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Three Card Tarot Spread: 5 Easy Options to Unluck the Answers in Life

I love three card tarot spreads. They’re quick, easy to use and still provide a ton of insight. The only problem is we might be stuck...

6 Crystal Grid Templates Printables for Love, Protection, Healing

Whether you’re new to crystals or have been using them for years, crystal grids are a good way to amp up your energy and...

17 Relatable Signs of an Empath: What Is An Empath Person?

Feeling for others. Taking on problems as their own. Becoming engulfed in another’s emotions. If you can relate, you might be an empath. Empaths are sensitive...

14 Best Crystals for Manifestation + How to Use Them

Crystals are a spiritual tool that can help you manifest. Whether you’re looking for crystals to manifest love or ones to help attract better finances...

14 Best Crystals for Empaths: Grounding, Protection, Intuition + More

Looking for a crystal to help you as an empath? Crystals for empaths can help ground us, provide protection and encourage us to hold our...

22 Bright Sides to Heartbreak: Breakup Encouragement and Inspiration

Breaking up sucks. Yep, there’s no way around it. Whether you know it’s the best thing or were blind-sighted, there’s a lot of downfalls to breaking...

Spiritual Journey: 6 Tools to Develop Your Own Beliefs

Learning spirituality is an exciting, enlightening and rewarding process, but how do you get started?

Hope for the Broken Hearted: 14 Insights to Feel Ok Again

Sometimes it feels like you have nothing. Everything is going wrong. You feel the worst you’ve ever felt. You split from the main person in your life. You...

69 Relatable Ignore Quotes to Feel Less Alone: Ignore Me Quotes

Being ignored hurts and these ignore quotes prove that others feel the same way. When the person who we care about isn’t paying attention to...

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