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Tarot Spread Relationship Layouts: 3 Patterns for Couples

How’s your relationship going? Although you have a good idea of how to answer that, so does the tarot. While relationship tarot spreads can give insight...

11 Crystals for Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Love

Has anyone told you how awesome you are today? I am right now. But so will these crystals. If you’re struggling with low self-esteem, along with...

3 Tarot Spreads for Future Love: Will I Find Love?

If people aren’t asking tarot about money, they’re probably asking about love. It makes the world go around. We feel great when we’re in love....

8 Crystals for the Sacral Chakra: Sex, Connection, Creativity, Pleasure

Sex. Connection. Relationships. Creativity. Passion. Pleasure. These are the aspects of the sacral chakra, the third energy center in the system. An unbalanced sacral chakra can...

How to Create a Magical Morning Routine for Everyday Miracles

We’re often told that the first meal of the day is the most important—but what about the first activities? Editing your morning routine to include...

10 Unconventional Ways to Wake Up Easier and Happier

Getting up sucks most mornings. Yep, the ringing alarm on your phone goes off and you wish you could just throw it across the room. Or...

Here’s What Social Isolation Is and Isn’t: Explained Very Clearly

Social distancing is a new term and with that, there seems to be some confusion.

Read This If You Feel Alone: 12 Thoughts on the Pain of Loneliness

Feeling a little empty, unwanted, disconnect from the world? Like the globe is turning but you’re watching it instead of inside it? Maybe you have everyone’s...

How to Answer a Compliment with 6 Non-Awkward Tricks

Compliments are weird, right? They usually feel good to get (even if we’re too modest to admit it). But often they feel awkward to respond to. Like,...

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