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7 Crystals to Help with Heartbreak, Breakups and Divorce

Going through breakups is rough and having some hope and inspiration can make it a tiny bit better. One way of making yourself feel better...

How To Set an Intention for Manifestation: 8 Critical Steps

You know want manifestation is and you’re ready to get started. The first step is to decide on your intentions. But what are they? And how do...

How To Make Spiritual Cleansing Spray: DIY Crystal Essence

Crystal tinctures are fun and easy to make—even better to use! They can be used as a rub, taken under the tongue or turned into...

24 Signs You’re in Toxic Relationship That Won’t Change

There’s a lot of talk these days about toxic relationships. It’s almost as if the word is thrown around to describe anyone you don’t like. But...

11 Fun Manifestation Writing Exercises to Attract ASAP

Sticking to the law of attraction can be tough. One way we can get better at it is by practicing. You’ve probably done different manifestation activities...

11 Crystals for Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Love

Has anyone told you how awesome you are today? I am right now. But so will these crystals. If you’re struggling with low self-esteem, along with...

DIY Coasters from Cork

These cute DIY coasters are easy to make and fun to customize! With a variety of designs and color combos, you can design a set...

15 Things To Do When You Want To Text Your Ex

Having trouble not texting your ex? Going no contact can be really hard, especially when we’re used to seeing someone so often. But as difficult as...

Um, We’re in a Pandemic. Go Easy On Yourself. Here’s 9 Ways.

How have you been keeping busy during this pandemic? If you’re not an...

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