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17 Empath Protection Stones for Overwhelmed Sensitives

Empath Protection Stones

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we have to interact with people who “steal” our energy.

Whether unintentional or intentional, these energy vampires have the power to change your mood. That is, if you’re an empath. Because our sensitivities higher than some, one downside is that we accidently pick up unwanted “feelings.”

All of the sudden we feel anxious or sad and we don’t know why.

While it’s always important to seek mental health advice when appropriate, another way you can shield yourself is by using crystal.

In this post, we’re discussing why empaths need protection and the best empath protection stones to use on the daily.

What is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to feel what someone else does. This shouldn’t be confused with sympathy, which means to feel bad about someone’s situation.

If you’re still confused by the difference, consider his scenario: Your friend’s mother dies. If you have sympathy, you understand the situation and you feel bad about what she’s going through. If you have empathy, you actually feel sad too. You may momentarily become depressed alongside her. This is what allows you to understand someone’s pain: Empathy and compassion. Most people have some level of empathy and are able to use it in certain situations.

However, having empathy is different from being an empath. While you can exercise empathy during a conversation, empaths don’t really have a choice. Feeling empathy is so natural to them that they seemingly can’t turn it “off.” Even when they don’t mean to, they pick up on people’s emotions, sometimes leading them to feel badly without “reason.”

What is an Empath?

The term “empath” was coined by Dr. Judith Orloff, who has written several books on the subject.

Empathic people are highly tuned into their own emotions and the emotions of those around them. Whether good or bad, they feel everything, often to extremes. Empaths “absorb” other people’s energy, both emotionally and physically. So, they may randomly feel sad or have a neck ache and not know why. In essence, they’re highly sensitive people and they feel deeply.

If you’re an empath, you can probably relate to being giving (sometimes too giving) and people probably tell you you’re a good listener. While empaths are a nurturing bunch, they can be easily hurt, leading to criticisms such as being “too sensitive.” While many tend to be introverted and would rather stay at home than go dancing, they can also be extraverted. However, extraverted empaths may prefer less time at a party.

Empaths are also highly connected to intuition. Intuition can be thought of as your “gut feeling” or inner knowing. However, we can also look at it in a different, more “scientific” way. Having good intuition is related to body language and reading people accurately. Empaths tend to have their senses heightened in other ways too. For example, they may smell things more strongly than others. Or, noise may hurt their ears while their friends enjoy it.

Are Empaths Even Real?

Are empaths recognized by science? Sort of. If you go to a psychotherapist and mention you’re an empath, they may know exactly what you mean and teach you tools to deal with it. However, others may say that’s not a DSM-5 condition and explain it way with mere feelings of empathy.

There is research to back up the fact that empaths exist though, even if it’s not a “condition” to be “cured.” For one, mirror neurons allow us to understand other’s emotions by filtering them through our own emotions. Other research proposes the idea of “emotional contagion.” This is the theory that when people match their attitudes, belief and speech, they also match their emotions, even if they don’t know they’re doing it.

But does that actually prove empaths exist? While many people can report to being empaths, it doesn’t necessarily mean they exist. After all, there’s people out there that claim to be actual vampires and can only suck blood to live. Self-reporting those (likely delusions) doesn’t mean real vampires exist.

Luckily, there’s actual data to point toward the unbiased view that empaths could exist.

More recent research shows that about 1% to 2% of the population report being an empath. Studies also suggest these individuals have “mirror-touch synaesthesia.” An example of this would be seeing someone’s face touched, and feeling it on your own face.

There’s also mirror-pain synaesthesia, which researchers say is far more common—about 30% of people experience this. The example given in the article is probably relatable to many: you see someone itching and you too begin to itch.

Although mirror-pain synaesthesia is experienced by many, empaths (1-2%) also have mirror-touch synaesthesia.

Listen to this interesting empath experiment they did: They stopped people on the street to fill out a questionnaire. They tapped the volunteer on one side of their cheek while they watched someone else being tapped on the opposite side of the cheek. Empaths are more likely to believe they’re actually being tapped on both sides of the cheek. That’s because it’s harder for them to focus on what they’re actually feeling, mixing it up with the other person. Even if they know, they make more mistakes and are slower to answer.

Even with evidence behind it, it’s possible that some people are falsely labeling themselves as empaths. In recent years, people are delving more into occult and new age topics such as psychic abilities, astrology, numerology and witchcraft. With that, they may stumble upon the term “empath” and claim to be one because they identify with other intuitive topics. However, not everyone who is spiritual or has grown their intuition is an empath. If you’re a “certifiable” empath, you can probably relate to this feeling as a child. Although being an empath has a lot of positive aspects, you may be more in touch with the negative ones, since living out that experience can be isolating until you learn to “handle” it.

“Empath” is not a new experience, but it is a relatively new term. And, with that, means that science still hasn’t caught up. Although there’s research to suggest how empaths work, a lot more work needs to be done to understand the whole picture.

What are Empath Protection Stones? Are They Needed?

Why do empaths need protection stones? Sure, they feel stronger than others, but do they really need extra “magical” stones? Whether you believe in a crystal’s powers to protect is up to you (as long as you’re not using it as a substitute for medical advice). But, there are valid reasons an empath seeks extra protection. Namely, they need to shield themselves from narcissists and energy vampires.

Narcissists and Empaths

If you’ve read about empaths before, you’ve probably also come across the term “narcissist.” Unlike the term empath, narcissists are recognized by psychology under the condition “Narcissistic personality disorder.” People with this disorder have an inflated sense of importance, a need for attention and they lack empathy for others. If that sounds like the opposite of an empath, you’re right! That’s exactly why empaths need to be careful about meeting narcissists. It’s important to note though that although the word “narcissist” is thrown around these days, it’s an actual disorder. It may be helpful to think of narcissism as a spectrum. While someone can have narcissistic traits or display that in certain scenarios, they may not be diagnosed with the disorder unless they score on the higher end of the spectrum.

Even though narcissists can suck up empath’s energy, they are, at first, seemingly magnetized to each other. In fact, if you are an empath, you’ve probably been in a relationship with a narcissist or someone with narcissistic traits. In the age old “opposites attract” idea, empaths may be attracted to the narcissist’s confidence and can be swept up in their compliments. Narcissists benefit from empaths too: They get a shoulder to lean on, unconditional love and since empaths typically put up with a lot, narcissists can get away with a lot.

While the beginning of a relationship or friendship between an empath and a narcissist may be filled with chemistry, it usually starts having trouble early on. When this happens and the empath gets the courage to “speak up,” they may be gaslit by their partner or friend. Since this can be a vicious cycle difficult to leave, it’s best if you can avoid it altogether. This could be one reason to wear or carry empath protection stones.

Empaths and Energy Vampires

Another reason that you may be looking up the best crystals for empaths is because you want to shield yourself from “energy vampires.”

“Energy vampires” was another coin termed by Dr. Judith Orloff. Just as the name suggests, these people suck your energy away. Sometimes, this is intentional. For example, a family member who makes frequent comments to put your down and keep you compliant. But, even “nice” and “normal” people can be energy vampires if they unintentionally take your energy. A good example is a friend who constantly complains about her relationship; she doesn’t even know it bothers you, but you feel fatigued afterward.

Energy vampires can be narcissists, but the term is usually reserved for people who fall outside this abrasive category. Although some people may disagree with me, energy vampires aren’t necessarily bad people. As stated, some, if not most, don’t even know what they’re doing to others. Of course, this isn’t an excuse for their behavior. But I’m not here for people trying to villainize vampires as a whole. After all, we’ve probably all been energy vampires. Yes, even us empaths. We’ve probably been in intense situations where we’ve accidentally off-loaded our stress onto others. We may have been able to correct ourselves quickly, while others make a habit of “leaching” off other’s energies.

Still, regardless of vampires’ intentions, it’s something empaths need to protect themselves against. If they don’t, they are giving away their energy and will be left with little for themselves.

17 Best Crystals for Empaths

Empath Protection Stones

Before we jump into the best crystals for empaths, we want to put a big disclaimer out there that stones do not replace professional help. If you have trouble saying “no” to an energy vampire, a therapist will probably help you more than a crystal. If you are trying to protect yourself from an abusive narcissist, a domestic abuse organization, rather than stones, should be your first point of contact.

With that out of the way, crystals can be a  fun way to help protect yourself.  Since every crystal has a different meaning, some are more appropriate than others for protection. Even if you don’t believe in that, even if stones are just a placebo, if they work, they work. If they help remind you of your inherent power and you enjoy them, there’s no harm.

Remember that crystals should be cleansed every now and then to maintain their energies. Especially for empaths, cleaning crystals is important to remove negative energy. If you’re wondering how to cleanse empath protection crystals, there’s many ways. The easiest? Place in front of a window sill to sit in the moon light (sunlight helps too!).

Let’s jump into the best crystals for empaths.

#1 Hematite

Color: Shiny metallic/silver or black

Chakra: Root

When I think of warding off negative energies, the first stone that comes to mind is hematite. Probably because it’s one of the first I learned about years and years ago. But it also has a shiny surface to it that seems to be a metaphor for how the stone works: A mirror-like quality that reflects back the bad. And that’s exactly how it should work too.

It’s also a great stone for grounding. When you’re overwhelmed by your physical surroundings or your emotional turmoil, hematite can help you reconnect and re-centre.

#2 Black Tourmaline

Color: Black

Chakra: Root

For empaths: Black tourmaline is known to be a generalized stone for protection against negative energy. Whether you’re feeling less grounded than usual or feel your spirit depleting, it could be because of negative energies around you that you aren’t aware of. Black tourmaline can help you reset and clear your energy field.

#3 Amethyst

Color: Purple

Chakra: Crown, Third-Eye

If you know that amethyst is tied to the crown and third-eye chakra, you can probably guess it’s a spiritual-orientated stone. It can give you a greater sense of connection with its high vibration. It can be helpful in cleansing the aura as to “neutralize” outside energies. That way, they’ll have a lesser impact.

Another benefit is that since this stone is connected to intuition, it can help you know who to trust and who to stay away from. Although you may already have a good sense, it can help you more easily pick out energy vampires and narcissists.

Since many empaths also delve into the spiritual realms, amethyst is said to help with that as well.

#4 Smokey Quartz

Color: Grey, Brown

Chakra: Root

Think of the color of Smokey quartz as a symbol: As it absorbs your negative energy, the crystal becomes Smokey but you become more clear. Of course, that’s not the scientific reason behind the color of the stone, but it’s a fun protection technique to envision.

Smokey quartz is great for absorbing negative energies and helping to ground you when you feel unbalanced. Since it’s a root chakra stone, it encourages you to reconnect with yourself and the earth, feeling protected once again.

#5 Malachite

Color: Green

Chakra: Heart, Throat

Green symbolizes a few things, one of them can be power. And with that symbolism, you can take your internal power back with malachite, helping you decipher between what’s your own and what is others. It can also help you balance out your power, helping you decide how much energy should be used for compassion and how much should be used for self-protection.

Since green also is the heart chakra, it can help restore your loving heart and free it from the emotional ties it’s picked up.

#6 Citrine

Color: Orange

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Although some use citrine for protection, it’s more commonly known as the “warm and sunny” stone. With that image, it helps conjure up feelings of happiness and warmth and positivity. Although this may not directly sound like protection, here’s the twist: It may help balance out negative energies. When a less-than-ideal vibe comes knocking at your aura, citrine can turn it off with its warmth and brightness. Besides the balancing abilities, it can help us feel happier: Something that many empaths need!

#7 Lapis Lazuli

Color: Blue

Chakra: Throat

Lapis Lazuli is a good stone known for its ability to protect you and/or repair holes in your auric field.

Since it’s blue, it can represent the throat chakra, which is all about communication. That means it can pick up where intuition left off (although it can help with intuition too). When you have a bad “vibe” from someone, this empath stone can help you know what to do with that feeling. For example, if it requires you to get away from them or make alternative plans, it can give you the information and courage to do that, communicating and acting as necessary.

#8 Black Obsidian

Color: Black

Chakra: Root

Like other black stones on this list, obsidian can help ward off negative energies, creating a divider between you and the energy vampire. That way, when someone comes to talk to you about all their problems, you’ll be there in physical form, but they won’t be able to penetrate your auric field and “steal” your energy.

#9 Moonstone

Color: White, goldish

Chakra: Sacral, Heart

As you probably guessed by the same, this empath protection stone is most known for its connection to the moon and feminine energy. With that though comes a sense of calmness. This can help balance whatever negative, anxious, stressed-out energies you’ve picked up along your day. In addition to stabilizing your mood, it also encourages intuition, which can help empaths know who to steer clear of

#10 Fluorite

Color: Many colors; purple, blue, red, pink, green, yellow, orange, gray, black

Chakra: Heart, Throat, Third-Eye

Fluorite is often referred to as a “psychic vacuum” so it’s understandably perfect for this list. It can help draw out negative energies, leaving behind the positive. Similar to some other stones on this list, it can help create a barrier between you and the person giving off bad vibes. It’s a good stone to keep around to keep your arura clean.

#11 Clear Quartz

Color: Clear

Chakra: All chakras

Clear quartz can be one of the best crystals for empaths but with one caveat: you have to “program” aka ask it to protect you. Clear quartz is known as the “jack of all crystals” so to speak in that it can be used for a variety of purposes.

However, clear quartz is known to amplify the energy of whatever is around it. For example, if it’s around an energy vampire or around you when you’re feeling upset, it can actually amplify those unwanted feelings. However, if you give it a “job” of protecting you, it can do that too! Since clear quartz is probably one of the most easy stones to locate, it can be a good option for those with limited selection.

#12 Lepidolite

Color: Purple or pink tones

Chakra: Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Lepidolite isn’t traditionally thought of as a protection stone, but it can help protect you from your newfound energies. It can help filter out negative situations or emotions caused by others. And, it can bring a calming effect by taking on some of your stress or anxiety. In this way, it helps to balance out emotions, leaving you with your own.

Being that it’s also a third-eye and crown chakra stone, it can help you tap into “the goodness” of whatever you believe in—whether that’s God, Goddesses, the Universe, your higher-self, etc.

#13 Labradorite

Color: Green, Blue, White-Grey

Chakra: Throat, Third-Eye, Crown

Labradorite is one of the best and most commonly recommended stones for protecting against negative energies. It can help block these unwanted forces, allowing you to experience only your own thoughts and emotions. It’s also associated with intuition and psychic abilities, which can be helpful in deciding who’s an energy vampire and who’s right for your circle.

#14 Blue Apatite

Color: Blue

Chakra: Throat, Third-Eye, Crown

Blue Apatite is another choice for empath protection crystals. According to Judy Hall in The Crystal Bible, apatite can solve confusion–which can be helpful when distinguishing between your energy and someone else’s. It can also help you gain insight and expand your knowledge. As a blue stone, it also corresponds to the throat chakra. This is great news for empaths who have trouble voicing their opinions, feelings, boundaries or concerns.

#15 Kyanite

Color: Blue or Black

Chakra: Throat or Root

Black or Blue Kyanite are both effective empath protection crystals. Black Kyanite provides protection from negative energies and also has grounding effects. Choose this stone if you want both protection with added grounding. Blue Kyanite is a good empath protection stone if boundaries could help you protect yourself as an empath. Since Blye Kyanite resonates with the throat chakra, it can help you communicate what’s okay and what’s not okay. When you’re better able to assert yourself and your boundaries, you can shield yourself from harmful energy.

#16 Selenite

Color: Opaque

Chakra: Crown

Selenite is known as a purifying stone. Many people cleanse their other stones with selenite, so it’s safe to say that it can also help you ward off negative energies. Related to the crown chakra, selenite can also help spiritual empaths connect with their higher selves.

#17 Green aventurine

Color: Green

Chakra: Heart

Green Aventurine is an overlooked stone when it comes to empath protection crystals. According to Melody in Love Is In The Earth, Green Aventurine is an “excellent protector of the heart chakra, providing for a shield to block the entry from those who wish to “tap-in” and use the energy of another.” That basically describes the energy vampire’s effect on empaths, right? So grab yourself a green aventurine and carry it around those who you sense stealing your energy.

#18 Larvikite

Color: Black, Dark Grey, Dark Blue

Chakra: Root

Larvikite is a dark stone that has a similar iridescent as labradorite. Interestingly, larvikite is called “black moonstone” due to its iridescent qualities. This color reflection symbolizes light and dark. Even in the dark, if you shine the situation in the right light, there’s something to be gained or learned.

As an empath protection crystal, larvikite is best known to be a grounding stone, which is ideal for empaths who feel less tethered to earth and more tethered to other people’s energies. It also provides spiritual protection, whether you’re practicing divination or engaging with toxic energies.

#19 Bloodstone

Color: Dark Green with Red Spots

Chakra: Root

Bloodstone is known to deal with issues involving blood, but it can also be a powerful protector. Bloodstone is a great empath protection stone because it helps clear negative energy while replacing it with an energetic, motivating vibration.

It makes a great empath protection crystal for another reason: Bloodstone used to be gifted to those on the battlefield. It was intended to increase strength and power. When empaths are affected by the energies around them, they tend to feel their personal power fade. Bloodstone can help you keep your inner strength, even in difficult situations with difficult energies.

Rutilated Quartz

Color: Usually Clear-ish with Black Strands

Chakra: All Chakras

Rutilated Quartz is quartz with needle-like black stands. Like regular quartz, the rutilated variety carries many properties and uses. One of the most important when it comes to rutilated quartz is its ability to act as an empath protection crystal. When you look at a piece, you’ll see the black strands are enveloped and protected by the crystal. Consider this a symbol for what it can do for you. Rutilated quartz can help surround you in a protective energy, shielding you from toxic people with negative energies.

Consider that as an empath protection crystal, this stone can also help balance your emotions. This can be a useful aspect when you can’t discern your own emotions from someone else’s.

Empath Protection Crystals: Top Colors

When it comes to empath protection crystals, when you’re in a pinch and don’t know the meaning of particular stones, consider the color. Because colors symbolize meanings and chakras, they give a big hint about the crystal’s meaning.

As you may have noticed, empath protection crystals tend to fall into a few colors. While this isn’t a surefire rule, it can help you choose stones while shopping without having to pull out The Crystal Bible or another similar resource.

The top colors for empath protection stones include:

  • Black
  • Grey
  • Clear/White
  • Dark Blue

Learn more about these empath protection crystal colors below.


Black crystals tend to symbolize protection. The color can draw out the negative energy and shield you from it in the first place. Empath protection crystals like Onyx or Black kyanite fall into this category.


Similar to black, grey stones also work well as empath protection crystals. Since it’s the middle of white and black, it’s thought to symbolize balance. Therefore, it can help you balance your energies as an empath–keeping only what’s yours and leaving the rest of the energies to whoever they belong to.

Clear and White

Clear and white crystals are similar to black stones in that they have a protective effect. When using them as empath protection crystals, they add another element too: they can help restore your energy and shift it to a higher vibration. Many people believe that crystals like quartz or selenite naturally self-cleanse, which can be a great gift for empaths.

Dark Blue Stones

Dark blue stones can also be used as empath protection crystals. Since these stones represent spirituality, you can trust them to connect to higher sources of protection, like your higher self, angels, spirit guides, etc. Blue stones are also ideal for empath protection while doing spiritual work. Since stones like Lapis Lazuli also lend itself to psychic ability, it’s a good companions when you want to ensure only positive or trusting spirits come through.

How to Use Empath Protection Crystals

Now that you know which are the best stones for empath protection, how do you use them? Here’s some suggestions:

  • Keep a stone in your pocket when you leave the home, such as going to work or school
  • Make a piece of empath jewelry, such as a pendant, bracelet or anklet
  • Make a bookmark using empath protection crystals
  • Keep crystals around your home, perhaps in places where “energy dumping” is most likely to occur
  • Place empath protection crystals near your front door to help neutralize energy that comes into your home
  • Use stones to help ground yourself. Hold one while you envision roots extending from the bottom of your feet deep into the earth’s crust.
  • Place stones on your desk for energy vampire coworkers and bosses
  • Sleep with one under your pillow if you think energy vampires are causing bad dreams
  • Meditate with crystals to help calm your energy
  • Set up a crystal grid to help protect against a specific narcissist or energy vampire you’re having trouble parting from (great for break ups/heartbreak).
  • Use an empath protection stone during a cord-cutting visualization (below)
  • Take your empath protection crystal to therapy. It can help you deal with the negative feelings that come up. Often empaths deal with co-dependency problems. While unraveling these issues in therapy, you may feel affected by the negative energies of people in your past. Carrying an empath crystal stone can help comfort these difficult emotions and shield you from spiraling back down.

Summary of the Best Empath Protection Stones

Empaths are sensitive people and with that, they can accidentally pick up on other’s energies. This can lead them to feel sad, anxious, angry or a host of other negative emotions without knowing why. There are several ways to shield yourself from the effects of narcissists and energy vampires, one being empath protection stones. If you want to try it out yourself, you can carry a crystal, buy empath jewelry or make your own. The best crystals for empaths include hematite, black tourmaline, amethyst, smokey quartz, malachite, citrine, lapis lazuli, black obsidian, moonstone, fluorite, clear quartz, lepidolite and labradorite. As with any crystal, remember to cleanse them so they can maintain their healing properties!

Empath Protection Stones Empath Protection Stones

69 Relatable Ignore Quotes to Feel Less Alone: Ignore Me Quotes

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

Being ignored hurts and these ignore quotes prove that others feel the same way.

When the person who we care about isn’t paying attention to us, we can feel anxious and sad. If this happens frequently, it may cause us to revaluate the relationship. Although a difficult experience, remember that you’re not alone in your feelings of attachment.

Scroll through these ignore quotes to gain self-compassion and inspiration.

Ignore Quotes: Why Read Them?

Ignore quotes can help you feel less alone in your experience. When somebody we love or care about ignores us, we can start to feel lonely. Especially if you’re already dealing with loneliness, being ignored can make it worse. Why aren’t they responding? What does it say about me?

Ignore quotes can remind you that others are ignored too. Although it’s not a pleasant experience, it’s a common one. It can often lead us to feel that something is wrong with us. However, someone choosing not to pay attention to you doesn’t necessarily say anything about you. Although it can be difficult, remember that people have their own lives. They could be busy and not truly ignoring you. Even if they’re purposely ignoring you, that speaks more about how they feel than about you as a person. If someone doesn’t care enough to pay attention to you, it might mean they don’t care as much as you do. And that hurts. But remind yourself that you’re still a strong, beautiful and worthy person. Someone worth your own time will not ignore you.

Instead of ignoring your difficult feelings about being ignored, sit with them for a while. Feel your feelings. Read ignore quotes and feel less alone. Use self-compassion to be gentle with yourself and to find the common humanity in your emotion.

What To Do If You’re Ignored: Ignore Me Quotes

How do you deal with being ignored? Reading ignore me quotes can help you feel better. But sulking in your feelings too much isn’t helpful. How can you move forward when someone isn’t paying attention to you?

The first step is to figure out if you’re truly being ignored. Sometimes, someone is just busy and hasn’t gotten around to responding yet. To suss out the situation, you can try to create conversation and see how they respond. For tips on that, read 8 Tricks To Get A Text Back: He Ignored My Text.

Other times, you’ll just have to wait for somebody to respond. If that’s making you anxious or sad. For help on that, read our guides 31 Things To Do When Awaiting An Ignored Text and Text Messages Being Ignored? 8 Anxiety-Free Ways To Detach From Checking-Syndrome.

Remember that you won’t always get the response you want. Sometimes, you have to accept that someone isn’t that interested in talking to you. Try not to take it personally. Still, moving on after someone ignores you is difficult. But getting closure without making contact is possible. Read How To Get Closure From An Ex Without Contact: 12 Ways.

In summary, if you’re ignored and feeling hurt or sad, here’s a few things you can do:

  • Make sure you’re actually being ignored. Has an appropriate amount of time pass? If so, does the person have a legitimate reason for not responding?
  • Try to understand why you’re being ignored by asking the person directly.
  • Try to keep yourself busy while awaiting a response and use healthy coping mechanisms to reduce anxiety.
  • Accept that the person is ignoring you. If you can learn from the situation, try to do so with self-compassion. If not, try not to take being ignored personally.
  • Know that moving on is difficult. It’s normal to feel hurt. Know that it’s possible to get closure without contact.

69 Ignore Quotes

These are the best ignore quotes to feel less alone, gain self-compassion and a sense of inspiration to move forward.

If someone has you on airplane mode, don’t put them on speed dial.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

I’d chase you but I’ve already passed you.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

You’re attached to a feeling, not a person.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

Stop over-appreciating people who under-appreciate you.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

They only call you needy when they fail to meet your needs.

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I thought I was asking too much when I was just asking the wrong person.

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I thought I lost you but I didn’t. You lost me.

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When someone locks you out, remember you can lock the door from the inside too.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

Never run back to hands that couldn’t hold you.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

I’d play games back but I already won when I realized who you were.

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You might not miss me. But you’ll miss how much I cared.

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The best people in your life always make an effort to be there.

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When you can’t get someone off your mind and you’re not even on theirs…

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One of the worst feelings is being ignored.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

My biggest mistake is paying attention to someone who ignores me.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

I regret the text I sent before you ignored me.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

When someone ignores you, it’s a sign you can find better.

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You neglected me more than I neglected myself.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

There’s nothing louder than your silence.

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

You stole my power when you ignored me. I’m taking it back by leaving.

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“Being ignored is the worst feeling. But stop to think that there’s always someone out there to give you the attention others didn’t give you.” – Bhumit Mehta

ignore me quotes, ignore quotes

You should never ignore someone you love.

I won’t beg for your attention. I’ll find it elsewhere.

You were high on my list but I was low on yours.

Words cut like dagger but being ignored stabs it through.

I would ignore you too but I can’t stop thinking about you.

I’d rather be hated than ignored. At least hate is a feeling.

Once someone ignores me, I don’t disturb them again.

When someone ignores you and you start to doubt your own existence…

It hurts to be ignored, but it frees me to meet someone who won’t.

Ignore me. I’m used to it.

The truth is easy to ignore if it’s against you.

The best revenge is ignoring someone.

Courageous people say “let’s work this out.” Cowards just ignore you.

If you’re going to ignore me, walk away instead.

All I want is your attention. But all you do is ignore me.

My sweet words were met with silence.

If someone doesn’t want to learn communication, stop teaching them.

No response is a response.

Make time for people who make time.

When you ignore me, I hear you say “you’re worthless.”

Weeds are ignored but they still grow.

Life is too short to wait for a text back.

When someone ignores me, I pay attention to myself.

Being ignored is being jailed by silence. But you have the key to escape.

Idk who needs to hear this, but if he ignores you, it won’t work. And you can find better.

Don’t ignore a person who tries to keep in touch.

If you ignore me, I won’t ignore you back. I’ll tell you exactly how I feel. And then I’ll never talk to you again.

I can’t ignore that you’re ignoring me.

“Lonely isn’t a feeling when you’re alone, lonely is a feeling when no one cares.” – James Merrow

F”irst they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” -Mahatma Gandhi

“I don’t like being ignored, and I don’t like being forgotten.”

“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”

“People with insufficient personalities are fond of cats. These people adore being ignored.” – Henry Morgan

“While it is better to be loved than hated, it is also far better to be hated than ignored.” – Viet Thanh Nguyen

“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you.” -William Arthur Ward

“What’s worse than being hated is being ignored, because it’s like you don’t exist at all and your presence is nothing.” – Anurag Prakash Ray

“If you’re being ignored, that’s a good time to concentrate on finding yourself and creating your own mystery.” – Lykke Li

“The worst thing a guy could do for a girl’ Personally I think it’s to ignore her while she’s loving you with all her heart.” – Liam Payne

“The great thing about being ignored is that you can speak the truth with impunity.” – Steve Aylett

“It would be too easy to say that I feel invisible. Instead, I feel painfully visible, and entirely ignored.” – David Levithan

“Being ignored hurt worse. Shunning is harsh. Brutal. Worse than a beating.” – Lori Nelson

“Everybody has a breaking point. It’s tough to ignore the impulse to respond with anger.” – Andrew Shaffer

“I grew up like a neglected weed – ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it.” – Harriet Tubman

How to Use Ignore Me Quotes

Reading ignore me quotes can bring comfort and wisdom, but how do you put that into practice

Below are a few creative ways to cope with being ignored using quotes.

  • Reflection. If a particular quote resonates with you, take a moment to reflect on it. Why does it resonate? Does it point to a particular feeling? Know that other people feel the same and it’s normal to feel that way after being ignored. You can also ask yourself if you can learn anything from the quote. Sometimes quotes resonate with us because we recognize their wisdom, even if we can’t enact it yet.
  • Journal. Choose a quote that speaks to you and write it at the top of the page in your journal. Below it, write a reflection entry. Here are a few prompts: What does this quote mean to you? Does it speak to a particular feeling or experience? Is there any wisdom you can take from the quote? How can you put that wisdom into practice?
  • Therapy. When a quote resonates, consider sharing it with your therapist. Tell them about your experience being ignored and share the quote. They can go deeper to help you understand why the quote appeals to you. They can also provide suggestions on coping mechanisms that can be learned when you’re dealing with anxiety from being ignored or rejected.
  • Home Screen. If there’s an ignore me quote that provides comfort, consider making it your home or lock screen. This way, whenever you’re feeling bad or anxious about being ignored, you can reflect on the quote to calm yourself.

Summary: Ignore Quotes

When you’re being ignored, browse these ignore quotes to feel less alone. Try to remind yourself that everyone goes through periods of being ignored. If you’re frequently being ignored by someone, reconsider the relationship. Purposely ignoring someone isn’t healthy communication. Although it can be difficult to move on, you deserve someone who can maintain healthy contact.

How to Get Closure from an Ex Without Contact: 12 Ways

Splitting with someone you cared about is tough.

Even more difficult? Ending a chapter of your life without really knowing the ending.

I mean, you know the ending—that you broke up.

But there’s still so many holes in the story.

Maybe you’re wondering why.

Or maybe you made the decision, but you’re unclear on their behavior that led to your choice.

There’s tons of reasons you may need closure but are unable to get it.

Whatever your situation is, I feel you.

It’s almost like dealing with a death without even getting the full autopsy.

You’re left with questions for the rest of your life.

This article won’t change that.

You may still be left with questions for the rest of your life.

But there’s ways to make living with those questions more bearable.

Until the point where you don’t really think about it at all anymore.

Read on to find out how to get closure from an ex


How to Get Closure from an Ex Without Contact

how to get closure without contact

If you want to get closure from an ex about something specific, you may be able to talk to them to gain information. However, many times this isn’t an option. You ex may be unwilling to talk, rude or simply don’t have the answers themselves. Or, your ex may be willing to talk, but you know it’s not the best option for you.

In any situation, we can’t always get closure by talking to them. And many times, it’s a better idea if we look at how to get closure from an ex without contact.


#1 Realize There’s No Timeline

When we think about breakups, many of us think there’s an acceptable amount of time to grieve—and then it’s time to get on with it, whether we feel better or not. It doesn’t work most of the time, so we may fake being healed from it. We don’t want to admit that we can’t move on because we didn’t get closure. We might feel embarrassed that it’s taking us so long and that we’re stuck on the unanswered questions.

The first step to healing is knowing that there’s no real timeline. Sure, you may take longer to recover than your friends, but that doesn’t mean something is wrong with you. Realize that although the feeling usually gets better with time, there’s no timeline on getting there. It’s okay to feel how you feel.


#2 Feel How You Feel

Sometimes, when we’re going through something hard, we want to shield ourselves from the emotions. Although keeping busy is a good way to get over a breakup, filling your schedule to the brim can lead to delay in processing your emotions. The same is true for being afraid to be alone, hopping to the next partner, drinking or using other drugs to blunt the pain, etc.

Especially when we don’t have closure, the heartbreak can feel like a longer process. Still, it’s important to feel it. Even if you need to hold it together all day and release it when you get home, give yourself permission to do that and feel okay about it. It can be healing and help you release the pain—even if you don’t get answers from your ex.


#3 Accept You May Not Get Apology

Sometimes, when someone has done something to really hurt us—we are so bewildered by how they seem to ignore it. Won’t they say sorry? When will they finally realize how much pain they caused us? We know the good parts of them, so they can’t be that cold and horrible to never say sorry, right?

There’s no guarantee your ex will ever say sorry. Maybe they are sorry and simply don’t want to talk. Or maybe they still don’t realize what they’ve done. If that’s the case, maybe they’ll realize in the future, or maybe they won’t. But there’s just too many variables to hang your future on it.

It’s really hard to let go of an apology we deserve but never got. But we need to realize it’s likely we’ll never get it. And although we don’t know why, we need to accept that sometimes people do hurtful things. Even if we’d say sorry in that situation, not everyone is like us or as caring. The good news is that we now have a chance to meet someone who can treat us better.


#4 Write It Down

Writing in your diary may sound weird if you’ve never done it, but journaling actually has over 80 benefits for depression, anxiety and stress, according to research.

Journaling about your situation can give you a way to share the situation from your perceptive. You can also get out your thoughts and questions about why the breakup happened or why someone treated you that way. Although you won’t get direct answers, journaling can be a good way to help you gain insight in your life, giving you some closure.


#5 Talk with a Therapist

If you can afford one, talking with a therapist about your breakup can help shed light on the situation. You may get more clarity on why they acted the way they did. And it can help you come to the conclusion that splitting was the best option, even though it’s painful.


#6 Apologize

If you were the one who did something wrong in the relationship, apologizing for it can help you gain closure. However, make sure you’re not taking responsibility for something that isn’t your fault just as a way to maintain contact.

Your apology may not be accepted or even responded to. But if it’s something you know you need to do, hold your pride and say it. In some cases, you may have wronged each other. Realize that although frustrating, saying sorry for your part won’t guarantee they’ll say sorry back.


#7 Brainstorm Other Perspectives

This one is challenging. If you’re struggling to get closure over why something happened, sometimes it can be helpful to brainstorm other perspectives. It’s important to note that this doesn’t excuse their behavior—but it can help you gain knowledge about it and therefore, a feeling of closure.

Think about the situation and other factors that were at play. For example, I learned in many of my relationships that my exes had abusive fathers. Even though they hated their fathers and weren’t abusive like them, they still had a very hard time loving someone properly. In my opinion, this factored into them doing things that even they didn’t have the answer for. Again, this does not excuse behavior. However, it helped me understand why someone becomes the person they are.

In other cases, factors like addiction, mental health, job stress, financial stress, health, etc. can play into why people act the way they do. Even realizing that someone is a narcissist and that it’s a personality trait you can’t change can help you get closure.


#8 Accept the Unknown

Sometimes our ex did something to treat us badly and we can’t figure out why they did or said it. Or maybe they broke up with us and cant articulate the reason, leaving us to guess forever.

This can be very painful. But we need to eventually accept that we won’t know all the answers. Maybe one day we will know, but probably, we won’t. That feeling of never knowing can be difficult to live with, but know you can live with it. And it will start to weigh less on your mind over time.


#9 Get Spiritual

Spirituality can help you get through many difficult parts in your life. It can help you realize that even though you don’t have all the answers, there’s something bigger out there. It can provide a sense of hope to carry you through the hard times.

In fact, one study showed that compared to those who weren’t, people who are spiritual tend to have more life satisfaction through times of crisis. This can mean:

  • Going to church
  • Reading a spiritual text
  • Reading self-help books
  • Making crystal grids
  • Improving your intuition
  • Studying tarot
  • Practicing herb magic
  • Getting in tune with nature

All of these activities involve believing in something higher than yourself, which can help bring you into a better space where closure without contact is possible.


#10 Delete Them on Social

Once you realize you won’t get closure by talking to them directly, consider deleting them off social media. Although this may not be the right step for every former couple, it’s a good idea for people who are struggling to move on. It can also prevent the urge to creep your ex. If you still creep them after deletion though, consider blocking them too.


#11 Throw Out Any “Relationship Memorabilia”

Getting closure without contact is going to be hard if you’re still keeping and looking at the things your ex got you. Throw out or donate any gifts or notes from your ex. Then, go through everything you have digitally. That includes:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Photos on social media
  • Text messages on varying apps

Delete all the content. If you can’t bring yourself to yet, at least move it somewhere you can’t easily access it—like an online storage space or a hard drive. That way, once you get closer to achieving closure, you won’t be pulled back by any lingering physical memories.


#12 Know That Love Doesn’t Always End Well

It can be hard to get closure from a relationship when we really liked or loved someone. That’s because we’re taught to believe—and strive for—a love that never ends. Although that’s the goal, that’s not the reality of many relationships. Most people who love each other end up a part.

It’s hard to accept that you can love someone but be better off without them. It can be hard to accept that you love someone, but they don’t love you back or can’t love you in a healthy way. It’s possible to both miss someone and know breaking up was the best decision. We don’t always need answers to get closure.

Accepting Closure as a Form of Grief

Another thing to consider is that endings or breakups are really a form of grief. And with that, it should carry the same compassion.

When most of us think of grief, we think of a loved one passing away. However, grief can come in many forms. One of the most popular forms is the ending of relationships. For example, The Gottman Insitute explains how the grief of an affair follows the same stages as the grief of death. It’s all grief.

If you’re seeking closure without contact, it adds another layer of complexity. Knowing the person is alive and you can’t (or shouldn’t) contact them can be difficult. First, you need to accept that you can’t contact the person for closure. Secondly, you need to accept that the relationship is over. Going through grief over those two aspects requires self-compassion.

How to Seek Closure Without Contact Using Self-Compassion

The same way a friend would be empathetic when a friend died, you should be empathetic toward yourself during this time. Ending a relationship is difficult, especially without contact, so it’s normal to feel bad during this time.

There’s a number of ways you can practice having compassion yourself after getting closure without contact. Here’s a few suggestions:

  • Try self-compassion exercises. After dealing with how to get closure without contact, use exercises to gain self-compassion through grief. Start with these exercises by Dr. Kristin Neff.
  • Use meditation. Meditation For Self-Compassion: 11 Audios To Change Your Life.
  • Talk to your therapist. Tell your therapist about your experience seeking clsoure without contact. Ask them ways you can practice self-compassion amongst your grief of the relationship ending.
  • Notice when you’re being self-critical. One of the easiest (and hardest) steps you can take toward self-compassion is to simply notice when you’re being self-critical. When you’re judging yourself for having feelings about a relationship ending, try to remind yourself that most people would feel similarly in that situation.



Summary: How to Get Closure from an Ex Without Contact

If you’re wondering how to get closure from an ex without contact, know that it can be tough and that’s normal. There’s no timeline and you should feel your feelings. Many times, we need to accept that we’ll never get answers. Although that hurts, we can begin to heal slowly.

how to get closure without contact





Charm Casting 101: Beginner’s Guide to Charmancy Mystic Divination

charm casting, Charmancy

Charm casting uses everyday charms to help you gain insight into yourself, a situation or the future.

If you have a few charms ready, you can practice a charm casting session right now!

But not so quick—there’s actually a lot to learn about this form of divination. And learning the symbolism is a never-ending process.

Ready to see how fun and mysterious charm casting can be?

Keep reading and we’ll cover all you need to now to get started.

What is Charm Casting? Charm Casting Meaning

charm casting, Charmancy

What’s the charm casting meaning? It’s a lesser known practice, so you may be wondering what it’s about as it grows in popularity.

Charm casting is a form of divination. Like tarot or oracle cards, charm casting is a way to gain insight into the future or into ourselves. Similar to how people interpret tarot cards, people also interpret symbolism of charms.

When someone casts charms, they randomly choose charms from a bag or box. “Casting” charms means laying them out, similar to how you’d lay out tarot cards. Next, the person reads or interprets the charms. They pay attention to what each charm means and its layout.

Charm casting can be done using layouts, similar to how tarot uses layouts to indicate each card’s placement. However, they can also be cast at random, with the reader interpreting the meaning behind where they fall.

What You’ll Need for Charm Casting

You can build your charm casting kit over a day, week, month or a lifetime. Here’s the basics of what you’ll need:

  • A collection of charms—as many or as few as you’d like. Anywhere from 10-100 is good.
  • A place to store your charms—like a drawstring bag, special box or cup
  • Charm casting layout in mind (optional)—When placing your charms, you can place them with a layout in mind (ex. a simple 3-charm present, future layout). Some people use charm casting sheets that have circles of where to place each charm. However, you don’t need a sheet if you know what each placement means. Alternatively, some readers don’t use a placement at all and instead interpret the pattern charms fall in.
  • A surface on which to cast charms—This can be a table, a special box, on top of a special altar cloth, mat, shallow bowl, etc.

Charms for Charm Casting

charm casting, Charmancy

How many charms are in your charm casting kit depend on your preferences. If you’re a beginner, you might choose to start off with a small collection first. Learning the meanings of 10 charms can be less overwhelming than learning the meaning of 50. As you start practicing, you can allow your collection to grow, introducing new charms as you find them.

Of course, if you choose to start off with a large collection for charm casting, that’s okay too. You’ll just need to be more patient with yourself as you get familiar with their meanings.

What can you use as charms for your charm casting kit? You can collect:

  • Old charms off of jewelry
  • Dice
  • Coins
  • Broaches
  • Beads
  • Small findings
  • Tiny trinkets
  • Interesting buttons
  • Interesting bottlecaps

Spend time building your charm casting it and let it grow as you practice. Take charms off of old jewelry. Check your junk drawer. Search garage sales. Ask family members for old button collections. Scour jewelry stores for specific charms you’re looking for. When you have your eye open for new charms, you’ll be surprised what you’ll find!

Charm Casting Symbolism

The biggest part of charm casting is interpreting what each charm means. This comes more naturally to some people than it does others.

To get good at charm casting, you need to get good at symbolism. Also consider that the charm may mean something different to you than someone else. To understand your charms’ meanings, here’s some questions to ask yourself:

  • What does the charm/item mean literally? What does the thing do in real life?
  • What may the item represent figuratively?
  • What does the item mean to me personally?
  • What colors are in the charm and what do they mean?


Let’s go through the above questions using a charm of dice.

  • Literally, dice are used to play games of chance
  • Figuratively, dice could mean taking chances, making decisions, moving forward or backward in a game
  • Personally, dice might represent fun to me if I like playing games
  • Color-wise, dice are usually black and white, perhaps representing black-and-white thinking among the endless choices on dice

Now, I can take all these points and create my own meaning for the dice charm in my charm casting kit. While a charm of dice might mean opportunity and chance, actual dice are a bit different.

When reading real dice, pay attention to which side the dice lands on. The number could indicate something important in the reading. For example, it might mean the number of months until you’re offered a job promotion.

Keep in mind that your meaning for a charm might not match the traditional meaning—and that’s okay! If you’re stuck on the symbolism for a certain charm, try Googling “the symbolism of [item/shape].”

You can also refer to online symbolism sources. Here are two great sources:

It’s a good idea to keep a small journal of your charm’s meanings. This way, you can study and memorize them. It will also help create consistency amongst your charm casting readings.

Some charms may be easier to interpret than others. For example, a heart charm obviously means love of some type. But a dog? That could be more ambiguous. Does it mean the person will get a pet? Or does it mean they’re showing dog-like qualities, like friendship and loyalty? These are the questions you’ll need to ask yourself and how they apply to the reading.

9 Steps: How to for Charm Casting

charm casting, Charmancy

Charm casting is fun whether you’re a beginner or advanced caster. If you’re just starting out, get used to the charm casting kit you’ve built by doing readings on yourself first. Get used to reading the charms and where they fall or where they’re placed. After that, move onto doing charm castings for a few close friends. To continuously improve, ask them honestly if the reading seemed accurate or if they charms/symbols meant something different to them.

#1 Make Sure Charms are Energetically Cleansed

As with any divination tool, it should be cleansed regularly to free it of energetic debris. You don’t want to carry on energy from one reading to the next. For example, some tarot readers knock the deck before doing a reading to “knock out” any leftover energy.

For charm casting, you can cleanse your charms before each reading by:

  • Shake your charm bag or box a few times to “shake out” energy
  • Place the energy-clearing crystal selenite in your charm bag or box
  • Using smoke cleansing

#2 Set an Intention or Prayer

Before you start your charm casting session, say a prayer or intention. This is the similar for any type of divination you’re using. You can simply say inside your head a prayer for protection and accuracy. For example, “spirit guides, please provide protection, clarity and love during this charm reading.”

You could also set an intention inside your head. For example, “I intend to pass on the wisdom of the charms during this reading using divine clarity and protection.”

#3 Select Charm Casting Layout (Optional)

Just like tarot card layouts, charm casting also has layouts. Each position of the charm indicates a different meaning in the reading. A simple linear 3-charm reading can take many forms. Here are some popular ones to try out:

  • Past, Present, Future
  • Situation, Challenge, Solution
  • Me, My Partner, Our Relationship
  • Mind, Body, Spirit
  • Where You Are, Your Goal, How to Get There
  • Internal Influences, External Influences, Most Likely Outcome

Another option is to cast/place your charms at random, not following any layout. If you choose to do charm casting like this, you’ll have more to interpret. With charm casting layout, you know what each charm position means. But casting at random requires you to use your intuition to determine what the random layout means. You can also purchase charm casting mats or boards.

#4 Pull Charms


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♬ Chimes – David G

Whether you store your charms in a drawstring bag or a box, you’re ready to start pulling them at this point. Most commonly, people stick their hand into their bag or box of charms and hand mix them to “shuffle” them. You can also give the bag or box a shake.

Now, stick your hand inside and randomly pick the number of required charms for your reading. If you’re doing a 3-charm layout, choose 3 random charms in your hand.

Next, set each charm down individually. Place the first charm down, the second charm beside it and the third cham at the end. Which charm you place down first should happen naturally. Don’t think about it. Simply pick the charms out of the bag and lay them down individually at random.

If you’re casting charms randomly, simply open your palm and let the charms fall where they wish.

#5 Consider Each Charm Individually

Before looking at the charms as a whole, consider what each charm means individual. Refer back to your charm casting symbolism journal, if you’ve made one. What does each charm represent by itself? Refer to the section above on “Charm Casting Symbolism.”

#6 Consider The “Charm Story”

What does each charm mean in relation to each other? If your charm casting is linear, like a 3 charm spread, what comes first and last?

If you’ve casted charms at random, does the way they’re cast create a pattern or shape? Are some charms closer together while others are more singled out? Charms on the left side of your surface could indicate the begging, charms in the middle could indicate the present, and charms on the right could indicate the future (similar to how you read a book from left to right).

#7 Look to Other Charms for Clues

If you’re confused by the meaning of a charm, look at the charms surrounding it for clues. For example, let’s say dice charms mean “taking a chance” to you. But what is the reading showing the person should take a chance on? Let’s say beside the dice there’s a book charm, representing education. In that case, the charm casting may indicate the person should take a chance on upgrading their education.

If you’ve casted charms at random without following a layout, have any charms fallen on top of each other? Are any charms “pointing” to another charm (ex. a pointing gun, finger or arrow)?

#8 Use Your Intuition to Read Charms

Consider your own intuition while doing a charm casting reading. What thoughts are coming to you that may be relevant? Share them during the reading. Intuition may also cause you to slightly alter the meaning of a charm. For example, you might take a charm of a dog to mean trustworthiness and friendliness. However, if the person you’re reading for exclaims, “I’m terrified of dogs!” then the charm, in this case, might actually represent fear of someone trustworthy.

#9 Make Your Own Charm Casting Rules

Remember that this charm casting guide is meant to give you helpful tips to begin to progress your journey. But there’s no “official” guide for charm casting. If something doesn’t feel right to you, trust your gut. If you make your own rules that feel right, follow them. Use your intuition as a guide in your choose of charms, how you cast them and how you read them. You’re the charm caster—so it’s up to you!

How to Cast Charms: Video Tutorial

Watch our TikTok below to learn the basics of charm casting. In this method, you’ll need:

  1. Charm collection
  2. A dish to keep your charms
  3. Charm sheets

Remember that the most difficult part of charm casting is interpretation. This is where most of your learning as a charm caster will happen. As you go along your years of study, you may consider different interpretations of symbols and charms. Long story short: how you read your charms will transform over time as your wisdom grows. If you’re a beginner, study the basic meanings and allow yourself to learn more as time goes on.


Learn how to charm cast as a divination tool. ✨ #witchtok #witchystuff #witchyvibes #divination #charmcasting #charmancy

♬ Flute Music – Instrumental – Blacc Beard

Charm Casting Sheets: Charmancy

Here’s a few charm casting sheets and layouts to get you started.

charm casting, Charmancy

charm casting, Charmancy

charm casting, Charmancy

charm casting, Charmancy

charm casting, Charmancy charm casting, Charmancy


Summary: Charm Casting for Beginners

Charm casting is growing in popularity and is a fun divination tool. It can help us unlock answers about the future, hidden factors in a situation or simply guide us to learn more about ourselves. The idea of charm casting is simple: Gather charms, choose some them at random and interpret them. Of course, the hardest part comes in the last past: interpreting each charm. Learning the symbolism behind charm casting is never-ending. You understanding grows with your practice. And that’s the exciting thing about this form of divination—there’s always more to learn!

charm casting, Charmancy

79 Sexy, Cute and Flirty Texts to Send Him

flirty texts to send him

Stop texting the same old boring things.

Spice it up a little with a few short phrases that will leave them wanting more.

Whether you want to send something sentimental, loving, cute or just outright dirty, we have a ton of suggestions for you.

Read on to discover 79 texts you can copy and send to your person.


Flirty, Cute and Sexy Texts to Send Him or Her

flirty texts to send him

Want to send your partner, spouse or person you’re seeing a nice text? Here’s some ideas that will have them feeling all sorts of things.

  1. Woke up a little sweaty from dreaming about you 😉
  2. I miss the feeling of you inside of me
  3. I’ve never felt so loved by someone
  4. My heart skips a beat every time you light up my phone
  5. I want to love you the way you deserve to be loved
  6. I’m so lucky I met you.
  7. You’re always on my mind, even when I’m really busy
  8. I’m always wondering what you’re up to and what you’re doing
  9. My bed is a little cold, want to help warm it up?
  10. I’m really getting into environmentalism lately, I think we should start showering together to save water 😉
  11. Your communication is so on point and sexy
  12. I love the feeling when you tightly squeeze my hands like I’m yours
  13. Waking up beside you is something I could get used to
  14. When you hold me, I feel so safe
  15. Do you want a surprise later? 😉
  16. Gonna have to start invoicing you for the time you spend on my mind
  17. You make me feel at home with you
  18. This [love song] reminds me of you
  19. I’ll always be in your corner baby
  20. Just a daily reminder of how sexy you are
  21. You are so my type.
  22. You are so kind to me and I love it
  23. I’ve never felt so comfortable with someone
  24. I wish I was beside you right now
  25. I’m so proud to be with someone like you
  26. Please hurry home, I’m in the mood…
  27. I love that I can always be myself around you
  28. I have an idea for what we can do tonight…
  29. If people knew how good you were to me, they’d be super jealous
  30. I’m so grateful I’m the person who caught you
  31. Your generosity is so sexy
  32. Tell me a secret 😉
  33. I’m more into you than I’ve ever been into anyone
  34. I appreciate you so much
  35. Good morning! Even better one for me, who dreamed about you 🙂
  36. I can still smell you on my sweater 🙂
  37. It’s really hard to think about last night and not touch myself
  38. I’m getting excited imagining you beside me
  39. It feels like you take care of my soul
  40. I’ll choose you every day
  41. I’m not into most people, but I’m superrrrrr into you
  42. Can’t wait to see you later today
  43. I can’t stop thinking about you
  44. You’re so special to me
  45. I’ve never stopped falling in love with you
  46. Let’s plan to spend a day in bed. What day works for you?
  47. Miss your face baby
  48. I love how many nice things you do for me
  49. Whenever I think of you, this warm feeling flushes my body
  50. You’re so amazing
  51. You mean everything to me
  52. Is it bad if I’m imagining you naked?
  53. I want to make you feel the most amazing you’ve ever felt
  54. You make me feel so special and loved. Thank you for being such an amazing partner.”
  55. I can’t stop smiling when I think about you.
  56. You bring so much joy into my life.
  57. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
  58. I love it when we have deep conversations.
  59. You’re so thoughtful and insightful.
  60. You’re my favorite person to spend time with.
  61. Every moment with you is so precious to me.
  62. I appreciate you so much.
  63. I love the way you make me feel.
  64. You make my heart skip a beat.
  65. I feel so safe and secure when I’m with you. You’re my rock.
  66. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life.
  67. You’re an amazing partner and friend.
  68. I just wanted to let you know that I love you
  69. I’m so grateful for all the ways you show me love
  70. I’m still smiling from seeing you today
  71. Can you send me a selfie? I need something to brighten my day.
  72. You make me feel stronger together than apart
  73. I’m so lucky to know you and be with you
  74. You smelled amazing yesterday and I’m loving it on my pillow
  75. Tell me something you want to try in bed
  76. I care about you so much
  77. Just thinking about your amazing body

flirty texts to send him

How to Personalize a Cute Text to Him

Consider these tips when creating a personalized cute text for him.

  • Be genuine. Make sure your text comes from the heart. Expresses how you truly feel. Avoid using cliches or generic compliments that don’t reflect your unique connection with him.
  • Keep it simple. Short and sweet messages can often have a big impact. Although long messages have their place, sometimes it’s good to keep it short and not over-complicate it. A simple “thinking of you” or “you make me so happy” can be very effective.
  • Consider his interests. Consider what he’s interested in. For example, if he loves sports, you could send a text like “Can’t wait to watch the game with you this weekend!”
  • Use humor. A little humor can go a long way in making your text more memorable. Consider adding a joke or a playful tease to your message. You could also include a meme with your cute text for him.
  • Be creative. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and come up with a unique message that reflects your personality and your relationship with him. You could use an emoji, GIF or add a photo.
  • Consider your goal. Keep in mind your goal when crafting your flirty text to him. That could be to make him feel special, appreciated, etc.

Summary: Sexy, Cute, Flirty Texts for Him

When choosing a flirty text to send him, consider this personality and what you’d like to convey. You can personalize your text using the tips above.

12 Magically Effective Crystals for Good Luck and Success

Crystals for Good Luck and Success

Need a little luck? All of us could use a bit more. And these crystals may help.

Most of us have heard about good luck tokens. But did you know you can use crystals as a good luck charm too? Carrying stones for luck can help bring encouragement and a positive outlook.

Keep scrolling to learn the top crystals for good luck.

How to Use Crystals for Good Luck and Success

Before we get into the best crystals for good luck, how should you use them? You can use crystals for luck in anyway that feels right to you. Here’s our top suggestions:

  • Keep in your pocket. Just like you’d keep any luck token in your pocket, keep your favorite crystals for luck in your pocket. Whether it’s luck for a good day or luck for a special occasion, have it on hand to help attract positive things.
  • Place in your bra. If you don’t have pockets, keep one of your favorite crystals for good luck and success in your bra. That way, it’s close to your body and ready to impart the prosperity you need that day
  • Place in your purse. Pop a few crystals for good luck in your purse and take them out when you need some positivity.
  • Place around home. To attract overall luck, place a few crystals for good luck around your home. Remember to collect and cleanse them every now and then!
  • Keep in car. Keeping crystals for luck and success in your car ensures they’re always there if you need them. Whether you’re going to work, on a date, or a special occasional, you’ll always be taking a little luck with you.
  • Place in a plant. Placing your crystals for luck and success in a plant is symbolic. As the plant grows, you can envision your success getting closer and closer.
  • Keep in wallet. If you have any crystals for luck that are small enough, try keeping one in your wallet to attract luck financially.
  • Place where you need luck. One of the best ideas if to place your crystals for good luck anywhere that you need good luck. For example, if you need more luck at work, keep a stone on your desk.
  • Give away. This may be counterintuitive, but it’s an awesome idea to attract more of what you want. If you know someone who appreciates good luck tokens, give them one of your crystals for luck. When we give, we get back 10-fold. And the joy we give people also lights us up, creating good luck just in the act of giving.
  • Look at your crystals for good luck and choose the one that feels right to meditate with. Practice deep breathing for a few minutes and then call to mind a question to help you attract good luck. For example, ask yourself “what actions can I take to increase good luck?” Meditate on it and see if anything useful comes to mind.

12 Crystals for Good Luck and Success

Crystals for Good Luck and Success

If you’re looking for the best crystals for good luck and success, add these top picks to your collection. Not sure which one to get? When reading the descriptions, consider what area of life you’re looking for good luck in.


Citrine is one of the best crystals for luck and success if you’re trying to attract financial  prosperity and abundance of any kind. It’s called the “Lucky Merchant’s Stone” for this reason.

Use Citrine if you need help in the money department. It can help you find financial opportunities, get a pay raise, find deals and get creative in situations involving debt. This makes it a great stone to keep in your wallet. It can also be used to help you gain optimism in difficult financial situations, such as dealing with debt or being fired from a job.


Sunstone is most commonly a yellow or orange color, hence the name. However, it can also come in other colors like green, brown, pink, and red. According to Love Is In The Earth, Sunstone has been used to impart good luck in games. This makes it one of the best crystals for luck and success if you’re playing card games, sports, etc.

Melody also says it can help brighten chakras, keeping them “squeaky clean.” Sunstone is a great choice for crystals for good luck because the positive energy it imparts can help neutralize factors getting in the way of good luck. If you’re trying to attract prosperity in any way but your negative thoughts are getting in the way, this is a great stone to try. It’s known to encourage optimism and help you gain enthusiasm for the joy in life.

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is known for attracting success and abundance. It’s another of the most popular crystals for luck and success. Green Aventurine is also a stabilizing stone. It’s great to use if you feel like your luck is strong some days and withering others. It can help you realize opportunities where good luck lies.

As a green stone, it’s also tied to the heart chakra. As such, it can be used to bring good luck in relationships. Consider carrying Green Aventurine when you’re going on a first date or a second date with someone you want to know better.


Carnelian is an orange stone said to help bring prosperity. It can help unleash your creativity and passion, energizing you to complete projects or find the right new ones. Use carnelian in your kit of crystals for good luck for situations involving creativity. For example, if you’re looking for a new opportunity for your art, carnelian can help you distinguish the luckiest opportunities.

Also carry carnelian to in situations where you need good luck in finances. For example, it’s a good stone to bring to job interviews or performance evaluations.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is most commonly known for its grounding abilities. As a red stone, it’s associated with the first chakra, helping you root yourself into the ground and balancing the spiritual aspects of yourself. It’s also known for its protective abilities.

Some people use red jasper in their crystals for luck collections. That’s because it can help attract luck associated with the first chakra. For example, if you’re feeling unsafe financially, red jasper can give you good luck to get a pay raise or find another job. Similarly, if you’re hunting for a new home and you’re feeling unstable, red jasper is one of the best crystals for luck in house hunting.


Garnet is a great crystal for success in various areas of life. As a red stone, it symbolizes passion, power and courage. It’s one of the best crystals for luck to use when you need to speak truth to power. It helps you stand in your courage while also imparting the good luck you need for tough conversations to go well. As a stone for success, garnet is great to place on your desk or carry with you during work meetings.


Malachite is often called the “stone of transformation.” It’s one of the best crystals for good luck to use if you’re entering a new situation. Those searching for a new job, home, or entering a new relationship will enjoy the positive effects of malachite. This good luck crystal is also ideal if you need more confidence with the changes in your life.

As a green stone, it’s connected to financial success and abundance. It’s also related to the heart chakra, making it a great choice for good luck in love.


Amber is actually a fossilized resin. It typically is golden yellow or brown color; however, it can also be red, blue, or green. Amber is said to be a good stone to help manifest your desired into reality. In Love Is In The Earth, Melody says Amber is said to bring good luck to warriors. As we’re all warriors in life, Amber is a good stone to keep nearby when you’re trying to attract luck.

Out of all the crystals for good luck, this one might be the best one to use if you’re wanting luck in romance or relationships. Melody says Amber has been used a symbol for renewing marriage vows and keeping promises.

Cat’s Eye

Cat’s Eye is another stone to have in your crystals for good luck kit. According to Love Is In The Earth, Cat’s Eye can help amplify your luck. Cat’s Eye represents happiness and serenity. It’s also said to help dispel unwanted energy, which is useful for manifestation and adopting a better mindset. As Cat’s Eye helps us gain more positive perceptive, it can help us learn where to look for good luck, aiding us to improve our life. Cat’s Eye is also said to help us gain better understanding, encouraging us to look beyond surface level, into the deeper layers of a situation.


Peridot is also sometimes used as a crystal for good luck and success. Having a friendly energy, Peridot brings warmth and helps nurture your confidence. This can help bring good luck to situations where your self-esteem is typically hindered. It connects to the heart chakra, making it a wonderful choice for crystals for good luck when dating or deepening relationships.

Some also refer to Peridot as a money stone, helping your attract success and abundance. It’s a great crystal to keep in your workplace or wallet.


Jade is one of the most common crystal for good luck and success. It’s popular for attracting fortune and improving finances. In Chinese medicine, Green Jade is a token for good luck, often placed in businesses for luck in sales, partnerships and investments. Melody also calls Jade a “dream stone” and “stone of fidelity,” helping you devote yourself to your purpose. It’s also said to be one of the crystals in the high priest’s breastplate.

Rose Quartz

If you’re looking for crystals for luck and success in love, turn to rose quartz. It’s one of the most popular and readily available stones, making it accessible to anyone who wants to amp up their love life.

Consider placing rose quartz in your purse or bra before going on a first date. As an experiment to test your luck, hold rose quartz while selecting romantic matches on your dating app. The stone can also be used as a crystal for good luck in other relationships—such as good luck when approaching difficult issues with family members or attracting new friendships.

Summary: Crystals for Luck and Success

We’ve outlined the top crystals for luck and success. These can be placed around your home or taken with you on the go. Keep in mind that these are only recommendations. If a crystal for good luck isn’t on this list but works for you, continue using it! The most important part of any spiritual tool is the intention you bring to it. As always, to help your crystals for good luck have the most power and clarity, make sure to cleanse them regularly.

Crystals for Good Luck and Success

133 Online Dating Questions to Know If They’re The One

Online dating questions

Online dating questions can reveal secrets and dealbreakers.

They’re a great way to find out about a person before spending too much time on them. You’ll learn about their personality, their behaviors, feelings and how they view the world around them.

All of this can help you answer the ultimate question: Is this person right for me?

In this guide, we’re sharing the best online dating questions, split into 3 categories: Basic, fun and deep. To help your conversation flow smoothly, we’re also sharing the best online dating tips for eliciting good answers.

Online Dating Tips for Asking Questions

Asking online dating questions is a good way to get to know someone. But if you don’t ask in the right way, people might feel they’re being interrogated. They might also give you the answers they think you want to hear instead of the truth. How can you dig deeper and learn about the person you swiped right on?

When it comes to online dating questions, consider these online dating tips.

How to Begin Asking Online Dating Questions

How do you start asking online dating questions without making the person feel they’re in an FBI interview? Here’s a few options:

  • Start by asking easy, standard questions first (i.e. “what do you do for a living?”) and very slowly work your way toward serious questions. This way, the person will understand that you’re just trying to learn about them and won’t be alarmed by the gravity of the questions.
  • Say or ask the person, “Wanna play a game of 20 questions?”
  • Say “small talk is boring, I have more interesting questions if you’re up for it?”

Be Non-Judgemental

When you ask someone a question, sometimes you have an ideal answer in mind. However, people aren’t always ideal. When you hear something you didn’t expect, try to be non-judgemental. Unless it’s a dealbreaker, reacting strongly to an answer can limit what they say next time. Instead of remaining open, they may close off or shut down, expecting to be judged again.

Ask Follow-Up Questions

Consider these online dating questions as starters. The most interesting questions often come from follow up questions. Ask yourself where you can dig deeper. Common follow up questions include:

  • How did you feel about that?
  • What happened next?
  • Why?
  • Focusing on something specific they said

For example, let’s say you ask someone a basic online dating question, like “what’s your least favorite food.” They might say, “Kale, except for one time I had it and it was really good.” You could then ask, “why did you like Kale that time? How was it cooked differently.”

With online dating questions, follow-up questions are also ideal for emotional topics. For example, let’s say you ask about the person’s relationship with their father and they say they don’t have a relationship with him. Instead of moving onto the nest question, you could ask “why don’t you have a relationship with him? What happened?”

Respect Boundaries

When you’re asking someone online dating questions, chances are you don’t know them too well yet. For that reason, they may not be comfortable sharing everything. That’s okay. We want our partners to be open with us, but they don’t have to do it all at once. If someone says they don’t want to talk about a topic, respect their boundaries. Remember that it takes trust to be vulnerable with someone. It’s normal if they don’t have that trust yet. To respect boundaries, you can use phrases like:

  • “You don’t have to answer if you’re not comfortable. But my question is…”
  • “Is this hard for you to talk about? If so, we don’t have to talk about it right now.”
  • “Can I ask about you [sensitive topic]?”

Ramp Up The Seriousness of Questions

If you plan on asking several online dating questions, think about the order you’ll ask them in. It’s a good idea to start with the easy, standard questions first and work your way up to the serious ones. For example, you’d want to ask “What’s your favorite food” before “When did your dad leave your family?”

That’s because it builds trust. Someone is unlikely to be vulnerable out the gate. Give them time to warm up and they’ll probably be more open.

Make Sure They Ask Questions Too

You can usually tell how much someone cares about you by how many personal questions they ask you. If someone is just looking for a body or to fill a void, they’ll date anyone, so learning about them personally doesn’t matter. If someone is looking for someone seriously, they’re curious about you and how you might fit into their life. For that reason, they’ll ask questions to get to know you.

If you’re the only one asking questions, maybe you should be asking yourself one important question instead: Why?

When people are genuinely interested in knowing each other, questions will go back and forth.

133 BEST Online Dating Questions

As we mentioned in the online dating tips section above, it’s a good idea to start off with basic questions and slowly move toward serious topics. We’ve organized these online dating questions into 3 categories to help you tailor your conversation.

Online dating questions

Basic Online Dating Questions

  1. What do you do for a living?
  2. What do you love about your job?
  3. What annoys you most about your job?
  4. What type of relationship are you looking for?
  5. What’s your favorite food?
  6. What’s your least favorite food?
  7. What’s your ideal life in 5 years? 10 years?
  8. What are you looking for in a partner?
  9. Name one of your pet peeves?
  10. What are your hobbies?
  11. Do you have any pets?
  12. What’s your favorite season?
  13. What’s your favorite holiday?
  14. Are you more of an introvert of an extrovert?
  15. What’s your favorite movie?
  16. What’s your favorite show?
  17. Do you listen to any podcasts?
  18. Who’s your favorite singer/band?
  19. What’s your favorite song?
  20. Do you like cooking?
  21. How do you like your coffee?
  22. What’s your go-to drink?
  23. How much time do you spend with your family?
  24. Which family member are you closest to?
  25. What does the ideal relationship look like to you?
  26. Do you consider yourself more of a private or open person?
  27. Tell me some of your dealbreakers?
  28. Are you a religious person?
  29. What was your favorite subject in school?
  30. Do you have any allergies?
  31. Would you rather go out or stay in?
  32. Are you more of a messy or clean person?
  33. What’s your favorite meal of the day?
  34. Do you have any role models?
  35. What are your top priorities right now?
  36. Are you more of a city or small town person?

Fun Online Dating Questions

  1. If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 items would you bring?
  2. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
  3. If a genie granted you 3 wishes, what would you wish? (you can’t wish for more wishes)
  4. What’s your biggest turn off?
  5. What kind of stuff turns you on?
  6. Do you like parties?
  7. Do you have any special talents?
  8. If you weren’t a [job title], then what else would you be?
  9. What’s your idea of the perfect Saturday night?
  10. Where was your last vacation?
  11. Where would you like to travel?
  12. Tell me 3 things on your bucket list?
  13. If you could learn any skill, what would it be?
  14. What’s the nicest gift you’ve ever received?
  15. What’s the nicest gift you’ve ever given?
  16. If you could live anywhere, where would you love?
  17. What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?
  18. If you were to write an auto biography, what would you title it?
  19. Do you like camping?
  20. What calms you down?
  21. If you could start a business tomorrow, what type of business would you start?
  22. Do you believe in astrology?
  23. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  24. What was your first job?
  25. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  26. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  27. What accomplishment are you proudest of?
  28. What’s your go-to news source?
  29. What was your last dream about?
  30. Do you think dreams have meaning?
  31. Do you believe in ghosts?
  32. What do you think happens when we die? Do you believe in reincarnation?
  33. What chore do you hate most?
  34. Do you play board games? What’s your favorite?
  35. If you could meet one celebrity, who would you choose?
  36. If you were having a bad day, how could I make it better?
  37. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
  38. Can you swim?

Deep Online Dating Questions

  1. How’s your relationship with your mom?
  2. How’s your relationship with your dad?
  3. How’s your relationship with your siblings?
  4. What’s something you regret about your life?
  5. What red flags do you look for in relationships?
  6. If you could change your upbringing, what would you change about it?
  7. If you had kids, what would you do differently than your parents?
  8. Do you believe in gender roles in relationships?
  9. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
  10. What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?
  11. Do you consider yourself a jealous person?
  12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  13. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
  14. What’s your favorite thing in a partner?
  15. What’s something I might do that would upset or anger you?
  16. What’s the last thing you got angry about?
  17. How do you react when you’re angry at someone?
  18. When’s the last time you cried?
  19. When’s the last time you were over-the-moon happy?
  20. Have you ever been to therapy?
  21. How did your previous relationships end?
  22. What’s one thing your ex criticized you about that you agree with?
  23. Are you happy with how your life has turned out so far?
  24. If you could change something about your life, what would you change?
  25. If you were to donate to a charity or cause, what cause would you donate to?
  26. What are your views on [anything controversial]?
  27. What are your views on [anything that’s important to you. Women’s right, gay rights, trans rights, etc.]?
  28. What’s one of your biggest fears?
  29. What’s one of your biggest hopes?
  30. When it comes to making decisions, do you listen to your heart or your brain?
  31. What makes someone a “good person”? Do you think you’re one?
  32. Give me an example of a time you stood up for someone else?
  33. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
  34. What’s something you refuse to talk about?
  35. Do you want a family or would you rather live as a couple with someone?
  36. Tell me something nobody knows about you?
  37. What’s something people often get wrong about you?
  38. What’s the wildest argument you’ve ever been in?
  39. What was the most challenging period of your life?
  40. Name a time you changed your opinion about something.
  41. What do you think about workaholics?
  42. Do you get attached to people quickly or slowly?
  43. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  44. What’s the worst piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  45. How do you deal with stress?
  46. What makes you feel safe in a relationship?
  47. What’s the nicest thing you’ve done for someone?
  48. What’s the meanest thing you’ve said to someone?
  49. Tell me a controversial opinion you have?
  50. In your past relationships, what did you argue about?
  51. Do you care about what other people think?
  52. In the past, what’s something someone did to really hurt you?
  53. What was the scariest moment in your life?
  54. How many times has your heart broken?
  55. What kind of things make you sad or depressed?
  56. What’s something you find addictive?
  57. What do you think is special about yourself?
  58. What’s a habit you’d like to change (ex. smoking, drinking, working too much, etc.)?
  59. What’s something you wish I would have asked about?

Summary: Online Dating Questions

Asking online dating questions is a great way to get to know someone new. To make the most of it, make sure to follow our online dating tips. When asking online dating questions, try to work your way up to the more serious topics. Unless it’s a dealbreaker, try to be accepting of the answers to win more vulnerability. The most important tip for asking online dating questions? Make sure to ask follow-ups. These help deepen the conversation and lead you to learn things you might not have otherwise.

Online dating questions

Narcissist In a Relationship: 14 Eerie Signs You’re With A Narc

Narcissist In a Relationship

A narcissist in a relationship is most likely mistreating their partner. But not all people who mistreat are narcissists. How can you tell?

There’s some telltale signs that your partner is a narcissist. And unfortunately, that also means they’re unlikely to change. Healthy relationships are rarely possible with this personality type.

Is your partner just mean or are they a narcissist in a relationship? Take a look at these signs below and see if you can relate.

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissism personality disorder (NPD) is characterized by grandiose self-importance, lack of empathy and a need for admiration or attention. NPD is a clinical diagnosis. Since misdiagnosis is common, it’s hard to know how many people have this disorder. In the general population, experts estimate anywhere from 0.05 to 5% of people have NDP.

It’s important to separate narcissistic personality disorder from the narcissism spectrum. Everyone falls somewhere on the narcissism spectrum. Having a little bit of selfishness is good and often necessary. This would fall on the low side of the narcissism scale. On the high side of the scale, somebody is a full-blown narcissist and could be diagnosed as such. Most commonly though, we call people narcissists when they’re not diagnosed as such—instead, they just have high levels of the trait.

These days, some people refer to anyone they don’t like or who disagrees with them as a “narcissist.” But it’s important to note that narcissism is a specific trait and disorder.

Can You Have a Relationship with a Narcissist?

Can you have a relationship with a narcissist? Technically yes, although probably not a good or enjoyable one.

If you landed on this post, it’s probably because you’re having a roller coaster of a relationship. And if your partner is high on the narcissism spectrum, you already know it’s hard to maintain a healthy partnership.

You can also probably look into your partner’s relationship history to see that they’re not capable of a long-term partnership. Often narcissists will have many short-term relationships and will always blame the other person for it ending. If they think you’ll catch on, they may lie about their history entirely, saying they haven’t had many relationships.

The truth is that the narcissist has likely dated a lot. They just don’t have the skills to keep anyone. This is why narcissistic are so common in the dating pool. Despite only making up (at most) 5% of the population, they’re constantly recycled back into the dating pool, making up a bigger portion of your potential matches.

If you think you’re dating a narcissist, you might be wondering if there’s a future or potential for change. You should know that narcissistic people are capable of keeping relationships but only if they can do as they please with no regard for others. If this sounds like a terrible and abusive relationship, that’s because they often are.

A narcissist in a relationship will take advantage as long as they can. Any relationship you have with them will be at the expense of yourself.

There’s a huge caveat to all the information here: It might not be true if the narcissist seeks treatment. Narcissistic personality disorder can be difficult to treat. Most narcissists don’t think they need therapy and if they seek it out, they may disagree with or even fool a therapist.

Even if your partner seeks help, they may not actually change and the relationship could further deteriorate. However, narcissists serious about changing can slowly work towards a more balanced and realistic reality. In this case, relationships may slowly shift can become healthy. Keep in mind though, narcissists are good at faking change. If you don’t see any concrete evidence that they’re actually changing, don’t wait around. And always plan an exit strategy for abusive relationships.

Narcissist In a Relationship: 14 Eerie Signs

Narcissist In a Relationship

Here are some of the common experiences of people in a relationship with a narcissist. Remember that it’s usually impossible for a narcissist in a relationship to maintain a healthy partnership. If you’re experiencing any type of abuse, please seek help and make a safety plan to leave.

They’re Charming

One of the most common things said about narcissists in relationships is how charming they were in the beginning. Let’s face it: Narcissism is an ugly personality trait. They had to hide that from you in order to reel you in and catch you.

The first few days, weeks or even months knowing a narcissism can feel like you’re on a high. That’s because they’re intuitively sensing what you need to be wooed. They know the exact thing to say, how to act and how to dress up their personality to match yours.

After months with a narcissist in a relationship though, their true colors start bleeding through. At first, you may be confused. The drastic change seems so random that you may blame yourself for their behavior. Or you may think it’s a one-off. But in time, you’ll notice what you’re seeing is actuary happening: The narcissist is a chameleon—switching from good to bad as they see fit.

They Don’t Ask Questions

A narcissist in a relationship doesn’t ask you many questions. That’s because that would require actually caring.

Most people’s favorite topic is themselves. But narcissists’ only topic is themselves.

If a narcissist does ask a question, it’s usually to benefit or relate it back to themselves. For example, they may ask you about your most recent vacation. But they only ask so they can follow it up with their own story about a luxurious vacation they want to brag about.

In a normal relationship, people are naturally curious about each other. Even in the beginning, people ask questions to see if you’re a good fit. The narcissist doesn’t need to ask questions. They’re not looking for a good fit, they looking for someone compliant.

They Rage at Criticism

Everyone dislikes criticism, even when it’s constructive. Hearing bad things about ourselves is tough. However, most people can handle criticism moderately well and can control their reactions, even if they feel emotional.

A narcissist in a relationship can’t handle criticism, even when it’s phrased in the best way possible. To the narcissist, they have few flaws and none of them should ever be spoken. You can say the criticism in the kindest way possible, but they’ll still pick on you for bringing it up. Most will become enraged and hurl insults to make themselves feel powerful again. They’ll make you regret saying anything and likely make you feel ashamed for speaking up.

Lacks Empathy

One of the telltale signs of narcissistic personality disorder is the lack of empathy.

A narcissist in a relationship doesn’t care about how their partner feels. Sometimes it may appear that they do, but only when it benefits themselves. For example, your partner may pretend to care to look like a caring person in front of others. Or they might only care when they need something from you.

But when a narcissist in a relationship has nothing to gain, they could leave you crying in a corner and feel nothing. While they expect everyone in the world to stop if they shed a tear, they could practically laugh at yours (and sometimes may).

A Narcissist In a Relationship Is Never Wrong

We’ve all heard the phrase, “you’re never wrong!” But for the narcissist, they truly believe they’re never wrong.

A narcissist in a relationship may convince you that every argument is your fault. You’re overreacting. It didn’t happen. It’s your fault for bringing it up. That gaslighting can be confusing.

Less confusing is how a narcissist in a relationship carries this attitude with others. A friend might prove they’re wrong, but the narcissist will still fight that they’re right, even in the face of evidence.

If you think you may be in a relationship with a narcissist, pay attention to their disagreements with other people. It’s easy to blame yourself for their “always right” attitude at home. But if they’re commonly getting into disagreements with the waiter, bouncer, bartender, cashier and taxi driver, it’s definitely not you that’s the problem!

Unrealistic Dreams

Everyone has goals and dreams—some small, some a little big. The difference is that the narcissist believes their most outlandish dreams will actually become reality.

For example, they may be obsessed with the idea of becoming a famous Rockstar, even though they’re 45 and can barely play the guitar. They may talk of becoming a rich investor, but have a hard time showing up to their day job.

Don’t get it wrong—these dreams may be realistic for some people. But the narcissist in a relationship does very little to actually move forward on their goals. That’s because they’re not really interested in their goal or the skills needed to acquire it. They’re only interested in the power that comes with achieving it.

Unrealistic Expectations

A narcissist in a relationship may have unrealistic and unfair expectations of their partner. For example, they may expect their wife to have perfect gardens all summer or to have the perfect dinner ready every night.

Expectations can become borderline or truly abusive. For example, a narcissist in a relationship may ask you to look a certain way, maintain a certain weight, and behave a specific way around others. Normal people care about how you feel. But the narcissist in a relationship only cares about how you serve them.

Double Standards

A narcissist in a relationship will likely employ double standards. What’s okay for them isn’t okay for you.

The narcissist can stay out with their friends all night and return home the next morning. But their partner can rarely see their own friends. A narcissist in a relationship can flirt with people all day long. But their partner will get in trouble for speaking a word to the opposite sex. A narcissist can have no chores or responsibilities. But their partner must do all the chores and take care of the home.

When a narcissist is in a relationship, their partner most likely feels that things aren’t fair. And they usually aren’t.

You Feel Alone

A narcissist in a relationship will likely make you feel alone. Even if you’ve been with them for years, the internal battles you face with them makes you feel secluded from them, the world and the worst—yourself.

Narcissists have a way of tearing you down and isolating you. It’s hard to talk about this problem because you might feel nobody can relate. Since you want other people to see your partner in a good light, you might shy away from telling others what goes on behind closed doors. This can make you feel even more alone.

A narcissist in a relationship might slowly work at cutting away your outside influences. It might not be obvious, but over time, they can encourage you to cut your contacts by:

  • Telling you your family is against you
  • Getting angry every time you go out with friends
  • Insisting you can’t talk to anyone of the opposite sex
  • Reading your texts and going through your phone
  • Checking your browser history to see who’s social media profiles you’ve looked at
  • Learning all your passwords

They Never Apologize

In a normal relationship, everybody messes up sometimes. Somebody says the wrong thing, shows up late, forgets an anniversary—mistakes happen. And they’re usually followed up by some sort of apology.

A narcissist in a relationship never apologizes. Even if something is clearly their fault, they’ll find a way to blame it on you. The best you’ll ever get is a half apology, which may sound like, “I’m sorry I did that but actually it’s your fault anyway.”

Narcissists require you to apologize for things that aren’t your problem, didn’t happen or that they took the wrong way. They’ll never give out a true apology though—they lack the self-awareness to see their actions in a realistic light.

They’re a Put Down Pete

A narcissist in a relationship will put down his partner as a hobby. It may happen so frequently that you don’t even consider them put-downs anymore; it’s just part of the dynamic. Part of the day is waiting for the narcissist in a relationship to come home and unload their insults on you.

Put-downs can include quick comments about how you:

  • “do nothing”
  • “look bad”
  • “can’t cook”
  • “are stupid”
  • “useless and lazy”
  • “crazy and delusional’

It could also escalate into full-on rage sessions where they verbally berate you.

Please recognize that this is verbal abuse. It’s not okay and you need to prepare a plan to safely and eventually leave. The narcissist in a relationship doesn’t say things because they’re true. They say things to gain power over you and make you compliant to their bad behavior.

A Narcissist in a Relationship Uses Guilt & Shame

Whenever a narcissist in a relationship isn’t getting their way, they’ll usually find ways to guilt and shame you until you change your mind.

Unfortunately, their tactics can be convincing. You might end up truly agreeing with them because they’ve manipulated you into believing something that you know isn’t true.

When you realize you’re in a relationship with a narcissist and try to leave, the guilt and shame and feel too thick to walk through. They may act like everything is your fault. That you’re a terrible person for leaving them. That nobody could ever love you again. Try not to buy into their emotional abuse. Remember that when a narcissist uses shame and guilt, it’s usually an attempt to regain the power you’ve rightfully taken back for yourself. Simply put, it means you’re on the right path to standing up for yourself.

It Feels Co-Dependent

If you’re in a narcissistic relationship, co-dependency is a good topic to learn about. That’s because it highlights the role we play, helping us see that we have the power to leave.

When we focus on the narcissist in a relationship, we’re spending all our time on something we actually can’t control. We can’t help that our partner is a narcissist. We can’t change them. We can’t do anything to make the relationship better.

But when we focus on co-dependency, we’re spending our time on something we can control. We can see why we’re drawn to a narcissist. We can contemplate what’s keeping us there. We can find value in ourselves. We can harness self-respect. We can leave. We can find better.

If you’re interested in learning about co-dependency, here are some good books and audiobooks to check out (download Libby for free library audiobooks!):

  • The Everything Guide to Codependency by Jeniffer Sowle
  • Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
  • Codependency For Dummies by Darlene Lancer

They Don’t Change

Can narcissists change? A narcissist in a relationship may blame their behavior on their stress, their father, the world, a conspiracy theory. But they will never take accountability for themselves.

Especially if you’re an empath, you might feel sorry for the narcissist. You might try to understand why they became the mean-spirited person they are. You may try to help them. But there’s no helping a narcissist who refuses to help themselves. They will only drag you down and slowly destroy you.

A narcissist in a relationship might say they’re open to change to appease their partner or stop them from leaving. You’ve probably went through cycles where you thought things were better, only for them to prove they’re still the same. The best advice is to leave. If you haven’t changed them by now, you won’t. It doesn’t matter if it’s been a day, a week, months, or years—nobody changes a narcissist but themselves. The longer you stay, the more they’ll eat at your body until they get to your soul.

Narcissists who truly want to change are best to do so while they’re single. That way, nobody will be caught in their line of fire anymore.

Read: The Narcissist vs. Empath: A Relatable Guide for Empath and Relationships

Summary: Narcissists in a Relationship

A narcissist in a relationship will be controlling, angry, confusing, mean and often abusive. Although they constantly seek relationships, they’re never healthy. Narcissist relationships are usually short-lived. If they’re in a long-term relationship, there’s a good chance the other person is being taken advantage of.

While we’ve highlighted several traits of the narcissist in a relationship, if you’re in a relationship with one, you could probably write a book on them. The most important thing to know if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist is that you should leave. Unless they’re actively and regularly seeking help, they will only continue to break you down to make you more compliant to their mistreatment. You deserve better, but you’ll only find it if you leave.

Narcissist In a Relationship

12 Powerful Crystals for Love and Healing Romantic Grief

Crystals for Love and Healing

Crystals for love and healing can support you on your journey through romantic grief.

Whether you’re going through a serious split, the end of a situationship or found out your crush doesn’t like you back, these crystals might help.

Lean on these stones throughout your healing journey to provide comfort and inspiration to keep going.

Read on to learn the best crystals for love and healing.

Crystals for Love and Healing: Do They Work?

Crystals for love and healing can be used to help you heal from previous love experiences. They can also help you garner more love for yourself, increasing your amount of self-compassion, helping you to move on.

Throughout your healing journey, spiritual tools like crystals for love and healing can be comforting. They can serve as a gentle reminder about your intention to heal. Each crystal’s meaning can inspire introspection and can help you look at situations from different lenses. Research also shows that leaning on a belief system—whether religious or spiritual—can help you tolerate stress better.

With that being said, it’s also important to try science-backed methods for healing. While crystals for love and healing can walk alongside you on your journey, they don’t replace mental health strategies. Evidence has shown that the following can help you heal from painful love situations:

  • Journaling
  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Meditation
  • Talking to someone supportive
  • Finding meaning/growing yourself from the situation
  • Therapy

How to Use Crystals for Love and Healing?

You can use crystals for love and healing in a few different ways:

  • Place under your pillow. Place your favorite crystals for love and healing under your pillow before you sleep at night. Set the intention for the crystals to help relieve you of your grief.
  • Keep in your pocket. If you’re struggling to deal with your grief in the day, stick one or two crystals for love and healing in your pocket when you leave home. Whenever the intensity of grief builds, hold your stone for a moment and breathe deeply. If you don’t have pockets, alternatives including keeping a stone in your purse or bra.
  • You can also use crystals for love and healing during your meditation. You can do this in a few ways. For example, meditate with a few crystals and ask which will be your primary guide through your healing. Another suggestion: Hold a stone and ask what it has to teach you about your grief. You can also look up the crystal meaning beforehand and hold it silently afterwards, meditating on its meaning.
  • Display around home. Keep your crystals for love and healing in places you’ll see frequently.
  • You can also journal about your favorite crystals for love and healing. Reflect on the meaning of a particular crystal and how it relates to what you’re experiencing.

12 Crystals for Love and Healing

Crystals for Love and Healing

Below are the best crystals for love and healing. Scroll through to see which resonates with you the most. You might notice that many of these crystals for love and healing are pink and green. As a general rule, many pink and green crystals are thought to have healing qualities. Turn to these colors when you need help with grief.

Remember that even if a stone isn’t on this list, you can still use it to heal your love grief. Although crystals have specific meanings, what matters most is what it means to you and the intention you have while working with it. Just because a stone isn’t considered one of the crystals for love and healing doesn’t mean you can’t use it.


Kunzite is a light pink stone that looks like it would be perfect to heal love–and it is. Its gentle energy serves as a reminder to go easy on yourself, especially during tough times. When looking for crystals for love and healing, this one is a great choice to minimize harmful, negative self-talk. It can aid you to have compassion with yourself throughout the healing journey. When we’re healing from a love situation, it’s easy to have self-doubt. We might feel less than because someone treated us poorly or ended a relationship. Kunzite is one of the best crystals for love and healing because it can help to reintegrate self-love.


Emerald is another top stone if you’re looking for crystals for love and healing. Made up of shades of green with black specks and stripes, it can encourage harmony. When you’re going through a difficult time in your love life, thoughts are most likely circling, making it difficult for you to heal. Emerald can bring a calm sense of peace to your thoughts, helping slow the negativity. It can help open our heart chakra and dampen the intensity of our emotions. . As a bonus, it can help you move toward future love interests. In the famous book Love Is In The Earth by Melody, she calls emerald “the stone of successful love.” It’s a good stone to use when you feel you’re nearing the point of dating again.


Hematite is usually thought of as a protection stone, but it’s protective qualities can be helpful for healing a love situation. If you’re healing from someone who was hurtful, it can help redirect the negative energy back t them. Hematite is a black stone that has a mirror-like appearance. Envision this shiny surface reflecting the negativity back to your ex-partner, freeing you of their energy. Out of all the crystals for love and healing, Hematite is a great choice to use if your ex was a narcissist, toxic or still tries to make contact with you.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is the number one crystal for love and healing of any type. It’s affordable and easy to find, making it one of the most recommended stones. Rose quartz can help us open our heart to ourselves, increasing self-compassion and self-love. As a pink stone, it can also help us heal from a variety of situations, especially romantic ones.


In Love Is In The Earth, Melody says Chrysocolla can help release heartache to “give renewed strength and balance.” She also says it increases your capacity to love, which can be helpful if you feel like grief has drained your ability to continue loving. It provides a stabilizing energy amongst the turbulence of breakups or relationship endings.


Ruby is a stone of passion and can be used to help draw in romance. However, it’s also one of the crystals for love and healing. When we go through grief, often we lose passion for life. Our disappointment in one area of life can impact our whole life. Everything may seem more black and we have less enthusiasm for the things we love. Ruby can help you set aside your grief so you can still experience moments of joy. Reigniting your passion for life, the stone can help you savor the good parts through the struggle.


Malachite is a stone made of different bands of green hues. Love Is In The Earth calls malachite the “stone of transformation,” which can be perfect for ushering in the change required for healing. As one of the crystals for love and healing, it can help you look deep inside yourself to release emotions.

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian is another great stone for both healing and protection. If you need protection from other people’s emotions or influences throughout your healing, turn to obsidian. Often times, if we’re empathic, we put too much emphasis on the feelings of others and too little on ourselves. To heal though, we need to fully recognize the intensity of our emotions and normalize them. As one of the best clearing stones, black obsidian can help ward off external influences so you can focus on yourself and your healing.


Coral from the sea is believed to quiet emotions to bring a sense of peace. If you’re looking for crystals for love and healing, although not technically a crystal, it has similar qualities that can see turmoil. Specifically, pink coral is said to stimulate the heart chakra and increases your intuition with respect to love.


Amethyst one of the best crystals for love an healing to use if you have anxiety. Many times, our anxieties hold us back from healing. We worry about our next steps, the future and if we’ll fall in love and have heartbreak again. While it’s normal to have these feelings, eventually we’ll need to most past these worries. Amethyst can help soothe and calm you while clearing harsh thoughts.


Carnelian is one of the best crystals for love and healing when you’re ready for introspection. According to Love Is In The Earth, the stone helps you gain perceptiveness. This can help you see your situation from other points of view. In that, you can gain lessons from your painful grief, helping you find meaning and move past in.


Peridot is another green stone that’s great for heartbreak. According to Love Is In The Earth, it can encourage openness and acceptance in love and romance. With that, it can help you accept the conclusion of a relationship–even when it’s difficult. It can also help you understand the changes you’re going through and regulate cycles, such as the emotional grief cycle.

Summary: Crystals for Love and Healing

Crystals for love and healing can help you move past a painful love situation. Before turning to spiritual supports, always seek evidence-based treatments to control your emotions. For example, talking with friends and therapy can be great healers after a breakup. While taking care of your needs as a human, spiritual tools can help deepen your healing. Try a few crystals for love and healing to see which works for you. Keep them on hand to provide comfort and inspiration. You can also use favorite crystals for love and healing for therapeutic exercises, like meditation or journaling.

Crystals for Love and Healing

Cope When a Relationship Ends: The Best 28 Things to Do

when a relationship ends

When a relationship ends, you probably feel devastated, depressed and maybe even despair.

The list of feelings a person may go through is endless. But how do you deal with them?

The key to healing grief is finding healthy ways to cope with it. Keep reading to learn X best ways to cope when a relationship ends.

28 Best Ways to Cope When a Relationship Ends

when a relationship ends

Looking for ways to cope when a relationship ends? Learn the best coping methods to heal grief below.

Become Conscious of Your Feelings

When you break up with someone you cared about, like or love, there’s going to be a lot of feelings involved:

  • Sadness
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Shock
  • Upset
  • Anger
  • Betrayal
  • Shock
  • Embarrassment
  • Empty
  • Despair
  • Grief
  • Loneliness
  • Rejection
  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Many others

When the relationship ends, to cope with your feelings, you actually have to feel them. Often we first try to minimize, distract, numb or ignore them. But to make sure we actually get over someone and heal, we have to fully feel all our emotions. Become conscious of what you’re feeling. It can help to label them (ex. shock, sadness).

Feeling your feelings may mean crying and taking time to grieve by yourself or with loved ones.

Disconnect With The Person

Sometimes when a relationship ends, we look to the same person for support. Unfortunately, this is a bad idea. When we’re trying to get over someone, it’s best to fully break contact, or at least as much as you can.

For example, if you broke up with your boyfriend, stop texting them and don’t hang out—even as “friends.” The time may come where you can engage normally as friends again, but that’s not usually directly after the split. Create some space and give yourself some time to fully heal.

Lose Hope About Them

You might hope that your friend or ex will come around and you’ll get back together. But keeping hope can prevent you from moving on. Try to remind yourself that the relationship ended for a reason—whether your decision or not. As such, going back will not solve the problem.

Knowing it’s the end is difficult and in the short-term, may lead to heavier grief. The good news though is that dealing with your grief fully, without hope of getting back, will mean quicker healing in the long-term.

Use Self-Compassion

Whether or not you’re the person who decided to end the relationship, it’s always a good idea to apply self-compassion.

If you’re the person who ended the relationship, remind yourself that ending it for good reasons is the compassionate thing to do for another person. It’s more hurtful in the long run to continue an inauthentic relationship or one that you’re not able to give yourself to. Remind yourself that it’s normal to feel guilty or sad or relief or whatever you’re feeling. Try to accept it knowing that you did the best you could in that moment—even if it wasn’t perfect.

If you’re the person who got your heart broken, remind yourself that it’s normal to feel whatever you’re feeling, like sadness, grief, etc. Remind yourself that it’s okay to grieve and feel those feelings. Almost everyone goes through breakups and struggles with adjusting. For most people, it’s part of being human. Try to remember the common humanity in your experience and feelings.

Lean on Social Support

One of the top ways to cope when a relationship ends is to lean on your social support system. Whether it’s family, friends or co-workers, aim to spend some time around them. When a relationship ends, we tend to retreat from the world, favoring alone time. While this can be a good idea to process your feelings in the beginning, try not to isolate yourself.

Ask family out for a meal, hang out with your friends more often, plan something fun with someone. And on days when you feel your worst, curl up with friends and let them hear you vent. Think about the people you love and turn to them for support. A 2016 study shows that social support may be a buffer against avoidance behaviors after a breakup.

Try to Neutralize Rather Than Personalize It

When a relationship ends, we have a tendency to personalize it. If we’re the ones who ended it, we might feel guilty and that it’s our fault. If we’re not the ones who ended it, we may feel it’s our fault.

While we can be self-introspective, try to see the situation neutrally. Realize the ending isn’t necessarily anyone’s fault. For example, incompatibility is more of a fact than someone’s fault. To help you cope when a relationship ends, try to accept that everyone has different wants and needs and things they’ll accept. If your set of needs is different than the other person’s, that’s okay. It may mean the end of a relationship, which is painful—but both people are allowed to have their needs.

Take Self-Care Seriously

After a relationship ends, we tend to get depressed and care less about self-care. However, engaging in self-care, even when we don’t feel like it, can make us feel better. Treating ourselves well, even when we don’t feel well, reaffirms to ourselves that we’re worth that effort. Self-care doesn’t have to mean massages and mani-pedis. Instead, go back to basics:

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Eating good food
  • Getting some exercise
  • Practicing hygiene
  • Carving out downtime

Re-Create Routines

When a relationship first ends, it may be a good idea to take some time off from usual activities. This might mean taking more time to do nothing and process the spit. While living with a looser routine is okay in the beginning, eventually you’ll want to get back to your habits.

A good way to cope when a relationship ends is to shake up your routines. If your day-to-day life involved the relationship, you may have constant reminders of the split. Changing up your routine gives your brain a new pattern to learn. Consider reorganizing your mornings and nights and adding a new activity to each routine (ex. reading a book, meditating, doing sit-ups, etc.)


Meditation can help require your brain so it can better control your thoughts. When you have better control over your thoughts, you’ll also have more control over your emotions. In turn, this can help you dampen grief.

There’s many different types of meditation, so try a few and see which works best. You can cope when a relationship ends by trying breathing, visualization, walking meditations and more.

Consider trying this break up healing meditation below:

Mindfulness Exercises

A good way to cope when a relationship ends is to use mindfulness exercises. Like meditation, mindfulness can help you control your thoughts, affecting your emotions.

Mindfulness exercises encourage you to pay attention to the exact moment rather than thinking about the past or present. To learn the easiest exercises, read: 12 Best Mindfulness Activities For Kids And Adults: Quick Break.

Recount Their Bad Qualities

Nobody is perfect. But when we miss someone, we tend to overplay their good and downplay their bad. To balance this out, recount the person’s negative qualities. What are you happy you’ll never have to experience again? What did you dislike about them? What annoyed you? What qualities do they have that you hope your future partner/friend does NOT have?

Set a timer for 5 minutes and write down all the points you can think of. Refer back to this list whenever your mind is replaying the rose-colored glasses version of them. Remind yourself that you can find a friend or partner that doesn’t have these qualities and who’s likely a better match.

Burn a Dedicated Candle

Sometimes it can help to visualize the end of the relationship. To do this, choose a candle you’ll dedicate to the breakup.

Light the candle and see the flame as your friendship/relationship. As the candle shrinks, visualize your relationship coming to a close and your feeling dissipating. Light this candle for a few hours each day if you can. When the candle is fully burned out, visualize your relationship as fully severed.

Avoid Unhealthy Ways to Cope When a Relationship Ends

There’s plenty of ways to cope when a relationship ends; not all of them healthy. If you find yourself engaging in these, have some self-compassion and then try to find an alternative. Remind yourself that unhealthy coping only prolongs the pain. You’ll have to deal with your feelings eventually.

Bad ways to cope when a relationship ends includes:

  • Overeating
  • Getting drunk or using other drugs
  • Sleeping around
  • Immediately getting into another relationship
  • Excessive gambling
  • Excessive working
  • Engaging in risky behaviors
  • Self-harm behaviors

Treat Yourself

Going through a breakup of any type can be rough. Although it’s a very human experience, it’s challenging to go through the motions of grief. Take a break from the difficulty by treating yourself to something you enjoy that you don’t do often. Examples may include:

  • Booking a massage
  • Ordering a good meal
  • Purchasing something you love
  • Taking a yoga class
  • Taking a day trip


There’s plenty of reasons to exercise after a breakup. Perhaps the biggest reason to use exercise to cope when a relationship ends is because of the chemical benefits. Exercise releases endorphins—your body’s feel-good chemicals. This can help offset the depression or sadness you feel after the split.

Another reason to be active is that it helps increase confidence. After a relationship ends, your self-esteem may take a hit, leaving you feeling less worthy than usual. Studies show that physical activity is directly and indirectly associated with self-esteem.

Read a Book

Reading a book gives you something else to sink your thoughts into that doesn’t involve the breakup. Choose a genre you love reading.

Also, consider picking up a self-help book. Learning ways to improve yourself can help you feel like you’re moving forward, even when you feel stuck.

Get Spiritual

Religious and spiritual people tend to better cope through difficulty. Research shows that both religion and spirituality can have a positive effect on your mental health. It can increase your tolerance to stress and add meaning to tough situations.

Use this time to explore your spiritual side. That could mean diving deeper into a religion you already follow. It may mean following a science-backed practice, like that of mindfulness. It could also mean studying your intuition. Or simply, you may just consider spending more time in nature and feeling connected with life around you.

List Benefits to Cope When a Relationship Ends

It might be hard to think about the benefits of breaking up. But there’s at least a dozen if you assess a relationship honestly. For example, you have more time for your hobbies and less time to argue.

Looking for ideas? Borrow some of ours. Read: 22 Bright Sides To Heartbreak: Breakup Encouragement And Inspiration

Try Something New

Whether it’s a new hobby or new adventure, novelty can help buffer the intense emotions you’re feeling. Pick something interesting and commit to trying it. For example:

  • Try a creative hobby
  • Take a class
  • Visit a new place in town
  • Start a business or side hustle


For some people, journaling may be a helpful way to cope when a relationship ends. Although it’s helpful to talk with others, they’re not always available. As an alternative, “talk” to your journal. Write free-form what you’re feeling and thinking. Try not to think too much about it. Your goal is simply to get your thoughts onto a page.

Stay Off Social

While you’re finding ways to cope when a relationship ends, favor real life interaction over social media. In fact, try to stay off social media altogether.

Whether you’ve deleted the person off your profiles or not, they can serve as a constant reminder. For example, seeing your friends post about their boyfriends can trigger feelings about your breakup. Prioritize real life social activity during this time.

Distract Yourself

As we mentioned, you need to feel your feelings in order to move on from them. When you’ve taken time for that and are looking for ways to balance the feeling, try distracting yourself. One of the best ways to cope when a relationship ends is to find something you can get lost in for a period of time. Looking for ideas? Read 104 Things To Do After A Breakup To Stop Hurting | Best Distractions.

Get Rid of Their Items

Whether it’s a friend or a romantic partner, you probably have items of theirs or things they’ve given you. When you’re ready, carve out time to get rid of these items. Here’s a quick step-by-step:

  1. Make a pile of things to throw out
  2. Make a pile of things to donate
  3. Return any items that belong to them (leave it outside their door—don’t use it as an excuse to rekindle)
  4. Delete digital photos, files or mementos

If it’s hard to get rid of items completely, at least hide them so you won’t see them and they won’t serve as a constant reminder. Consider:

  1. Putting physical items in a dedicated box tucked away at the back of your closet
  2. Transferring digital items to a hard drive or USB which you rarely access


After you’ve taken some time to feel your feelings, gain some insight about your role in the relationship. When we can look fairly and neutrally at ourselves, we can use the painful situation to grow and become better.

Keep in mind, this isn’t a time to blame yourself. Don’t be hard on yourself, even if you think you’ve done something wrong. Instead, use this time to evaluate what you can do better in your next relationship. You might ponder these questions:

  • What patterns do my relationships tend to follow?
  • What would I do differently in my next relationship?
  • What types of people am I attracted to? Why do I think that is?
  • Are there parts of myself that I supressed in the relationship?
  • Were there needs that I couldn’t meet in the relationship?
  • Which of my own needs weren’t met?
  • Could I respond better to conflict or stress?

Spread Your Kindness

When you’re feeling awful, one thing that can make you feel better is making someone else feel better.

Brainstorm way you can spread kindness to strangers, those around you, or in your community. Ideas could include:

  • Giving more compliments
  • Volunteering for a local non-profit
  • Donating items or financially to a cause
  • Researching and advocating for a cause online
  • Simply listening to others going through difficult experiences

Join a Break-Up Support Group

Many of us feel we can’t cope when a relationship ends without closure. We’re forever waiting for the moment where everything is tied together and our negative emotions lift. Unfortunately, often this moment never comes. Instead, we need to create our own closure—which means reframing what closure means.

Are you looking for closure? Read: How To Get Closure From An Ex Without Contact: 12 Ways

Join a Break-Up Support Group

Did you know that break-up support groups exist? Although you might not be able to find an in-person group, you can find some online. For example, on Facebook you can join:

Use these groups to share your story and gain support from other people going through the similar emotions. You can also give support to others and feel like you’re using your negative experience to offer something positive to others.


It’s difficult to cope when a relationship ends. Whether it was a short or long relationship, if it was meaningful to us, our lives may feel completely devastated. To help get over this hump, sometimes we need the help of a professional therapist.

If you can afford it, talk to a few therapist and find one who you resonate with. If you can’t afford it, ask your local community health center about free counseling resources. You can also look for mental health professionals who work on a “sliding scale”—lowering their rates so it’s affordable with your income level.

Summary: Cope When a Relationship Ends

Whether you’re splitting with a friend or a partner, new beginnings can be uncomfortable and painful. If you’re looking for ways to cope when a relationship ends, the first step is to normalize your feelings—and actually feel them. Make use of your social support and lean on the people closest to you. Scroll through the list above for other ideas to cope when a relationship ends. Remember that healing has no timeline and to have self-compassion throughout the process.

when a relationship ends