Deepest 10 Cards Tarot Spread Layouts: General Tarot Spread

Large tarot spreads are a great way to take a deep dive into your own life.

You can learn about what’s working, what’s not and what’s on its way to you. These 10 card tarot spread layouts serve as an overview on your current situation.

Choose a general tarot spread that speaks to you. Whether you want an overview of what’s ahead, a glimpse into a new beginning or to better connect with your spiritual self, you can find it here. Read on to discover three general 10 cards tarot spread layouts.

How to Read 10 Cards Tarot Spread

When it comes to reading a 10 cards tarot spread layout, it can feel daunting. With so many cards and positions, there’s much to interpret in one spread.

  • Before delving into the meaning of each individual card, first focus on the card layout as a whole. This can help you get a general feel as well as decrease the overwhelm of a big spread. Ask yourself if you see any patterns. Are there a lot of court cards? Several cards of a certain number or suit? Is the layout majorly ma of the minor or major arcana?
  • Jumps Out. Are there any cards that jump out to you at first? While reading the layout in order is helpful, a card that stands out to you may also be a good place to start.
  • Before delving into the meaning of each card, what is your intuition saying? Pay attention to the symbols on the card. After that, if you’re still learning, check your interpretation book.
  • Write it Down. If you’re doing a simple 3 card layout, it’s easier to remember what you pulled. However, with a 10 cards tarot spread, it’s unlikely you’ll remember each in detail. To get the most out of your reading, record it! Write down the card name and the interpretations from your intuition, book or online reference.
  • Take a Photo. If you want to refer to your general tarot spread down the line, take a photo! This can serve as a visual reminder of what you pulled. This is a great idea if you want to get opinions from other friends learning tarot.

Three 10 Cards Tarot Spread Layouts: General Tarot Spread

These 10 cards tarot spread layouts will give you an overview of what’s to come. These are perfect too use whether it’s your birthday, a new year or if you just want to take inventory of your life.

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Old Life & New Life: 10 Card Tarot Spread for Change

10 cards tarot spread, general tarot spread

For new beginnings, better futures, transformation and hope

This 10 cards tarot spread is perfect if you’re starting a new beginning, hoping for a better future or going through a period of change. It will help you reflect on your old self and the lessons you’ve gained through life’s ups and downs. Then you’ll get a glimpse into your new self: What are the strengths you’re working with? What are your hopes? And what words of wisdom does spirit have for you?

  1. Represents the former you. This card represents who you were in the past. This is the person you’ve shed or have begun shedding. The version of you that you’ve outgrown.
  2. Your past challenges. In this 10 cards tarot spread for change, you’ll recap on your past challenges and experiences.
  3. Lessons you’ve learned through past challenges. This card takes a look at the lessons you’ve learned from your trials and tribulations.
  4. Represents the change or transformation you’re experiencing. In this general tarot spread spot, the card represents the change you’re currently going through. Is it personal transformation? Career change? A big move? Relationship loss or gain? What is leading your transformation?
  5. A solution or perspective to consider as you move forward. As you walk forward into your new life, what should you consider? This card hints at another perspective to take or a hint to help you along the way.
  6. Represents the best version of the “new” you. This card represents how you’ve changed into a new person. What’s different about you or your life?
  7. Your strengths. What are the good things you have going for you currently? This card represents what’s going well in your life or your strengths as a person.
  8. Your current hopes. This card suggests what you’re currently hoping for in your life. It can point to the major changes you’re hoping to make.
  9. Your most likely future. This card suggests your most likely future as it stands today. Remember that everything is subject to change and nothing is set in stone.
  10. A message from spirit. End this 10 cards tarot spread with a message from spirit about your new self. This could be a word of encouragement as you move forward into your transformation. Or it may be a piece of advice about a decision you’re making.
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Bird’s Eye Overview: General Tarot Spread

10 cards tarot spread, general tarot spread

If you zoomed out on your life like a bird in the clouds, what would you see? This is a great general tarot spread for the Near Years, a birthday or just to take inventory of your life moving forward. You’ll take a quick look at the past and get advice on a current challenge before delving into all areas of your life. You’ll get [predictions on your upcoming health, career, love, social and spiritual life. You’ll cap off with a message from spirit and what you can look forward to.

  1. A lesson you’ve learned—Represents lesson you’ve recently learned or finished working through. Or a lesson you’re currently working through and will see on the other side.
  2. Advice to overcome current challenge— Something to consider when tackling a current challenge.
  3. Upcoming well-being, physical and mental health—A glimpse into your near health, both physical and mental health. May contain lessons on what to watch out for or how to improve health.
  4. Upcoming career life— A glimpse into your future career life or matters involving finances. May contain words of wisdom on reaching financial or career goals.
  5. Upcoming love life— A glimpse into your future love life and what you can do to attract or improve whatever type of love you desire.
  6. Upcoming family or friendships— A glimpse into your social supports like family, friends and others close to you. May contain advice on how to strengthen your social circle or connections to revaluate.
  7. Upcoming spiritual life—A look into your spiritual health and your connection to things bigger than you. Can also represent concepts like hope or trust in life.
  8. Theme of the upcoming year— Looking forward to the next 12 months, what’s the general theme?
  9. Something to look forward to— Something you can get excited about. Something positive like a change or something new coming your way.
  10. Message from spirit— Something spirit wants you to hear.

11 Connection Tarot Spread

10 cards tarot spread, general tarot spread

This general tarot spread is a great one to use for a gentle look into your life with your spirit guides or angels. Call on whoever you believe to help you pull the cards and interpret the meaning. You’ll learn about a primary teacher and what they’re currently helping you with. You’ll get several different types of advice, all helping you better connect with your spirit guide or angel.

  1. Represents the spirit guide or angel you’re working with now. Learn about a spirit guide or angel who’s currently with you in your life right now.
  2. A challenge or situation your spirit guide/angel is helping you with. This card points to the reason why that specific angel or spirit guide is with you now. Usually, they’re helping with a particular situation or life challenge,
  3. A suggestion on how to deal with that challenge or situation. This card represents guidance from your angel or spirit guide on how to improve your situation. It can include hints on the solution or other perspectives to take.
  4. A theme your spirit guide/angel wants you to focus on. Learn about a theme your spirit guide wants you to focus on. This can hint at a bigger lesson they’re hoping to teach you.
  5. Are there any words of wisdom you want to give me? A simple question with big answers. Learn about what your spirit guide would tell you if they were right beside you.
  6. A suggestion to better connect with your spirit guides. This card helps you discover how you can better connect with your spirit guide. It may be practical advice or simple words or reassurance that you’re on the right spiritual path.
  7. Something they want you to call on them more for. You may be calling on your angel or spirit guide for something specific. But where are you not fully utilizing them? This card hints at other times you should reach out for help.
  8. Something your spirit guide/angel wants you to look forward to. This card represents something you can get excited about in your future. What’s something good and positive coming your way?
  9. A look into your immediate future. Let your spirit guide give you a quick glimpse into your immediate future.
  10. Higher guidance: An actionable next step to take. The last card in this 10 cards tarot spread helps you understand what you can do next. It contains practical advice on what you can do moving forward. This may relate to your spiritual life or an area in life your spirit guide/angel is watching over.
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Summary: 10 Cards Tarot Spread Layouts

10 cards tarot spread layouts can seem daunting at first. There’s so much to interpret and learn. However, 10 cards tarot spreads are useful for getting the full picture of a situation or your life as a whole. When doing a general tarot spread, try not to get overwhelmed. Take a look at the spread as a whole, then take it card by card as you interpret each. To get the most from a 10 cards tarot spread, take a photo and write it down so you can remember later.

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