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90 Affirmations of Self Love: Phrases to Feel More Confident Today

Could repeating that you love yourself… actually make you love yourself? That’s the main belief behind practicing affirmations. Affirmations are positive short phrases you repeat as...

8 Tricks to Get a Text Back: He Ignored My Text

You’re here because he ignored your text, aren’t you? Whether you’ve been left on read or it seems like the person has fallen on earth,...

19 Red Flags When Dating You’ll Regret Ignoring- Trust Me!

Red flags when dating are stop signs that tell you to turn back. If you continue going, you’ll probably waste your time or worse—get hurt. Knowing...

Tarot Spread Relationship Layouts: 3 Patterns for Couples

How’s your relationship going? Although you have a good idea of how to answer that, so does the tarot. While relationship tarot spreads can give insight...

9 Trauma Bonding Signs to Scan Your Relationship For

Have you ever continued loving someone even after they’ve hurt you very badly? Instead of chucking them from your life, your feelings grew? If so, you...

12 Magically Effective Crystals for Good Luck and Success

Need a little luck? All of us could use a bit more. And these crystals may help. Most of us have heard about good luck...

How to Answer a Compliment with 6 Non-Awkward Tricks

Compliments are weird, right? They usually feel good to get (even if we’re too modest to admit it). But often they feel awkward to respond to. Like,...

22 Bright Sides to Heartbreak: Breakup Encouragement and Inspiration

Breaking up sucks. Yep, there’s no way around it. Whether you know it’s the best thing or were blind-sighted, there’s a lot of downfalls to breaking...

12 Undeniable Signs He’s NOT the One + Never Will Be

When you first start dating someone, most of us have one question in mind. …Even if we don’t want to admit it. “Are they the one?” Whether...

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