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How to Create a Magical Morning Routine for Everyday Miracles

We’re often told that the first meal of the day is the most important—but what about the first activities? Editing your morning routine to include...

80 Best Summer Date Ideas That Are Free or Cheap

Stuck on date ideas? Tired of reading the same lists with the same ideas? That’s why I’ve created this gigantic list of every summer date idea...

31 Things To Do When Awaiting an Ignored Text

Quick, check your phone. They may have texted you back in the time it took to read this sentence. Nope? Not yet? Rats. Guess you’re stuck...

27 Qualities a Boyfriend or Girlfriend Should Have

What qualities do you want your soulmate to have? Many of us have long lists of things we want from our partner, but which are...

7 Crystals to Help with Heartbreak, Breakups and Divorce

Going through breakups is rough and having some hope and inspiration can make it a tiny bit better. One way of making yourself feel better...

133 Online Dating Questions to Know If They’re The One

Online dating questions can reveal secrets and dealbreakers. They’re a great way to find out about a person before spending too much time on them....

7 Crystals to Help with Heartbreak, Breakups and Divorce

Going through breakups is rough and having some hope and inspiration can make it a tiny bit better. One way of making yourself feel better...

36 Customizable Breakup Bucket List Ideas to Move On + Change Your Life

When you breakup with someone, your life can change. If you’ve known them...

How To Wire Wrap Crystal Stones: The EASIEST Tutorial

Wire wrapping a crystal can be intimidating. If you’re searching for how to wire wrap crystal, you might be confused by some of the information...

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