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6 Card Tarot Spread Layouts: 3 Best Relationship Tarot Spread

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Get an unbiased perspective on your love life by using a relationship tarot spread.

A 6 card tarot spread can help you learn about your current situation, your future and what you can do to improve both.

Whether you’re in a relationship or hoping to be in one, these layouts can help guide you. Choose your favorite 6 card tarot spread below.

How to Read 6 Card Tarot Spread

Before you read your 6 card tarot spread, below are a few tips.

  • Cleanse tarot deck. As with any oracle deck, before you do a 6 card tarot spread, you’ll want to cleanse your deck. You can do this in many ways, including with incense, smudge sticks, salt, crystals, singing bowls and more.
  • Say intention or prayer. Before you do your relationship tarot spread, make sure to say a prayer or intention statement beforehand. In this, ask for protection and clarity from whichever higher power/self you believe in.
  • Focus on the picture. Take a look at the photo on your tarot card and pay attention to the symbolism. What pops out at you? What is taking your focus and what do you think it means?
  • Listen to your intuition. If you’re learning how to read cards while doing a 6 card tarot spread, use your intuition first. When you pull a card, ask your intuition what you think it means and glance at the images. After, read the meaning in the book. Combine both definitions if they differ.

Tips for Reading Relationship Tarot Spread

Reading a relationship tarot spread can be tricky because our love life may be sensitive. Here’s some tips on getting an accurate reading.

  • Nothing is Set in Stone. Remember that whatever the card predicts, it’s not set in stone. Everything is subject to change and freewill. That means if the cards point to a bad situation happening in your love life, you have freewill to avoid it, end a relationship, improve a situation, etc.
  • Focus on Your Control. In the 6 card tarot spread options below, most point to what you can control in any given situation. This is key. Many factors are outside our control. If we want to change our outcome cards, we should focus on the cards that point to what we can control.
  • Don’t Keep Pulling Cards. Sometimes, when we don’t like what the cards predict, it’s tempting to keep pulling until we get what we want. While we can do this, of course, it won’t change the future. Try to resist the urge. Instead, focus on the fact that you’re in charge or your life, not the cards. You can steer the boat in a different direction.
  • Consider Other Interpretations. If you’re someone who has a tendency to worry or have anxiety, it’s easy to assume the worst. We can assume the worst meaning out of any card. If it feels right, consider other perspectives by using multiple sources. For example, you may assume a card of deception indicates your partner is cheating on you. However, it could mean you aren’t being truthful with yourself, or that you’re deceiving yourself within the relationship.

Three 6 Card Tarot Spread Layouts: Best Relationship Tarot Spread

Are you in a relationship or have some questions about a new dating situation? These are the best 6 card tarot spreads if you’re looking for a relationship tarot spread.

Two Wholes Relationship Tarot Spread

6 card tarot spread, relationship tarot spread

This relationship tarot spread first explores you and your partner as independent people. Then how do you act in a relationship? Lastly, what can each of you do to improve the state of your relationship.

  1. You as a single person. Represents who you are as a person, stripped from your relationship. Your truest self.
  2. You as a person in a relationship. Represents who you are in a relationship. Does it strengthen you? Change you? How does it influence how you behave, think, or feel?
  3. Something you can do to improve the relationship. What’s something you can do to improve the relationship on your end? If it’s not going well, what’s in your control. If it’s going great, how can you make it even better?
  4. Your partner as a single person. Represents your partner as a person, stripped from the relationship. Their truest self.
  5. Your partner as a person in a relationship. Represents who your partner is in the relationship. How do they act in relationships or feel about them generally?
  6. Something they can do to improve the relationship. Not everything is within our control. This card suggests what your partner may do to improve the relationship. Your partner may or may not work on this. If not, you’ll to come to terms with the fact that it won’t change—which may or may not mean breaking up.

My Future Love Life: 6 Card Tarot Spread

6 card tarot spread, relationship tarot spread

A look at your love life in the past, present and future. To end off this relationship tarot spread, you’ll be guided on what you should focus on in your love life now.

  1. Your love life in the past. Represents your past love life and what you’ve experienced or felt.
  2. Your love life now. Represents the state of your love life now. Are you happily single or happily in a relationship? Or are unhappy with your current love life. Maybe your current focus is on another part of life. Or, perhaps the cards show you’re trying too hard to make it happen.
  3. Your hopes for future love life. What are you hoping for in your love life? Perhaps you want to improve a current relationship. Or maybe it points to the type of person you’re trying to attract.
  4. Most likely outcome for immediate future love life. This card represents the most likely outcome for your love life in the immediate future. Remember nothing is set in stone.
  5. Most likely outcome for distant future love life. Represents the most likely outcome for your love life in the more distant future. Remember nothing is set in stone.
  6. Focus on this in your love life. In this 6 card tarot spread, this card is the most actionable. It guides you on what to focus on in your love life. If you like your “most likely” outcome cards, this card will tell you what to focus on to ensure that it happens. If you don’t like your “most likely” outcome cards, this card will show you what to focus on to create a better future and outcome.

Relationship Inventory

6 card tarot spread, relationship tarot spread

This 6 card tarot spread helps you look at a variety of factors within your relationship. What role are you playing? What about your partner? What can you control? Are there any external influences? Finally, what is the most likely outcome for the relationship.

  1. Overall state of relationship. If there’s a card to describe the current state of your relationship, this is it.
  2. Role you play in relationship. How are you contributing to the relationship? Is it helping or hurting the health of the partnership?
  3. Role your partner plays in relationship. How are they contributing to the relationship? Is it helping or hurting the health of the partnership?
  4. Factors influencing relationship within control. Out of this 6 card tarot spread, this one points to the factors that are within your control. This may include how to strengthen your relationship even more. Or, if it’s rocky, it may guide you on the solution.
  5. External factors influencing relationship. Represents factors that aren’t within your control. This may be a third factor influencing the relationship for better or worse (finances, career life, health, stress, family, a third party, etc.
  6. Most likely outcome for relationship. What’s the most likely outcome of the relationship? Remember that nothing is set and stone. Refer to the other cards to learn factors that are and aren’t within your control.

Summary: 6 Card Tarot Spread| Relationship Tarot Spread

Try a 6 card tarot spread above to get answers on your relationship or love life. Choose the best relationship tarot spread that relates to your situation. Are you looking to learn how you can improve a current relationship? Or are you looking to get a glimpse on what’s in store in your dating life? As with any spread, remember that nothing is set in stone. If you don’t like the cards you pull, you have free will to improve it.


How To Wire Wrap Crystal Stones: The EASIEST Tutorial

how to wire wrap crystal

Wire wrapping a crystal can be intimidating.

If you’re searching for how to wire wrap crystal, you might be confused by some of the information you find. With complicated instructions and tools, it can leave you feeling like you need to be a master jeweler.

Fortunately, you can learn how to wire wrap crystal with just a few tools. You’ll need wire, wire cutters, pliers and of course—your favorite crystal. Oh yeah, and a little bit of patience.

When you’re starting to wrap a crystal with wire, it’s probably easier than you think. Within a few attempts, you can make your own DIY jewelry piece.

Keep reading to learn how to wire wrap crystals without holes.

How To Wire Wrap Crystal: Gemstone Craft

When I was looking up how to wire wrap crystal, I got turned off pretty quickly. I knew it might be complicated, but some videos made me even more confused. Wire wrapping also depends on the size and shape of the crystal and whether it has holes.

Luckily, I found a low-stress wire wrap tutorial and it took all my anxiety away. In the video below, Cheyanne explains several methods of how to wrap a crystal with wire. If you’re a beginner like me, I recommend starting with the method she discusses at timestamp 2:50.

I’m going to break down Cheyanne’s method into pictures. However, I highly recommend you watch her video. It’s best to use this method with a crystal that has a flat side. It’s perfect to use if your crystal doesn’t have any beading holes.

Step 1: Gather Supplies

how to wire wrap crystal

You’ll need:

  • Pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Wire
  • A crystal

If you’re a beginner, I recommend using a lighter wire so you can get the hang of it. I started using a 20 gauge wire and had more success with a cheaper wire. It allowed me to bed it more easily, getting a better feel for the process of wire wrapping.

Step 2: Cut Two-Wire Pieces

how to wire wrap crystal

You’ll need to cut two wires of the same length. The length depends on the size of your crystal. I always cut off more than I need to make sure it doesn’t run short.

Step 3: Make “Backbone” for Crystal

how to wire wrap crystal

To get the wire wrap started, make a base to serve as the “backbone” for your crystal. Find the longest part of your crystal aim to make your “backbone” the same length. Start with your two wires making a plus sign. Then twist them together until you reach your desired “backbone” length.

Step 4: Wrap + Twist When Wires Meet

how to wire wrap crystal

After you’ve made your crystal’s “backbone,” place it on the backbone spot and start wrapping to make a supportive cage. You can move your wires in any way that will support the crystal. When the two or three wires meet, twist them together a few times and continue.

When you start, you’ll need to keep readjusting the crystal to hold it in place. Mine kept falling until there were enough wires to support it.

Keep wrapping and twisting until your crystal is fully supported in a cage.

If there’s a spot left bare where the crystal could slip, cover it. You can also untwist wires if you made a “mistake.”

Step 5: Bring Wires to Top

how to wire wrap crystal

After you’re finished wrapping your crystal, bring all wires to the top. Depending on your designs, this might be easy or hard. If wires are stuck at the bottom, you can tuck them behind other wires at the back to thread it to the top.

Step 6: Twist

how to wire wrap crystal

Once you have all your wires at the top, twist them tightly together.

Step 7: Loop

how to wire wrap crystal

After the wires are twisted together, use your pliers to bend the twist, creating a loop. Use wire cutters to cut off any extra wire. Tuck and bend the wire ends into the loop with pliers, making sure no rough ends stick out. As you can see, my pieces aren’t perfect, but they aren’t bad for my first few tries. Practice makes perfect!

Use your wire-wrapped crystal however you’d like! Make jewelry, a pendulum or our favorite—wire wrapped bookmarks. These look magical in bookshelf’s or dangling out of items.

How to Wire Wrap Crystal

To get detailed instructions on how to wire wrap crystal, view the photo steps above and watch the YouTube video in this post. Keep practicing and your wire wrapping will get neater and more seamless.

How To Wire Wrap Crystal: The EASIEST Way

Learn how to wire wrap crystal with just a few tools.See post for full instructions and video.
Keyword: how to wire wrap a crystal, crystal wire wrap, how to wire wrap crystal, wire wrap crystal


  • Pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Wire (experiment with different gauges, try a lighter gauge if you’re a beginner)
  • Crystal


  • Cuttwo wires of the same length. Length depends on the size of your crystal (cutextra)
  • Twisttwo wires together to serve as your crystals “backbone” or base. Make this“backbone” as long as your crystals longest flat part. Start with your twowires making a plus sign. Then twist them together until you reach your desiredlength.
  • Startwrapping wire around crystal to make a supportive cage. When the two or threewires meet, twist them together a few times and continue. Keep readjusting crystal to hold in place. Keep filling in “bare” spots where crystal could slipout.
  • After you’re finished wrapping, bring all wires to thetop and twist together. Use pliers to bend the twist and create a loop. Usewire cutters to cut off any extra wire. Tuck and bend the wire ends into theloop with pliers, making sure no rough ends stick out.
  • Practice makes perfect! Mine started looking better after a few tries.

What to Do with Wire Wrap Crystal

Once you’ve learned how to wire wrap crystal, what do you do with your creation. The options are as endless as your creativity.

Here are some ideas on what to do with your wire wrap crystal piece:

  • Make ribbon or chain bookmarks
  • Use as a pendant and make into a necklace
  • Make into a pendulum
  • Make a crystal mobile
  • Turn small wire wrap crystal into earrings

Summary: How to Wire Wrap Crystal Stones| Gemstone Craft

If you’re just learning how to wire wrap crystal, try using the method in this post. With only a few tools, you can create a “cage” to safely shelter your crystal, ready to use in any craft. Use the photo steps and video above to create a wire wrap crystal piece you’ll love.

how to wire wrap crystal how to wire wrap crystal

34 When a Relationship Ends Quotes: Get Over a Heartbreak Sayings

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

When you’re going through a breakup, you might be in such emotional turmoil that you don’t know what to do.

When the relationship ends, you know it will be tough, but you might not have expected it to be this difficult.

Everyone is living their normal lives meanwhile yours has completely shattered. It feels like nobody can relate and you’re more alone than ever.

Reading when a relationship ends quotes can help you know that others have been there. It’s normal to feel intense and you can work through these feelings. To get over a heartbreak, have some self-compassion by recognizing the common humanity in your emotions.

In this post, we’re sharing 34 when a relationship ends quotes.

When The Relationship Ends

When the relationship ends, you might work through a range of emotions. You might experience:

  • Sadness or depression
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Loneliness
  • Despair
  • Overwhelm

Know that it’s normal to struggle through your emotions when the relationship ends. Although unpleasant, it’s very human. Give yourself permission to feel whatever you’re feeling. Depending on the person and situation, some breakups feel worse than others. And some people are more affected by breakups.

If you’re someone who feels intensely when the relationship ends, try to have self-compassion. Don’t compare your struggle to a friend. For example, you may wonder why you’re struggling so bad through a breakup when your other friends don’t. Remember that everyone is different. Many people don’t share the intensity of their struggle either. Your healing journey is your own and shouldn’t be compared to others.

If you’re hurting, one helpful thing to do is to turn to when a relationship ends quotes. Reading these can help you feel less alone. It reminds you that others have been through your struggle,  felt just as intensely, and have come out the other side. Instead of telling ourselves to “get over it already,” we can have self-compassion. We learn that feeling sad after a split is a very human thing.

When a relationship ends quotes also can help you gain power over the situation—whether the split was your decision or not. If we break up with someone, we might feel bad or have emotional pain, even if it was the right decision. Quotes from others can help you stand firm in your decision: you followed your truth by ending it.

Reading when a relationship ends quotes can also help you bare a split that wasn’t your decision. When you’ve faced any form of rejection, it can be difficult to overcome. Naturally, we’ll be upset and hurt and perhaps devastated. But in time, we can feel empowered by the situation. We know that when the relationship ends, it’s because it wasn’t meant for us. We learn how to become resilient in the face of rejection. We build our confidence back up and trust we’re worthy. And we get closer to the relationship that is meant for us.

When a Relationship Ends Quotes

These when a relationship ends quotes will help you recognize that your difficult emotions are very human and you’re not alone.

If you leave, you’ll find what you need

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Each breakup, I get closer to my person

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If you’re waiting for the impossible, let go

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And I still hope you’ll change

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Leave. All it takes is the belief you’ll find what you need.

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It’s better to be lonely and alone than lonely with someone else

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Losing you meant finding myself.

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It’s hard to move on. But you can do hard things.

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

You let me look through your windows but you never opened the door

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I’m stronger alone than with you

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I never loved you, I loved your illusion

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Your standards aren’t high just because someone fails to meet them

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Closure means accepting you may never understand it

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I used your bullshit as fertilizer to grow flowers

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Choose you

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Leaving doesn’t mean you don’t love him. It means you love yourself.

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I’m still starving from the breadcrumbs you fed me

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Even years of heartbreak is better than a lifetime of it

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If you don’t deserve it, don’t accept it

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

You took away my naivety

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

You don’t need someone who loves you. You need someone who loves you the way you want to be loved.

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

He doesn’t need to be in the story. You’re the main character.

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Losing someone doesn’t mean it’s a loss.

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Maybe I was too much for you but you were too little for me.

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

You can miss someone and heal at the same time.

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I wish memories left as quick as you did

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

I still think of you when my phone lights up

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

I hate being a stranger to someone I knew inside out.

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I overvalued your nothing. You undervalued by everything.

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I’m breaking the cycle. Have fun on your hamster wheel.

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

If you can’t get someone out of your head, maybe they’re supposed to be there instead of in your life.”

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

My heart was so full and it’s taking time to drain out

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

They asked what happened

I said you died

“He died?” they shrieked

“He’s dead to me,” I replied.

when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

Katie, I hope one day you leave

Even if you have to cheat

I hope you find what you need

Katie, he swears you’ll never leave

But all it takes is belief

That you’ll find what you need


When a Relationship Ends Quotes: Heartbreak Quotes: Toxic relationship quotes

I’m better now

Without you here

Now that you’re gone

I’m so glad you’ve disappeared

Out of sight

Out of mind

And out of my life


when a relationship ends, when relationship ends, when the relationship ends, when a relationship ends quotes, get over a heartbreak, get over heartbreak, deal with heartbreak

Get Over a Heartbreak—For Good!

If you’re looking for ways to get over a heartbreak when the relationship ends, you probably won’t find exactly what you’re looking for. That’s because healing takes time and patience. While there’s some strategies you can use to get over a heartbreak, there’s no way to immediately stop the feelings.

Stop making your goal to stop heartache. That’s probably not possible right now. Instead, make your goal to support yourself through your heartache. Apply self-compassion is the best way to get over a heartbreak. Research shows that self-compassion can encourage people to adjust better after a breakup.

Realize that the situation is difficult and you’re doing your best. If the other person hurt you, realize it’s normal to feel emotional pain. If you feel you could have done better, realize that every human makes mistakes which they can learn from. In any case, support yourself through your emotions and give yourself permission to feel and work through them.

For more tips on how to get over a heartbreak when the relationship ends, read our guides:

Summary: When a Relationship Ends Quotes

When the relationship ends, you’re left to face a range of emotions. While healing doesn’t happen overnight, we can take small steps to lessen the intensity of them. If you’re trying to get over a heartbreak, first know it’s normal to struggle—so have some self-compassion during the process. Another tool that may help is reading when a relationship ends quotes. These can help you feel less alone and more normal in your pain.




7 Effects of Creeping Your Ex After a Breakup

facebook stalking breakup

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’ve stalked an ex before.

Maybe every day.

Maybe several times a day.

Or, maybe, you’re hoping their searching you.

If that’s you, you’re completely normal (even though some of your behaviors are super creepy).

Actually, it’s so normal that researchers study this stuff.

Yep, they study why we internet stalk our exes.

Why do we do it?

How do we do it?

Who does it specifically?

And, does it help us?

Or, does it prevent us from moving forward?

Of course, we can’t give you all the answers. For one, I’m not a social researcher. But for two, we need more studies to be sure of the data we do have.

And, when you think about it, Facebook is relatively new—it was created in 2004. So, while we have decades of research on relationships and breakups, we have a lot less on Facebook specifically.

Still, a growing body of actual, real-life, SCIENTIFIC data that suggests that Facebook creeping can damage the healing and moving on process.

7 Things to Know about Creeping/”Online Stalking” Your Ex

Here’s what researchers have learned when they study this modern act of prolonging hurt.

#1 People Facebook Breakup Creep in 3 Main Areas

So, what do we mean when we talk about “Facebook creeping?” Well, it’s pretty much any activity you do on Facebook to gain information about your ex. Researchers wanted to know more about how we creep on exes. They learned there’s 3 specific areas we watch out for:

  • Their general social activities
  • New romantic partners
  • What ex is saying to others

#2 Surprisingly, The Heartbreaker Creeps More

If I were to guess who creeps more, the breakup-er or the breakup-ee, it would be the breakup-ee. That’s because I’d assume they’d be more broken hearted and sulking over their ex. But I’m actually wrong. And that’s true to my experience, too. Even though the breakup was my decision, I’ve been guilty of checking out his Facebook more than a few times (a day).

As it turns out, studies show that the person who initiated the breakup is more likely to act out “information-seeking” behaviors. So why would this be the case? One possible reason is that when we break up with someone, we may have more uncertainty. It could also be that the heartbroken just search less because they know it’s over and don’t desire any more knowledge.

#3 Breakup Creeping Causes More distress

Not surprisingly, according to one study, people who use Facebook as “electronic surveillance” more often are more likely to experience distress. In another study of over 450 people, Facebook “stalking” an ex was associated with greater current distress.

One thing to consider is do distressed people creep more? Or does creeping cause distress? Studies control for this factor—meaning that the former shouldn’t be true. It can be easy to see how constantly checking could cause distress too. One embarrassing example is me creeping an ex and then proceeding to creep several other girls on his profile. Whether they were actually dating or not, I won’t know—but I could write a 500-page novel with all the stories I made up for each. It goes without saying, but I’ll say it: Obsessively checking seems to lead to distress (and, in my case, a brief break with reality).

#4 Facebook Checking Causes Negative Feelings

Checking on an ex was associated with more negative feelings in a 2014 study. If you’re wondering what exactly researchers mean by “negative,” it’s pretty much anything you’d think of. Researchers scored people for their:

  • Anger
  • Disappointed
  • Confusion
  • Hate
  • Betrayal
  • Hurt
  • Frustration
  • Sadness

Collectively, these feelings were higher when people used social media to see what their ex was up to.

#5… You Might Get Some Extra Sexual Desire, Too

Although some on this list seem obvious, this one was more choking to me. Stalking your ex makes you want sex with them more? In an ideal world, it would be the opposite (ex. “Thanks for showing your true stupidity, Jeff. This solidifies my decision to never sleep with you again.”).

But, for whatever reason, creeping is associated with sexual desire. Researchers measured this by lust, sexual arousal and desire. I don’t have any explanations, but maybe it’s all the sexy selfies our exes post??

#6 Facebook Checking Makes Your Long for Ex

Unsurprisingly, online activity surrounding your partner made missing them worse, according to a study. To measure whether these Facebook creepers were longing for their exes, researchers asked them a few questions, such as:

  • ‘‘I am still in love with my ex-partner’
  • ‘‘Everything seems to remind me of my ex-partner’’

This is another finding that makes a lot of sense to me. If you completely delete someone from your life, you’ll probably have less opportunities to think about then. But when you’re seeking them out (even if just online), it creates more thoughts about them. Now, instead of just a curious harmless creep, your action has become a breeding ground for missing them.

#7 Actually, You May Not Want to “Unfriend”

So, staying friends with your ex will make your feelings worse, right? Actually, it may be the opposite. One study found that, in contrast, to popular opinion, those who stayed Facebook friends with their ex had a lower amount of negative feelings, sexual desire and longing. It’s possible that those who don’t click “unfriend” simply care less about their ex to do it in the first place. But, researchers say this doesn’t appear to be the case.=

They say another possibility is that when we don’t set out to see updates from our ex–but do anyway–it lessens our feelings. But, when these updates aren’t readily available, they could be “shrouded in an alluring mystique.” This may further give you reason to stalk and be compelled. Something to keep in mind though: Those that remained friends had lower personal growth. This means it could still affect the moving on process. But, many people who go through traumatic events don’t appear to grow right after it anyway.

Summary on Facebook Breakup Creeping Science

The “secret” behavior many of us do is not so secret to researchers. Several studies have looked at how and why people creep their exes after a breakup. Although both the heartbreakers and heartbroken do it, there seems to be some harmful effects. For example, it could prolong longing for them, cause distress and prevent you from moving on. Although your knee-jerk reaction may be to unfriend and unblock, that may not help either.

facebook stalking breakup facebook stalking breakupfacebook stalking breakup facebook stalking breakup facebook stalking breakup facebook stalking breakup facebook stalking breakup facebook stalking breakup facebook stalking breakup facebook stalking breakup facebook stalking breakup

22 Bright Sides to Heartbreak: Breakup Encouragement and Inspiration

breakup motivation inspiration

breakup motivation inspiration

Breaking up sucks.

Yep, there’s no way around it.

Whether you know it’s the best thing or were blind-sighted, there’s a lot of downfalls to breaking up.

Besides not having a partner by your side, you’re left to deal with the emotional turmoil.


Explaining the breakup to friends.

Being angry.

Wondering if anyone will be better.

… Yet, maybe hoping no one is the same.

Wondering if you’ll be single forever.

Back to third-wheeling with your friends.

And answering questions from family about why you’re still single.

And eventually, just maybe, getting back into the dating field which is perhaps evne more daunting than the breakup itself.

But before that, you need to deal with your reoccurring thoughts about the heartbreak.

These are just a sampling of the horrible things you may go through when you split with a partner.

While these are very real thoughts and experiences, there’s also another side.

Yep, there’s some good things to this breakup too.

… Even if you were (or are still) sure they were “the one.”

In this post, we’re counting the fabulous things that can come from a breakup. That way, you have even a tiny bit of positivity and breakup inspiration to look forward to amongst the dark, hazy clouds.

22 Bright Sides to Heartbreak: Breakup Encouragement and Inspiration

During a breakup, you need to feel your feelings and process the trauma. But it’s healthy to have a wide perspective on the situation. That means also thinking of the good things that could come of the split. While they may not “stick” in your mind as much as the “bad” thoughts, over time, contemplating them can help you feel better. So, let’s jump into them.

#1 No More Splitting or Stealing Food

No matter which gender you are, I bet you’ve had a partner ‘steal’ your food. For example, you go into a restaurant and they claim they aren’t hungry, so they don’t order. But magically, when your food comes out, they’re ravenous and eat your entire dish. Or, maybe they’ve finished their fries so they scoot on over to yours. Unless you’re a fast eater, you’ve probably been the victim of partner food theft. Well, not anymore. It’s all yours!

#2 Order Food You Want

“I don’t like that on my pizza” will become a thing of the past. Whatever gross things you like on your pizza, in your pasta, mixed with your food—it’s all up to you now! You don’t need to consider what someone else likes.

#3 No More Waiting for Them to Change

Maybe you were just waiting around and hoping there would come a day where they would change. And, maybe they even told you they’re trying to change. Whether they tried or not, if you’re broken up, it’s probably because they didn’t change. And, the harsh reality is, even though people do change, they rarely do it on your schedule and most of the times, they do it without your input. That was a hard lesson for me.

#4 No One ‘Wrecking’ Your Diet

Well, in my opinion (and actually, science’s opinion) short-term diets don’t work and often lead to weight gain. However, making healthy eating changed long-term is a great step to feeling better. But, that becomes super hard when your partner is constantly eating fried chicken and pizza. Or, you want to cook healthy, but your partner calls it “rabbit food” and refuses to eat it. Now, you can cook and order healthy things without them trying to sabotage your habits.

#5 You’re Free to Create a New Routine

Routines are a big part of our lives if you think about it. All the important stuff like exercise, eating, brushing your teeth, showering, etc. are all typically focused around a routine that you do every day. Especially if you lived with your partner, switching up a morning or night routine can be hard. For one, they may be in your way. For two, you may need to alter your schedule to spend more time with them. Now that they’re out of your life, you can fill in that time with a new routine. Create a routine that you can slowly add tasks to. Over time, this will help create habits that will change your life!

#6 No More Putting Up With Their Idiot Political Views

I have no qualms saying I’d never date a Trump supporter. Does that make you angry? If so, exit is on the top right corner (top left corner for Macs). If you’re still with me, it’s a good thing you’re not still with them. While debate and being open to changing your opinion is a good thing, it’s toxic to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t inherently value humanity. I probably don’t need to tell you, a “simple” polital opinion can bleed into almost any area of life: Finances, morals, values, raising kids, health, safety, human rights, emotional boundaries, respect for the partner, etc. etc. All of this leads to arguments that sometimes can’t be solved.

#7 You Can Stop Defending Them

Tacking onto the last point, has your partner ever been in a conversation with your family or friends when they’ve said something completely out of line? Maybe they let their bigoted views out. Or, maybe they professed their love for authorities leaders. Before, you may have been embarrassed and jumped to remedy the situation, defending his opinions or saying “he didn’t really mean that.” Now, they can say whatever idiotic crap on his own accord and you’ll never need to try to justify it again!

#8 No More Worrying, “What Will They Think?”

This may not apply to all relationships, but I bet you it applies to most. Have you ever had a partner that hated it when you wore a certain thing? Or when you looked at someone a certain way? Or had friends of the sex you’re attracted to? Or hated it when you went to bars alone? Or hated it when you’d forgo parties to stay at home? I could go on, but you get the point. Sometimes, when we’re dating someone, we know that there’s certain “normal” actions they judge us for. Now, you can do your thing, exactly how you want. And they can’t even judge from afar because they no longer see you!

#9 Do the Things They Hate

Maybe you loved a certain activity they hate, so you slowly stopped doing it. For example, if you really love to hike but your partner just wanted to sit and drink, you may have given up your hobby in favor of time with them. But, now you can get back to hiking.

#10 No More Fighting

Have you ever been with someone who would pick the weirdest, smallest things to argue over? Or would bring up arguments seemingly from the Ghost of Christmas Past? Or, maybe half of the time you had no idea what the argument was even about? And, maybe they gaslighted you, saying you were the one who loved arguing. Enough said. They’re outta here.

#11 Designing Your Place How YOU Want

If you lived with your ex, they probably had some rules about how you could design the place. For example, maybe your décor was too “feminine” or too “masculine.” Or, on the other hand, maybe they put up with your Hot Wheels collection so you need to deal with their humungous teddy bear collection. Now, that space is clear and you can do whatever you want with it to make it look less like trash.

#12 No More Pretending You’re Not Hurt

You know when someone does something hurtful, apologizes and they expect your hurt to automatically disappear? And you wish it would, but it’s still there nagging at you, even when you don’t mention it? Well, now you can face those feelings, tell them they’re right and move forward without the person who caused them.

#13 Watch the Movies YOU Like

I’ll speak for myself here. One thing I hate more than action movies is pretending I like action movies. But, I understand that if he sits through a billion chick flicks with me, it’s only fair I watch something equally as agonizing for him. After a breakup though, I can go back to watching my chick flicks without any worry of the action genre consequences.

#14 …Binge the Shows YOU Like Too

Yep, no more binge watching another crappy series counting down the weeks until it’s over. Now you are the sole operator of the remote.

#15 Saying Goodbye to Annoying Habits

I bet you can name at least a few annoying things or mannerisms your ex has. Maybe they eat really loud, talk a lot, won’t pick up their socks, leave water everywhere after a shower, etc. Well, you ain’t gotta deal with that anymore!

#16 You Can Have Your Old Friends Back (If You Lost Them)

Have you ever had a partner that didn’t like you talking to the sex you’re attracted to? For me, my ex hated when I talked to my guy friends. According to him, women and men can’t really be just friends. Even though he didn’t “ban” me from them, he had manbaby tantrums when I talked to them and would be overly critical of the texts we’d exchange. But, after breaking up, I can talk as I normally would without feeling like I’m cheating (even though I’m not).

#17 You Can Stop Doing Stuff for Them

If you’re in a relationship, there’s probably some stuff you love doing for your partner because it helps them out or makes them happy. But then there’s stuff you’d rather not do. Maybe you do their cooking, cleaning, laundry, car patience, impromptu therapy sessions, make their lunch, drive them places, etc. Now, you only gotta do that crap for yourself—which is like cutting your chores in half!

#18 You Can Reinvent Yourself

Let’s be clear: You can reinvent yourself at any time. However, it’s wayyyy easier after a break up. Why? Because you don’t need to question what the main person in your life will think of your newfound self. You can do you. Completely, unapologetically you—whoever that may be 🙂

#19 You Can Get That Pet They Didn’t Want

My advice? Don’t ever be with someone who tells you that you can’t have a dog (unless they’re allergic, of course). But, if you found yourself with that person, you’re free to adopt whichever kitten or puppy you like. In fact, now’s a great time for it (just remember: pets are a lifelong responsibility!).

#20 Not Trying to Act “Perfect” All the Time

I hope you can’t relate to this. But if you can, you probably know that although you don’t “have” to be perfect all the time, you want to be—or maybe it’s better described as an impulse. For me, this looks like having my apartment clean and staged when my partner comes over and my legs are silky smooth via a 3-step process. But, when I’m with no one, there’s no one to complain about my prickly legs, dusty shelves and imperfectly centered flower vase.

#21 You Are the Sole Temperature Controller

If you lived with your partner, you may have discovered that you have different internal temperatures. For example, maybe in the winter you like the place warm, or, you know, at least liveably warm. And, maybe they like it to feel like Antarctica because he doesn’t want to pay the heating bill. Without them, you can adjust the temperature to whatever you want without listening to the complaints.

#22 Opportunity to Meet a Better Person

I saved this one for last because it’s my favorite. And, throughout every breakup, it’s kind of been my saving grace. No matter how completely crappy it feels, the split symbolizes your opportunity to meet someone better. If your partner broke up with you and you still love them, you maybe be convinced there’s no one better because they’re the one. However, consider this: The Best person for you won’t break up with you. So, the best person for you is still out there! When you were stuck with the wrong person, you were unable to meet them. But, now that you’re single, better CAN exist!

Summary for Breakup Inspiration: The Bright Side

Although there’s a lot of downsides to a breakup, there are some good things too. When we take a bigger perspective and see the good things that can come from heartbreak, it can help up move on faster. Use the tips above to identify your main sources of breakup inspiration. Remember, you must feel your feelings and not attempt to mask them with “positivity.” However, seeing the bright sides too can help you a more realistic view of the situation, making you feel better.

breakup motivation inspirationbreakup motivation inspiration

11 Quick + Simple Actions that Turn Bad Days into Amazing Ones

We all have those days.

You know the ones.

Where you wake up on the “wrong side of the bed.”

…But a more accurate description could be the “wrong side of the earth.”

Maybe you wake up groggy, miss your alarm, sleep in…

Or maybe you wake up perfectly fine but then something happens…

You spill your coffee, you get into an argument with a family member, or someone ate that last donut you’d been saving for breakfast.

Then, you go to work or school and hit traffic.

…Or, you get your essay back and it’s not the grade you expected.

Or you go to work and your boss is less than impressed about a report you handed in.

And suddenly your day is officially crap.

If you could crawl back into bed and press “restart” you would.

But, you have to finish out the day so you can go back come and cry… or scream… or however you get out your frustrations.

That’s the way it typically goes, right?

But what if it could go another way.

What if you could change your bad day into a good one with just a few simple actions.

Suddenly that spilled coffee seemed like it happened yesterday.

And, you have a fresh start even though it’s only been an hour or two.

Although it’s normal to have bad days, there are a few things you can try to turn it around.

In this post, we’ll show you actions you can take to turn terrible days into good ones.


How to Turn a Bad Day into a Good Day: 12 Ways

If you’re having a crappy day but want it to go better, try some of these tips to see if any work for you.

#1 Breathe

Sounds simple, right? By now, you’ve probably heard about meditation. Although the practice has roots thousands of years old, it’s now being recognized in modern medicine. That’s because it has many benefits ranging from emotional to physical. Meditation is the practice of TRYING to quiet your mind (but probably not actually making it silent).

There’s different forms of the practice, but one highly researched form is mindfulness meditation. These days, mindfulness is used by psychotherapists around the world for a variety of conditions, such as anxiety, depression and chronic pain. Although there’s a growing body of evidence around it, it’s been shown to change the way your brain functions. That’s right, without any sort of drug, you can physically change your brain.

A mindfulness meditation may look like sitting quietly with your hands by your sides. Instead of letting your mind “run wild,” you focus on your breathing. You can choose to breathe as you normally would and just observe it. Or, you can choose to consciously breathe (in through the nose and out through the mouth). Whatever you choose, observe the breath—how it feels, the pace of it, etc. As you pay attention to your breathing, you’ll probably notice it start to slow down. And with that, any tension may slowly drain away.

Although this sounds simple, inevitably thoughts will pop up. For example, “I still need to get that coffee stain out my shirt? Which product should I use? If I let it sit too long, it will get worse.” If you don’t stop the thought, it could trail off into another topic. For example, “I’m almost out of stain remover and I need to buy more. I forgot to make my grocery list last night too. What food do we need?”

This is completely normal, but your goal here is to stop it from trailing off. So, you’d acknowledge the thought about the stain on your shirt. And then you’d focus back on your breathing. And, when you think about the stain or anything else again, you just keep refocusing on your breathing. This could happen dozens or hundreds of times in one session depending on how long you meditate.

After a session, you may notice less frustration and may ease back into your day better—almost like hitting “reset.” However, meditation gives the most benefits when it’s practiced regularly over time. Try to carve out some time in your routine for it and see if it makes a difference on bad days.

If you’re having a bad day, take a few minutes (even if it’s just 2 or 5) to sit and breathe and focus on your breath.


#2 Exercise

Depending on your schedule, impromptu exercise may not always be possible when you’re having a bad day. However, it doesn’t need to be a long workout session to count.

The reasoning behind this is that physical activity releases endorphins. These are dubbed the “feel good” chemicals that can make us feel happier. So, when you’re feeling upset or frustrated going into your day, some exercise can serve as a quick pick-me-up.

If you have time in the morning, you can fit in a gym session. But most of us probably aren’t in that boat unless we already have it planned. (And, if you do have it planned, don’t cancel your workout because of a bad day!!). However, we can do quick bursts of exercise.

For example, the app 7 minute workout provides very quick exercises you can do within that timeframe. Another option is to search for something quick on YouTube to follow. If you don’t like the sound of that, at least see if you can fit in a brisk walk. Doing something physical can put the focus into your body rather than your bad day thoughts, making you feel better.


#3 Find Nature

Just like exercise can bring you out of your head, so can nature.

If it sounds too “tree hugger’ for you, consider this: spending time in nature can make you kinder and happier according to a study. Before you head out the door on your bad day,  spend a moment in your backyard focusing on the flowers. If you don’t have a backyard, take a small walk into a place of greenery. If you don’t have enough time or there’s no spaces near you, consider stopping at a park on the way to work.

Just walking around or sitting by a tree by uplift your spirits.


#4 Talk to Someone You Love

…Unless that person is the reason you’re having a bad day.

Otherwise, it can be a great tip to lift your spirits. For example, if you had a rough start, texting your boyfriend or girlfriend could bring a smile to your face. And bonus points if they know exactly what to do to calm you down.

Or, maybe the person who always relaxes you is your mom or best friend—give them a call when you’re having a bad day. Rather than ranting, see if you can talk about other things to get the frustrations off your mind.


#5 Hug Someone

If you start of the day feeling bad, hug someone in your house if you can. If you’re not a hugger, it may seem random, but it can help.

Hugging can release oxytocin, which is sometimes referred to as the “cuddle hormone.” Luckily, oxytocin has been linked to happiness and less stress. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, hug it out!


#6 Pet a Pet

When I’m feeling overwhelmed and bad, I love to have a quick snuggle with my pup. It’s really hard not to feel better afterwards.

I’m not saying it will cure all your worries. But when you have a little puppy staring back in your eyes, life seems a little less horrible. Can the day really be that bad if at the end of it you get to come home to your beloved pet?


#7 Have Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is the idea of treating yourself as you’d treat a friend you’d love. AKA, instead of scolding yourself for your bad day, empathize with yourself. When we do this, we’re able to move forward easier.

For example, you may think “wow, I put the coffee too close to the table again and spilled it. This is my fault and I’m such an idiot that I ruined a perfectly good shirt and now I’m late for my morning.”

Although natural, try something a bit unnatural. Ask yourself, what would you say to a friend? Probably something like, “Yeah, you put the coffee too close to the edge but you didn’t mean to and things like this happen to everyone. You may not be able to get the stain out, but you can buy a new shirt, you’re only human.”

By seeing the humanness in the situation, we can also see the reality of it without talking crap about ourselves. With less hostility against ourselves, we should be able to approach the day easier and leave some of that negativity behind.


#8 Strike a Pose

…a power pose that is. Whether this works for you or not is something you’ll have to try. But there’s a whole TED talk about body language affecting how you feel.

To put it simply, “power posing” is standing in a posture that signals confidence. Even if we don’t feel confident, that can help boost feelings on confidence–getting us to our goal of feeling better. Her premise is basically that the body “tricks” the mind into feeling certain ways with poses. Then, that becomes how we actually feel. To get the benefits, you can watch the video. But here’s a quick one to try out: Superwoman pose. Stand with your legs apart and your hands on your hips, looking upwards. Yep, you got this day! 🙂


#9 Big Picture Thinking

Have you ever had anyone say to you, “look at the big picture?”

Honestly, it can be pretty annoying sometimes. Especially when all you care about is the tiny picture (hey, tiny pictures matter too!). But once we’ve processed our feelings over the “small picture” (ex. the spilled coffee), it’s time to gain a bigger perspective.

So, how do we do that when we’re all caught up in how we feel. One simple way is to ask ourselves questions. For example, if we’re angry that we ruined our favorite shirt by spilling coffee, to gain perspective we can ask:

  • Can I buy another shirt?
  • Were there worst things I could have spilled it on?
  • Will this matter tomorrow, next week, next month, next year?
  • Does this impact my actual life and the way I live?

When we ask ourselves these questions, we may begin to see that although frustrating, we’ll get by it. Sulking in it won’t help the stain disappear. And maybe, just maybe, we can leave most of it behind for a better day ahead.


#10 Read

Sometimes, reading can take us out of our heads and into someone elses. One example would be a novel that you just can’t put down. But, it could also be something different, such as reading a magazine article about something you’re really interested in. If you don’t have anything good handy, read something fun online on your phone. Even if it’s just a story about a heroic dog, it could help!

If your morning starts out really bad, even if you don’t think you have time, it may be worth it to carve out a few minutes to read. Even just a little time focusing on something else other than your frustrations can be enough to turn the mood around.


#11 Laugh

Laughter is medicine and it can cure a bad day sometimes!

If you wake up in a crap mood, get ready with a standup comedy on the TV. Another option is to just play an audio standup as you drive or commute to work. Of course, maybe funny cat videos are more your thing. Whatever it is, laughing can get you back to enjoying the day or at least make you forget about the annoyances for a moment.


#12 Ride the Wave

Sometimes, days are bad. And despite our best efforts, they don’t seem to get any better until we hit the pillow.

Although we can try our best to turn it around, the readily is that isn’t always possible. You can’t control if your bad morning was met by a bad afternoon of customer complaints, unhappy bosses, angry messages from your husband and failed report cards from your kids. In these cases, sometimes it’s best just to ride the wave. In that, we accept things as they are, especially those we can’t change in this moment. Taking a page out of the book of mindfulness, observing things as they are without judgment may not make the inherent situation better—but it can change the way we think about it. And, in turn, that can make us feel better 🙂


Summary on Turning a Bad Day into a Good One

It’s normal to have bad days—ask literally anyone. Although some days are just like that, most of the times, you can turn it around with simple actions. By carving out just a little time, you can do something that puts you on the track to a happier feeling. Try out the tips above to find your bad day go-to savior.

how to turn bad days into good ones how to turn bad days into good ones how to turn bad days into good ones how to turn bad days into good ones how to turn bad days into good ones how to turn bad days into good ones how to turn bad days into good ones how to turn bad days into good ones how to turn bad days into good ones how to turn bad days into good ones how to turn bad days into good ones


71 Interesting Get To Know You Questions for Couples

Get To Know You Questions for Couples

You can get to know someone quickly by asking questions. And it’s super fun.

Rather than having a regular conversation, injecting interesting questions can help you reach deeper connections with the person. You can learn about their likes, experiences and inner thoughts.

For most people, there’s a deeper level that you can only unlock if you want to truly learn about them.

Read on to discover 71 get to know you questions for couples.


How To Use Getting to Know You Questions for Couples

How should you get to know your partner using these questions? There’s two main ways:

  1. Conversation: Choose any questions you find interesting and insert them into a conversation. They can be a good way to liven up conversation—whether in person or through text.
  2. Question Game: Tell your partner you want to play a question “game.” You can make this how you like. Most commonly, take turns asking each other questions.


71 Get To Know You Questions for Couples

Get To Know You Questions for Couples

These get to know you questions for couples are broken up into 4 categories:

  1. General questions
  2. Preference questions
  3. Experiences questions
  4. Thoughts/opinions questions

It’s a good idea to pick a few questions from each category to get a well-rounded picture of your partner or date. The basic questions are a good way to ease the person into the conversation or question game.

As they start to open up and get comfortable, you can add in more personal and deep questions. For example, the sections about their experiences and thoughts/opinions may shed light on more interesting aspects you didn’t know before. Remember that some questions may trigger deep-seated feelings, like old childhood wounds. If a person shares that they’re uncomfortable answering, you should always honor their feelings.

Remember to ask follow-up questions too. If you’re curious about something your partner said, inquire about it. Sometimes, the most interesting things you learn about a person come from digging deeper. Keep in mind that asking good follow-up questions requires really listening. Instead of thinking about what you’re going to say or ask next, try to be in the present moment. Really take in your partner’s answer.

Another tip: Make sure the person is interested in you too! You might be getting to know them, but if they’re not getting to know you, they might not be as invested. You deserve someone who asks you questions too, so pay attention to how much effort your partner is putting.


16 General Get To Know You Questions for Couples

These are the basic question you might ask when you first get to know someone. These are good starters before moving onto the more complex or deeper questions.

  1. What’s on your bucket list?
  2. Do you what kids?
  3. Do you want a small or big family?
  4. Do you like pets?
  5. Do you travel?
  6. Which places would you like to travel to?
  7. What’s a skill you have that you could teach someone?
  8. What’s one skill you wish you had?
  9. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
  10. What’s one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
  11. What are some of your bad habits?
  12. What’s the #1 thing you want to accomplish?
  13. How many siblings do you have? Are you the youngest, middle or oldest?
  14. Are you religious? Spiritual?
  15. Are you more of an optimist or pessimist?
  16. What’s your favorite season of the year?


21 Preference Get To Know You Questions for Couples

These questions to get to know them will help you learn their favorite things. From food to movies and beyond, what are their likes and dislikes?

  1. What’s your favorite movie?
  2. What’s your favorite show?
  3. Who’s your favorite singer/artist/band?
  4. What’s your favorite song?
  5. What’s a song what describes you?
  6. Do you read? What’s your favorite book?
  7. What are your hobbies?
  8. What are your guilty pleasures?
  9. What’s your favorite sexual position?
  10. What’s your favorite thing to do on a Friday night?
  11. What’s your favorite thing to do with a weekend off?
  12. What’s your favorite meal?
  13. What’s your favorite dessert?
  14. What’s your favorite drink?
  15. Are you a coffee or tea drinker?
  16. Are you a cat or dog person?
  17. Which places would you like to travel to?
  18. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  19. What’s your biggest sexual turn on?
  20. What’s your biggest non-sexual turn on?
  21. What’s your sexual fantasy?


20 Experiences Get To Know You Questions for Couples

These get to know you questions for couples will give you a sneak peak into some of their experiences in life. The great, good, bad and ugly is included in this list. Remember if you partner isn’t comfortable opening up, don’t pressure them.

  1. What was your first concert?
  2. What are your parents like?
  3. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
  4. If you had kids, what would you do differently than your parents?
  5. What was your most hurtful experience?
  6. What life experience taught you the most?
  7. Do you have any regrets?
  8. Which mistakes did you realize after the fact?
  9. What was your last relationship like?
  10. Why did your last relationship end?
  11. When was your first kiss?
  12. When did you lose your virginity?
  13. When was the first time you fell in love?
  14. Have you ever had your heart broken?
  15. What was your favorite subject growing up?
  16. How were your high school years?
  17. Have you ever been cheated on?
  18. Have you ever cheated on anyone else?
  19. What accomplishment are you proudest of?
  20. What are you ashamed of?


14 Thoughts & Opinions: let’s get deep questions for couples

This list of questions for couples will give you a deeper look into what they think about. It will shed light into their belief and opinions.

  1. What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship?
  2. What do you think people get wrong about you?
  3. What’s a secret wish you have?
  4. Do you have a role model?
  5. What would you do if you won the lottery?
  6. What do you think would make the world a better place?
  7. The last time you cried, what was it about?
  8. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth behind something, what would you want to know?
  9. If you were to imagine the perfect day, what does that look like to you?
  10. What are you most afraid of?
  11. What’s a popular opinion that you disagree with?
  12. When is it ok to tell a lie?
  13. How do you define cheating?
  14. Do you believe in ghosts?


Summary: Get To Know You Questions for Couples


Get To Know You Questions for CouplesWhen you’re first getting to know your date or partner, it’s a good idea to have some questions ready. These can open up conversation and uplock deeper knowledge about each other. Use the prompts above to get to know your partner.

Three Card Tarot Spread: 5 Easy Options to Unluck the Answers in Life

5 card tarot spreads

I love three card tarot spreads.

They’re quick, easy to use and still provide a ton of insight.

The only problem is we might be stuck in a rut, doing the same three card tarot spread each time.

In this article, we’re sharing 5 ideas that will help expand your horizons. From love to career and beyond, learn about yourself and your life with these layouts.

Whether you’re a beginner or have been reading tarot forever, you’ll find a layout here to add to your go-to bunch.


Three Card Tarot Spreads: 5 Options

Each three card tarot spreads found below can be used for a different purpose. Find a tarot layout for:

  • The basics
  • Your relationship
  • Your habits
  • A decision
  • More magic


Back to Basics

three card tarot spread

This three card tarot spread covers what’s necessary and gets you back to the basics. When you’re looking for a quick layout to give you guidance.

To use this spread, we recommend thinking about a specific question or situation. Since this covers all tenses, you’ll gain more insight if you choose a specific topic.

The first card represents what you’ve went through in regards to the situation or question. The second card relates to what you may be experiencing in your current reality. The third card presents how the situation is likely to play out.

Represents your past

  1. Represents the present
  2. Represents the future


Me, You & Us

three card tarot spread

This relationship layout is the perfect three card tarot spread for a summary of the partnership. It will help you assess who you are in the relationship and your feelings towards it. Next, it will help you gain insight into what your partner might be experiencing, or their role in the relationship.

The third card considers how both individuals come together. Consider the card’s imagery and what it may mean for the future success of your relationship. It may also contain hints for how you can improve the partnership.

  1. Represents you as an individual in the relationship
  2. Represents your partner as an individual in the relationship
  3. Represents how you and your partner come together in the relationship


What Do I Do?

three card tarot spread

Ah, the age old question, “what the hell do I do?”

This three card tarot spread can help you gain insight into the situation. You may unlock other perspectives or another way of viewing the situation, decision or challenge.

The second card represents the action or choice that would be in your best interest. Keep in mind, you have free will so you may or may not end up taking the action displayed.

The third card helps you foresee the likely outcome of the best action.. Sometimes, even if we make the best possible decision, the road ahead is still a little rocky—and this spread can help prepare us for that. On the other hand, sometimes the action you take completely improves the situation. Either way, you’ll better understand the roads you may take.

  1. Represents the situation, decision or challenge
  2. Represents the action or choice in your best interest
  3. Represents the likely outcome of the action in your best interest


Your Habits

three card tarot spread

This a great three card tarot spread if you’re looking to combine spirituality with self-improvement. You may have a good sense of what habits are contributing to and hindering your well-being. However, sometimes we don’t. In fact, sometimes we’re so lost in our day-to-day routines that we don’t recognize the things we should be letting go. Or, the things we should be adding in.

This tarot spread helps you take an honest and deep look at your habits. The first card will help you address your good habits; the ones that are helping you. These are ones to continue.

The second card gets into a habit you should consider letting go because it doesn’t serve you.

The third card helps you consider the habits you may want to add into your routine. These may reflect ideas you’ve already had, or it may be completely new ideas. Either way, these can help contribute to your happiness and well-being.

  1. The good habits you should continue
  2. The ‘bad’ habits you may re-evaluate
  3. Habits you may consider adding to your routine


Magic 3

three card tarot spread

Let’s be honest, sometimes life is hard and the last thing you want is another negative tarot spread. While useful, at times, we just need a kind pick-me-up to help us feel better. And this is what this three card tarot spread is for.

It takes you through three main aspects of life with one main question in mind: How can I make it more magical?

Whether it’s love, career, health, we could all use a little more light. If a specific area of your life is hard right now, how can you improve it? If it’s a good situation, how can you make it even better? This three card tarot spread can help you unleash the gems just within reach.

  1. How can you unlock the magic in your love life?
  2. How can you unlock the magic in your career life?
  3. How can you unlock the magic to great health?


Summary: Three Card Tarot Spreads

Three card tarot spreads are perfect to use if you’re a beginner who feels intimidated by multi-card spreads. They’re also great to use if you’ve been reading tarot forever. In any case, small layouts can provide big insights. Since they’re simple to use, you can do them anytime to inject some spiritual guidance into your day.

DIY Coasters from Popsicle Stick: Minimalist 

diy coasters popsicle stick dollarstore craft

These popsicle coasters are super easy to make and only require a few materials!

Use paint, stamps and whatever else you wish to make a set that fits your decor.

Ready to get crafting? Read on.

Steps: Easy Popsicle Stick Stamp Coasters

diy coasters popsicle stick dollarstore craft

For Large Popsicle Sticks: If you’re using large popsicle sticks, cut off the round ends to your desired lengths. Repeat on all sticks (I used 4).

diy coasters popsicle stick dollarstore craft

Line Up & Secure: Line up popsicle sticks. I used about 4 for the large and 8 for the normal-sized. Cut 3-4 popsicle sticks so that they fit horizontally over the lined-up sticks. Attach them using hot glue, being careful to keep the popsicle stick base straight.

diy coasters popsicle stick dollarstore craft

Paint: Paint your coaster however you’d like. I chose a simple white with a green rose stamped in the corner.

diy coasters popsicle stick dollarstore craft diy coasters popsicle stick dollarstore craft diy coasters popsicle stick dollarstore craftdiy coasters popsicle stick dollarstore craft

Easy Popsicle Stick Stamp Coasters

Easy Popsicle Stick Stamp Coasters

Using only a few materials you can buy at the dollar store,  you can make an easy minimalist coaster set. You can use both normal and large popsicle sticks.
Keyword: diy coasters, diy popsicle sticks


  • Popsicle sticks (normal or large size)
  • Hot glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Stamps (optional)


  • For LARGE popsicle sticks only: Cut off ends of sticks and make uniform length. Line up popsicle sticks. I used 4 for the large stick version and 8 for the normal-sized stick version.
  • To secure the sticks, lay 3-4 sticks over them using hot glue.
  • Paint a base color and let dry.
  • Design any way you’d like. I used a rose stamp.


diy coasters popsicle stick dollarstore craft

12 Best Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Adults: Quick Break

Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Adults

Being mindful isn’t as easy as it sounds. But with a few practices, it gets easier.

Mindfulness activities for kids and adults can help us feel calmer, increase attention, and improve well-being.

In this guide, we’re sharing 12 mindfulness activities anyone can try.


What is Mindfulness?

In short, mindfulness means paying attention to the exact moment. Instead of thinking about the past, the future or something else, you’re focused in on each moment. That might seem simple, but in practice, it’s often very difficult. More often than not, our thoughts drift and aren’t in the present.

When we practice mindfulness, we’re open to a variety of benefits. Research has shown that practices can improve our psychological health. This has driven people to add mindfulness into their day-to-day routines.

Since staying in the present moment is difficult, there’s practices we can use to help “train” our brain. Most commonly, people practice mindfulness meditation.

However, there’s smaller mindfulness activities for kids and adults that you can use throughout the day.

In doing mindfulness activities, two main things happen:

  1. We get used to staying in the present moment
  2. We become aware of times we’re not in the present moment

Becoming aware of our thoughts is key. It’s normal for our thoughts to drift and think about other things. But if we’re aware when it happens, we’re able to redirect our thoughts back into the present moment.


Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is growing in popularity because of the benefits it has on our well-being.

Not only do people report feeling better from mindfulness, but science backs it up. From improved emotion to increased attention, there’s a variety of reasons people add mindfulness to their day-to-day routine.

Here’s the benefits of mindfulness activities for adults:

  • Can help treat people with problems with pain, smoking and addiction (2018 study)
  • Can improve physical heath (2019 study)
  • May reduce fatigue and pain in those with chronic pain (2015 study)
  • Can significantly reduce relapse in people with previous major depressive episodes (2017 study)
  • May Reduce prejudice (2014 study)
  • May lead to happier and healthier parenting experiences (2016 study)
  • Lessens depression and anxiety in parents of children with disabilities (2014 study)

The majority of the research on mindfulness activities has been done on adults. However, several studies show similar advantages for children.


Here’s the benefits of mindfulness activities for kids:

  • Decreases anxiety and increases cognitive performance in school (2014 study)
  • Mindfulness-based interventions for kids may improve cognitive performance and resilience to stress (2014 study)
  • May help boost students’ attention skills and help them develop stress coping mechanisms (Harvard and MIT partnership research)
  • Can improve the mental, emotional, social and physical health and well-being of young people (The Mindfulness In Schools Project)


Why Practice Mindfulness Activities?

Mindfulness is simply the act of being in the present moment. Your thoughts are focused on what’s happening right at this exact moment. You’re completely focused on your present experience.

Getting used to being in the present moment is difficult. Many times, your thoughts will drift and you won’t even know it.

Mindfulness is like a muscle: the more you practice it, the better you get.

The most common way to practice mindfulness is to meditate. It’s important to not that most of the research on mindfulness revolves around some sort of mindfulness meditation.

You can see an example of a guided mindfulness meditation below.


You can also try a guided mindfulness meditation for kids

It’s a good idea to try to add meditation into your day or week. Start off small and work your way up to longer sessions. Even if you can only manage a few minutes, it’s a good start!

While there’s many physiological benefits of meditation, it’s important we recognize that it’s not for everyone. Some people can’t manage to sit still and aren’t calmed by the practice. People are different, and if you can relate, know that there’s other forms of mediation.

Even if you do meditate, you might be looking for ways to add mindfulness throughout your day. This is where mindfulness activities come into play.

Short bursts of mindfulness are quick to do, feel calming and help build your present-moment muscle.

Since they don’t require the time commitment of a meditation, you can do these activities whenever you need a little more calm.

Consider adding mindfulness activities into your daily routine:

  • Before you leave for work/school
  • When you’re alone in the washroom
  • When you’re sitting at your desk
  • When you’re riding on public transit/school bus
  • When you’re waiting in your car in the school pickup line
  • Before you lay down for bed
  • As a transition from school/work life to home life
  • Before a big presentation or test


12 Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Adults

Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Adults

These mindfulness activities are suitable for both kids and adults!

#1 Trace Your Hand

This is a great mindfulness activity for kids because it’s so simple. However, it’s also a great idea for adults because it only requires your hands—meaning you can do it anytime!

Trace your hand with the opposite index finger. Breathe in while tracing up the side of one finger. As you go down each finger, breathe out. Repeat on your other hand.

#2 The Senses

Getting in touch with your senses is another classic mindfulness activity for kids and adults. Getting into your body helps free up your mind.

Take a moment to focus on your senses. In your mind or our loud, name:

  • 3 things you can hear
  • 3 things you can see
  • 3 things you can physically feel

#3 Focus on Object

Choose an object near you. It could be anything: a cup, bottle of lotion, pillow, key, etc.

Place it near you and notice everything about it. Take 2 minutes to focus on it. In your mind, describe its:

  • Shape
  • Texture
  • Color
  • Patterns
  • Size

#4 Sound Focus

Sometimes we think we can’t meditate if we’re in a busy environment, such as the middle of a bustling city. That’s not true though. We just need to focus in on whatever sound is available to us. This is a great mindfulness activity for adults or kids who are uncomfortable with silence.

Find a place to sit and devote the next 3 minutes to this practice. Simply focus your attention on what you hear. Each time your thoughts drift, start naming what you can hear. Don’t discount any noise (bird’s chirping, cars, honking, sirens, talking, wind, etc.).

#5 Quick Mindfulness Check

This quick mindfulness check is like a mini-meditation with no expectations.Find somewhere to sit down. You can either close your eyes or fixate on an object. For 3 minutes, sit and observe your thoughts without judging them. Let each one pass as it moves onto the next.

#6 Make a Fist

This mindfulness activity involves physical tension and release, hopefully leading to a release of emotional tension too!

With one hand, make a fist. Squeeze it tight. Focus on the tension. Then release it. Focus on the relaxation.

#7 Object Walk

This is a great mindfulness exercise for adults who have a short break throughout the day. Not only is moving beneficial for your physical and mental health, but adding a mindfulness increases the benefits.

Go for short walk with one goal: focus on a specific type of object. For example, aim to notice all the front doors, gardens or decks or plants on your walk. When another thoughts creeps in, switch your thoughts back to focusing on your object of choice.

#8 Eye Spy Beautiful Things

This can be a good practice if you need an emotional pick-me-up to see the brighter side again. It can help attune us to the good things.

Give yourself one minute to notice all the beautiful things around you. Name as many as you can.

If you’re in your living room, that could be a family photo, favorite mug, soft carpet, your pet, your favorite decor, etc.

If you’re outdoors, the beautiful things are limitless—birds, flowers, kind smiles, the look a mother gives her baby, etc.

#9 Thoughtless 10

This mindfulness activity involves counting to 10—but it’s not as easy as it sounds!

Close your eyes and count to 10. Try to focus on each number, visualizing it in your head or hearing it in your mind. Every time another thought pops up, start back at 1.

#10 Bite Zoom

In this practice, you’re going to zoom into each bite. This is a great mindfulness activity for kids or adults at the beginning of a family meal. It’s also ideal for those who may have trouble overeating. Mindful eating may have a variety of benefits, including helping you recognize fullness, increasing satisfaction and decreasing the number of sweet treats you eat.

For at least the first 3 bites of your meal, focus on your experience. Notice the taste, texture, smell, and appearance.

#11 Color

Coloring books can be great for improving our mindfulness if we’re intentional about it!

Take out an adult (or kid) coloring book. Choose a color and focus on filling in the design. Notice the strokes of the pencil and how the color builds as you color. You don’t need to finish the whole page, even just a few minutes can be calming.

#12 Grateful Challenge

This activity combines the benefits of gratitude with the benefits of mindfulness focus.

Set a timer for two minutes. Write down what you’re grateful for. Challenge yourself to find as many things as you can within that time frame. When your mind drifts, bring it back to what you’re thankful for.


Summary: Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Adults

Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Adults

Mindfulness activities for kids and adults are small ways you can add the practice into your day. You can do these activities when you’re in a stressful moment and need to inject some calm. Or, you can add them into your daily routine—such as choosing one every morning.


Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Adults