47 Hard-To-Choose At Home Date Ideas You’ll Want to Try Tonight

There’s lots of reason why you may want to stay home instead of going out.

Maybe you’re strapped for cash.

Maybe you don’t feel like getting dressed up.

Or maybe everywhere near you is closed because you’re in a global pandemic.

The good news is that there’s probably more options inside, at home than outside.

They don’t take a whole lot of planning or effort in advance.

Whether you want to impress your partner or just kick it lazy-stye, you can find your perfect at home date idea in this post.


47 At Home Date Night Ideas

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Not sure what to do with your date this weekend? We can help with that.

#1 Play a Board Game

That’s right, board games don’t have to be boring. Get out a few snacks and pull out your favorite one. You probably have some laying around, but we recommend hitting up the thrift store; you can get multiple for just a few bucks!


#2 Play a Card Game

Some friendly competition can really heat things up, so pick a card game that you’re the best at and challenge your partner. To make it more interesting, you can decide on a prize for the winner. Or, a challenge for the loser.


#3 Make Dinner

Cooking with your partner can be so fun, whether any of you are good chefs or not. Find a new recipe online, make sure you have the ingredients on hand and get at it.


#4 Follow a Paint Tutorial

Paint Night groups are a fun place to take your date, even if you suck at painting. Another alternative is to get a few paints, brushes and canvases from the dollar store and do your own. Instead of following the teacher as you would in-person, follow a beginner painting YouTube tutorial. There’s many options to pick from, but my favorite is Painting with Jane.


#5 Takeout Dinner by Candlelight

If you don’t want to make food but you don’t want to go to a restaurant, there’s a happy middle: Eating a fancy dinner at home. Order a nice meal, like a steak, and set it up nicely on the table as would a restaurant. Then, light the candle and invite your date over for a romantic evening.


#6 Do a Puzzle

Some people really bond over puzzles. I’m not one of them, but if you are, it would make the perfect Saturday afternoon at home date idea. Pick a small puzzle if you want to have it completed same-day. You could even frame it as a sentimental token of the first puzzle you did together 🙂

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#7 Ask Each Other Questions

Have a drink, coffee or tea and take turns asking each other questions to learn more about each other. There’s plenty of lists on the internet to choose from, just Google “things to ask your boyfriend/girlfriend.” You could also buy a question deck or book. You could also try the famous list of “The 36 Questions That Lead to Love.” Do you feel more in love when it’s over?


#8 Play Indoor Mini Golf

If you like mini golf, you can actually play it at home by purchasing your own set. You may find one in a local store, or Google “mini golf indoor set” to see your options. Of course, if you have a backyard, dig a hole and play it outside.


#9 Have a Country-Themed Night

Pick your favorite dream destination and pretend you’re there. Pick foods, movies and activities that go along with it. For example, if you pick France, make French food and dessert. Watch French movies. Maybe even learn a few words.


#10 Make a Craft

Making things together, no matter what it is, can be a really fun bonding experience. If you or your partner doesn’t like traditional crafts, look for options that you like. It doesn’t need to be candle and jewellery making. For example, check out this list of 100 Crafts for the Man Cave.


#11 Roast Marshmallows

If you have a backyard, you can have a campfire and roast marshmallows. If not, you can still do it inside. I used to work at a restaurant that would allow guests to roast marshmallows at their table using a chafing gel placed in a little grill. You can find these sets in a local department store on online.


#12 Have a Sampler/Tasting Event

What’s your partner’s favorite food/drink? Buy multiple types of it and enjoy tasting and comparing each one to the next. You could do a:

  • Wine tasting
  • Chocolate tasting
  • Cheese tasting
  • Sausage tasting
  • Tea tasting
  • Soda tasting
  • Candy tasting


#13 Create a Bucket List

Create a couple bucket list full of the things you want to do together. You can make it a list of adventures you want to go on, places you want to see or simply anything you want to do together before you die.


#14 Have a Midnight Picnic

Picnics can be done at night too as a cheap at home date idea! If you have a backyard or outdoor area, lay out a blanket and enjoy the stars while you eat. If not, or if it’s too cold, set up something nice inside. Lay down some blankets, turn off the lights, light some candles and maybe even use some fairy lights to mimic stars.


#15 Make a Dessert

Making dessert together is a delicious way to have fun. Try these 8 Sexy and Simple Desserts.


#16 Plan a Romantic Vacation

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Maybe you can’t travel right now, but you can get excited in the planning process. Get out your phone or laptop and research your dream destination with your partner. Where will you go? Where will you stay? What kind of things will you do? Make a list or start a Pinterest board that you can refer back to when you have traveling dates in mind.


#17 Have a Mini Book Club

If you and your partner like reading, choose a book to read before your date. Then discuss it together like you would a normal book club. Since it’s only you and your partner, you can choose something a little more… sexy.

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#18 Have a Fondue

Fondus can be cheese or chocolate and they can be a romantic at home date idea. After you’ve picked one, stock up on things to dip in it once it’s melted. You can buy a fondue set if you don’t have one, or you can makeshift one my melting your chosen ingredients in the microwave or a double-boiler.


#19 Cuddle Fest

Sometimes dates don’t need to take that much effort. It’s the person that counts, after all. If you’re feeling lazy or just want to be close, have a tight cuddle for the entire night. This honestly sounds great.


#20 Listen to Ghost Stories

YouTube is full of ghost stories. Pick one you think sounds interesting and listen in with your partner and discuss what you think.


#21 Make Pizza

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Pizza is a particularly fun dinner to make together because the tasks can be divided up easily. Who kneads the dough? Who grades the cheese? And, most importantly, which toppings will you put on it? I suggest you pair it with this light-hearted quiz: What Does Your Pizza Toppings Say About Your Personality?


#22 Video Game Night

If you and your date are into video games, set up a little championship. Of course, set up some prizes too.


#23 Play the Newlywed Game

Even if you aren’t newlywed, it’s fun to see how much you know about each other. Here are 50 questions you can try.


#24 Give Massages

A sensual massage is a great at home date idea that both you and your partner can feel good about (literally). If you have time, be sure to pick up some massage oil (ex. almond oil) since it makes all the difference! If not, lotion will do. Turn on some relaxing spa music and take turns giving each other massages. If you want to make the date longer, you can learn and practice massage techniques together.


#25 Sample Music

Lay down together and show each other your favorite songs. If you want, you can each create a playlist ahead of time to share and enjoy. I’d imagine this is the perfect at home date idea if you like herb.


#26 Make a Blanket Fort

Gather some chairs, blankets and fairy lights. Make a fort together and then sit in it—or whatever you want to do inside 😉


#27 Spa Night

Even if you or your partner don’t like “pampering,” you can make it a fun, relaxing night in. Choose some interesting face masks and maybe even help each other… exfoliate? 😉


#28 Breakfast in Bed

If you’d rather a romantic at home date idea, try a daytime date. You and your partner can have breakfast in bed. You can make it or order takeout, but don’t forget the mimosas and bloody marys!


#29 Binge Watch Netflix

Find a new show on Netflix you both haven’t watched and binge-watch the entire season in one sitting.


#30 Make Blended Drinks

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Try some new blended drink recipes. Taste test to see which one is the best. Remember to pick a few recipes beforehand so you can gather ingredients.


#31 Watch YouTube All Night

Look, you could watch a standard TV show. Or you could delve into the weird, wacky and strange world of YouTube. Start off with a semi-normal video and follow the trail deep into the rabbit hole of “wtf-ness.”


#31 Yoga

Another cheap at home date idea is to on a yoga routine on YouTube and pull out your mats.


#32 Have a Karaoke Night

Yep, jam out to your favorite smash tunes while no one can hear but your date. You don’t even need a microphone. All you need to do is search for “Song Name + Karaoke” on YouTube.

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#33 Make a Date List

Have a date where you make ideas for other dates. Using this list, others or your own ideas, right down options you agree on. Then cut each idea into a separate slip of paper. Place them in a bowl and whenever you’re stuck on what to do, pull one out!’


#34 Do a Good Deed

Brainstorm ways that you can make a difference in your community, then try one. Ideas could include:

  • Making sandwiches to hand out to people living without a home
  • Cleaning your home to donate items
  • Leaving gift around town (gift cards, scratch tickets, money, positive notes etc.)
  • Shoveling a neighbor’s driveway
  • Raking a neighbor’s lawn


#35 Do Tarot Readings

Whether you believe in spiritual things or not, tarot card readings are fun and they can be a good way to learn about yourself too if you’re into archetypes and lessons. All you need is a pack of tarot cards, a guidebook or app and some layouts to try.


#36 Play Would-You-Rather?

This popular game could lead to some interesting conversations, so be sure to pick some out-there topics. Here’s some questions to get started.


#37 Christmas Anytime

Because who doesn’t like opening gifts? Set a limit, say $20 to spend on each other and see what little, cheap presents you can find. Then, wrap them up and hand them to your partner like it’s Christmas.


#38 Play a Drinking Game

You don’t need a crowd or a party to play a drinking game. Find one that appeals to both you and your partner and get crazy!


#39 Play 5-Ingredient Chef

Each partner lists 5 ingredients their partner can use to cook a dish. Take turns making your masterpieces and decide on the tastiest one.


#40 Ancestry Date

If you’re into history, you’ll love this idea. Plan to take a DNA ancestry test a month or two beforehand. Then when you get notice the results are in, plan a date! Take turns going over your results and learning about each other’s long lost families.


#41 Make an Ice Cream Bar

A big fan of ice cream? Pick up a few flavors and a lot of toppings. Arrange them on the counter and make your own tasty combinations!


#42 Learn a New Skill

Pick a skill that you want to learn or get better at and try with your partner. That skill could be anything, like:

  • Using chopsticks
  • Learning a language
  • Rapping
  • Thumb wrestling


#43 Paint Your Body

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Get some face and body paint and use your bodies as canvases!


#44 Stay in Bed All Day

Life is hard and sometimes the best date idea is doing absolutely nothing with the person you love for the whole day. Sleep, watch movies, have fun times and then do it all over again when you wake up.


#45 Dance

Whether it’s slow dance or learning break dancing, there’s plenty of tutorials on YouTube that you can try together!


#46 Play Truth or Dare

No, it’s not just a kid’s game. Revamp it with these 130 ideas for adults.


#47 Watch a Comedy

If you’re tired of watching movies, spice it up by watching a comedy special.


Summary of At Home Date Ideas

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Maybe you’re stuck at home or maybe you’d rather be there. In any case, there’s plenty of fun at home date ideas to choose from. Some require no effort or planning while others will swoop your partner right off their feet.

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