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How to Cleanse Crystals: 11 Magical Methods with Easy Steps

how to cleanse crystals

How should you cleanse your crystals?

There’s many methods to clear your crystals of unwanted energy. While water and moonlight are the most popular, you can also delve into soil and rice techniques for cleansing stones.

In this article, you’ll learn 11 ways to cleanse your crystals, each with step-by-step instructions.

Why Should You Cleanse Crystals?

Many people believe the energy from crystals benefits their body, mind and spiritual inner self. While these people see crystals as having magical energy, they also believe their energy can dim over time with continued use. To keep the energy from crystals clear, many recommend cleansing your crystals.

Physically cleanings your crystals removes debris, like dust that can accumulate. This can be done by washing or dusting crystals. Physically cleansing is a logical step to keep your home and crystals tidy.

Spiritually cleansing crystals is different.  Through a variety of methods in this article, you can aim to clear their negative energy, hopefully making them more effective for healing.

Cleansing crystals is said to:

  • Remove any negative energy from them
  • Brighten their energy to facilitate better crystal healing
  • Act as a shower, leaving the crystal pure and fresh

People cleanse crystals when they first receive them and frequently after.

Keep in mind that cleansing crystals aren’t always the solution. Sometimes crystals don’t work because there’s a more appropriate tool you can turn to for help. If you’re using crystals to deal with a particular issue, you should always seek professional and evidence-backed advice before turning to stones. Healing crystals are a spiritual tool, but cannot replace the services of a psychotherapist, doctor, lawyer or other professionals.

When Should You Cleanse Crystals?

Your next question might be, “when should I cleanse my crystals?”

There’s three main answers here: Cleanse them firstly, frequently and as needed.

Firstly, Cleanse New Crystals

Always cleanse crystals when you first receive them. Whether you buy them in store, get them in the mail or they’re gifted, always cleanse your crystals before using them.

Crystals can pick up energy throughout their process of getting to you. Whether its people packaging them, post office workers, or store associates, your crystal accumulates energy during its journey. Cleansing your new crystals gives them a fresh start.

Frequency of Cleansing Crystals

How often should you cleanse crystals?

The answer depends on who you talk to. Some people cleanse crystals once a week while others cleanse them once a month. Others keep their crystals on or near a piece of selenite, never ritually cleansing them (more on this later).

How often you cleanse crystals is up to you. How often are you using your crystals? Are you doing intensive work with them that requires more frequent cleansing? Are they instead being kept in a safe place where they’re unlikely to be affected by energy? There’s a lot of factors to consider when choosing how often cleansing should take place.

You could also decide to cleanse crystals in batches. For example, maybe not every crystal accumulated energy and needs to be cleaned.

Whatever you decide, try to stick to a schedule. For example, cleaning crystals once a month allows you to check in and remind yourself when they need a clean.

Cleansing Crystals As Needed

Along with having a schedule of crystals cleansing frequency, you can also cleanse them as needed. You might cleanse crystals as needed when:

  • You’ve had a difficult week, which might affect the crystals you have in your home
  • You’ve had challenging guests in your home, which might affect the crystals you have in your home
  • You’ve done challenging work with your crystals
  • You’ve had challenging discussions with family members, that might affect crystal energy
  • You want to make sure a crystal has pure energy before using it for intense work
  • You’re using a particular crystal more than usual
  • A crystal is looking dull or lackluster

Basically, anytime you want your crystals to have a fresh start, cleanse them. For example, let’s say you keep a crystal on your desk at work and a negative coworkers comes into your office and leaves you drained. Even if you’ve already cleansed your crystals the night before, you might want to cleanse it again that day. That way, you can be confident the crystal is offering up fresh energy and isn’t diluted by your coworker’s energy.

Here’s another scenario: You’ve recently cleansed your crystal necklace but you’ve had a rough day. You look in the mirror and notice that the crystal looks duller than usual. This is a good time to cleanse your crystal to remove the “energetic debris” it’s earned throughout the day.

How to Cleanse Crystals

how to cleanse crystals

When it comes to how to cleanse crystals, there’s a variety of methods you can choose from. You might also use different methods to cleanse different crystals. How you cleanse crystals depends on:

  • The type of crystal and its physical properties (for example, some crystals will be physically destroyed by water)
  • Your preference
  • How much time you have (i.e. leaving it out overnight vs. smoke cleansing immediately)

Keep scrolling to learn how to cleanse crystals in a variety of ways.

Water Wash

When learning how to cleanse crystals, washing with water is a favorite of many. That’s because using water energetically cleanses the crystal—but it also physically washes it too. It’s a good method to ensure your space is tidy, free of dust and also pure in energy.

Keep in mind that water is only suitable for some crystals. Other stones can be damaged when exposed to water. When in doubt, research your crystal to be sure.

How to cleanse crystals using water:

*Make sure crystal is safe to run under water

  1. Gather your crystals in front of a running tap
  2. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  3. One by one, rub your crystals under water
  4. Let them dry on a T-towel

Smoke Cleansing

Smoke cleansing involves lighting dried herbs to produce smoke. That smoke is then spread over the objects you intend to energetically clear. The notion of smoke cleansing, or Smudging, comes from Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous people use herbs like sage to banish unwanted energies. It’s important to note that as smoke cleansing has become popular, there’s an increased need to ethically source the herbs you’re using. For example, white sage has become overharvested, affecting its sustainability, which is disrespectful toward North American Indigenous cultures.

Instead of using white sage, choose a herb that’s ethically grown in your area, such as cedar. You can bundle the herbs and burn them as a bundle. You can also put some herbs in a seashell and use the shell as a burning dish.

How to cleanse crystals using smoke cleansing:

  1. Place herbs in a shell or burnproof dish
  2. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  3. Light your herbs
  4. Move the herb dish or bundle around, allowing the smoke to cover your crystals


Moonlight is another popular method to cleanse crystals. Some people only cleanse their crystals on full moon nights. This way, your crystals can absorb all the energy the full moon has to offer.

You don’t have to wait for a full moon though. You can leave your crystals out overnight any night. Since the mother moon provides benefits during all phases, place your stones out whenever the time is right.

How to cleanse crystals using moonlight:

  1. Place your crystals on a windowsill or in a dish by the windowsill
  2. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  3. Let it absorb the moon’s cleansing energy throughout the night
  4. Gather your crystals the next day


Sunlight is also an easy method for beginners learning how to cleanse crystals. Like moonlight, simply letting your crystal bask in the light energy can rid it of unwanted vibrations.

How to cleanse crystals using sunlight:

  1. Place your crystals on a windowsill or in a dish by the windowsill at the beginning of the day
  2. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  3. Let it absorb the sun’s cleansing energy throughout the day
  4. Gather your crystals at or before nightfall


Many people are familiar with this trick: when your phone or laptop gets water damage, stick it in a bag or container of rice. The rice will help absorb the water, hopefully getting your device to work again. Anyone who’s successfully used this trick knows that rice is a powerful absorbent. And that’s the theory behind using it to cleanse crystals.

Letting your crystals hang out in a container of rice can help lift their unwanted energies, leaving them renewed and refreshed.

How to cleanse crystals using rice:

  1. Fill a container or bag with dried rice (enough to cover your crystals)
  2. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  3. Place your crystals in the bag or container
  4. Leave for at least 24 hours
  5. Take out crystals and recycle rice (we recommend saving it in case of a water-damaged device!)


Soil is an interesting way to cleanse your crystals. You might be particularly drawn to this method if you’re someone who loves to garden or is in tune with nature.

Since soil is from the earth, it’s a natural way to give your crystals the energy they’re missing. You might be wondering how to cleanse crystals with soil. You have two main choices: Burry them in your backyard (make sure to mark the spot!) or burry them in a container inside.

How to cleanse crystals using soil:

  1. Gather your crystals
  2. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  3. Burry crystals an inch or two deep into soil (outside or in an indoor planter)
  4. Leave for at least 24 hours
  5. Dig up your cleansed crystals

Saltwater Soak

A saltwater soak is a less hands-on water cleansing method. Instead of running your crystals individually under water, you submerge them in a bowl of saltwater.

Keep in mind, water and salt aren’t safe for many crystals. Always research your crystal before exposing it to anything new!

How to cleanse crystals using salt water:

*Make sure crystals are safe to be submerged in saltwater

  1. In a bowl, gather saltwater from the ocean or make some using sea salt
  2. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  3. Place crystals in the saltwater
  4. Leave for at least 24 hours
  5. Rinse crystals in fresh, non-salted water


Meditation breath can be used to cleanse crystals in a pinch. This is a method anyone can use anywhere! Particularly with this method, it’s critical to ensure you’re in a relaxed state so you can pour renewed energy back into your crystal.

How to cleanse crystals using breath:

  1. Meditate before cleansing crystals to ensure a calm, restorative state
  2. Hold your crystal or crystals in your hand
  3. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  4. With your intention in mind, take 3 deep, long breaths. For each breath, exhale over your crystal to cleanse it.
  5. Release your renewed crystal


Sound is another overlooked method that you can consider if you’re wondering how to cleanse crystals. People believe that sound such as tuning forks, singing bowls or even clapping can provide a cleansing energy. Many times, sound healing is used to amp up your own vibrations. However, it can also be used to rid your crystals of unwanted energies.

How to cleanse crystals using sound:

  1. Set your crystals nearby the source of your sound (you can set them on a table and then create the sound over top of the crystals)
  2. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  3. With your intention in mind, create sound nearby your crystals (using a singing bowl, tuning forks or hand clapping)
  4. Continue for at least one minute or until it feels your session is complete


You can also cleanse crystals with visualization. This is another method that requires nothing but your crystals and your mind. However, if you’re not keen on visual meditations, this technique might not be your first choice.

How to cleanse crystals using:

  1. Gather your stones in front of you
  2. Start by getting into meditation, spending at least a few minutes breathing and clearing your thoughts
  3. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  4. Visualize a white, pure smoke-like energy wafting over your crystals. Envision this smoke cleansing out any unwanted energy, leaving your crystals clear and refreshed.
  5. Close out your meditation with a few deep breaths


Some people cleanse their crystals by placing them near a piece of selenite. You can store your crystals beside selenite to ensure they’re always cleansed. Or you can simply place them beside selenite only when they need to be cleansed. Selenite pieces, slabs, dishes or towers all work for this purpose.

Do you cleanse selenite itself? Some people believe that selenite needs to be cleansed to continue cleansing the other stones. (You can cleanse selenite using any of the methods above). Others believe that selenite is a special stone that’s self-cleaning, never needing to be formally cleansed.

How to cleanse crystals using selenite:

  1. Place crystals as close as possible to your selenite. This could mean placing crystals on top of a slab or in a selenite dish. It could also mean placing crystals closely around a piece of selenite
  2. Set your intention for crystal cleansing
  3. Leave crystals touching or beside selenite for at least 24 hours

how to cleanse crystals

Summary: How to Cleanse Crystals

There’s a variety of methods you can use to cleanse crystals. If you’re a beginner wondering how to cleanse crystals, using water, moonlight or sunlight are often the top choices. But there’s plenty of other ways to renew the energy your stones hold. Sound, visualization, soil and breath are all overlooked methods.

how to cleanse crystals how to cleanse crystals

Tarot Spreads for Self-Growth, Introspection & Transformation

tarot spreads for self

Tarot isn’t just for fortune-telling—it can be used for “self-telling.”

The symbols, imagery and metaphors used in tarot can be related to your life and used to gain insight into everyday problems or deeply-rooted patterns.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to use tarot for self-growth. We’re also sharing 6 tarot spreads for self-growth and introspection.

Psychology and Tarot for Self-Growth

Although tarot was originally intended to predict the future, it can also be used as a tool for self-growth and introspection. The symbols, themes and life stages contained within the cards can help you gain perspective on your own situation.

Tarot follows the Hero’s Journey–a narrative/template that many stories and movies follow. No matter the story, the Hero’s Journey follows a character through many stages of wins, losses, self-growth and challenges. The stages contained in the hero’s journey, and the tarot, represent the human experience. As we go through the cards in a tarot deck, we see how each card relates to a different human experience on that Hero’s Journey. Zooming in on these stages and taking various perspectives can help us learn more about our own experiences. This is a main reason tarot spreads for self-growth can help you gain insight. Learning about the archetypes in the tarot relates to your own life challenges and solutions.

Interestingly, therapists have started using tarot as a self-growth tool. It allows clients to consider the card’s meanings, drawing insights and relating it back to their own life.

A late founding father of psychology, Carl Jung, said similar Medieval cards ““combine in certain ways, and the different combinations correspond to the playful development of mankind.” He also thinks divination methods can help us understand the flow of life and help us access the unconscious.

How to Use Tarot for Self-Growth

If you’re interested in tarot spreads for self-growth, here’s a few tips:

  • Keep a journal. Write down the cards pulled every time you use a self-love tarot spread. This can help you keep track of your development and how you’re moving forward. It can also help you assess which blocks you still need to overcome.
  • Work with a therapist. As discussed, therapists are beginning to use tarot as a tool not for fortune-telling, but for self-introspection. By seeking a therapist who uses tarot, you can learn ways to use to for your personal growth.
  • Keep your mind open. Interpretations from tarot can come from a handbook or by looking at a card’s images, colors, symbols, metaphors, etc.
  • If you pull a card that you’re interested in drawing more meaning from, meditate on it. Keep the card nearby during a meditation. After a few minutes of deep breathing, recall the card’s imagery. Let thoughts about its meaning naturally come to you.
  • When you’re curious to learn more about a card and how it relates to your life, study it like you would a school lesson. Turn to books, articles, everything you can to get a full grasp on the card.
  • Use the card in an altar. During your tarot spreads for self-growth, pay attention to the cards that resonate with you most. Include those cards in an altar. That way, it will serve as a daily reminder to reflect on the cards and how they’re relating to your life.

Self-Growth Body Scan

This tarot spread for self-growth hits several areas in one reading. Starting off, you’ll get a reflection on your spiritual journey. Then you’ll learn how to improve your mental health and stress responses. Moving on, you’ll gain insights on creativity, grounding, giving and receiving. Ready to learn more about yourself? Pull out your cards and try the spread below.

tarot spreads for self, tarot spread for love of self

  1. How can you feel more connected spiritually? Throughout our spiritual journey, we have times when we feel more and less connected. Wherever you’re at now, how can you improve that connection to your higher self/the Universe/God?
  2. How you can improve your mental health? The second card in this tarot spread for self-growth represents your mental health. What can you do to feel more at peace and maintain or achieve emotional stability or safety?
  3. How you can alleviate stress? This card represents your stomach center, where stress and anxiety may lie. Whether you’re dealing with big stresses or small stressors, how can you better handle it?
  4. How can you expand your creativity? This card will hint at how you can find more creativity. Keep in mind, creativity could mean many things. This card could show how to be more creative in your hobbies, in your thoughts or in problem-solving.
  5. How can you get more grounded? The first foot in this stick figure-shaped layout represents grounding. What are some things you can do to get more grounded?
  6. How can you feel more connected to others? The card shows ways you might better connect with the people around you. Whether it’s family, relationships or meeting new friends, a little connection can go a long way.
  7. How can you better receive help and support? The second last card in this tarot spread for self-growth represents receiving. What are your blocks with receiving and how can you overcome it?
  8. How can you better give help and support? The 7th card is about receiving and this last card is about giving. How can you give back and help others to keep the energy flowing?

Leveling Up Tarot Spread for Self-Growth

This tarot spread for self-growth asks you to keep in mind where you want to go in life. Each of the cards will reveal a different aspect of moving forward. What’s holding you back? What steps should you take? How can you gain support? Learn the answers to all those questions and more using this layout.

tarot spreads for self, tarot spread for love of self

  1. Where am I? The first card in this tarot spread for self-growth represents where you’re at in life. What are the situations concerning you?
  2. Where do I want to go? This card represents where you want to go. This could speak to a dream or goal or to a larger picture of who you want to become.
  3. Internal influences holding me back. Which internal influences seem to be getting in the way of where you want to go? Internal factors include those originating in yourself. These are typically factors within your control.
  4. External influences affect the situation. Which external influences seem to be getting in the way of where you want to go? External factors include those originating outside yourself. It could be other people, environmental, situations, etc. These tend to include factors you can’t control or have less influence over.
  5. How to move forward onto where you want to go. The 5th card in this tarot spread for self-growth represents how to move forward to where you want to go. What steps can you take?
  6. What mindset do I need on this journey? Although the card above suggests steps you can take to move forward, this card speaks to the mindset you’ll need for the journey ahead.
  7. What do I need to let go of for this journey? In order to move forward to where you want to go, what’s something you should consider shedding? This could be an aspect of yourself, a belief, relationships, practical matters, etc.
  8. How to gain support on your journey. The last card speaks to how you can gain support as you move along. Support can mean people, professional, financial, written resources, community resources, etc.

Transformation Tarot Spread for Self-Growth

This all-encompassing self-growth tarot spread hits on all areas of your life. Begin by assessing the core of who you are. Then let the cards show you challenges and solutions for your love life, career, health and spirituality. End the reading by learning the first step you should take along with a message from spirit.

tarot spreads for self, tarot spread for love of self


  • 1. Who you were in the recent past. The first card in this transformation tarot spread for self-growth represents your past. Who were you then compared to now? How were you different?
  • 2. Who you are right now. How have you grown from your old self already? How would the tarot describe you at this moment in time?
  • 3. Who you want to become. This third card points to who you want to become. This is an overview of the person you want to be and the life you want to lead as a whole.
  • 4. The biggest factor influencing your transformation. This card represents the biggest influence on your transformation as a whole. It could be your mindset, personal situations or external influences like the people around you or current opportunities.


  • 5. The state of your current love life. This card represents how your love life is going at this moment in time. Are you taken and happy? Taken and unhappy? Single and happy? Single and unhappy?
  • 6. The challenge you’re currently facing. What current are you currently trying to overcome in your love life?
  • 7. How to transform that current challenge. How can you transform the love challenge you’re experiencing?


  • 8. The state of your current career life. The first card on this wing points toward how your career life is currently operating.
  • 9. The challenge you’re currently facing. What challenge are you dealing with career-wise?
  • 10. How to transform that current challenge. How can you transform that challenge to better your career life?


  • 11. The state of your current health. How’s your health right now? This card takes into account physical and emotional health.
  • 12. The challenge you’re currently facing. Are you facing any health challenges right now? What are they? This could also point to factors influencing your health that you need to mitigate.
  • 13. How to transform that current challenge. How can you overcome that challenge to better your health?


  • 14. Where you’re at on your spiritual journey. The last wing on the butterfly is about spirituality. This card specifically points out how your spiritual life is currently. Are you more connected or disconnected?
  • 15. The challenge you’re currently facing. What’s a challenge you’ll need to overcome to progress in your spiritual life?
  • 16. How to transform that current challenge. How can you overcome that challenge to lead a more fulfilling and meaningful spiritual life?

Final messages

  • 17. The first step you can take towards overall transformation. From love, career, health and spirituality, there’s a lot of ways to transform your life. That can be overwhelming, so let’s break it down. What is the first step you can take?
  • 18. Message from higher self-regarding transformation. To cap off this reading, gain insights about your transformation with a message from your higher self/spirit.

Home Inside Myself Self Love Tarot Spread

What would it take for you to feel home inside yourself? This tarot spread for self-love helps you identify your blocks. Get vulnerable about your insecurities and learn how you can move past them. If you can’t see the amazingness you have to offer the world, this layout will help. Get insights on future accomplishments and even a personal talent. At the end of the reading, you’ll learn who/what can support you for more self-love, along with a message from spirit.

tarot spreads for self, tarot spread for love of self

  1. Your current self. The first card in this tarot spread for self-love represents your current yourself.
  2. How you feel about yourself. Whereas the first card describes who you are, the second card describes how you feel about yourself. Are you confident and self-compassionate? Self-loathing and critical? Or something in between?
  3. An insecurity you have. This card points to something specific you’re insecure about, whether internal, external or situational.
  4. External influences affecting you insecurities. What are the external influences affecting your insecurity? This may be habits, environments, people, or situations.
  5. How you can move past that insecurity? How can you begin to overcome your insecurity and see the truth about who you are?
  6. How can you practice more self-love? What’s something you can do to practice more self-love and self-compassion?
  7. What’s something I need to let go of? What can you let go of that will allow you to cultivate more self-acceptance?
  8. A personal talent. This card shows you a personal talent. It may be one you already know about (and that you should amplify) or a talent you’ve yet to uncover.
  9. How can I use my personal talent? How can you use the personal talent revealed in the card prior?
  10. Something you should be proud of. What’s something you should be proud of? This may be a past accomplishment or something about your character.
  11. A future accomplishment. What’s something you’ll accomplish in the future that you can look forward to?
  12. Who/what can I look to for support along my self-love journey? Self-love and compassion can be difficult. Who or what can you turn to as you walk along that journey?
  13. A message from my higher self about self-love. What message does your higher self/spirit have for you about self-love and acceptance?

Tarot Spread for Self Help

This tarot spread for self-help mainly focuses on the patterns hindering your path forward. Both personal and generational patterns can pose as roadblocks. Instead of trying to rush past these roadblocks, how can you remove it from the road entirely? Removing these and learning to be more kind to yourself will lead you to the person you aspire to be.

tarot spreads for self, tarot spread for love of self

  1. The person I aspire to be. This card represents who you’re working toward being. This person may not be evident on the outside yet, but it’s somewhere inside you.
  2. A personal pattern to break. What’s a personal pattern you have that’s destructive or acting as a block?
  3. How to break that personal pattern. What step can you take to break that personal pattern and clear that block? Overcoming this will bring you closer to who you want to be.
  4. A family/generational pattern to break. Most of us have family/generational patterns that we carry forth, even if we don’t mean to and even if we already know they’re destructive. What’s the family pattern that’s most holding you back?
  5. How to break that family/generational pattern. How can you be a cycle breaker? Overcoming this block will allow you to move forward and closer to the person you want to be.
  6. How can I be more kind to myself? Finally, no matter who you are, it’s hard to be you. That’s because it’s hard to be a human being sometimes. During times of difficulty, how can you be more kind to yourself? How can you cultivate more self-compassion?

Summary: Tarot Spreads for Self-Growth, Love and Introspection

Tarot is a great tool to use for self-growth and introspection. Since tarot follows the Hero’s Journey, each card can relate to a stage of life that’s common in the human experience. This allows great insights to come from tarot. Scroll through the tarot spreads for self-growth above and choose a layout that speaks to you most. Consider different ways to interpret the cards and layout. This allows you to expand your perspective, opening up to self-growth.

Can Narcissists Change? A Caring Guide for Rocky Relationships

can narcissist change be cured

Before we start this post, there’s one thing we want you to consider first. We’d like you to take a moment to self-reflect and honestly answer:

Are you asking, “Can a narcissist change?”

Or are you really asking, “Can I change a narcissist?”

Since the answers to those questions are different, please keep that in mind while reading.

The Spectrum of Narcissism

There’s a difference between having narcissistic traits and having narcissism personality disorder. Nowadays, we use the term “narcissist” probably more than warranted. We use it as a synonym for “selfish.” But someone can have selfish or narcissistic moments without being a full-blown narcissist with narcissism personality disorder.

Narcissism is described as:

  • Excessive self-love
  • A grandiose sense of self-importance
  • A constant need for admiration
  • A lack of empathy for others

Think of narcissism as a spectrum:

  1. On one end, narcissism rarely rears its head and empathy is leads. There’s a healthy level of self-esteem and confidence, allowing for healthy relationships and consideration for others’ needs and feelings.
  2. Moving along the spectrum, people with more severe narcissistic traits may become increasingly self-centered, lacking empathy and showing a disregard for others. They may have a grandiose sense of self-importance, feel entitled to special treatment, and have an intense need for admiration and attention. They may also engage in manipulative behaviors to maintain their sense of superiority and control over others.
  3. On the other extreme end of the spectrum, narcissism personality disorder exists (NPD). People with NPD often have difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships, and may engage in abusive or exploitative behavior towards others.

Read: 59 Narcissistic & Toxic Relationship Quotes For Him And Her

Narcissistic Traits

It’s important to consider that most people with narcissist traits do not have NPD. Narcissistic traits may include:

  • Grandiosity: An inflated sense of self-importance and believe they are better than others.
  • Need for admiration: Craving constant praise, attention, and validation from others to maintain their sense of self-worth.
  • Lack of empathy: Struggling to understand or relate to the feelings and needs of others.
  • Entitlement: Felling entitled to special treatment or privileges based on their perceived superiority.
  • Exploitative behavior: Taking advantage of others to achieve their own goals or maintain their sense of control.
  • Manipulative behavior: Using tactics like guilt-tripping or gaslighting to control others and maintain their sense of superiority.
  • Envy: Being jealous of others’ success or attention and believing they deserve it more.
  • Arrogance: Acting condescending or dismissive of others and their opinions.

People with a few of these traits aren’t necessarily narcissists. Instead, they may fall somewhere between on the spectrum. People with many of these traits—especially displayed at high levels—may be clinically diagnosed with NPD.

Still wondering if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist? Read: Narcissist In A Relationship: 14 Eerie Signs You’re With A Narc

Narcissism Personality Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition. Being diagnosed with NPD means there’s a pattern of behavior that affects your daily life. The only way to know if you have NPD is to be diagnosed by a professional.

People with NPD share common characteristics:

  • Inflated sense of self-importance
  • A lack of
  • Need for admiration
  • Need for attention
  • Exaggerated sense of their own abilities and achievements,
  • Feel entitled to special treatment
  • Difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships
  • Consistently prioritize their own needs and desires over the needs and feelings of others.
  • Prone to intense feelings of jealousy and envy
  • Struggle with anger and impulsivity

Causes of NPD may be genetic, environmental or developmental.

Can Narcissist Change?

The good news: Narcissists can absolutely change!

The bad news: You can’t make a narcissist change! A narcissist has to be personally committed to change. And compared to other people in therapy, their road is often longer and more challenging.

In the next sections, we’ll discuss the ways a narcissist is able to change. You’ll learn about why change is more difficult for a narcissist and what challenges it poses during therapy.

Can Narcissist Change with Therapy?

A narcissist can change with therapy. While the traits of narcissism can be deeply ingrained, therapy can help a person with narcissistic tendencies develop more empathy and awareness of their behavior.

Can a narcissist be cured with therapy? Yes. Here are a list of things therapy may help a narcissist with:

  • Exploring the root causes of their behavior
  • Working through any underlying emotional wounds or insecurities that may contribute to behavior
  • Learning how to manage emotions by develop healthier coping mechanisms (stop lashing out)
  • Learning how to take personal accountability
  • Learning how to consider others and gain a better sense of empathy
  • Learning how to self-introspect
  • Improving communication skills

People with NPD often also have mood disorders that a therapist can help with.

Challenges of Therapy to Change a Narcissist

While the answer to “can a narcissist change through therapy?” is yes, it’s not that straightforward. There are several challenges to “curing” narcissism through therapy.

Everyone’s experience in counselling depends on their ability to introspect and make changes. However, this is even more difficult for someone with narcissist tendances or NPD. The nature of narcissism allows a narcissist to prop themselves up while blaming everyone else. This attitude can make therapy near impossible. A narcissist’s inability to be honest can create blind spots even a therapist may not see or be tricked by. It’s a main reason why many narcissists aren’t helped by therapy.

Other challenges of therapy for a narcissist include:

  • Aversion to introspection. The nature of being a narcissist is not acknowledging problematic behavior. Their lack of empathy can make it difficult to understand why a problem is a problem.
  • Aversion to vulnerability. As we discussed, therapy takes introspection, which is difficult when a person is unwilling the be vulnerable and share their deep thoughts or feelings.
  • Aversion to feedback. Narcissists seek admiration and hate criticism, even when it’s kind and constructive. Their aversion to feedback may lead them to turn down a therapist’s suggestions.
  • A narcissist sense of grandiosity may make them feel smarter than the therapist. This is another reason they could turn down advice; they think they know better than the therapist.
  • A narcissist is good at manipulation and therapists, like all of us, are imperfect people who may fall prey. This is a common occurrence in couple’s therapy with a narcissist. The narcissist may convince the therapist that the problems lie with the other partner. This is dangerous possibility that can lead to victim blaming.
  • Time-consuming. Therapy isn’t one and done. The time commitment it takes to change narcissism make be more than a person is willing to devote.
  • Therapy is expensive, especially the amount of work required to change narcissism. A person may not be able to afford ongoing therapy. Although free and low cost resources exist, they may not be provided at the frequency or intensity that a narcissist needs to change.

Can Narcissist Change with Different Therapy Approaches?

Whether narcissists can change with therapy also depends on the therapist’s experience and approach. There is no standardized treatment for NPD.

Therapy approaches to change a narcissist may include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT may be helpful in addressing a narcissist’s tendencies towards grandiosity, low empathy, and difficulty regulating their emotions.
    Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT can be helpful in improving emotional regulation and reducing impulsive or reactive behaviors common for a narcissist.
  • Psychodynamic Therapy: Psychodynamic therapy may address a narcissist’s underlying emotional wounds and vulnerabilities that may be contributing to their behavior.
  • Group Therapy: Group therapy can help someone with narcissistic traits develop a sense of empathy and better understand the other’s perspectives.
  • Mindfulness-Based Therapy: Mindfulness-based therapy can reduce reactivity and improve emotional regulation.

It’s important to note that these processes can be lengthier and more challenging for someone with narcissism personality disorder. This is why it’s important to seek out a therapist who’s comfortable working with and has experience with narcissistic individuals. Skilled therapists know the common potholes a narcissist may fall into. This allows them to redirect the session.

For example, psychologist and author Elinor Greenberg shared that during her therapy sessions, she only allows narcissists to talk about how they’d like to change themselves. She doesn’t give them space to blame or complain about others or tell ranting stories. This self-focused change approach forces the narcissist to honestly look inward instead of outward.

Along with therapy, a narcissist may change with medication. There isn’t a standardized or specific medication for people with narcissistic traits. Rather, therapists work with clients to assess whether they might benefit from various medications, like anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications. Because many people with NPD also have mood disorders that exacerbate NPD, treating the mood disorder may also benefit their narcissistic traits.

Key takeaways of narcissist change through therapy:

  • There are many therapeutic approaches to treat NPD.
  • There isn’t a specific medication for NPD, but it may be treated by other medications like SSRIs.
  • When dealing with people with NPD, therapists should take care not to allow ranting stories or blame games.
  • Therapists can sometimes be “tricked” by people with NPD. This can lead to victim blaming during couples counseling, which can be extremely damaging for the other partner. In this case, the non-NPD partner should disengage from couples counseling and seek safety resources.
  • Therapy can be longer and more challenging for people with NPD. Still, a narcissist can absolutely change with the right therapeutic approach.

Can a Narcissist Be Cured By Me?

Before we delve into whether you can change a narcissist, first ask, do they even want to change?

Sometimes, we want other people to change but they themselves don’t see it as necessary. This is often the case for narcissists. The very nature of narcissism means the person may be unable to see the problem. They believe their behavior is justified because they only see it from their perspective.

If this is the case, the only reason for a narcissist to change is to keep you around. Unfortunately, that’s never a good enough reason. If change isn’t motivated from within, it often leads to manipulation. That is, they’ll keep you on the line by saying change is coming, when they have no intention of actually changing.

If the narcissist doesn’t want to change, they won’t. You can’t will someone into change.

Now, let’s assume the narcissist genuinely wants to change. Can you cure a narcissist yourself?

We started off this article asking you to get honest. What are you really asking?

  1. Can a narcissist change?
  2. Can a narcissist be cured by me?

When we’re in a relationship with a narcissist, we see their good, lovable sides. We also see their bad, and sometimes abusive sides too. Through the dark periods, we remember their light and have empathy toward them. Naturally, we ask ourselves if we can brighten their light and discourage their darkness.

The feeling of wanting to change a narcissist is often necessary for a relationship to survive. For example, if you knew you’d never be able to change the narcissist in your life, you’ll be less likely to stay. Thinking you can change a narcissist keeps hope alive.

A narcissist’s manipulation or abuse can also lead us to believe we hold the key to change them. If we only acted better, supported them more, did more of the right things.

None of this is true.

You cannot cure a narcissist. A narcissist can only cure themselves with the support of a mental health professional. While you can support them in that journey, you should never do so at the expense of yourself.

Remember that a narcissist’s journey to change is a long one. Sticking it out for the long run could subject you to more manipulation, hurt and possibly abuse. If a narcissist does decide to seek help, supporting them is a personal choice. In some situations, a narcissist may be making progress and your relationship may improve. In other cases, it’s not safe to stay. Always prioritize your safety and emotional well-being over supporting a narcissist.

Key takeaways for personally curing a narcissist:

  • Can you cure a narcissist? No, only they can do that themselves.
  • A narcissist may manipulate you into thinking that if you did something different, they’d get better. That’s not true. In cases of abuse, this is a form of victim blaming.
  • A narcissist can trick you into thinking they want to or see the need to change when they don’t. They may simply say it to keep you around.
  • The best you can do is support a narcissist with their own decision and journey to change
  • Supporting a narcissist may mean enduring more hurt or even abuse and it isn’t always a safe decision.
  • Always put your safety and emotional needs first.

Can a Narcissist Change for the Right Woman?

If you’re in a relationship with someone who has narcissistic tendencies, you might wonder, “can a narcissist change for the right woman?”

First, let’s talk about what this question implies. It implies that all your partner’s previous lovers didn’t have the magic key to change him, but you might. It implies that you might be more special. This does a disservice to the women who came before you. Like you, they probably tried to change him but were unsuccessful. But that’s not their fault. Because that’s not how change works. This leads us to our next point.

Asking “can a narcissist change for the right woman?” implies that change happens for another person. This isn’t true. Change happens for yourself. While change can be motivated by someone else, it doesn’t last unless the person feels it benefits them too.

Key takeaways for changing a narcissist with the right women:

  • Other women before you probably tried to change him and failed.
  • Women don’t fail to change men because of their own inadequacies. Women fail to change men because men can only change themselves. Therefore you likely won’t be any more successful at changing him than the people before you.
  • Change comes from within and is motivated from within.
  • A narcissist isn’t waiting for the right woman to change him. He’s waiting for himself.

Being in a relationship with a narcissist is difficult and confusing. Learn more:

You Can’t Personally Change a Narcissist. Do This Instead

If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist and want to change him, the first step is recognizing that you can’t change anyone but yourself.

It’s difficult to accept that you can’t change someone you love when they’re impacting your well-being. So what can you do? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Change your relationship with the narcissist. You can’t change someone, but you can always change your relationship with them. When a narcissist is negatively impacting your well-being, it’s best to change or end the relationship. In cases of abuse, seek safety resources and make a plan to leave.
  • Support them through their own journey. Only if it’s safe to do so and isn’t detrimental to your own well-being, you can support a narcissist in their own journey to change. This also means holding them accountable, even when they don’t like it.
  • See a therapist yourself. If you’re having trouble accepting you change the narcissist in your life, therapy can help you come to terms with reality. A therapist can also help you determine if it’s best to stay in or leave a relationship. Dealing with a narcissist can lead you to mental health problems of your own (or exacerbate the ones you already have). For this reason, seeking help is an important self-care step for those in relationships with narcissists. It can help you regain confidence and trust yourself.

Summary: Can a Narcissist Change?

Narcissists can change, although the road will likely be long and challenging. The nature of narcissism can pose several challenges which impede the effectiveness of therapy. A narcissist can only transform with the right professional help and internal motivation. Other people can’t will a narcissist change.

If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, the best you can do is support their efforts to change. If they don’t want to change themselves, they won’t and you shouldn’t expect it. Instead, you should prioritize your own safety and emotional well-being. In abusive cases or cases where a narcissist doesn’t change, this means leaving the relationship.

can narcissist change be cured

can narcissist change be cured

101+ Grief and Loss quotes for Grief Healing: Losing Loved One Quotes

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

We’re happy you’re here. It means you’ve decided to look your grief in the eye instead of trying to ignore it. That’s a beautiful way to honor your loved one.

While we can’t promise this post will make you feel better, we know you’ll find something here to change the way you look at grief.

Grief and loss quotes can bring meaning, comfort and make us feel less alone.

Read on to discover 101+ losing loved one quotes.

A Word on Grief Healing

Grief is painful and uncomfortable—it’s normal to make it want to go away. Unfortunately, though, there’s no magic wand you can wave to rid you of your grief. There’s no pill, practice or prayer that will delete the feeling. Even therapy can’t make grief go away.

Think about it this way: If grief comes from love and love never goes away, why would grief? Grief is just love transformed.

While grief never disappears, it becomes less intense over time. And to help mute the intensity, there’s a few things you can do. Evidence-based ways to control grief include:

  • Talking about it (with friends, family, co-workers)
  • Try to find meaning in the loss (have you learned something? What did you gain by knowing your loved one?)
  • Find a relaxing ritual (deep breathing, yoga, spending time in nature, etc.)
  • Try in-person grief support groups
  • Try online grief support groups (try searching Facebook)
  • Read and learn about grief by reading books like “On Death and Dying” by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.
  • Try Therapy (even if you don’t have a clinical disorder, therapy can help you process and deal with grief)

Grief Healing Ideas Using Losing Loved One Quotes

You can use grief and loss quotes in a variety of ways for grief healing. Once you’ve picked out a saying you find healing, here are a few ideas:

  • Use as your wallpaper. Make a wallpaper out of your favorite grief and loss quotes. Use an online program like Canva to make a design you can use on your computer or phone home screen or lock screen.
  • Place on your fridge. If there’s a quote you find particularly healing, print it out or write it on a piece of paper and use a magnet to stick it to your fridge.
  • Sticky notes. Write your quote on a sticky note and stick it somewhere you’ll frequently see it to help your healing process. This could be on a mirror, fridge, door, etc.
  • Try this grief-healing exercise. Scroll through the list of grief and loss quotes on this page. Then pick out a few that you find healing, meaningful or that make you introspect. Next, write one quote at the top of a journal page. Below it, write your thoughts about it—write freely and without purpose, just focus on the quote. When you’re ready, move onto the other grief and loss quotes.
  • If there’s a quote you find interesting, sit with it for a bit. Take some time to just sit and breathe—AKA meditating. After you’ve quietted your mind with a few breaths, bring the quote to question in mind and meditate on it. If you’d like, after your meditation, write down any interesting thoughts that came to you to record them.
  • Personalized Items. Get your favorite grief and loss quotes printed on personalized items. For example, a coffee cup with a grief quote can provide comfort every morning. A personalized quote pillow can give you something to hug when the tears are falling down.
  • Bring to a therapist. Working with a therapist for grief healing can be beneficial. Bring your favorite grief quotes into your therapy session and discuss them with your therapist. Talk about how you relate to the quote, if anything triggers you or if anything makes you change your perspective.

101+  Grief and Loss Quotes: Losing Loved on Quotes

Scroll through these grief and loss quotes to find something that resonates.

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Life has to end. Love doesn’t.” -Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven


Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” -Thomas Campbell

“If there ever comes a day where we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever.” -A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer.” -Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

“Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.” -Edna St. Vincent Millay

“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.” -Kahlil Gibran

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“The song is ended but the melody lingers on.” -Irving Berlin

“What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” -Helen Keller

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Your memory feels like home to me. So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds its way back to you.” -Ranata Suzuki

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” -Thomas Campbell

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Ain’t no shame in holding on to grief… as long as you make room for other things too.” -“Bubbles,” The Wire

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” -Clarence Budington Kelland

“While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till it be digested, and then amusement will dissipate the remains of it.” -Samuel Johnson

“No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.” -C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

 “It’s like I have this large black hole in my brain and it’s sucking the life out of me. The answers are in there so I sit for hours and stare. No matter how hard and long I look, I only see darkness.” -Katie McGarry

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“And once the storm is over you won’t remember you how made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what the storm’s all about.” -Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Love is really the only thing we can possess, keep with us, and take with us.” -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“The weird, weird thing about devastating loss is that life actually goes on. When you’re faced with a tragedy, a loss so huge that you have no idea how you can live through it, somehow, the world keeps turning, the seconds keep ticking.” –James Patterson

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Grief is so human, and it hits everyone at one point or another, at least, in their lives. If you love, you will grieve, and that’s just given.” –Kay Redfield Jamison

“Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated.” -Alphonse de Lamartine, Méditations Poétiques

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Never. We never lose our loved ones. They accompany us; they don’t disappear from our lives. We are merely in different rooms.” –Paulo Coelho, Aleph

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in all the world—the company of those who have known suffering.” -Helen Keller

“Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity.” -Terri Guillemets

“An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior.” -Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

“The darker the night, the brighter the stars, The deeper the grief, the closer is God!” -Fyodor Dostoevsky

“You can’t truly heal from a loss until you allow yourself to really feel the loss.” -Mandy Hale

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Our lives are not measured in years. They are measured in how many lives we touch around us.” -Josh Hutcherson

“Grief can destroy you — or focus you. You can decide a relationship was all for nothing if it had to end in death, and you alone. OR you can realize that every moment of it had more meaning than you dared to recognize at the time, so much meaning it scared you, so you just lived, just took for granted the love and laughter of each day, and didn’t allow yourself to consider the sacredness of it.” -Dean Koontz

“Here’s what I know: death abducts the dying, but grief steals from those left behind.” -Katherine Owen

“What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose.” -Henry Ward Beeche

“Tears are the silent language of grief.” -Voltaire

“All things grow with time, except grief.” -Jewish Proverb

“There are three needs of the griever: To find the words for the loss, to say the words aloud and to know that the words have been heard.” -Victoria Alexander

“In days that follow, I discover that anger is easier to handle than grief.” -Emily Giffin

“You gave me a forever within the numbered days…”-John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

“The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief—but the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love.” -Hilary Stanton Zunin

“We need to grieve the ones we’ve lost — not to sustain our connection to suffering, but to sustain our connection to love.” –Jennifer Williamson

“Grief can derange even the strongest and most disciplined of minds.” -George R.R. Martin

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“When the heart grieves over what is has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left.” -Sufi

“She was no longer wrestling with grief, but could sit down with it as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thought.” -George Eliot

“Losing my mother at such an early age is the scar of my soul. But I feel like it ultimately made me into the person I am today. I understand the journey of life. I had to go through what I did to be here.” -Mariska Hargity

“The only cure for grief is to grieve.” -Earl Grollman

“But you can’t get to any of these truths by sitting in a field smiling beatifically, avoiding your anger and damage and grief. Your anger and damage and grief are the way to the truth. We don’t have much truth to express unless we have gone into those rooms and closets and woods and abysses that we were told not go in to. When we have gone in and looked around for a long while, just breathing and finally taking it in – then we will be able to speak in our own voice and to stay in the present moment. And that moment is home.” -Anne Lamott

“Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them.” -Leo Tolstoy

“She was no longer wrestling with the grief, but could sit down with It as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts.” -George Eliot

“Nothing that grieves us can be called little: by the eternal laws of proportion a child’s loss of a doll and a king’s loss of a crown are events of the same size.” -Mark Twain

“Every one of us is losing something precious to us. Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back again. That’s part of what it means to be alive.” -Haruki Murakami

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Grief only exists where love lived first.” –Franchesca Cox

“There is no grief like the grief that does not speak.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“If you have a sister and she dies, do you stop saying you have one? Or are you always a sister, even when the other half of the equation is gone?” -Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper 

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.” -Washington Irving

“Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” -Alfred Lord Tennyson

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“What separates us from animals, what separates us from the chaos, is our ability to mourn people we’ve never met.” -David Levithan

“I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone—you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.” -Alyson Noel, Evermore 

“Grief is love turned into an eternal missing” -Rosamund Lupton

“Grief changes shape, but it never ends.” -Keanu Reeves

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes “I think about you. But I don’t say it anymore.” -Marguerite Duras

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“You will lose someone you can’t live without, and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly – that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp.” -Anne Lamott

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” -Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

“Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?” –Terry Pratchett

“I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.” -J.R.R. Tolkien

“Just because we lost a life, doesn’t mean we have to lose ourselves.” –Tamara Gabriel

“So often we try to make other people feel better by minimizing their pain, by telling them that it will get better (which it will) or that there are worse things in the world (which there are). But that’s not what I actually needed. What I needed was for someone to tell me that it hurt because it mattered.” -John Green

“My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived and let me watch him do it.” – Clarence Budington Kellan

“At times in life you have to leave people where they left you.” -Angel Moreira

“You cannot die of grief, though it feels as if you can. A heart does not actually break, though sometimes your chest aches as if it is breaking. Grief dims with time. It is the way of things. There comes a day when you smile again, and you feel like a traitor. How dare I feel happy. How dare I be glad in a world where my father is no more. And then you cry fresh tears, because you do not miss him as much as you once did, and giving up your grief is another kind of death.” -Laurell K. Hamilton

“Grief is the last act of love we can give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love.” -Anonymous

“My sister will die over and over again for the rest of my life. Grief is forever. It doesn’t go away; it becomes a part of you, step for step, breath for breath.” –Jandy Nelson, The Sky is Everywhere

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Your absence walks through the door every single day.” -Helen Lyon

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” -Vicki Harrison

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“The other side of grief isn’t no grief—it’s acceptance.”

“I still don’t know how to look at my life without an inescapable absence of you.” –Chloe Frayne

“Only grieving can heal grief; the passage of time will lessen the acuteness, but time alone, without the direct experience of grief, will not heal it.” -Anne Lamott

“When one person is missing the whole world seems empty.” ― Pat Schweibert

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“You see, love and grief are two sides of the same precious coin. One does not—and cannot—exist without the other. They are the yin and yang of our lives… Grief is predicated on our capacity to give and receive love. Some people choose not to love and so never grieve. If we allow ourselves the grace that comes with love, however, we must allow ourselves the grace that is required to mourn.” –Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph. D.

“And when great souls die, after a period, peace blooms, slowly and always irregularly. Spaces fill with a kind of soothing electric vibration. Our senses, restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. They existed. We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.” -Maya Angelou

“Grief is a most peculiar thing; we’re so helpless in the face of it. It’s like a window that will simply open of its own accord. The room grows cold, and we can do nothing but shiver. But it opens a little less each time, and a little less; and one day we wonder what has become of it.” -Arthur Golden

“Acknowledging your own grief—that it really is that bad and painful—doesn’t make it go away. But it makes you feel less ashamed about it.”

“Grief is the cry inside you that gets duller and louder without anyone noticing.”

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Grief is when you think the feeling can only be lifted by the person you lost.”

“Grief is when a part of yourself dies with them.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Grief makes a name into an emotion.” -RRR

“Depression, anxiety and anger may be different hues of grief.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“In grieving you, I grieve the part of myself who didn’t know loss.” -RRR

“Grief isn’t just the loss of what was, it’s the acceptance of what will never be.” -RRR

“With grief, you can be whole, but you will never be the same.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Grief is like a hurricane that wipes out a town. Immediately, everyone donates and you start to rebuild. Then they disappear and you’re rebuilding your house alone.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“The first words out of someone’s mouth are often, “were you close?” It’s as if, with a few quick questions, they can assess the appropriate level of grief.”

“You don’t get over grief—just the shame of how long it lasts.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“We try to guess the pain of others. And we judge our own pain against what we think is normal. But ultimately, what is normal when many hide their grief after the expiry date? Or don’t show it at all because it doesn’t fit the criteria?” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“The pain of grief is worth every moment knowing you.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“I didn’t survive grief. I died and rebirthed myself.” -RRR

“Love never dies. It’s called grief.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“I’ve learned to accept that there is no rubric to evaluate grief.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Honor those you lost by embodying their best traits.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Sometimes there’s no bright side. Sometimes you have to sit in the dark.” -RRR

“I could have you forever and it still wouldn’t be long enough.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“The tears of grief you cry join a pool of others swimming in memory.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Nobody told me rebuilding feels a whole lot like being broken.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“Home is where you are and I’m forever homesick.” -RRR

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

“People rush to get rid of grief because they see it as hanging onto loss. But grief is really hanging onto love—which is why you always feel it.” -RRR

Summary: Grief and Loss Quotes: Losing Loved on Quotes

Grief quotes, Losing loved one quotes

Reading grief and loss quotes may be a part of your journey. You may find it cathartic to have a cry session while reading highly relatable words. Alternatively, you may gain insight into a different perspective that brings new meaning to your grief. Ultimately, grief and loss quotes can make you feel less alone. While the world around you is carrying on, know that others are also working their way through grief.

143 Shadow Work Prompts To Ease Yourself Into Transformation

shadow work prompts, shadow work questions

Shadow work is the person we want to be challenging the person we are now.

Although shadow work can take place in many different forms, a great way to engage in this work is by using shadow work prompts.

With a pen and journal, you can uncover revelations about yourself that can lead to deep introspection.

Keep reading to learn what shadow work is and 143 prompts to lean into the unconscious.

What is Shadow Work for Beginners?

What does “shadow work” mean?

Shadow work can mean different things to different people. To put it simply, shadow work means working with yourself to uncover your unconscious thoughts, behaviors and experiences. This could mean reckoning with trauma or the parts of yourself you’d like to grow out of.

Examples of shadow work include:

  • Contemplating your emotional reactions
  • Working with a therapist through trauma
  • Journaling to analyze your thoughts or emotions
  • Meditating on your past to process your emotions

We call it “shadow work” because doing this work takes introspection and diving into the deeper layers of yourself. This isn’t surface-level stuff. It takes some real contemplation, honesty and vulnerability.

Shadow works relies on the concept of the “shadow self.” This phrase was developed by the late psychologist Carl Jung, a thought-leader of his time. In his definition, the shadow is the unconscious part of your personality that doesn’t match up to your ideal version of yourself. For example, maybe you’re typically a loving, caring and giving person. But your shadow shelf may reveal someone who gets defensive and angry when questioned.

Why Work on Shadow Work with Prompts?

The goal of shadow work is to bring the darker parts of you to light. In doing that, we can transform them to become happier, well-adjusted people.

For example, if we notice out troubled childhood is weighing us down, we can take steps to deal with those emotions and move past them.

As we know, ignoring a problem is a sure-fire way to make it stick around. Not dealing with your shadow self can lead to many problems, like:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Guilt
  • Negative self-image
  • Troubling relationships
  • Lack of boundaries
  • Poor behavior
  • Poor judgment making

Although there’s many ways to do this work, shadow work prompts provide an easy gateway. All you need in your mind, paper and a pen.

A Note on Shadow Work and Psychotherapy

Shadow work is a narrow term for something that can encompass a lot. Shadow work can mean dealing with trauma, such as experiences of childhood abuse, domestic violence, sexual violence and more. These are experiences that are best addressed by a healthcare professional, such as a counselor, therapist and psychotherapist. While shadow work can be a spiritual term, sometimes it requires science-backed advice. Please always seek out evidence-based resources for emotional trauma before taking a DIY approach.

Opening up emotional wounds can make you feel worse if you don’t have the appropriate skills to cope. This can deepen trauma and exacerbate any mental health symptoms you may be experiencing. Please always consider getting the help of a trusted professional before delving into shadow work. And please know that you never have to do it alone.

If you can’t afford therapy, you can ask local community centers for free or low-cost resources. Some therapists also work on a sliding scale, adjusting their rates to your income. You can also join peer support mental health groups on Facebook or other platforms.

What are Shadow Work Prompts?

Shadow work prompts are questions or statements to encourage deeper thought. Typically, people choose a statement and write an entry in their journal about it. While writing, focus on the thoughts, opinions and behaviors the prompt might elicit.

The most important part of shadow work prompts is to be honest with yourself. If you can’t look at yourself honesty, you can’t get to the deeper levels where shadow work takes place. Which also means that you can’t transform the parts of you that need overcoming. Some things that come up will make you uncomfortable. That’s a normal part of shadow work. As you evaluate the things about yourself that need healing, you might feel worse about yourself—which leads us to our second point…

Use Self-Compassion When Using Shadow Work Prompts

Another critical part of shadow work is self-compassion. Looking at yourself honesty can lead to feelings of guilt or even worthlessness and lower confidence. For example, you might recognize that you sometimes treat people with judgment or hostility. Although true, this can make you feel horrible about yourself. Please know this is not the point of shadow work! When you uncover uncomfortable truths, take a moment to practice self-compassion. Here’s a few quick tips on that:

143 Shadow Work Prompts

shadow work prompts, shadow work questions

You can work through these shadow work prompts one by one, choosing one a day. Or you may select those that are the most appealing to you. Another idea: Choose the shadow work prompts that are the most unappealing. They might lead to the most revelation and change.

  1. What do you hope to gain from shadow work prompts?
  2. What triggers you? What do you think caused those triggers?
  3. On a scale from 1 to 10, how happy are you? What would contribute to your happiness?
  4. What are you most critical of yourself for?
  5. What traits do you dislike in yourself?
  6. In which ways are you too hard on yourself?
  7. What’s the most harmful thing you’ve ever done?
  8. Do you enjoy where you’re living?
  9. Are your environments feeding your happiness or unhappiness?
  10. How do you feel about the people in your life?
  11. Describe your relationship with your family members.
  12. What are your biggest fears?
  13. Do you love yourself? Why or why not?
  14. Do you have any resentment toward anyone in your life?
  15. Who gave you the most love growing up?
  16. What traits in your parents do you see in yourself?
  17. What would have improved your childhood?
  18. What are your biggest memories from childhood?
  19. What are your biggest memories from your teenage years?
  20. What are your biggest memories from your 20s?
  21. What are you least confident about in yourself?
  22. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
  23. What traits do you dislike most in other people?
  24. What recent conversations do you think you could have handled better?
  25. What recent conflicts do you think you could have handled better?
  26. In which ways do you inflame conflicts?
  27. Do you usually escalate or deescalate conflicts?
  28. Are there any common themes in your conflicts?
  29. How do you think you can better connect with others?
  30. What harsh words do you wish you could take back?
  31. What actions do you wish you could take back?
  32. What are the biggest lessons you’ve learned to date?
  33. Which emotions do you avoid feeling?
  34. When you’re down, what actions or thoughts make you feel worse?
  35. Do you allow yourself to be vulnerable when it’s safe?
  36. What are people’s biggest criticisms about you?
  37. What are your boundaries?
  38. Do you enforce your boundaries?
  39. How can you better enforce your boundaries?
  40. Do other people tend to cross your boundaries? How?
  41. What is holding you back from enforcing boundaries?
  42. Does everyone in your life belong in it?
  43. Do you have a different personality in public vs. private? How?
  44. Are you confident standing up for yourself?
  45. Are there any traumatic situations that shaped you as a person?
  46. List a few of the worst pieces of advice you’ve received. Why are they the worst?
  47. What piece of advice did you accept only to figure out it’s bad advice?
  48. What piece of spiritual advice or knowledge do you disagree with?
  49. Which of your actions or behaviors contribute to toxic relationships?
  50. How do you receive constructive criticism?
  51. Who are you consciously or unconsciously in competition with?
  52. Is there anyone who makes you envious?
  53. Is there an event in your life that you feel you can’t get over?
  54. Is there a person in your life that you feel you can’t get over?
  55. Which habits contribute to your well-being?
  56. Which habits impede your well-being?
  57. Do you have any addictive tendencies?
  58. What’s the biggest lie you ever told?
  59. How can you better support the people in your life?
  60. How can the people in your life better support you?
  61. How do you handle compliments?
  62. Which compliments have meant the most to you and why?
  63. Which insults have hurt you the most and why?
  64. What’s the most hurtful thing someone has done to you?
  65. In what ways have you internalized misogyny?
  66. In what ways do you contribute to misogyny?
  67. In what ways do you contribute to racism?
  68. When have you stood down when you could have stood up for something or someone else?
  69. What has been the hardest thing you’ve had to unlearn?
  70. How do you think people perceive you?
  71. How do you want people to perceive you?
  72. Who or what sets off your inner “judge Judy”? Why?
  73. In which ways can you be less judgemental toward others?
  74. In which ways can you be less judgemental toward yourself?
  75. What are the biggest misconceptions about you?
  76. How do you self-soothe?
  77. Do you have trouble saying sorry? Why or why not?
  78. Who’s the last person you said sorry to? What about?
  79. Who’s the last person who apologized to you? What about?
  80. Do you feel anyone still owes you an apology? Describe.
  81. What did you last cry about?
  82. What are your core values?
  83. When are you out of alignment with your core values?
  84. Are you living out your life’s “purpose”? Why or why not?
  85. What do you dislike most about life?
  86. How do the people in your life influence you?
  87. In which ways might you be taken advantage of?
  88. In which ways might you take advantage of other people?
  89. What makes you feel unloved?
  90. Are you more passive or dominant? Is there anything you should change about that?
  91. Do you feel inferior or more important than others?
  92. What makes you feel ashamed about yourself?
  93. Is there anything you feel guilty about?
  94. What does success look like to you?
  95. How have you dealt with recent failures? Can you deal with them better?
  96. Are your coping mechanisms working? Should you try something new?
  97. In which areas of your life are you afraid to ask for help?
  98. What do you avoid telling people about your life? Why?
  99. Is there anyone you avoid seeing or speaking to? Why?
  100. Are there any ways you self-sabotage?
  101. Which talents do you wish you were better at?
  102. Who makes you feel at home?
  103. Who makes you feel safe?
  104. Who makes you feel unsafe?
  105. What are your most memorable nightmares? What do you think they mean?
  106. Which area of your life are you struggling in?
  107. Do you find it more difficult to be alone or with others? Why?
  108. Are you good at thinking before speaking?
  109. In which areas of life can you be more gentle with yourself?
  110. In which areas of life can you be more gentle with others?
  111. What should you spend more time doing?
  112. What should you spend less time doing?
  113. What actions would contribute to better health?
  114. What actions would contribute to better mental health?
  115. What’s your biggest regret? (If you don’t have regrets, what’s the biggest “mistake” you’d redo differently a second time around?)
  116. If you died today, what would you regret most?
  117. If you died today, what would you be most proud of?
  118. How do you want people to remember you after you’ve passed?
  119. If you passed today, what do you think people would say at your funeral?
  120. How can you be at peace with your regrets?
  121. Who has been the hardest to forgive?
  122. Is there anyone you feel you shouldn’t forgive?
  123. In what ways do you let yourself down?
  124. In what ways do you feel you let others down?
  125. Who lets you down and why?
  126. When do you feel most depressed?
  127. When do you feel most anxious?
  128. When do you feel happiest?
  129. What are you least proud of in yourself?
  130. Which parts of yourself do you hide from others?
  131. Which parts of yourself do you hide from yourself?
  132. Does anyone in your life dim your light?
  133. In which ways do you dim your own light?
  134. What does power mean to you?
  135. Describe your relationship with power.
  136. Has anyone in your life abused their power?
  137. When do you feel most powerful?
  138. Have you ever abused your power?
  139. Who makes you feel the most valued?
  140. Who makes you feel the least valued?
  141. What makes you feel most angry? Why?
  142. What injustices tick you off the most? Why?
  143. Is there anything you’re running away from or not facing?

Summary: Shadow Work Prompts

Shadow work prompts can help you discover hidden truths about yourself. This can deepen your knowledge about yourself and provide the introspection needed for positive change. Remember that shadow work can take many forms, not just journaling with shadow work prompts. Sometimes our journey requires professional help, such as that of a mental health professional. Therapists and counselors can help us work through our shadow side in an environment that’s safe. They can give us the tools needed to overcome challenges and deal with the difficult emotions shadow work can bring up.

shadow work prompts, shadow work questions

69 Cute Good Morning Texts for Him to Boost Love

cute good morning texts for him

Cute good morning texts for him can improve communication and have an uplifting effect on his day.

If you’re not sure what to write, view our list of suggestions below. You’ll also learn how to personalize your own good morning text.

Ready to make him smile? Read on.

Why Send a Cute Good Morning Text for Him?

Why should you consider sending a cute good morning text for him? A simple text can brighten anyone’s day. Here’s how:

  • Shows your love/care. Your partner may know you love or care for them. But how do you show it? Sending a cute good morning text for him gives you a tangible way to express how you feel.
  • Shows you’re thinking of him. Sending a good morning texts lets him know you’re thinking of him as soon as you wake up. It shows that you’re not just thinking about him when you’re bored and have nothing better to do. You’re thinking about him all the time—even when you’re busy.
  • Makes him feel special. A sentimental text can make someone feel special. Whether a perfectly chosen or wisely personalized message, the right words can convey deep feelings.
  • Strengthens your connection. Sending a cute good morning text helps strengthen the connection between you and your partner. It’s a small gesture with big impacts.
  • Sets a positive tone for the day. Starting the day with a cute and uplifting message can help set a positive tone for the rest of the day. With just a little effort, you can boost your partner’s morning mood, helping the rest of the day follow suit.
  • Leads to better communication. Starting the day with a sweet message can help open up the lines of communication. It encourage your partner to share their thoughts with you throughout the day. Especially since the interaction is positive, it can help build trust.
  • Makes it a Good Morning. A good morning texts makes a bad morning good and a good morning even better. Simply put, who wouldn’t love to receive a sweet good morning text? It makes us feel good!

69 Cute Good Morning Texts for Him

cute good morning texts for him

Looking for ideas to send a cute good morning text? See our list of suggestions below.

  1. Good morning, handsome! Hope your day is as amazing as you are
  2. Just a quick good morning text to remind you of how amazing you are.
  3. Just wanted to send a quick reminder about how handsome you are.
  4. Rise and shine. I can’t wait to see your beautiful smile today.
  5. Good morning! It’s an even better morning for me because I woke up thinking about you.
  6. Every morning is a good morning when I wake up with you as my boyfriend/partner
  7. Wake up, sleepyhead! I have a surprise for you later today 😉
  8. Good morning, my favorite person in the world!
  9. Thinking of you always puts a smile on my face.
  10. Good morning! I can’t wait to see you today!
  11. My morning has started off great knowing that I get to see you today!
  12. Good morning, my sunshine! You make every day feel like a beautiful day.
  13. I hope your morning is as lovely as you are.
  14. Today is almost as beautiful as you.
  15. Rise and shine, my lovebug! Let’s make today even more special than yesterday.
  16. Wake up, baby! I can’t wait to give you a big hug and kiss.
  17. Good morning, rockstar! You’re going to crush it today, just like you always do.
  18. Hey there, handsome! Make sure to get your coffee in this morning so you have a lot of energy tonight 😉
  19. Good morning, babe! Hope your day is filled with happiness and lots of coffee.
  20. Waking up next to you is the best feeling in the world.
  21. Good morning, my superhero! You’re the strongest, bravest (and most handsome) person I know.
  22. Is the best boyfriend in the world awake yet?
  23. Happy Wednesday, babe!
  24. I went to sleep and woke up smiling just thinking about you. Hope you have an awesome day!
  25. I hope your day is as beautiful as you are inside and out.
  26. Wake up, my prince charming!
  27. Good morning! The world is better every day that you’re in it.
  28. Good morning, my knight in shining armor! You always make me feel safe and protected.
  29. Hey there, my handsome man!
  30. You make my heart skip a beat every time I see you and make me smile every morning when I think of you.
  31. My sleep could’ve been longer. Just like my time with you 🙂
  32. Good morning, sweetie! I can’t wait to share another amazing day with you.
  33. I wake up the luckiest girl every morning that I’m with you.
  34. Rise and shine, my love! Sending you a text hug and kiss.
  35. I’m more grateful for you every day that passes.
  36. Wake up, my love! The world is waiting for you to grace it with its presence.
  37. Good morning, my best friend! You make every day an adventure.
  38. I wake up feeling like a princess every day I’m with you.
  39. Sending you a virtual cuddle for your day ahead.
  40. Good morning! I hope your day is filled with all the things that make you happy.
  41. You’re everything I ever wanted in a partner and I grow more grateful each morning.
  42. Good morning! You make me feel like the luckiest person in the world.
  43. Hey there, my sunshine! You brighten up my day just by existing.
  44. Waking up next to you is the best feeling in the world.
  45. Good morning, babe! I hope your day is as sweet as you are.
  46. Wake up, my sweet love! Today is a new day full of possibilities.
  47. Rise and shine! I can’t wait to spend the day with you later.
  48. Good morning! I miss your face!
  49. Wish I woke up to your deep voice saying good morning!
  50. Just a quick text to say I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.
  51. Good morning! You make every day worth waking up for.
  52. Hey there, my cuddly bear! You always make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  53. Rise and shine, my everything! I love you more than words can say. Morning, my amazing man! You inspire me to be the best version of myself every day.
  54. A quick message to say I love you and I’m thinking about you.
  55. Good morning! I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping, but you’re the rhythm of my life.
  56. Good morning! I can’t imagine my life without you.
  57. Wake up, sweetie! I have a feeling today is going to be a great day for you!
  58. Take it easy today, hard worker 😉
  59. Good morning, my love machine! You make my heart race every time I see you.
  60. Wish I could see how you look this morning. I know you look amazing.
  61. Good morning! How did you sleep, babe?
  62. Good morning, my strong man! I can’t wait to conquer the day with you by my side.
  63. Whether I wake up with you or not, every morning is a good morning with you in my life.
  64. Rise and shine, my favorite human! Let’s make today amazing together.
  65. Good morning! Counting the time until I see you!
  66. Wake up, my amazing boyfriend! Can’t wait to talk to you later today.
  67. Rise and shine, my handsome hunk! I woke up thinking about you.
  68. You make my day brighter just by being in it.
  69. I love waking up to you more than anything

Personalize Cute Good Morning Texts for Him

Personalizing a good morning text for him can make him feel special and give him a positive way to start the day. Below are some tips on how to personalize a cute good morning text for him:

  • Incorporate Consider referencing his interests in your cute good morning text. For example, if he loves coffee, you could say “Good morning, babe! I hope you start your day with a delicious cup of coffee.”
  • Reference a special moment or plan. If you’ve had a special moment together recently, like a romantic date or an inside joke, reference it in the text. For example, “Good morning, Thinking about our night under the stars last night puts a smile on my face. Have a great day!” You could also mention upcoming plans. For example, “I can’t wait to see you tonight for dinner!”
  • Use emojis. Use emojis to add a playful, fun touch. For cute good morning texts, emojis like suns and flowers are in theme. You could also add hearts to show your love.
  • Add a photo. A cute good morning text is always made more personal with a photo. Whether a selfie, pic of your dog or an inspiring quote, he’ll appreciate the thought you put into your text.
  • Make it meaningful. To make a good morning text extra special, add something meaningful. Tell him your favorite thing about him. Specific compliments are more genuine and help build confidence.
  • Write texts in your own tone. If you use one of the good morning texts for him in this article, consider rewriting it into your own tone. This personalizes the text and makes it more genuine. If you’re not a lovey-dovey person and you send a lovely-dovey text, it may be evident that you copy and pasted it.

Summary: Sweet Good Morning Texts for Him

Sending a sweet good morning text for him starts the day off on the right note and helps boost communication. Use our list of suggestions above to get ideas. You can also personalize a cute good morning next with our tips above.

cute good morning texts for him cute good morning texts for him

How to Use Crystals: 60+ Ways to Inspire Life with Stones

how to use crystals

How to use crystals goes beyond décor and keeping them in your pocket.

Although those are great ways of putting a crystal to work, there’s more creative ways you can bring your stones into your daily life.

In this guide, you’ll learn 60+ of how to use crystals for a variety of purposes.

Why Use Crystals

Crystals are stones that many people believe contain healing energies. Crystals can be used for a variety of practical reasons, like displaying them as décor or wearing them as jewelry. For healing purposes, people use stones for many reasons, like:

  • Attracting love
  • Easing anxiety
  • Self-Introspection
  • Good luck charm
  • Spiritual protection
  • Spiritual connection
  • Improving energy

Before we continue, it’s important to mention that there’s no evidence that crystals can improve physical or mental health. That’s why it’s important to seek evidence-based advice before turning to spiritual tools.

When crystals are effective, many experts believe it’s the placebo effect at work. That is, if you think something is going to work, it just might. In research, whenever a new drug is tested, it’s always tested against a placebo—which is a fake pill. Researchers know that some people will have their condition improved by a fake pill. Why? It’s the power of the mind. So, crystals may work because of their energy or because of the placebo effect. Regardless, many people swear by them.

How to Use Crystals: General Suggestions

how to use crystals

There’s many ways to use crystals. The first step in how to use crystals is knowing your intention. What are you hoping the crystal helps you with? Having a goal in mind can help you choose the best way to use your stone.

In this section, we’re covering several general ways you can use crystals. If you’re wondering how to use crystals for specific purposes, keep scrolling to find the relevant section.

As Décor

Use your crystals as décor to inject some positive energy into your day. You can simply place them all around your home or bedroom. However, it’s a good idea to relate the décor space to your intention. For example, if you want help with self-love, consider keeping crystals by your mirrors. If you’re looking for inspiration for healthy cooking, keep some crystals in the kitchen. This way, they can help serve as reminders to your intentions and goals.

Place In Your Pocket

Many people simply keep a crystal in their pocket. This is an easy way to bring to the energy of a crystal into your daily life.

Place In Your Purse or Wallet

Placing a crystal in your purse or wallet is another great choice to have your crystal by your side. This is a particularly good idea if your intention is finance or money-related. Keep a small green stone in your purse to represent prosperity and financial good luck.

Place In Your Bra

Sometimes you don’t have a pocket or purse to keep your crystal in. In those cases, stick a crystal inside your bra. This is a great idea to keep the stone’s energy close to your heart. If you’re working with the heart chakra for something love-related, give this suggestion a try.

Use for Meditation

Crystals are also frequently used in meditation. Here are a few ways on how to use crystals for meditation:

  • Close your eyes and choose a random crystal from your collection. With your eyes closed and the crystal in your hands, try to sense the energy of the crystal. What properties do you guess it has? Spend a few minutes on this and jot down any notes. When you’re finished, refresh your memory on the crystal’s traditional meaning and reflect.
  • Take a few quiet minutes to gaze into a crystal of your choice. Notice its shape and how it feels in your hands. Notice all of its colors and patterns within the crystal. Take in everything you can experience.
  • Lay on the ground and place a crystal on the area corresponding to the chakra and crystal you’re working with. For example, place a piece of rose quartz on your heart area. Breathe deeply for a few minutes and envision the crystal’s energy sinking inside you.

Wear Crystal Jewelry

If there’s a particular crystal you’re interested in working with, purchase a piece of jewelry using that stone. Necklaces, earrings and rings can all be worn daily and transmit the crystal’s energy.

You can also make your own crystal jewelry by wire wrapping a crystal and attaching it to a chain. Learn how to wirewrap crystals: The Easiest Method.

Make a Crystal Grid

If you’re working on a specific intention or goal, make a crystal grid! Making a crystal grid is easy. You can simply use your intention to arrange the crystals in a pattern that seems appropriate to you. You can also follow crystal grid templates. Need some more info to get started? Check out our guides:

Use in a Bath

You can place crystals inside bath water to infuse the energy into your body as you soak. Keep in mind that this is only appropriate for some stones. Some stones can be destroyed by water immersion, so always research your specific crystal.

If you take this suggestion on how to use crystals, make the bath even more magical by adding in herbs, dried flowers, essential oils and candles by your side.

Use When Journaling

You can also use crystals as a journaling aid. Whether journaling for creativity or as a therapy, keeping a crystal by your side can provide empowering energy. The right stone can stoke your creative juices and aid in focus.

Make Crystals Into Bookmarks

Making crystals into bookmarks is a fun craft that brings energy into whatever you’re reading. Need instructions? Read these 2 DIY guides:

Once you’ve made your crystal bookmark, you can use it to assist:

  • Comprehending or remembering information in a textbook
  • Connecting with a spiritual book or text
  • Insightfulness when reading self-help books
  • Inspiration while reading fiction
  • Aid in focus if you have trouble reading

As a Reminder

Aside from the placebo effect, there’s another way stones may help: They serve as a reminder for your intention. For example, let’s say you struggle with anxiety and you’ve found that deep breathing is an effective coping mechanism. Having a crystal on your desk can remind you to stop and breathe whenever things are getting too overwhelming. Simply catching it in the corner of your eye can serve as the reminder you need to slow down.

This is why we recommend setting an intention when working with a stone. When you see it, you’ll be reminded of your goals, and your mind will seek out ways to achieve them.

How to Use Healing Crystals for Anxiety & Stress

how to use crystals for stress
how to use crystals for stress

If you think you have clinical anxiety, you should always seek evidence-based advice before turning to crystals. Talk to your doctor and seek out a mental health professional, such as a counselor or psychotherapist. If you cannot afford therapy, talk to your local health community center about free or low-cost services. Although stones are a spiritual tool, there’s no research to back their effect on anxiety. To effectively deal with anxiety, a mental health professional can teach you coping mechanisms and pinpoint solutions.

With that huge caveat in mind, if you want to use crystals to support your journey, here’s a few suggestions on how to use crystals for anxiety and stress:

Journal about what’s on your mind with a crystal beside you

  • Use a crystal for meditation
  • Take a crystal to therapy with you to facilitate healing
  • Carry a crystal in your pocket as a reminder of calm
  • Hold a crystal in your hand during times of intense stress or anxiety
  • Place crystals in areas where you’re usually anxious (ex. your work desk)
  • Try a relaxing yoga routine with a crystal by your side

How to Use Healing Crystals for Depression

If you think you have depression, you should always seek evidence-based advice before turning to crystals. Talk to your doctor and seek out a mental health professional, such as a counselor or psychotherapist. If you cannot afford therapy, talk to your local health community center about free or low-cost services. Although stones are a spiritual tool, there’s no research to back their effect on depression. To effectively deal with depression, a mental health professional can teach you coping mechanisms and pinpoint solutions.

With that huge caveat in mind, if you want to use crystals to support your journey, here’s a few suggestions on how to use crystals for depression:

  • Take a walk in nature with a crystal in your hand. See it as a connector between you and the nature around you.
  • Take a black crystal and burry it in the earth. As you scoop soil over it, envision your depression lifting. Repeat this as necessary.
  • Take a crystal to therapy with you and hold it in your hand when tough emotions come up
  • During times of intense emotion, hold a crystal in your hand and stare it. In this meditative moment, try to keep all your thoughts related to the crystal in your hand.

How to Use Crystals for Grief

how to use crystals for griefåç

If you’re dealing with intense grief, you should consider seeking professional help. A counselor or a psychotherapist can help you work through difficult emotions and cope with loss. You should always seek evidence-based advice before turning to crystals.

With that being said, some people use crystals as a spiritual tool to help them through grief. Here’s a few suggestions on how to use crystals for grief:

  1. If a loved one passed, create a small memorial including a few items, photos and a few crystals
  2. If you want to dream about your loved one passed on, place a crystal for dreamwork underneath your pillow before sleeping
  3. During an intense moment of grief, hold a crystal in your hands and focus on its shape and energy.
  4. Hold a crystal for love while doing a meditation for grief
  5. Bring a crystal to a therapy session to help ease the grief
  6. Place a few crystals in areas that remind you of your loved one

How to Use Crystals for Love

how to use crystals for love

Some people use crystals to help them attract love into their life. Whether self-love, friendship love or romantic love, stones can help inspire your journey.

Here are a few ideas on how to use crystals for love.

  • Make a manifestation box to attract love. Include your favorite love crystals, dried flowers, statues and symbols of love
  • Do a meditation for love with rose quartz nearby
  • Hold a stone for love in your hand while envisioning your perfect partner. Instead of focusing on how they look, focus on the feelings they give you and try to create that emotion in your body as you hold the stone.
  • Create a crystal grid to attract love
  • Create an altar for love featuring your favorite pink and green crystals
  • Keep stones on both bedside tables to symbolize your future partner
  • Keep a crystal for love and crystal for protection in your pocket or bra while on first dates

How to Use Healing Crystals to Enhance Spirituality

how to use crystals for spirituality

You can also use healing crystals to help inspire your spiritual journey. Whether connecting with your inner self, your spirit guides, or God, below are a few ideas.

  • Do a meditation to find your spirit guide while holding a crystal for spiritual connection
  • Make a crystal grid with the intention of getting closer to your spiritual self
  • Make an alter to symbolize welcoming in spiritual knowledge
  • Keep a crystal in your purse, bra or pocket as a reminder that spirit is always with you
  • Make a DIY crystal bookmark and use it when reading spiritual books or texts
  • Ask your collection of crystals which crystal you need today and trust spirit to guide you to the right one
  • Keep a crystal nearby when working with divination tools, like tarot

How to Use Healing Crystals for Protection

how to use crystals for protection

Some people believe stones can help provide spiritual protection. Here’s how to use crystals for protection:

  • Keep a stone nearby when working with divination tools
  • Keep a crystal for protection under your pillow for spiritual protection during dreamwork
  • Keep a stone in your bra, purse or pocket and ask it to provide you with protection
  • Make a crystal grid for protection
  • Burry crystals for protection near all four corners of your home
  • Keep crystals for protection by your front door to help usher out negative energy

How to Use Healing Crystals for Good Luck

how to use crystals for luck

Instead of good luck charms, many people use crystals. Whether your favorite stone or one representing luck, why not give it a try? Here’s how to use crystals for good luck.

  • Keep a good luck crystal in your pocket, purse or bra
  • Keep a good luck crystal in an area symbolizing the type of luck you want (for example, for luck in your work life, place a good luck stone on your desk)
  • Make a crystal grid dedicated to the thing you want good luck with
  • Create an alter to help facilitate good luck
  • Meditate while holding a good luck crystal in your hand. During your meditation, envision that you already have the good luck you seek

How to Use Crystals for Energy

how to use crystals for energy
how to use crystals for energy

You can also use crystals to expand and improve your energy. Below are a few ideas on how to use crystals for energy.

  • Keep crystals in places where you lack energy (ex. your workout space)
  • Carry a crystal with you to inject energy into your day
  • Do a short meditation holding a crystal whenever you feel your energy has been zapped
  • Place a crystal underneath your pillow to help with energizing sleep
  • Keep a crystal by your coffeemaker for a double dose of morning energy

How to Use Crystals for Creativity

Have a creative block? Try some crystals! Here’s a list of ways on how to use crystals for creativity.

  • Keep crystals for creativity in places where you often lack creativity (ex. your art studio)
  • Carry a crystal on you to facilitate creative energy
  • Do a meditation while holding a crystal for creativity
  • Make a crystal grid dedicated to creativity
  • Place a crystal by your side during creative pursuits (ex. writing, painting, dancing, etc.)
  • Choose a crystal and ask it to guide you toward creative inspiration

Summary: How to Use Crystals

Crystals are not a replacement for evidence-based or expert-backed advice. You should always seek advice from a professional before turning to spiritual tools like crystals. With that being said, if you want to try using crystals, there’s many ways. Beginners wondering how to use crystals can simply use them as décor, wear them or keep them in their pockets. More creative ways of using crystals include meditation, crystal grids, journaling, altars and DIY crafts.

If you’re wondering the best way for how to use your crystals effectively, think about your intention. Scroll out lists above to find suggestions for using stones for stress, creativity, energy, spiritual work and more.

how to use crystals

18 Crystals for Grief to Ease Sorrow, Loss & Overwhelm

crystals for grief, healing crystals

Grief is an emotion that actually encompasses a variety of emotions. Whether you’ve lost a person, relationship, job or a part of yourself—the roller coaster of feelings can seem endless.

During this time of intense change and stress, some people turn to crystals for grief. These stones are said to help carry the burden of loss and alleviate emotional pain.

Keep reading to discover 18 crystals for grief and how to use them.

Different Types of Grief

When we think about grief, we most often think about someone we love dying. But grief is an emotion involved in many life events, not just death. This is important to realize because it means you can use your crystals for grief for a variety of other stressors.

Think about it this way: Grief is the response to loss. That loss can be anything, anyone or a way of thinking.

You may experience grief over:

  • The most traditional form of grief is that after a loved one passes.
  • A sick loved one. Even though your loved one is still alive, you know the end is nearing and there’s no changing it.
  • A breakup. Even though your ex-partner isn’t dead, they’re dead to you and that grief can be powerful. (Also read 7 Crystals to Help with Heartbreak, Breakups and Divorce)
  • Someone who’s still alive. You can also experience grief for someone who’s still alive and will continue to be in your life. You might realize that there’s a certain aspect or thing you want from someone that you’ll never receive. That process can induce grief. For example, let’s say you always wanted your brother to be protective and kind instead of rude and abrasive. You realize that after decades, you can’t change who he is. You might experience grief over the version of your brother you wanted.
  • An illusion of someone. Sometimes we think someone is different than who they really are. When the illusion drops, we don’t grieve the actual person, but the illusion they created (or that we created for them). For example, you may be dating someone who you think is kind and charming. But the veil drops and you realize they’re emotionally abusive. In this case, you’d be grieving the illusion they portrayed. When you leave that person, the grief can be more confusing because there’s an aspect of dishonesty.
  • Loss of a job. People also feel grief when they lose a job. This is because it affects your life and how you identify yourself. Shaking this foundation can lead to intense emotions which are a part of grief.
  • Something that never was. Many people feel immense pain after the end of a situationship. It can feel silly to feel so badly over someone who wasn’t even your partner. But that still counts as grief because you’re losing something that was important to you.
  • Something you’d hoped for. Grief can also be felt when you lose something you had hoped for. For example, let’s say you dreamed of being somewhere different in your life and you’re not. Grief is felt when you accept the reality of being where you are instead of where you wanted to be.
  • Something you never received. You can have grief over the parts of your life that you should have received more but didn’t. During the process of grief, you accept that you didn’t get what you needed and that you can’t change it. This form of grief is common when adults assess their troubled childhood. For example, you may have grief over the fact you didn’t have a loving family and you can’t change that.
  • Over a part of yourself. Strangely enough, you can also grieve the loss of a part of yourself. Let’s say something traumatic happened to you and it changed you as a person. Instead of being happy-go-lucky, you’re more careful and cautious. In this case, you might grieve the part of yourself that was openly trusting and unaware of the world’s dangers.

Identifying what you’re experiencing grief can help you select the right crystals for grief. For example, if your grief involves a love relationship, you can also look at 12 Powerful Crystals For Love And Healing Romantic Grief. If you’re grieving a part of yourself lost after trauma, along with therapy and grief crystals, you can also consider 10 Crystals for Trauma: Crystals for Anxiety and PTSD.

Stages of Grief

When we think about the process of grief, it can be best described by the stages as outlined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book On Death and Dying (a great read for anyone going through grief). When we understand which stage we’re currently in, we can choose crystals that help us through that specific struggle.

The Kübler-Ross model of grief consists of 5 stages. These 5 stages don’t always happen in progression. Instead, you may float back and forth between stages throughout your grief journey. Below are the 5 stages:

  1. Denial- Thoughts might include, “this isn’t happening” or “nothing has changed, I feel fine.” You might feel that things are unreal because you’re not yet able to process the reality of the loss.
  2. Anger- Thoughts may include, “How could this happen?” or “It’s unfair this happened.” You might also feel the need to blame someone or something, even the person you lost.
  3. Bargaining- Thoughts may include, “If I do x, can you postpone z?” or “I will give up everything to change the outcome.” Usually you’re not bargaining with anyone but rather the idea that life can throw you a bone and avoid the loss or take it back. You might feel that giving up something will lead to you avoiding the pain of grief.
  4. Depression- Thoughts may include “I’m so depressed, what’s the point anymore?” or “Why continue when I lost this person/thing I loved so much.” Although a painful stage, it’s necessary to go through. Feeling depression signals that we’re starting to accept the finality of the loss. To fully process the event, we must understand the loss and the gravity of it usually brings depression. It’s important to sit with it for a bit instead of ushering it out with “toxic positivity.” However, if you feel unable to emerge from the stage of depression, it’s important to talk to your doctor about local mental health resources. Unfortunately, grief depression can turn into a clinical depression.
  5. Acceptance- After the period of depression, there’s usually an acceptance of the loss. Although it still hurts, you see the possibility of life after. Thoughts may include, “this hurts, but I’m going to be ok” or “I know a loss is coming and I can’t change it.”

Read through the stages again and try to identify which you’re currently in. Although that may change tomorrow, knowing how you feel can help you choose a crystal.

Do Crystals for Grief Work to Ease Pain?

When you’re in the trenches of despair, will crystals for grief help you?

The answer is maybe. Many people believe the energy from crystals can lend a helping hand, helping to ease the burden. Other people say that crystals work because of the placebo effect—that is, if you think something will work, it will.

The most important thing to realize is that crystals are a spiritual tool and do not replace evidence-based or expert-backed advice. If you’re experiencing grief, it’s probably more helpful to speak to a mental health professional. These experts can help you find coping tools to work through and ease your grief.

If you can’t afford the help of a mental health professional, you can ask your local health community center for free or low-cost resources. There are also evidence-based coping mechanisms that you can learn at home for free. Here are a few resources to get started:

With that being said, alongside the advice, you can also try crystals if you feel inspired.

18 Crystals for Grief

crystals for grief, healing crystals

When you’re thinking about choosing crystals for grief, you may choose one to keep alongside you and provide comfort throughout. Another idea is to make your own “crystals for grief pack.” This pack could consist of several crystals, each serving a different purpose as you travel through the various stages of grief.

Rose Quartz

Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Denial, Depression, Acceptance

Rose quartz is a popular option for crystals for grief. Its gentle energy can help usher in the love you need to carry through. It can bring hope into situations and help you garner a sense of self-compassion. That is, having understanding for yourself as you go through this difficult time in life.

Rose quartz can also be helpful in dealing with love lost. This could be a romantic breakup or the loss of a family member you loved deeply. It can help bridge the gaps by reminding you love is inside yourself.


Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Denial, Anger, Bargaining

Amethyst is best known as an anti-anxiety stone. If your grief is accompanied by feelings of stress or anxiety, amethyst is one of the top crystals for grief to consider. For example, if you’re stressed about making after-death arrangements or your life changing after a breakup, amethyst can help calm your heart and mind.

It’s also a good choice if you’re having trouble sleeping or experiencing nightmares.


Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Acceptance

Lepidolite is another great crystal for grief if you need anti-anxiety effects. Lepidolite is rich in lithium, which is an anti-anxiety medication. Although Lepidolite is not a medication, some people believe the effects of lithium transfer to them while they’re holding the stone. It’s thought to elicit feelings of calmness, even in intense moments of grief.

Lepidolite is also said to help optimism. In the later stages of your grief journey, you may start to find meaning in the loss. Although this doesn’t make grief feel better, it provides room within the feeling to transform the event. Lepidolite helps you to find those transformations. For example, even though the grief is tremendous, maybe you feel you’ve gained inner strength and compassion for others throughout it.

Apache Tears

Crystal for grief stage recommendation: All stages

Even as the name suggests, Apache Tears can help you ease your sorrows. According to Melody in Love Is In The Earth, Apache tears is considered one of the tears of Indigenous women who mourned over warriors. It’s used for comfort after death, allowing you to feel your emotions and process them properly.

Apache Tears is also said to encourage forgiveness and release grudges, both of which can be helpful if the loss involves anger, dishonesty or betrayal.

Clear Quartz

Crystal for grief stage recommendation: All stages

Clear Quartz is a great all-around crystal that can amplify whatever your intention is. If your intention is to go through the grief process, clear quartz can meet you where you’re at. Ask it to help you through whichever stage of grief you’re struggling with.

You can also place clear quartz around your other crystals for grief to help intensify those healing energies.


Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Denial, Anger, Depression, Acceptance

Moonstone is another gentle stone. It has an energy similar to a loving mother who wants the best for you and will help you through anything. It can help during times of depression and anger, guiding you to safely feel your emotions instead of avoiding them or numbing them with substances.

Although a great choice for crystals for grief, it’s also a powerful crystal for change. Life during grief can bring a lot of new beginnings, which can be overwhelming. Moonstone helps ease us through those shifts.

Black Onyx

Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Denial, Anger, Bargaining Depression,

Black Onyx is typically thought of as a protection stone, but its grounding qualities can be extremely helpful during grief. When you’re going through the change of loss, it may be easy to disassociate and have feelings of denial. Onyx helps ground us in reality, which is the first step to working through the grief process.

As a great crystal for grief, it also is particularly helpful through depression, helping you to ease emotional stress.

Pink Botswana Agate

Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

Pink Botswana Agate is a good option for crystals for grief because its loving energy can help ease emotional burdens. If the loss has triggered a decline in your self-confidence, Pink Botswana Agate may also help mend that gap by teaching you self-compassion. In addition, it can also be a comforting stone, similar to the energy of a best friend; something you could benefit from during grief.

This stone is also said to help those who feel lonely, scared and lost. Since these are often feelings that pop up throughout the grief stages, Pink Botswana agate can be a great companion.


Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression

Larvikite has an iridescent quality similar to labradorite. Its sheen can be seen as symbolic of grief. It’s all very dark but when a certain spot catches the sun, its beautiful glimmer is revealed. Similarly, grief is gloomy but can teach us lessons that transform us into beautiful people.

According to Judy Hall in the Crystal Bible, larvikite is known as Norwegian moonstone. As we talked about above, moonstone is one of the most powerful stones for grief. Likewise, larvikite is the darker version, providing the same benefits, working particularly well with darker emotions.

Some people call this the stone of inner transformation. This can be useful when the loss you’re experiencing is bringing about a myriad of changes. It can give you the strength to power through incoming storms.


Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Denial, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

Although a more rare stone, manganite can be one of the most effective crystals for grief. According to Melody in Love Is In The Earth, manganite can help you release grief in relationships that are controlling. It can help you to find self-respect and break attachments that are unhealthy. This black stone can be most helpful in toxic relationships where a sense of grief looms knowing an expiry date is nearby.


Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Depression, Acceptance

Peridot can be a helpful stone to keep in your crystals for grief kit. It can help you understand the changes you’re experiencing and come to terms with them.

In Love Is In The Earth, Melody says Peridot helps regulate life cycles, which can be helpful when you’re dealing with the death of a loved one. It can help you accept that all life eventually dies and its energy transforms into something greater.

Smoky Quartz

Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression,

Smoky Quartz is another one of the crystals for grief that can be symbolic of your experience. Just like the crystal, your life since loss may seem to be discolored with a dark hue over it. Fortunately, Smokey quartz can provide grounding qualities that help you to accept reality without it knocking you over.

This stone is best known for its effects on depression, fear and negativity. It can help you come to terms with your negative emotions without using “toxic positivity” to ignore them. This can help you fully process your grief, allowing you to see the other side sooner.


Crystal for grief stage recommendation: All stages

Selenite is a crystal that cleanses the other crystals around it. This can be a great stone to have around during periods of grief, when other crystals might get “tired out” quickly.

Try keeping your crystals for grief on a piece of selenite to constantly cleanse them. You can also simply place your crystals around a piece of selenite after a long day. This can be particularly useful during the beginning stages of grief when our emotions are overwhelming and the clarity of a crystal can be most helpful.

Black Tourmaline

Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression

Black tourmaline is a great crystal for any intense emotion, including grief. As one of the most powerful crystals for grief, it’s most helpful during the dark nights of the soul. It can help you deal with the negative energies associated with denial, anger, bargaining and depression. As a protective crystal, black tourmaline can also be helpful to carry during funerals. It can help protect you from other’s negative energies so that you only feel your own grief.

Dalmatian Jasper

Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

Dalmatian jasper is known to be a grounding stone that can help you come to terms with the reality of loss. As symbolized through its black and white pattern, it can help you realize that life isn’t all good or all bad. While you’re going through an “all bad” period right now, the good will return again eventually.


Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Acceptance

Citrine is not often thought of as a crystal for grief. That’s because it’s most commonly associated with positive emotions like happiness, joy and self-confidence. But depending on where you are in your journey, citrine might be a powerful stone for grief.

If you’ve gone through your most dark nights of the soul during your grief journey and you’re emerging the other side, try citrine. This stone can amplify the positive energies you already have created yourself. It can help you regain your sense of joy in the world. It can bring to light all that was dimmed after the loss. Perhaps most beneficially, it can help you have hope about your future.


Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Depression, Acceptance

Rhodonite is another pink crystal that can warm your heart chakra and help ease you through loss. As with other pink crystals for grief, it can help usher in feelings of self-compassion and understanding. It can help you accept the loss while also accepting your struggle throughout it. It sits beside you during tough moments and whispers, “it’s normal to feel this deeply and you won’t always feel this way.”


Crystal for grief stage recommendation: Denial, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

Out of the crystals for grief, malachite is lesser known. In Love Is In The Earth, Melody calls Malachite the “stone of transformation.” This can be helpful if the loss is creating endless changes in your life. While difficult to deal with, malachite can help guide you through them.

As a green stone, it’s also connected to the heart chakra, making it a good choice for any type of grief. It’s also known to help you work through difficult emotions like depression, anxiety and other types of emotional pain.

crystals for grief, healing crystals

How to Use Crystals for Grief

You can use crystals for grief in a variety of ways. Below are a few suggestions.

  • You can simply display crystals around your home. Keep them where you feel your grief most intensely, such as the bedroom or a spot that reminds you of the other person.
  • Keep on you. Keep your favorite crystal for grief on you throughout the day. You can do this by placing it in your pocket, purse or even in your bra.
  • Journal about your grief while keeping one of your favorite crystals for grief by your side.
  • Hold a crystal for grief in your hand while doing a mediation. You can simply breathe deeply or follow a meditation for grief.
  • Make a grief bookmark. Make a bookmark using one of your best crystals for grief. Then use the bookmark to read books to help you through grief.
  • Make a crystal grid. Make a crystal grid dedicated to healing through your grief process. Get Free Crystal Grid Templates here.
  • Make an altar. Dedicate an altar to working through grief. Use your crystals for grief, dried flowers and herbs, candles and symbols or items that remind you of the person or situation you lost.
  • Bring to therapy. Grief is often eased through therapy. Try bringing a crystal to your next session to facilitate healing.

Summary: Crystals for Grief

If you’re going through grief of any type, it’s important to seek evidence-based coping mechanisms before using spiritual tools. Crystals for grief, whether their energy or a placebo effect, can be helpful for some people dealing with grief. Choose a crystal above and try it to see how it works for you.


7 Tarot Spreads for Clarity: Reveal the Right Path for You

Looking for clarity?

It’s a main reason people turn to tarot cards—to learn more about a situation. Whether it be your personal life, relationships or spirituality, clarity is always a good thing.

To decrease the fog and see the important factors, try one of the tarot spreads for clarity below.

Mirror Tarot Spread for Clarity

This tarot spread for clarity helps you take an honest look at yourself and your life. How do you feel about your life? What should you be proud of? What can you do better? And, of course, how can you move closer to your goals? Gain insight into all those questions and more with the mirror spread below.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. Represents your current self. The first card in this tarot spread for clarity represents who you are presently.
  2. Represents how you feel about yourself presently. How do you feel about yourself and who you are? Are you confident and self-compassionate or are you insecure?
  3. Represents an aspect of yourself you should be proud of. This card points to something about yourself that you should be proud of. It could be an aspect of your personality, how you handled a situation or a big accomplishment.
  4. Represents an aspect of yourself you might consider shedding. The fourth card in this tarot spread for clarity points to something about yourself that may be working against you. What parts of yourself should you reevaluate
  5. Represents how your life is going presently. How is life going for you presently? Are you happy with the current state of your life or not?
  6. Where should I spend my energy right now? There’s many things you could be spending time on. But what needs it the most?
  7. A tip on moving closer to a goal. What can you do to move closer to a goal or desire?
  8. Message from my higher self. This card is your higher self speaking to you.
  9. A tip to move closer to myself. How can you become more of the person you’re meant to be?

Intuitive Tarot Spread for Clarity

Sometimes our intuition can feel foggy and harder to access. When this happens, a tarot spread for clarity can help the fog dissipate. In this layout, choose a situation you need help accessing your intuition with. The cards will show you a perspective to consider along with a tip for handling it and using your intuition to guide you.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. Describes the situation. This card identifies the situation you’re seeking clarity about.
  2. Describes your feeling toward the situation. How do you feel about the situation? The second card in this tarot spread for clarity represents your personal reaction to it.
  3. Describes a perspective you should consider. What perspectives can you consider taking? This may help illuminate a path forward or other factors to take into account.
  4. Describes how you can best handle the situation. What’s the best way you can deal with this situation? This card helps you gain clarity on what you can—and should—control in the situation at hand.
  5. Describes how the situation can benefit from your intuition. The last card in this tarot spread for clarity relates to your intuition’s involvement. How can your inner guidance help you?

My Goal Clarity Tarot Spread

Goals are big and overwhelming. Getting clarity can help you know how to move forward in the most efficient way possible. It can also help you minimize the fog and take steps that actually matter.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. My goal. The first card in this tarot spread for clarity represents your goal.
  2. Something standing in my way. What’s preventing you from achieving your goal? The second card in this goal clarity tarot spread will help you determine the challenges you’re facing.
  3. How can you overcome this challenge? The next card will help you come up with solutions for getting past the challenges to achieving your goal.
  4. What will lead me toward my goal? What’s something you can do to move closer to your ultimate goal? This card will help you outline the path forward.
  5. Recommendations for support. Every goal needs a little bit of support. What type of support do you need and where should you get it? Support can look like advice from friends, financial support, community resources and more.

Serenity Prayer Tarot Spread for Clarity

The old serenity prayer has some wise advice:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

This clarity tarot spread will help you decipher between what you can and can’t control in a situation. To delve deeper, it will also give you tips on controlling the factors you can and how to accept the factors you can’t.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. The situation. This card helps describe the situation you’re seeking information about
  2. What I can control. The second card in this tarot spread shows you the factors that are within your control. These may be internal factors. That is, factors inside yourself. It could also point to external factors that you can shift.
  3. How to control what I can. For the things you can control, how can you take the reins? This card helps you focus on action.
  4. What I can’t control. You can’t control everything. This card lets you know the factors in the situation that you can’t control and should accept instead.
  5. How I can accept what I can’t control? Accepting what you can’t control is difficult. How can you work on acceptance in this situation? The last card in this clarity tarot spread will help you let go of things outside your control.

Take the L Tarot Spread for Clarity

Life is a series of wins and losses and in this tarot spread for clarity, we’re focusing on a recent loss. That loss could be anything: a job loss, breakup, friendship ending, etc. This layout will help you identify ways to cope with the difficult loss and how you can move forward when you’re ready.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. Recent loss. The first card describes the recent loss you experienced.
  2. Your feelings toward the loss. This represents how you feel about the loss. It may describe how you’re coping so far and whether or not it’s working.
  3. How to cope with the loss. This practical message helps you come up with ideas to cope with the loss. Before you “move on” from anything, you need to process it first. That involves feeling and coping with your feelings instead of ignoring them and pushing them down.
  4. What you can learn from the loss. This card points to what you may learn from the loss. Although you might not understand the lesson now while you’re in the midst of grief, these are points you may gain clarity on in the future.
  5. A step to move forward after loss. The last card in this tarot spread for clarity after loss helps you determine how to move forward. While this card gives helpful advice, remember that everyone moves on in their own time. The message simply points to how you can move forward, it doesn’t point to when or give you a timeline (because grief doesn’t have a timeline).

Spiritual Direction Tarot Spread for Clarity

Whether we’ve just begun our spiritual journey or we’ve been walking it for decades, it’s easy to get lost. In the midst of day-to-day life, we can lose direction. Luckily, this tarot spread for clarity can help you get back on track. It first starts by identifying what’s working well for you spiritually and what’s not. Then it suggests a new aspect of spirituality to educate yourself on and a new practice to try. Finally, the spread ends with a message from your higher self.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. What’s working well for you spiritually? The first card in this tarot spread for clarity describes what’s going well in your spiritual life. What beliefs, reading or practices are benefitting you?
  2. What’s not working well for you spiritually? Not everything works well for everyone. What aspects of your spirituality may be holding you back? What should you consider letting go of?
  3. A new aspect of spirituality to learn about. This card may point to a new spiritual topic to research and read about. It also could be an entirely new spiritual direction.
  4. A new spiritual practice to try. Getting practical, this message is about a new practice that you can try and perhaps incorporate into your routine. This may be a strictly spiritual practice or it may be an everyday practice that you can inject spirituality into.
  5. A message from your higher self. To finish off, the last card in this tarot spread for clarity will give you a message from your higher self.

Clear Relationships Tarot Spread for Clarity

With all the emotions involved in relationships, it can be hard to see a situation honestly sometimes. This tarot spread for clarity in relationships will help you take perspective. You’ll gain insights into how you feel, how the other person feels and if those two perspectives are the same.

Tarot spread for clarity, tarot spreads for guidance

  1. Represents the relationship. The first card in this tarot spread for relationship clarity describes the relationship state. Is it healthy, a roller coaster ride, or somewhere in between?
  2. Represents your perspective. This card describes your perspective of the relationship. What are your major views toward it?
  3. Represents your partner’s perspective. What’s your partner’s perspective? How do they generally feel about the relationship?
  4. Are perspectives in alignment? Are you and your partner’s perspectives in alignment? In which ways are they alike or different?
  5. Something you can do to better the relationship. What can you do to improve the relationship? This may point to different patterns of thinking to consider. It could also point to something practical—like having more date nights.
  6. Something for you personally to consider. This last card is about you in the partnership—what’s something you should consider for yourself? In healthy relationships, this card may point to better understanding your partner, understanding external factors or holding your ground and values. In toxic relationships, this card may have you reconsider whether the partnership is right for you. Although the card above hints at how to improve the relationship, should you? Or is it better to walk away?

Summary: Tarot Spreads for Clarity

When things seem foggy and you can’t see clearly, it’s a good time to turn to the tarot. It can help you gain insights into situations where you may only consider one perspective. Tarot can also pull out your own inner knowledge. Whether you’re seeking clarity about yourself, your goals, your spiritual life or relationships, choose a tarot spread for clarity above.

11 Powerful Crystals for Energy: Boost Energy, Focus, Vibration

Everyone could use more energy these days.

From feeling more awake, less fatigue and more focused, crystals might be able to help.

In this guide, we’re covering 11 best crystals for energy.

Reminder: Crystals are spiritual tools that should fall second to science-backed advice and solutions. When dealing with a problem, please always see the relevant professional services (ie. doctor, therapist, lawyer) before turning to crystals.

Do Crystals for Energy Work?

Using crystals for energy is a spiritual practice. Although you can use stones to see if they help elevate your energy or focus, concerns should be directed to professionals first.

For example, if you’re experiencing low energy and chronic fatigue, you should talk to your doctor. Spiritual tools should never be your first or only treatment. Always seek science-backed advice before turning to crystals.

How to Use Crystals for Energy

Once you’ve selected the best crystals for energy, how should you use them? Try a few of the ideas below:

  • Hold crystal during energy meditation. Do a meditation with the intention of increasing energy or focusing energy. Hold an energy crystal in your palm or place on your body while doing the meditation.
  • Place under pillow. Have trouble waking up? Place a crystal for energy under your pillow to help you wake up feeling renewed.
  • Hold while drinking your coffee. Here’s another idea to increase your morning energy: Hold the energy crystal in your hand while drinking your morning coffee. Create a mindful moment while focusing on your coffee and crystal.
  • Keep on desk. If the afternoon hump of fatigue is making it hard to complete your day, try placing a crystal on your desk.
  • Place in your pocket. If you’re someone who absorbs other’s energies, keep a black stone in your pocket to neutralize energies that aren’t your own.
  • Create a crystal grid. If you need energy for a specific thing or situation, create a grid dedicated to that purpose. Read: DIY Crystal Grid For New Beginnings, Love, Money & More

11 Crystals for Energy

crystals for energy

This list of crystals for energy features stones that can help crush fatigue, improve focus and mental clarity. Read through the descriptions to find the crystal most suitable for our purpose.


Citrine is a good crystal for energy if you’re looking to amp up your vibration in order to manifest. Citrine is a stone of abundance, according to Judy Hall, author of The Crystal Bible. It helps us learn how to manifest and how to attract the prosperity or success we want. The stone can also be beneficial when you want to clear your energy from others. Judy Hall says it’s helpful for those for are sensitive to external influences, like people or your environment. It can help minimize the effect of those influences and leave you to bathe in your own positive energies.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is the most common stone known to amplify energy. This can be a “good” or “bad” thing. If clear quartz is around positive energy, it will amplify positivity. If you’re feeling negative though, clear quartz might make it even worse, so you might want to steer clear and choose a different stone. Moral of the story? Use clear quartz to boost energy that’s already positive. As one of the best crystals for energy, it can also be used to expand energy while doing spiritual work, like connecting with your higher self.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is more traditionally known as the stone of love. However, this gentle stone can impact your energy in a few specific ways. Let’s say that your energy levels have taken a hit because of self-doubt and confidence problems. Rose quartz can serve as one of the crystals for energy that can aid in emotional balance. According to Love Is In The Earth by Melody, rose quartz has an energy that’s soft, silky, and gentle. With a better view of yourself under your belt, you’ll be able to have the focus and stamina to tackle roadblocks.

Lapis Lazuli

Like rose quartz, lapis lazuli is another great option for calming energy and improving focus. Instead of giving you an energetic burst, it’s said to provide a sedative but focused effect. It can also help provide the intuitive, spiritual energy you need to connect with spirit guides, angels, the Universe, etc.


Carnelian is said to warm and energize, according to Judy Hall. It may be a particularly good choice for crystals for energy if you want to clear out negativity. Like clear quartz, carnelian is also believed to cleanse other crystals around it. Using carnelian to eliminate negative energies can help boost your own energy. Carnelian, according to Judy Hall, is also said to sharpen concentration and improve focus. It can help ward off lethargy in favor of a more awake mind.

Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite is one of the most popular crystals for energy. Even just looking at its vibrant color can bring a boost of joy. According to Judy Hall, orange calcite is a highly energizing crystal and can particularly help with cleansing the lower chakras. It can help give you the stamina to face problems while maximizing potential solutions. As you probably know by its color, orange calcite also symbolizes joy and happiness. If your energy has taken a hit due to stress or sadness, this stone may be a top choice. For example, if you have depression-related fatigue, carrying orange calcite to a therapy session may help symbolize renewed energy.

Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is known as one of the best stones for protection. With that, it can also be a great option for crystals for energy. Black obsidian can help block the negative energies that zap your own energy. Try keeping a piece under your pillow to help usher out the negative, leaving you feeling refreshed upon awakening.


Moonstone provides an ethereal-like energy that can be useful in several scenarios. As a crystal for energy, moonstone can help open the mind and focus your energy in the most beneficial direction. Compared to other stones on this list, like Citrine, moonstone provides an energy that’s more inward-focused. It can inspire you to have more energy to look inward and introspect. It can also provide you with a spiritual connection energy helpful while doing lunar-related spiritual work.

According to Love is in the Earth, Moonstone is the stone of “new beginnings.” It’s an excellent crystal to use to regain energy and pause fatigue when getting into a new routine, such as a new job or home.


Bloodstone is a powerful stone that can be used for extra power in situations where you need courage. Love Is In The Earth calls bloodstone the “stone of courage.” Call upon it when you need additional energy to stand your ground and feel stronger. For example, if you can predict a tough situation, carry bloodstone in your pocket for backup.

It’s also a stone of revitalization and renewed energy. Whether you need to renew energy in a creative project, relationship or passion for life, use bloodstone to your advantage.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is another black stone that represents protection. It can help protect you from energies that will influence your own. If you think your energy is being depleted because of external factors, carry a piece of black tourmaline with your daily. For example, empaths often find that energies “stick” to them and zap their own supply. As one of the crystals for energy, black tourmaline can help counteract this effect.


Selenite can be thought of as providing a clear, pure energy. Like quartz, it’s thought to cleanse the energy of stones around it. People often place selenite around their home to neutralize negative energies and promote positive ones.

Judy Hall says that selenite “attracts angelic energy into your life.” This can be particularly helpful if you’re looking for answers into life’s big questions, like “what’s my purpose?” Selenite can also give you energy to form spiritual habits, like meditation.

Summary: Crystals for Energy

Crystals for energy can help you boost your energy levels, ward off fatigue and improve focus in everyday life. Scroll our list of crystals for energy above to determine the best stone for your situation. Once you’ve selected one or a few stones, try them out. To increase your energies, use your stone during meditation, on your desk, or keep in your pocket. You can also get creative with your crystals for energy, using them to create a mindful moment during your morning coffee time or by creating a grid for a specific energy purpose.

crystals for energy