59 Best Affirmations for Manifestation: Speed Up Your Desires Now

What do you want? And how are you going to get it?

Affirmations for manifestation are a great tool to use when you’re trying to achieve or attract your goals.

These are short statements that you can repeat often to boost your confidence. The idea is that these statements promote positive feeling that helps you move forward to your desires.

In this article, we’re discussing why affirmations to manifest work and how to use them. Then get a jump start on your goals by choosing from our list of 59 affirmations for manifestation.

This is Why Affirmations to Manifest Work

Before jumping into the best affirmations for manifestation, do they work?

To answer that, let’s first look at the benefits of affirmations according to science:

  • Increase self-compassion and pro-social behaviors (2014 study)
  • Improves problem-solving under stress (2014 study)
  • May help reduce the academic gap between minority and white students (2017 study)
  • Improves focus and helps workers avoid distraction (2019 study)

As you can see, there’s evidence that affirmations can help us in a variety of ways. If you’re looking to manifest, affirmations to manifest may help you focus on your goal and develop ideas to make it happen.

Another reason affirmation for manifestation can work is because it primes the reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS determines what we subconsciously focus on. For example, if you know you’ll need to buy a new TV, your mind will start noticing all of the TV sales, even subconsciously. Before you might have ignored all the sales, but since you intend to buy a TV, your mind starts looking subconsciously. In the same way, if we affirm we will manifest something, our mind can unconsciously scan for ways to make it happen.

Why Affirmations for Manifestation DON’T Always Work

It’s no secret that affirmations for manifestation work for some and not others. But why?

While there’s evidence that affirmations can be beneficial, there’s also studies to suggest that affirmations can be harmful. For example, one important study found that positive affirmations worked if you already had high self-esteem. But if you had lower self-esteem, positive statements made you feel worse.

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From that, we can take one critical lesson: Choose affirmations that are believable to you.

For example, saying “I have a big, beautiful mansion” may cheesy and unrealistic—especially if you’re living in a tiny bachelor apartment. Repeating something so unbelievable can make you feel worse about your situation. In this case, try to reword your affirmation so that it feels right to you. In this example, “I love my living space,” might sound better. As you start to gain confidence, you can change your affirmations for manifestation to match.

Many manifestation “experts” say to start your affirmation with “I am” or “I have” only. But if those statements make you feel worse, don’t use them! Edit the statement so it feels right to you. For example, “I love my new car” or “I’m grateful for my new car” might feel better than “I have a new car.”

In summary, affirmations work better for some people than others. While some people achieve success with affirmations to manifest, others may not. The trick is to choose the right affirmations.

The #1 Rule for Affirmations to Manifest

The most important thing to do with affirmations for manifestation is to repeat them! Unlike other tasks, don’t repeat it just to get it done. Really breathe into the affirmation to manifest.

Whether you say your statement out loud, in your head or write it, make sure emotion is at the forefront. Here’s how:

  • Get excited about achieving what you want to manifest. Feel the excitement in your body.
  • Imagine you’ve already manifested your goal. What would it feel like? Focus on that.
  • If you’re a visual person, make “mind movies” where you live out what you want to manifest

If your affirmation for manifestation makes you unexcited or feel bad, that’s a sign it’s time to change it. Your statement should make you feel good, which will help you attract the good things you want.

How to Use Affirmations to Manifest

There’s many ways you can use affirmations to manifest. Choose a method, or a variety of methods, that feel right to you.

Repeat Out Loud or In Your Head

Repeat your affirmation to manifest out loud. You can do this a set number of times to help drill it in. For example, you can make a habit to say it 10 times every morning. Each time, make sure to pause so you really take in the emotion of the statement. Give yourself a moment to visualize what it feels like to achieve your goal.

If you don’t want to say your affirmations out loud. You can say it inside your head. For example, kill time on your commute to work by saying your manifesting affirmations inside your head.

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Write Down

Another popular way to work with affirmations for manifestation is to write them down. Make a habit to write the statement down a set number of times each day. If you wish, get a dedicated manifestation journal for this purpose.

Repeat In the Mirror

Some people choose to repeat their affirmation in front of a mirror. Looking at yourself while you say something positive can be a powerful experience. It’s like speaking the future into your own eyes.

Lock Screen or Phone Wallpaper

Make your affirmation into an image. Then use it as your lock screen or phone wallpaper. That way, every time you pick up your phone, you’ll be reminded of your affirmation. Remember to take a moment to pause when you read it so you can breathe into the feeling of your goal.

Computer Wallpaper

You can also use affirmations for manifestation as your computer wallpaper. This is a great idea if you want to manifest something work-related. For example, in your office, you can use an affirmation about a new promotion or having a successful business.

Post-It Notes

People also commonly use post-it notes to write down their affirmations. You can stick these anywhere you’d like. Keeping it on the fridge means you’ll see your affirmation multiple times throughout the day. Or, posting it on a mirror can remind you to repeat your statement to yourself.

You can also keep your affirmations to manifest in specific places related to your goal. For example, if you’re trying to manifest something related to money, consider keeping your post-it note affirmation in your wallet.

59 Best Affirmations for Manifestation

Remember that the best affirmations for manifestation are the ones that feel right to you. If you see a statement you like but it doesn’t quite fit, edit it! Make it your own. Affirmations to manifest are very personal. You’ll get the best results when you focus on statements that make you feel good about your goal.

General Affirmations for Manifestation

These affirmations are appropriate no matter what your goal is! They speak to an overall better life in which your manifestations have been realized.

  1. What I need is on its way
  2. I have everything I need to be happy and healthy
  3. I open my arms to receive
  4. Every day, I receive more of the good in life
  5. I am blessed
  6. I deserve the good in life
  7. I am worthy of all I desire
  8. I’m so lucky to receive so much
  9. The old me is psyched I ended up here
  10. My younger self is so proud of all I’ve achieved
  11. Every day, I keep moving forward
  12. I am so grateful for the life I’m living
  13. I am living life as my best self
  14. I am so proud of myself for surpassing my goals
  15. I am living the life of my dreams
  16. My body is bursting with positive energy
  17. Abundance lives inside me
  18. I sprinkle magic on everything
  19. Everything I touch turns to gold
  20. I am in control of my future
  21. I am free to create the life I want
  22. The future is exciting
  23. I have more than I’ll ever need
  24. I receive abundance in unexpected ways
  25. I have the power to create anything I want
  26. I am a creationist
  27. I love the person I’ve become
  28. I have the skills I need to create what I need
  29. I am unleashing the abundance inside me
  30. I am grateful I can share my abundance with the world
  31. I am a magnet for good things
  32. I’m inspired by everything I’ve achieved
  33. I inhale magic with every breath
  34. I am manifesting abundance
  35. I am aligned with the future I deserve
  36. I work miracles for myself
  37. I surrender to the good coming to me
  38. I’ve turned the channel to my desires and I’m ready to watch the show
  39. It’s all working out in my favor
  40. Amazing things are happening behind the scenes
  41. My inner guidance leads me toward my goals
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Fill-In-The-Blank Affirmations for Manifestation

These statements can be customized according to your specific goal! Fill in the blank to make your own affirmation to manifest.

  1. Every day, I get closer and closer to…
  2. I am worthy of…
  3. I am so grateful to have…
  4. I am grateful for my…
  5. I am grateful for my new…
  6. I love my new…
  7. I love that I am…
  8. I’m so proud of myself for achieving…
  9. Every day, I sprinkle magic on…
  10. My spirit guides/angels/god are helping me achieve…
  11. I am using my power to create…
  12. My new … is on its way to me
  13. I can feel … on its way to me
  14. I am aligning myself to achieve…
  15. I am so proud of myself for creating my new habit of…
  16. I am confident I’m on my way to manifesting…
  17. I surrender the ‘how’ of manifesting…
  18. I trust that I will manifest…

Affirmations for Manifestation Affirmations for Manifestation

Summary: Affirmations for Manifestation

Affirmations for manifestation can be a great tool to help you attract and achieve your goals. Pick affirmations that feel right to you. Remember to pay attention to the feeling you get when you read it. You should feel excited. You can repeat your affirmations as often as you’d like. To manifest quickly, many people add affirmations into their daily routine. Repeat your affirmations to manifest out loud, in your head or write them down. You can also post them around your home for constant reminders.


Affirmations for Manifestation

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