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Tarot Spread for Career Guidance: 3 Layouts for Financial Success

Stuck on where to head in your career? Not sure which decision to make? Or maybe you’re stuck under a pile of debt so large that...

DIY Crystal Grid for New Beginnings, Love, Money & More

Crystal grids are pretty set-ups. But how do you make them? And how can you ensure they’re working for the purpose you want it to? Although...

99 Morning Affirmations for Happy + Productive Day Ahead

How about some kind words while you gulp down your coffee? Morning affirmations are positive statements that many people use to start their day off...

8 Healing Crystals for Dreams and Enlightening Sleep

Having trouble remembering dreams? Want better ones? Or maybe you want to get rid of your horrid nightmares. Do you want to connect with your spirit guides...

3 Magik Tarot Spreads for Guidance, Advice and Questions

Feeling like you could use from advice? Not the type that requires professionals. But the form that needs some deep soul searching. If that’s a yes,...

Ask A Human: The Q About the Uncommunicative Husband

🔎 Ask A Human... is an Advice Column for Humans by One Human. We want to hear what you’re struggling with these days. Relationships? Breakups?...

133 Online Dating Questions to Know If They’re The One

Online dating questions can reveal secrets and dealbreakers. They’re a great way to find out about a person before spending too much time on them....

How to Fix Communication with Your Boyfriend: 8 Actionable Hacks

What’s the most important quality in relationships? If you ask most people, their #1 answer is going to be either honestly or communication. And for a...

Getting Mixed Signals from a Crush: The Ultimate Response + Why

No matter your gender, almost all of us have experienced mixed signals. One moment they seem totally into you. And the next it’s like you never...

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