas and what you can do to overcome them. Finally, life is tough, so you’ll leave with a card of encouragement about your career and finances.

Card Placement Meanings:

  1. Your prior careers, jobs or finance situation
  2. Your current career, job or finance situation
  3. Represents your current purpose
  4. How on track you are with your current purpose
  5. How you can better align with your current purpose
  6. Options that you have for your career or finance situation
  7. How you feel about your options
  8. Deep blocks you have toward career and finance
  9. How to overcome these deep blocks
  10. The most critical advice you should consider
  11. A hint on where you’ll find future opportunities
  12. The birds-eye view of your current career outcome
  13. A word of encouragement about your career and finances


#2 Tarot Spread for Career and Finance Direction

tarot spreads for career guidance

This is another tarot spread for career advice that deals with options and decision-making. Whether you have a ton of options, just a few or no direction at all, this layout will help point you toward a path.

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It will highlight where you’re at, where you want to be and the options before you, even the ones you don’t see. You’ll uncover your feelings toward these decisions, what you should consider and what’s likely the best choice for you.

We’ll also look forward into what qualities you can learn to help you be more successful in the area of career and finance. And also, what lessons you’ll learn from this crossroad situation.

Card Placement Meanings:

  1. Where you currently are in your career
  2. Where you want to be in your career
  3. Your options for your career
  4. Are there any “hidden” options you’re not considering?
  5. Your feelings around your options
  6. The option you’re considering the most
  7. Something important to consider in regard to your options
  8. The likely best decision for you
  9. The qualities to expand on to be successful
  10. The ultimate outcome of your decision
  11. A lesson to learn from this situation


#3 Step Ladder Tarot Spread for Career

tarot spreads for career guidance

If you’re looking for a basic tarot spread for career advice, we’ve got you. This quick layout is great to hit the main points of what you need to know regarding your career and purpose.

It will look at where you’re at now and what your most ideal goal career-wise is. Of course, our work life is about more, even if it doesn’t directly fulfill our passions. So, this spread will also look at where the deep purpose within your job or career lies. How is this fulfilling that? And how can we better fulfill our purpose within this career?

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Then we’ll touch on something for the future: how you can find these or even better opportunities to boost your future success or finances.

Card Placement Meanings:

  1. Your career now
  2. Your dream career
  3. Your deep purpose right now
  4. How you can fulfill that purpose
  5. Where you’ll find these opportunities or support


Summary: Tarot Spread for Career Guidance

These three tarot spreads for career advice will help you narrow in on where you’re at, where you want to go and where you should go. You’ll learn the options in front of you, how to uncover hidden ones and where to go from here. Talking about career and finances can be heavy, so each spread offers at least one point of positivity for the future: something you can look forward to or look to for more opportunities.

tarot spreads for career guidance

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