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Ask A Human: The Q About Wasting Time With a Cheating Partner

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Dear Human,

I have been in a relationship for over 5 years now. But I recently found out that my partner has been cheating. It hurts. But I would like to know if he’s in love with someone else and I’m just wasting my time with him?

When we have an argument, he’ll bring up old things and the relationship later comes back. Please advise if I’m wasting my time with him.


Dear Human with a Cheating Partner,

Sorry to hear that you’ve been cheated on. The weeks that follow such a betrayal are always upsetting and confusing at best.

I was in a relationship with a guy who routinely broke my trust. Yet, I kept forgiving him. Before he’d even fully apologize, he’d be doing something else to severely damage the relationship. The connection felt impossible to break at times. After a couple of rounds of this though, I couldn’t take the distrust and uncertainty. Since my emotions were too deep into it, I tried to use logic instead. And it said that trust takes time to build. But it takes even more time to rebuild. Was I willing to put in that time when I thought change was unlikely? I wasn’t. I had wasted enough time and heart. He had enough chances to prove me wrong.

When someone cheats on you, sometimes we assume the bond will be immediately severed. It rarely is though. Whether we decide to stay or leave, the pain stays with us for some time.

Choosing to stay after someone cheats on you is a difficult decision. It’s one that implies you’re open to building trust again. Even though this wasn’t your fault, you’re the one who will be dealing with the aftermath of rebuilding the relationship. This is a process. It’s also a gamble (will the person cheat again?). Is your partner worth this effort?

You mention that you’re not sure if he’s in love with someone else. This is a conversation you can only have with him. Ask him honestly and try to gauge whether he’s giving you an honest response. You also say that he brings up old things. Be sure he isn’t gaslighting you for his own behavior. In a toxic relationship, an end is inedible unless the person changes.

The truth is your partner could cheat again. Or he may not. But are you comfortable making the decision to stay knowing that it’s a possibility? Do you have enough faith that the relationship can be restored? Is it a mountain you’re willing to climb?

Let’s take cheating out of the equation for a second. How does your partner treat you? Would you say the relationship is healthy?

Ask yourself if he deserves you. Cheating is a sign that he doesn’t, so has his efforts since that changed? Has he apologized? Does he understand why it’s wrong and why it hurt you? Has he done anything to redeem himself? Do you think he’s genuinely changed his behavior? If your feelings make you see logic differently, try to point to hard evidence of change.

Does it feel like an uphill battle with no prize at the top? Or are you making progress and value the top of the mountain?

Many times, it takes too much time to repair a relationship than it does to find someone who will treat you better. Ultimately, this is your decision, but I hope these questions gave you points to consider 🙂


A Human ❤️


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14 Herb Crafts for Adults: DIY Creative Spiritual Seekers

Herb Crafts for Adults

Whether you’re practicing magik, a nature lover or have a spiritual connection with herbs—

making DIYs with them is a good way to ensure they never go to waste.

Perhaps you have some left over, grow them in your garden or are simply looking for witchy craft DIYS.

Here, we’re sharing 14 herb DIY crafts you can do at home.

14 Witchy Herb DIY Crafts

Herb Crafts for Adults

If you’re looking for crafts that use herbs, scroll through this list of fun, creative and witchy ideas.

#1 Witch Bottles or Spell Bottles

  • Witch bottles incorporate a mix of nature findings into one cute, tiny bottle. You can purchase small jars at the dollar store and fill them with:
    Small crystals
    Dried flowers
    Essential oils
  • These can be used for spells or intention setting on a new path. You can also use them to place in your altars. Here’s a more in-depth tutorial on how to make a witch bottle.

#2 Wreath

You can use your herbs to make a wreath for any season. They’re traditionally used around the holidays and winter, but you can make a wreath have a summertime or spring vibe by adding some dried orange slices to your herbs.


#3 Frozen Herb Oil

If you know your herbs are going to go bad, you can pour olive oil into an ice cube tray and lay in your herbs. When you’re ready to cook, pop out a cube and defrost your oil in the pan.


#4 Herb or Floral Ice Cubes


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These beautiful cubes are simple to make and a great way to use up your extra herbs and flowers. For something more spiced, use herbs. To add a beautiful look to a sparkling beverage, use colorful flowers.


#5 Herb Mobile


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To make a herb mobile, attach twigs to make a circle (or buy a metal circle base). Then, attach your upside-down herb sprigs using twine. Attach twine to the four corners of circular mobile and hang it from the ceiling. Not only does this provide some witchy décor, but it also dries your herbs. Here’s a full tutorial on making a Herb Mobile Drying Rack.


#6 Centre Piece


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If you love a witchy aesthetic that revolves around everything natural, try using your dried herbs as a centerpiece. Simply place the sprigs in a mason jar. If you’re feeling creative, tie a bow around for a pop.


#7 Herb Satchels


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Herb satchels can be used and carried around for their magical healing powers. Or they can be placed around the home because of their beautiful scents. They can also be placed in altars. To make your own, think about your intention for the satchel. That way, you can choose herbs, scents and crystals that correspond to that topic or purpose. Combine your dried herbs, small crystal(s), flower petals and other nature findings, then pour into your satchel.


#8 Herb Salts


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There’s nothing like a homemade herb salt or rub. It makes cooking just that much more special and the kitchen all that more creative. You can Google recipes for the herbs you have leftover to see recommendations for additional flavors. However, in many cases, you can simply dry your herbs, chop them up, and combine with coarse salt.


#9 Smudge Sticks

Smudge sticks are traditionally made with sprigs of sage that have been tied together and dried. However, you can also use other herbs, such as rosemary and lemongrass. To learn how to make you own smudge stick, read this. To learn how to smudge, read How To Smudge With Sage To Cleanse Energies.


#10 Bath Salt


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  • You can also use your herbs to make soothing bath salts. For this you’ll need:
    Epsom salts
    Essential oil

The photo above shares a basic recipe, but you can change it as you’d like. For example, you may use rosemary herbs instead of rose petals. If you don’t have many ingredients but still want to enjoy a herb bath, simply mix your plant material with Epsom salts and a few drops of an essential oil.


#11 Candles


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If you make candles, you can use your herbs to make a new age craft. Simply make your candle as you normally do and place a few herbs at the top. Other people like carefully laying a sprig in the side of the jars. You can learn about using plants in candles here.


#12 Tea


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  • Tea is an easy no-brainer new age craft to make with herbs. All you need to do is dry your herb and place it in a tea strainer. Pour in hot water, let steep and enjoy your fresh, natural cup of tea. Herbs you can make tea with include:
    Lemon balm
    + More

You can also experiment by combining herbs and making your own blends. If you’re into witchcraft medicine, you can also research which herbs impart which benefits and make your DIY tea according to that.


#13 Herb Hanging Art Piece


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You can also play around with your herbs and plant material to make a hanging wall piece. In the example above, leaves and beads hang on a simple string art piece. You can create something similar using your herbs or plants in your home.


#14 Sage Spray


As we mentioned above, you can make a smudge stick from dried herb sprigs. However, if you don’t have a bundle to use but still want the energy clearing benefits, you can make a sage spray instead. To do this you’ll need:

  • Essential oils
Herbs (sage or lemongrass)
  • Water

Mix the ingredients and place into a spray bottle. You can use this as a room spray to clear the energy, or as a spray to clear your aura. If you want, you can also add a crystal to the bottom of the bottle to help purify the energy.

Herb Crafts for Adults

31 Things To Do When Awaiting an Ignored Text

ignored text response

Quick, check your phone. They may have texted you back in the time it took to read this sentence.

Nope? Not yet?

Rats. Guess you’re stuck here with me then.

But that’s… kinda okay, right?

I mean I’ve prepared a list of tons of ways to distract yourself while you await that text back.


Why Are They Ignoring Texts?

There’s plenty of reasons somebody may be ignoring your texts. They could be bored with the conversation, thinking of a response, found another person to talk to or perhaps they simply don’t prioritize you.

If you’re wondering why they’re avoiding you, read 13 Reasons He Ignores Your Texts For Days.

Whether you know they’re busy or know they’re avoiding you, it can be a difficult emotion to deal with. To learn how to cope, read Text Messages Being Ignored? 8 Anxiety-Free Ways To Detach From Checking-Syndrome.


Am I Overreacting?

Yuck, I hate to admit this but I’ve definitely overreacted from what I thought were ignored texts.  A few more times than I’d like to admit.

You see, I’m probably a little rejection sensitive. That means sometimes I read nothing or normal signals as a social threat. So, while that person may be tied up at work, I read their no text as “I hate you, we’ll never talk again, you’re such a loser.”

Even though nothing has happened, I might turn people away with my rejection sensitivity by overreacting. For example, when I’ve commented on being ignored, I’ve received angry messages back like “I was busy at work, Jesus Christ.”

Sometimes, people are truly avoiding you. But other times, they’re not ignoring you at all. When you’re not sure, it’s a good idea to start by giving people the benefit of the doubt. As someone who overreacts, I’ve learned that I need to distract myself so I don’t text something weird or wallow in my perceived rejection.


31 Distractions From Ignored Texts

ignored text response

If you’re having trouble detaching from ignored texts, it can be helpful to keep distracted. If you’re not sure what to do, check out the list below for ideas.


#1 Talk to Friends

You’re on your phone anyways, might as well text a few friends or family members to help distract you.


#2 Visit Friends

Going out and having fun will keep you off your phone. Call up your friends to go out for the night, take a walk, get a coffee, etc.


#3 Journal About It

Okay, this isn’t exactly distracting you from your texts. It’s more like making you face your feelings head-on. But that can be a good thing. Studies show that journaling can help decrease mental distresses and increase well-being.


#4 Read

Reading can transport you out of your world and into another’s. Give your own problems a break for a bit and delve into the drama of others.


#5 Brainstorm a Side Business

Once you have a side business, you’ll have something you can always pour your time into. It can be something as thought out as an eCommerce website or something as simple as selling knitted blankets to friends.


#6 Do Work

If you have any work or homework you need to catch on, it can be a productive way to start your time.


#7 Binge a Show

Find a show and really get into it. Make sure there’s a lot of episodes so that even if they don’t text back the entire day, you’ll be busy soothed by something else.


#8 Take Your Dog to the Park

Maybe you’re annoyed and don’t feel like connecting with humans. Well, dogs are always there for you and I’m sure your pup wouldn’t reject a trip to the park.


#9 Do a Good Deed

When we feel bad, it can make us feel better to do something good. To distract yourself from the ignored text, go outside with the goal of brightening people’s days. You could:

  • Give compliments
  • Pay for the coffee for the person behind you
  • Leave positive notes
  • Drop coins
  • Leave scratch tickets for others to find
  • Donate food


#10 Go for a Hike

Pick somewhere with a lot of hilly areas where cell reception is spotty. Going to be hard to check your phone constantly when you don’t have service!


#11 Get a Side Job Where You Can’t Text

This is a good solution if you’re frequently finding yourself anxious from lengthy texts back. When I used to bartend, it was pretty hard to check my phone, which means I worried about it a lot less.


#12 Advocate for Something

Become passionate about an issue. Spend time learning about it and brainstorming ways you can advocate and further the cause.


#13 Workout

Exercise is a good idea for many mental distresses. That’s because it releases feel-good chemicals like endorphins. These can boost positive feelings and help downplay negative ones, like anxiety over ignored texts.


#14 Make Something

Find a creative hobby and get at it. Keeping your hands busy will mean they’re not constantly on your phone. Here’s some suggestions:

  • Beading
  • Bead loom
  • Knitting
  • Making bookmarks
  • Paint by numbers
  • Print off magnets for your fridge
  • Make printable wall art
  • Rhinestone paint by numbers
  • Knitting loom
  • Adult coloring books


#15 Go to a New Place

A new place or adventure can draw you in and make you forget about the fact someone may be ignoring you. Go to a new place in your city or find a different nature spot.


#16 Meditate

Meditation can be difficult if you’ve never tried it, but there’s no failing at it. Many people think the goal is to have no thoughts, which definitely won’t be the case if you’re awaiting a text. But what meditation can do is teach you how to let the thoughts pass without becoming obsessed with them. Over time, this can become easier and easier—which will also make ignored texts more simple to deal with.


#17 Get In the Kitchen

When you’re worried about following a recipe to a T and getting things in and out of the oven on time, you won’t be checking your phone as much. Pick a complicated:

  • Dinner recipe
  • Dessert recipe
  • Cocktail recipe (unless the drinking is going to make you text them!)


#18 Do Chores

Yeah, not so fun, but this will keep you busy. And, even if the person doesn’t text back, you’ll still feel a little bit better knowing that you got something productive done.

  • Sweep or vacuum
  • Do laundry
  • Do the dishes
  • Clean the forgotten about places


#19 Go Within

We can’t change other people, but we can change ourselves. Although this may not help the current situation, it can help distract us from it. Consider reading some self-help articles or books or listening to some talks or podcasts.


#20 Re-Design Your Space

Use the time to envision how you want to redesign or reorganize your room, apartment or home. What new items do you need? What’s your budget? Can you make any DIY project for it? So many options to think about.


#21 Plan a Dream Vacation

Even if you have no budget and can’t go anytime soon, thinking about the possibilities can be fun.


#22 Write Them an Unsent Text

As the hours are growing, you might be getting more angry or hurt they’re not texting back. If you have the urge to text them and know you shouldn’t, consider writing something to get your feelings out. Be as truthful as you want. But don’t send it.


#23 Scroll Pinterest

It’s easy to get lost on Pinterest. Type in something that interests you, whether recipes, fashion, cute dogs, etc. Keep scrolling until they text back.


#24 Play Games

Whether it’s on the phone you’re starting at or a physical board game, challenges can draw you in and make you forget about your stresses.


#25 Learn New Hairstyles and Outfits

If you’re into it, discover new hairstyles and outfits you can try out.


#26 Discover Spirituality

Many people find comfort in spirituality. If you don’t have beliefs, read up on others to see if you like any aspects of them. Maybe you discover you want to read the bible, learn tarot or practice reiki.


#27 Follow a Tutorial

There’s so many tutorials on YouTube to choose from. Pick any category and try it out:

  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Yoga
  • Technology
  • Exercise
  • Painting
  • Drawing


#28 Practice Self-Care

Show yourself some love by pampering yourself. That could include painted nails, a bath, face mask, face steaming, etc.


#29 Read Relationship Problems

Read the Relationship Advice subreddit. Give yourself permission to get into the drama of others to soothe your own for a bit.


#30 Download a New App

Do something else on your phone besides obsessively check it. Browse the App or Google Play store. What’s new and exciting there? Look through all the categories.


#31 Go Window Shopping

I can’t be the only one who spends a massive amount of time “adding to cart” and never buying.

#32 Plan a Gift for Someone

If a friend or family member has a birthday coming up, start early by planning their gift. If no holidays are upon you, get someone a random gift. Seeing them happy will make you happy 🙂


What to Do When They Don’t Text Back

When someone isn’t texting back, they may be purposely ignoring you but they might also just be busy. To avoid saying something you might regret, or to stop feeling so bad, it’s a good idea to distract yourself. Use the ideas provided on the list above to get your mind off of your phone.
ignored text response

DIY Crystal Grid for New Beginnings, Love, Money & More

diy crystal grid for love

Crystal grids are pretty set-ups. But how do you make them?

And how can you ensure they’re working for the purpose you want it to?

Although there’s many different ways to make a crystal grid, your intention is what matters most.

Whether you have a few or a lot of crystals, we’ll show you what to do.

Keep reading to learn how to make a crystal grid.


What’s a Crystal Grid?

diy crystal grid for love

A Crystal grid is a collection of stones place in a design formation. It’s usually created alongside a purpose or intention, such as to heal your body. When someone makes a grid, they choose crystals that align with their intention. For example, choosing stones known for happiness for an intention of healing depression.

It’s believed that the energy from these crystals will aid the person in achieving their goal or intention.

This grid is placed somewhere that you can see it daily. It should serve as a visual reminder of your intention. How often a grid stays up depends on you and your goals. It could stay up a few days, a week or a year. However, remember to cleanse and recharge the grid just like you would any other crystal.


What’s the Purpose of a Crystal Grid

The purpose of a crystal grid is to support you in an area of your life. When you make a crystal grid, you set your intention for it. Intentions can vary wildly. For example, the purpose of a crystal grid could be:

  • Help you find work
  • Help you heal from anxiety
  • Help you find love
  • Help you work through a family issue
  • Help you through a divorce or breakup
  • Help you through a life transition
  • Manifest something specific
  • Pray for the healing of a loved one
  • Pray for the healing of yourself


Crystal Grid Elements

When it comes to making a crystal grid, there’s two main elements you need to know about before choosing your stones.

Main Stone

This is stone will be the center of your crystal grid. It’s ideal to have the biggest stone in the middle. Although you can use big stones on the outside too, using a bigger stone than the one in the Centre may offset the energies in the grid.

Support Stones/Connectors

Many people use pointed quartz as support stones to “point” the energy toward the center of the grid. Quartz can also be a good choice because it helps amplify the energy of the crystals around it. However, you can use other stones as support stones. Other people may disagree, but I disagree with them. If you don’t have money for dozens of pointed quartz, in my opinion, spirit does not discriminate. Most things work mainly by intention anyway.


How to Make a Crystal Grid for New Beginnings, Love, Money and More

Here’s the steps on how to make a crystal grid.

Step #1: Choose Intention

Firstly, you need to choose your intention for your crystal grid. As discussed above, you can make a crystal grid for many purposes, including:

  • Better health
  • Better mental well-being
  • To support someone’s healing
  • To support a life transition or change
  • To get over an ex

Then write your intention down on a piece of paper. It could be something as simple as “I intend this crystal grid to support me in finding my soulmate.”

It could also be more detailed like: “To support me in achieving a better life with stability and happiness in emotions, work and romance.”


Step #2: Choose Your Crystals

Next, you need to choose the crystals you’re using in your grid. Most, if not all, your crystals should reflect your intention.

You’ll need:

  • One main/Centre stone
  • 6+ support stones

We discuss main and support stones in detail above. The amount of crystals you use will depend on if you’re aiming for a specific pattern/design.

If you don’t have many crystals and are worried about using ones that aren’t tied to your cause, consider this: Even stones that you may not traditionally tie to your intention can be used with success. For example, let’s say you have a crystal grid for anxiety and you’re using crystals like Amethyst to help have a calming effect. Orange crystals may seem out of place. However, many symbolize happiness, meaning that it injects some of that happy energy into your calm grid.


Step #3: Layout Your Crystals

Finally, it’s time to layout your crystals into your grid.

You can do this in several ways:

  • Make up your own pattern
  • Use a sacred geometric pattern template
  • Use a grid cloth

Some people insist that you should use and layout your stones in a sacred geometric pattern, typically using a template. There’s even crystal grid boards you can purchase for this purpose. Using the lines, place your stones, connecting them to each other. Although these are aesthetically pleasing to look at, they’re not necessary.

Again, since intention matters most here, how you layout your grid is up to you. Follow your intuition.

If you’re making your own pattern, place your center stone in the middle. Then use your supporting stones to connect to your big stone. As discussed above, pointed quartz stones are a good option here, but they’re not necessary.


Step #4: Activate with Intention

Once your crystal grid is in place, it’s time to activate it using your intention. Using the phrase you wrote in step #1, read it out loud in front of the grid.

You can also choose to place a candle by your grid and light it frequently to remind you of your intention.


Summary on How to Make a Crystal Grid

Crystal grids can be used for a variety of purposes. People have many varying opinions about how to make one. You can use lesser or more crystals. You can use a design template to dictate your grid, or you can use your intuition. Remember to choose stones that represent your intention and to choose your intention wisely.

diy crystal grid for love

99 Morning Affirmations for Happy + Productive Day Ahead

morning affirmations

How about some kind words while you gulp down your coffee?

Morning affirmations are positive statements that many people use to start their day off better. Some believe that repeating these phrases will unleash benefits.

Others feel a more instant sense of calm.

In this article, we’re going over what the research says about morning affirmations. We’ll list 99 you can pick from to try yourself.


What Are Morning Affirmations?

Morning affirmations are short and positive phrases repeated at the beginning of the day. These can be said out loud, in your head or written.

The idea is that affirmations can help you gain a sense of positivity around a topic. From this positivity, you can attract it into your real life. For example, let’s say you choose the affirmation “I am in control of my mind.” This may not always be true; you may have moments when you feel anxious or let your emotions get the better of you. But repeating your intention can make you more aware of where your focus is going, making you gain more control of your mind. In this way, repeating the affirmation could help you achieve it.

If you want to try affirmations, it’s important to choose ones that are realistic and specific to you. For example, repeating something that’s far from the truth could make you feel worse instead of better.


Do Affirmations Work?

Is there any science to back up using affirmations or is it mainly a spiritual practice? The answer is yes. But without a doubt, affirmations don’t always work. In this section, we’ll why affirmations can work for some people.

Can Improve Your Performance

There is some data to back up the idea that affirmations can improve your performance. In a 2019 study, researchers found out that athletes who used positive self-statements had better performance in 2 out of 3 tasks. Their affirmations were also accompanies by head nods.

In another study, over 300 cancer survivors said they felt more optimistic, had better health and greater happiness after self-affirmation. Some experts believe that self-affirmation can activate reward circuits in our brains.

Used as Situational Mantras

Some people also successful use affirmations as mantras in situations. For example, let’s say you have a bit of road rage and get angry whenever someone drives in front of you. Repeating a phrase like “I focus on what I can control,” can remind you that you can’t control the slow driver and to take a few deep breaths instead.

Another scenario: It’s your first week at your new job and you feel very anxious. Choosing a morning affirmation like, “I always do my best” can put your focus on doing your best, rather than worrying about what you could do wrong.

“Programs” Your Mind to Look for Opportunities

Depending on what your affirmation is, it’s possible that repeating a phrase can make you more aware of opportunities to achieve it. For example, if repeating “I’m grateful for every day” makes you look for reasons to be grateful, you will become grateful every day.

Similarly, if your affirmation is “business opportunities come to me easily,” repeating it often could lead you to think about it often. Thinking about if often could lead you to begin actually seeking out opportunities.

Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is a phenomenon where you experience something just because you believe you will.

In many studies, participants are given a sugar pill with no therapeutic effect. They’re told it will have a benefit, such as curing their back pain. Some people in most studies will experience this benefit, even though the pill is fake.

So what’s that mean? Your mind plays a large role in what you experience, even if you don’t know it.

So, by repeating and thinking you’ll have a good day, you may end up actually having a good day. The key is that you actually need to believe the affirmation, so keep it reachable for your situation. If you repeat it and know that it’s a stretch, you won’t believe it, and the placebo effect won’t work.


Can Morning Affirmations Help You Manifest?

Many people use affirmations to help them manifest. These phrases are a popular law of attraction tool. But do they actually work?

The law of attraction can be framed by the science we outlined above— thinking about something more often can lead you to look for opportunities and/or experience a placebo effect. Given this, manifesting doesn’t need to be looked at from just a spiritual point of view.

If you practice manifesting, the main thing to know is to choose a morning affirmation that feels right to you. If you choose something that’s far out-of-reach and makes you feel worse, it’s unlikely to have benefits (we go more into detail about that below).


Affirmations Don’t Always Work

Affirmations can work for some people, but it’s important to recognize that they don’t always work. The people that need uplifting the most probably won’t benefit from them.

…If You’re Feeling Bad

According to psychology professor Steven Hayes in his book A Liberated Mind, affirmations don’t work when we need them most, like when we’re feeling bad about ourselves. They can just make us feel worse.

If you’re using an affirmation to avoid feeling an emotion, it likely won’t work. There’s no shortcut for feelings.

…If You Have Lower Confidence

A 2009 study showed that positive self-statements work–but only for those that already have high self-esteem. If you already feel good about yourself, you can feel better–but only a little bit.

However, if participants felt badly, affirmations didn’t help. For example, when they used the phrase “I’m a lovable person,” those that felt unlovable may not be affected or even have their belief reinforced.


Should I Use Morning Affirmations?

I’ve outlined both arguments above: why morning affirmations work and why they don’t.

If you’re not sure if they’ll work for you, you can give them a try and see how they feel. If they make you feel worse, stop using them. If they make you feel better or you get results, keep using them. If you experience only some benefits, consider tweaking your affirmations.

Before choosing your affirmations though, there’s some important tips to keep in mind. The scientific data we shared above suggests that:

It’s best to use affirmations when you’re already feeling well

You should choose affirmations that feel in-reach to you. Something you don’t believe in will probably make you feel worse.

Affirmations aren’t a replacement for a negative emotion. You need to feel your emotions, not shove them down with a positive statement (this is a form of toxic positivity).


99 Morning Affirmations for a Great Day Ahead

morning affirmations

If you’re looking for some morning affirmations to start your day with, we think you’ll love these.

  1. I hold the key to who I am.
  2. I always do my best.
  3. I allow myself to feel good.
  4. I choose to listen to hope over my feelings.
  5. I am grateful for all of life’s blessings.
  6. I am safe.
  7. I am beautiful today and every day.
  8. I am open to opportunity today.
  9. I am taking today second by second.
  10. Every day is an opportunity to really be alive.
  11. I focus on my impact.
  12. I am reinvigorated for today.
  13. I trust in my future.
  14. I choose which thoughts I focus on.
  15. I am complete.
  16. I support myself.
  17. I’m proud of myself for having the courage to take on every day.
  18. I respect my fears exist, but realize I don’t need to respond to them.
  19. I control my mind.
  20. I stand up for what I believe.
  21. I am closer to achieving my goal than I was yesterday.
  22. I am trusting the journey.
  23. I release any blocks that stand in a way of a more joyful life
  24. I bring my attention back to the moment.
  25. I am an expert in spotting love wherever I go.
  26. I am making progress.
  27. I nourish my body.
  28. I thank my body for taking me through each day.
  29. I have healthy, fulfilling relationships.
  30. I am open to other perspectives.
  31. I am kind and clear.
  32. I am going with the flow of my intuition.
  33. I choose curiosity in the face of judgment.
  34. I value myself.
  35. I am choosing to have an open mind today.
  36. I am bringing a new beginning to each day.
  37. I am in charge of myself and myself only.
  38. I deserve to have my needs met.
  39. I am focusing on the good things today.
  40. I bring a unique perspective to the table.
  41. I am recharging myself today.
  42. My best is the only real perfect.
  43. Everything is solvable.
  44. I can balance my life.
  45. I am investing in myself today.
  46. I am free to express my creativity.
  47. I extend compassion to myself today.
  48. I am here because I am supposed to be.
  49. I am worthy of rest.
  50. I am receptive to prosperity.
  51. I am always improving.
  52. I choose to start the day with hope.
  53. I have the ability to hold two opposite thoughts and move forward anyway.
  54. I communicate easily.
  55. I am proud of myself for my accomplishments.
  56. I add to other’s lives and others add to mine.
  57. I am growing each day.
  58. I am choosing to root for myself today.
  59. I release decisions that don’t support me.
  60. Each day, I am developing my skills.
  61. I am paying attention to who I am inside
  62. I have confidence in my decisions.
  63. I enjoy the feeling of a job well-done.
  64. I am open to receiving healing.
  65. I am enough Every. Single. Day.
  66. I invite everything good into my life.
  67. I am excited to shape my destiny.
  68. I notice the good in myself.
  69. I am open to experiencing magic today.
  70. I am kind to myself.
  71. Unwelcomed thoughts roll off my mind
  72. I am leaving a mark on the world today.
  73. I am excited for the possibilities of today.
  74. I am worthy of the blessings in my life.
  75. I am sharing my gifts with the world today.
  76. I’m open to financial abundance.
  77. I release resistance to move forward.
  78. I am knowledgeable.
  79. I trust my intuition.
  80. I am supported by those around me.
  81. I am respectful toward my body.
  82. I have a special place in this world.
  83. I belong here.
  84. I am choosing to have an open heart today.
  85. It’s safe to be who I am.
  86. I deserve love today and every day.
  87. I am breathing into each moment.
  88. I am respectful of my sensitivity.
  89. I have a gentle yet bullish attitude when I want something.
  90. I turn toward the joy in life.
  91. I am nice but take no shit.
  92. I am open to creative energy today.
  93. I recognize beauty in others.
  94. Each day is another step I take forward.
  95. I am respectful of my own boundaries.
  96. I am respectful of my values.
  97. I am nurturing my best qualities.
  98. I choose to see change as excitement.
  99. I am act brave even when I don’t feel brave.


How to Use Morning Affirmations

Once you’ve chosen a morning affirmation, how should you use it? There’s a variety of ways people practice them. You can try a few and do what works best for you. You can also get creative in how you add them to your routine. Here are some examples:

  • Repeat them out loud
  • Chant them
  • Use them in a meditation
  • Write them down repeatedly
  • Write them on sticky notes placed where you’ll see frequently
  • Use it as your home screen on your phone
  • Use it as your desktop wallpaper on your computer
  • Make it into a poster and hang it at home

You can use affirmations as frequently as you’d like. If it helps, use them daily and add them into your morning routine. Or, you can use them in times of need or stress only. There’s no rules; it’s about doing what works for you.

You can also use different morning affirmations during different times of your life. For example, if you’re nervous mornings because of a new job, use a phrase that calms you. If that transitions into fear about speaking in a meeting, choose an affirmation about owning your power.


Summary on Morning Affirmations

Morning affirmations can be useful bursts of positivity to enhance the start of your day. Affirmations work best if you choose something that feels relatable to you. For that reason, you can experiment with adding a few into your morning and see if you get any benefits. Remember that affirmations don’t work for everyone. If you’re feeling bad about yourself, they have the potential to make you feel worse, so be sure to use them wisely.

morning affirmations

8 Healing Crystals for Dreams and Enlightening Sleep

crystals for dreams

Having trouble remembering dreams?

Want better ones?

Or maybe you want to get rid of your horrid nightmares.

Do you want to connect with your spirit guides tonight?

What about your angels?

How about lucid dreaming?

There’s so many things that crystals for dreams can do. Whether you’re looking for spiritual awakening or just want better rest, stones are spiritual tools you could try.

In this post, we’re listing 8 crystals for dreams and telling you how you can use them tonight.

DISCLAIMER: Crystals are fun to use to aid you on your spiritual journey. But there is no science-backed evidence they can heal physical or mental ailments. Please contact your doctor or a relevant professional for advice and help. The information provided here is based on spiritual meanings and should not be taken literally.


8 Crystals for Dreams

crystals for dreams

This list includes crystals for good dreams, crystals for lucid dreaming and stones for connection to higher powers.


#1 Moonstone

Most often, moonstone comes in a whitish or greyish color. Rainbow moonstone reflects other colors and has an iridescent look.

True to its name, moonstone is one of the first choices for crystals for dreams. It can help you harness the moon’s energy, which can provide protection throughout your dream life. It can also help relax your body and mind, letting your day dissolve behind you so you can experience meaningful rest.

It can help you harness the moon’s energy, which can provide protection throughout your dream life. It can also help relax your body and mind, letting your day dissolve behind you so you can experience meaningful rest.


#2 Amethyst

Amethyst comes in shades of purple and is used for a variety of purposes. Because of its color, it’s related to the crown chakra and is thought to help connect you to higher energies. This can be helpful if you’re trying to use your dreams to access higher realms—or even just your higher self.

Out of all the crystals for dreams, this one may be the most commonly used because it’s easily found and affordable. Amethyst has two other main benefits too. It can aid in protection, helping any negative energies you encounter in the dream world bounce off. This may be helpful if you’re struggling with nightmares or wake up feeling like you had a bad dream but just can’t put your finger on it.

The stone is also known to ease anxieties. This is a good idea if you’re anxious before bed and have trouble sleeping. It can also help calm you down enough to do the dreamwork you’re hoping for.

I should note that since amethyst is considered a quartz crystal, some people say to keep it out of the bedroom. That’s because quartz is known to amplify energies, meaning bad dreams could be made worse. Still, others say it’s helped their dream life immensely. If you’re looking for crystals for good dreams, you can try out amethyst and stop using it if you notice negative experiences.


#3 Celestite

Celestine is a calming stone that’s thought to be connected to the angles. It’s usually a light blue or greyish color.

The name of the crystal coneys an otherworldly energy, and that’s exactly what it represents. Celestine may help you through some intense dreamwork such as accessing akashic records. If you’re looking for crystals for lucid dreams, it could also be a great one to try. Celestite is ideal if you’re trying to get messages from angels or spirit guides. Even if you’re just wanting something to aid in spiritual ascension while asleep, it’s a good choice to stick under your pillow.


#4 Lapis Lazuli: Crystals for Lucid Dreams

with its mesmerizing deep blue color, Lapis Lazuli even looks like a stone for dreaming. In fact, it’s known to many as one of the best crystals for lucid dreaming. That means it can help you become aware of what you’re dreaming while you’re inside the dream. This can help you control what’s happening or the outcomes.

Lapis Lazuli is related to the third eye chakra and as such, brings psychic benefits to your sleep. This can help you connect with higher realms of consciousness. As a double benefit, if you’re wanting crystals for protection, Lapis Lazuli will also take on that role. It helps shied you from negative energies that you might encounter while lucid dreaming or a regular night’s sleep.

It’s also a good stone for meeting or working with spirit guides.


#5 Labradorite

Labradorite has a shiny metallic look, often with colors of green, blue and yellow.

This dream crystal can help you recall your dreams when you wake. Remember that everyone dreams each night, but most people don’t remember them and if they do, there’s plenty of dreams they forget. This makes labradorite useful in retaining the messages or symbols you experienced the night before.

Labradorite is known by some as “the dreamer’s stone” because it can help you connect with higher realms.


#6 Howlite

Howlite is a white crystal that has black, grey or brown veins flowing through it. It’s another crystal associated with the crown chakra, helping you connect into higher states during awake or sleep life.

This crystal for dreams is also known to be calming, which can be useful for those suffering from insomnia, anxiety or from fears of connecting with higher energies. The benefit is that when we’re mentally calm enough, our relaxed state lends itself better to the dream world.


#7 Hematite

Hematite is known to be a grounding stone; one that connects you to the earthy plane. It’s usually a black shiny colored crystal that’s easy to buy.

When you’re looking for crystals for dreams, you may wonder why a grounding stone is a good idea. Grounding yourself to earth can be a good if you’re working in other dreamlands and have trouble keeping “one foot in reality.” It can help bring you back down and make you feel more secure and safe while dreaming. A part from dreaming, the calming grounding energies may also be helpful for insomnia.

Hematite is also good for protection. Again, this is helpful if you’re worried about meeting negative energies while asleep. It can also be useful for those suffering from nightmares.


#8 Red Jasper

Out of all the stones on this list, red jasper stands out because it’s, well, red. White, grey, blue and shiny stones all seem to be interwoven with the energy of the dreamworld, so why red? The idea is that this deep color can protect against negative energies in a powerful way. It’s known to provide strength but also a sense of stability and serenity in your experiences.


How to Use Crystals for Dreams

Even if you’ve never used a stone, crystals for dreams are simple to use. While you can do something more elaborate with them, such as include them in a dream meditation, you can also simply have them nearby as you sleep.

Here’s some suggestions on simple ways to use crystals for dreams:

  • Crystals Under Pillow—many people simply place their dream crystal under their pillow. The only caveat here is to consider whether the stone is breakable. If it slips out in the night and hits the floor, it may break. Most tumbled stones would be fine though.
  • Crystals Under Bed— For more breakable stones, it’s a good idea to place them on the floor underneath your bed. If your bed doesn’t have space at the bottom, you can place them at the bedposts.
  • Crystals on Nightstand— Having a crystal nearby can help your dreams, even if they’re not very close to your body. You can simply keep the crystals you’re working with on your nightstand on the nights you want to harness their energies.
  • Healing Crystal Jewelry— If you’re someone who sleeps with jewelry on, this could be another option for using crystals for dreams. Make sure to purchase something that will be comfortable enough for you to sleep with. For example, an oversized stone necklace or ring is beautiful in the day, but can be cumbersome at night as you roll over.

Here’s some more involved ways you can use crystals for dreams:

  • Meditation— Some people like to do a meditation before bed to help them get into the dream state. Adding a crystal to this process can help strengthen the energy.
  • Intention— Maybe you’re not ready to bring the crystal into your room just yet. That’s okay. You can simply hold the crystal before bed and set the intention that you want it to help you with good dreams, recalling them, connecting with spirit guides, etc.
  • Altar— Some people set up altars to help them reach their goal. For example, if your goal is to astral travel or get deep into dreamwork this year, you can create an altar and add your crystals for dreams to it.


When Crystals for Dreams Don’t Work

We’ve suggested a few crystals for good dreams, connection and astral travel that you can try out. But it’s important to remember that everyone is different. The stone that works for you may give another person anxiety.

That’s why it’s important to test out crystals. Use your intuition to guide you on where to start. We suggest sleeping with one dream stone at a time so you can pinpoint its specific effects. If it works, great! Continue use on a nightly basis or whenever you feel like connecting more deeply to the dream world.

However, sometimes stones don’t work. For example, any crystal for dreams may impart these negative effects:

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Bad dreams or nightmares
  • “Laggy” connection with higher energies

If a crystal doesn’t work, accept that it may not be right for you at this time and set it aside. That doesn’t mean you need to get rid of it—you may come back to it for this purpose or for another goal entirely.

It’s a good idea to experiment with crystals to see which work best for you. Once you have a few you’ve individually connected with, you can start to experiment with combinations for massive dream connections!


Summary on Crystals for Dreams

Many people turn to stones to help them with dreaming. Whether you’re looking for crystals for good dreams, crystals for lucid dreaming or stones to help you connect, there’s plenty to choose from. Remember to experiment to see which work best for your situation. You can simply place your stone under your pillow, or you can do something more time-intensive, like create an altar or include it in your meditation. Keep in mind that crystals should be seen as spiritual tools. For science-backed advice, see a doctor or another relevant professional.

3 Magik Tarot Spreads for Guidance, Advice and Questions

tarot spreads for guidance

Feeling like you could use from advice?

Not the type that requires professionals. But the form that needs some deep soul searching.

If that’s a yes, consider a tarot spread for advice. By laying out some tarot cards, you can learn about yourself, your life and options for your next steps.

You can use these spreads to attempt to read your future. But if you’re not into that, you can use them as thought tools to explore themes and patterns in your own life. In this way, tarot can be used for spirituality or self-discovery.

Read on to see 3 tarot spreads for guidance.



Tarot Spread for Guidance and Advice

Tarot spreads for guidance

These 3 tarot spreads for advice and guidance will help you ascertain what to do next in a friendly, non-intimidating way. Scroll through our options and pick the one most aligned with what you want to learn about.


#1 Guidance Tarot Spread for Questions

Tarot spreads for guidance

This tarot spread for questions is designed for the seeker who is has a specific query in mind. It could be related to life, love, career, money, health and more. This spread makes you dive deeper into why you’re asking the question and what your options are. Most times, there’s positive and negative aspects to every solution or answer, which will be reflected here.

Finally, the last card reveals what your ultimate outcome is likely to be.

Card Placement Meanings:

  1. Where you are now
  2. Why you’re having trouble answering this question
  3. The significance of your question
  4. Represents your question or the nature of it
  5. Your past experiences with similar situations
  6. The positive aspects of your answer
  7. The negative aspects of your answer
  8. Blocks to getting the positive outcome of the answer
  9. What your most likely answer is
  10. Advice from your higher self on the question


#2 Tarot Spread for Guidance from Spirit Guide

Tarot spreads for guidance

This tarot spread for guidance helps you tap into the wisdom your spirit guides want to share with you. In this all-encompassing reading, you’ll learn about who your spirit guide is and what they’re here to help you with. You’ll also get tips on how to better connect with them by ascertaining hidden blocks.

Then, you’ll get into the meat of the reading where you’ll get advice on 5 main areas of life. As you may know, spirit guides are teachers but they’re also here to support and cheer us on along our journey. That’s why you’ll also ask them for a tidbit of good news to inspire you to keep moving along. And for your worries, they’ll also provide some comfort too.

Card Placement Meanings:

  1. Your beliefs about working with spirit guides
  2. Blocks to working with spirit guides
  3. Represents the spirit guide who is working with you most now
  4. Represents your relationship with this main spirit guide
  5. What’s the main thing you’re learning from this spirit guide
  6. Spirit guide advice pertaining to love life
  7. Spirit guide advice pertaining to career or finances
  8. Spirit guide advice pertaining to physical health
  9. Spirit guide advice pertaining to mental well being
  10. Spirit guide advice pertaining to spiritual health
  11. Some good news they have for you
  12. Something they want to comfort you about
  13. The most pressing advice they want to tell you
  14. Guidance for a little later down the road (an upcoming situation or life event)
  15. Open question: Ask your spirit guide a question of your choice/for guidance about a specific situation or area of life.


#3 Tarot Spread for Guidance: A Message

Tarot spreads for guidance

This tarot spread for guidance features a mixed bag of advice. It’s a great layout for when you’re feeling lost all around. Sure, you could pick a tarot spread for love, career or even health. But since many areas of your life feel like they’re in shambles, you need something more all-encompassing.

The layout starts by outlining where you’re at now: your feelings, desires and immediate purpose. Cards will outline advice on achieving those desires and where you can seek support when things are tough. Then, you’ll get into specific pieces of wisdom tailored to areas of your life like love, career, health and more.

To round out this reading, you’ll touch on how you can hop over challenges you’re currently facing while pulling out any valuable lessons. And this envelope leaves you with a positive surprise: something you can get excited about in the nature future.

Card Placement Readings:

  1. A check-in on how I’m feeling right now
  2. My deepest hopes
  3. Advice on achieving that deepest hope
  4. My purpose right now
  5. Where I should seek comfort when things get rough
  6. Guidance for my love life
  7. Guidance for my family life or friendships
  8. Guidance for my career or finances
  9. Guidance for my physical health
  10. Guidance for my mental well-being
  11. How I can better spiritually connect
  12. Something I’m avoiding looking at, but should
  13. A challenge happening now
  14. Guidance to overcoming that challenge
  15. A lesson I’m in the midst of learning right now
  16. An area of my life I can look forward to in the near future


Summary: Tarot Spreads for Guidance

These tarot spreads for guidance are perfect for when you’re not sure where you’re at in life or where you should go. Choose a spread that speaks most to you and the advice you’re looking for. Out tarot spread for questions is perfect for those with specific queries about any area in life. If you want advice from your spirit guides, you can get it without spirit guide tarot spread. For a well-rounded reading that touches on every area of life, choose the last tarot spread for guidance.

Tarot spreads for guidance


27 Qualities a Boyfriend or Girlfriend Should Have

Qualities a Boyfriend Should Have

What qualities do you want your soulmate to have?

Many of us have long lists of things we want from our partner, but which are the most important?

When we strip it down, many of us are looking for the same things in our quest for a healthy relationship.

In this article, we’re counting x qualities a boyfriend or girlfriend should have.


27 Qualities a Boyfriend or girlfriend Should Have

Qualities a Boyfriend Should Have

Keep in mind that what everyone need in a relationship is different. These are generally the mot agreed-upon basics that every healthy relationship includes.. These are the qualities a boyfriend or girlfriend should have.


#1 Connection

Let’s face it, a person can check off all the things on this list or your personal list. But if there’s no connection, there’s likely just a friend. “Connection” can be hard to define because it’s a feeling, a certain je ne sais quoi. But YOU know what it is and whether you have it with someone.


#2 Sense of Humor

Sure, life is serious, but it doesn’t always need to feel that way. It’s a whole lot more fun to go on life’s adventures with someone with a sense of humor. It’s also a good quality to fall back on when someone makes a mistake or inevitably does something embarrassing. Having a partner who’s too stoic can make a relationship difficult to read, boring and lackluster.


#3 Willing to Improve

A relationship shouldn’t change everything about you or the major parts. However, it’s healthy in a relationship to improve the ways you communicate with each other. For example, maybe your partner wants to be spoken to in a calmer tone. Perhaps they don’t like when you make certain types of jokes. A good partner will change the simple things that can make a big difference. They’ll do what they can to make you feel better and accommodate your communication style.


#4 There’s Equal Effort

In a healthy relationship, you won’t feel as if you’re pulling all the weight. Although there’s times in every relationship where someone is taking on more than the other, that responsibility will usually shift back and forth between life’s seasons. If you notice you’re always putting in effort and your partner isn’t contributing, they’re not likely the person for you. You deserve someone who can also plan dates, do nice things or pay you nice compliments.


#5 You Feel Safe

“Safety” is often an attribute used to describe how a man should make a woman feel. In reality though, regardless of genders, every person should feel safe with their partner. This means physically, as in there will be no harm. But it also means emotionally, as in, I trust that what I tell you is safe with you. You shouldn’t question whether your partner will use your insecurities against you. You should feel safe that they’ll make you feel okay.


#6 Cares About Your Well-Being

People want to be in a relationship for many reasons. Many of them are self-fulfilling—they want someone to spend time with, to take to parties, to hear their problems. But the right partner will genuinely care about your well-being, even when they’re not involved. They’ll be someone who looks out for your physical and emotional health. When something seems amiss, they’ll be there and encourage you to get help.


#7 Affectionate

Everyone has a different level of how much affection they want or expect in a relationship. The important thing to know is that you’re allowed to want how much you want. Often, we can get stuck with partners who don’t care to hug us or hold our hands. They’re allowed to want a low level of affection. But we’re also allowed to find someone else who wants more. It’s a healthy part of a relationship.


#8 Honesty

One of the most important qualities of a partner is honestly. To grow a sense of trust with them, it’s critical that they’re honest. Not only do they tell the truth to themselves, you and others, but they’re able to say it kindly as well. If you’re with someone who prides themselves on being “honest” to excuse their asshole behavior, consider which trait is really running the show. A honest partner can say the truth while also being kind.


#9 They Compliment You

Your partner should make you feel good about yourself. Although it’s not their responsibility to build your self-confidence, it is their responsibility to say or do things that support it. It’s normal for a partner to compliment you on your appearance, intelligence, accomplishments, efforts, etc.


#10 Good Sex

Sex isn’t right for every relationship, but if it’s right for you, make sure it’s good. Both partners in a relationship should want to satisfy each other. If one is constantly getting more pleasure than the other, that’s not right. Your partner should be able to adjust what they’re doing to what makes you feel good too.


#11 They Recognize Your Efforts

It sucks to pour a lot of effort into someone and for it to go unnoticed. A good partner should appreciate and be grateful for the things you do. Maybe it’s cooking dinner, baking their favorite dessert, fixing their car, hanging their shelves, listening to their problems, leaving work early to be there, etc. The right partner will see the effort you put in and thank you for it.


#12 Shows They’re Thinking of You

Everyone wants a partner who thinks of them even when they’re not with them. And you deserve that too. A good sign someone is thinking and caring about you are the small things they do to prove it:

  • Picking you up your favorite chocolates or candy
  • Asking you how that event/thing went in your life
  • Getting small gifts they thought you’d like
  • Asking you if you’re feeling better
  • Planning a fun date curated to your personality
  • Asking if you made it home safe
  • Planning a massage after a hard day at work


#13 Respect

Respect is probably the #1 quality to look for in both relationships and friendships. You want to make sure the person is kind to you and treats your properly. They should respect your boundaries, feelings, comfort levels and needs.


#14 Responsible

A good partner will take responsibility for their own life. Even if they’re not stable in their career or finances yet, that should be a hope they’re working toward. You should also feel safe giving them responsibility from your life too. In other words, you should feel like you’re dating a whole adult, not a child who you need to babysit and worry about all the time.


#15 They Interest You

When you first start dating someone, you should want to know more and more about them. Whether it’s their hobbies, job, personality, the way they talk or act, you should be genuinely curious and excited to know more about them. As the relationship grows and you learn more, your curiosity may wean, but you should still have that sense of learning more about them as times passes.


#16 Good at Tough Conversations

It’s hard to find people who are good at tough conversations—but it’s worth it. A long term relationship is a lot of work. Even though you love someone a lot, it requires a lot of communication and compromise. For that to work, your partner will need to have some skills in the ‘tough conversation’ department. That means they should be able to be real and vulnerable while still being calm and respectful. Many people walk out, refuse to have or blow up tough topics when they come up. A good partner will calmly sit with you through them, no matter how uncomfortable and infuriating, to come to a resolution.


#17 Reassures You

When you’re not feeling good about yourself or a situation, a good partner will reassure you and tell you that they love you, etc. For example, if you’re nervous about a job interview, they will amp up your confidence and support you. If you’re feeling less than pretty that day, they’ll tell you that you’re beautiful in their eyes. These small basic actions are normal parts of emotional care for them.


#18 You Have Similar Beliefs and Morals

It’s very difficult to have a relationship with someone who views the world from a completely different perspective. I won’t way it’s impossible—but in my experience, it’s highly unpleasant and even toxic. For example, if you attend BLM protests and your partner is whining on social media about how “white lives matter,” it can be hard to bridge the bigot gap. Although you don’t need to agree on everything, differences on 2 ends of the spectrum can be hard to overcome. One of my exes was a hardcore Trump supporter while I—valued almost everything he didn’t. Rather than trying to make someone see your perspective on big issues, sometimes it’s easier just to find someone with more similar beliefs.


#19 You Can Be Vulnerable with Them

You should be able to be vulnerable with the person you’re in a relationship with. You should feel comfortable and trust them enough to tell them your worries or fears. And they should treat them in a way that’s respectful and safe. They should be able to share the same vulnerabilities and openness with you too.


#20 Walks in Your Shoes

In a relationship, your partner won’t always see what your life is like and they won’t always agree with your point-of-view. The good news is that they don’t have to. But they should be able to walk in your shoes to try to understand a situation. If your partner is unwilling to see outside of their own point of view, they will typically never amend their actions. When we can walk in other’s shoes, we’re better able to understand their perspective and have empathy.


#21 They’re Good at Forgiving

Forgiving too much and too quickly can be a bad thing. But in relationships, you will need to learn to forgive each other or else you will never move on. If someone doesn’t have this skill, they won’t be able to be in a long term commitment. Instead, they will get angry at small arguments and walk away the first time they happen. A good partner should be able to resolve issues and forgive and move past them when necessary.


#22 Someone Who is Predictable

An element of surprise is welcome in many situations in a relationship. For example, a surprise gift or date. However, in many cases, it’s better to have a partner who is all-around predictable and stable. Someone who’s unpredictable can show up randomly, not text for days, not be reliable and eventually degrade your trust. A predictable partner will be there.


#23 You Share Some Interests

You and your partner don’t need to share all the same hobbies, but it helps in making your time together more enjoyable. For example, maybe your main hobbies don’t align. But you still find joy in taking hikes together, playing board games or cooking.


#24 They Hold Themselves Accountable

There comes many times in a relationship where we are wrong. What matters is how we change from that situation. A good partner will take accountability and change. For example, if they said something that hurt you, they will genuinely say sorry and take actions to prevent it from happening in the future.


#25 They Can Be Emotional

It’s hard to be in a heartfelt relationship with someone who is emotionally closed off, shut down or unavailable. If they can’t open themselves up enough, it can be difficult to connect on a deeper level. The right person should be able to be emotional when appropriate.


#26 They Feel for You

When you hurt, your partner should care. If you are sad, crying, or upset, your partner should not laugh or be indifferent to that. They may disagree with you. Or dislike how you’re acting in that moment. But they should still have a genuine interest in you feeling better. Seeing you upset should make them upset.


#27 They’re There

When you’re with the right partner, it should feel like they will be there for you when the going gets tough. If you’re going through a difficult situation, they will sit with you through it and hold you while you cry. If you’re going through a happy situation, they’ll be proud of you and celebrate your successes. No matter what personal changes you’re facing, they’re there for the long haul.


Summary on Qualities a Boyfriend or Girlfriend Should Have

What everyone looks for in a partner is different because we all have varying wants and needs. Despite that, there’s some basic qualities that most agree we should keep in mind. Above all, your partner should treat you with respect and kindness. You should feel safe when you’re around them and you should feel stable in the relationship. The qualities a boyfriend or girlfriend should have will change by relationship, but don’t compromise on your needs.

Qualities a Boyfriend Should Have

7 Crystals to Help with Heartbreak, Breakups and Divorce

Crystals to Help with Heartbreak

Going through breakups is rough and having some hope and inspiration can make it a tiny bit better.

One way of making yourself feel better is by using crystals to help with heartbreak.

Crystals for breakups can help change your energy and open you up to healing if that apart of your spiritual beliefs.

To learn more about the best crystals for a breakup, read on.


Crystals for Breakups: Do They Work?

If you’re not familiar with crystals, they’re stones that some believe hold healing energies that can help you in daily life or situational stressors. They’re thought to both absorb and impart energies on the user of them. Each crystal is believed to have a different set of benefits. For example, some are believed to work best for stomach issues or depression and others are thought to work better for creative expression or intuition.

To work with crystals, the person usually selects one that targets a topic or problem they’re dealing with. Then they may use it in an altar, meditate with it, etc. For more ideas on how to use crystals to help with heartbreak, read the last section.

Stones can be a billion years old and have a large body of science, called geology, to explain them. However, the belief that stones have healing benefits is rooted more in spirituality rather than science. Many people anecdotally report that working with crystals has improved their life in a variety of ways. Of course, it’s important to point out that as with many drugs, this could be the placebo effect. Still, the reality is that people enjoy using crystals to better connect with themselves and the world spiritually. Although you should always refer to a doctor or expert for serious issues, crystals can be a fun spiritual addition to your life.

Whether crystals for breakups work depends. Using crystals to help yourself heal could work in a variety of ways:

  • Crystals to help with heartbreak can share healing energies
  • Learning about crystals can help divert your attention away from the breakup and onto something positive (break distraction while you adjust)
  • By reminding you of an affirmation/intention of healing
  • The placebo effect

As you can see, crystal’s may work in a variety of ways to reduce heartbreak pain, so it usually doesn’t hurt to try.

But remember that it doesn’t work for everyone, so don’t feel pressured. If you’re not spiritually drawn to crystals and don’t want to use them, it’s probably not right to try.

A Disclaimer: If you’re dealing with feelings of depression, contact your doctor or a therapist first.


What crystals help with heartbreak? 7 Best Crystals for a Breakup

Crystals to Help with Heartbreak

If you’re going through a breakup or divorce, you can work with crystals to see if they aid and comfort you in your healing process.


#1 Amethyst

Amethyst is a very calming stone that can be great for people suffering from anxiety. When going through a breakup, it may trigger or inflame anxiety disorders or panic attacks. Amethyst may have a calming and peaceful effect. It’s also known to have metaphysical properties and can be great to use if you’re starting to learn about crystals.


#2 Citrine

Citrine is a crystal that represents happiness and optimism. Although now is not a happy time, this stone may help to lift those energies and provide something lighter. You may notice a reduction in depression and a tiny feeling of hope.


#3 Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is known to help ward of negative energies, which can be helpful when your thoughts about your breakup are overly negative. It’s also a good idea if you’re blaming yourself, blaming someone else or if you’re just too depressed to even process the situation.


#4 Selenite

Selenite is another great crystal to use during a breakup because it helps clean the energy of yourself and your space. Because heartbreak is full of pain and sadness, having an energetic “cleansing” can be helpful. It can also help you open up to a higher vibration and better times ahead.


#5 Moonstone

Moonstone is one of the best crystals for breakups because it symbolizes many things a split does: new beginnings, inner strength, transitions of life and a motherly calmness. It can also be a good stone for opening your intuition and providing hope for new love.


#6 Malachite

This green stone represents transformation and can help you move forward and into a new chapter of your life. It’s also a stone of insight, which can help you derive meaning from your heartbreak or situation.


#7 Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the stone of love with its light pink hue. Given that you’re coming out of a love situation, you may not immediately think about this stone as a crystal to help with heartbreak. However, the loving energy of this stone is good for self-compassion during this difficult time. It can help usher in more peaceful energy. And, when you’re reading, it can also help you become comfortable with opening yourself up to love again.


How to Use Crystals to Help with Heartbreak

Once you’ve chosen the best crystals for a breakup that you want to use, there’s several ways you can use work with them.



An altar is typically a set of items or objects used as a spiritual offering, prayer, ritual or meditation space. Items in an altar could include a number of things:

  • Candles
  • Nature findings
  • Affirmations
  • Photos
  • Crystals
  • Tarot or oracle cards
  • Notes of intention
  • Incense
  • Statues
  • Symbolic trinkets

If you’re creating an altar to help you get through a breakup, you could include things like affirmations, symbols involving love or happy relationships, calming scents or colors, and your chosen crystals to help with heartbreak. You can leave this space up for healing as long as you’d like. You can simply pass by it and use it as a reminder, or you can use it as a meditation space, etc.

If you’re using your altar to help with a breakup, it’s a good idea to set an intention for it. It could be something about moving forward, meeting a soulmate or simply healing. You can into that space with your crystals to meditate on your intention, journal about it, or simply use it as a reminder.

Here’s instructions on how to build a sacred altar.


Crystal Grid

Sometimes when someone is going through something, they like to set up a crystal grid. A crystal grid isn’t necessarily a grid. It’s a layout of crystals that’s left on a surface, similar to an altar.

To make a crystal grid, think of an intention. You can keep this in mind or write it down on a piece of paper. Then choose crystals that correspond to that intention. For example, if you’re trying to reduce breakup pain, you could use the best crystals for a breakup.

When you’re ready, keep your intention in mind as you lay the crystals out. Many people like to use a large crystal in the center. Others love to use crystal points to help “direct” the energy. Do what feels right to you. This could be a circular pattern or something different entirely. If you’ve written your intention on a piece of paper, you can place it under a stone (typically the center one). Some people also say prayers to open or close the laying of the crystal grid.



Many people love to meditate with crystals as a way to feel their energies. You can do this by choosing a breakup crystal and focusing on it while deeply breathing, constantly bringing your attention back to the stone.

If you have several of the best crystals for breakups, you can put them into a pile and close your eyes and pick one. You can meditate with it and try to guess which stone it is and then match it with its properties after.

Another way to use your crystal is by doing a guided meditation with it. Here’s an example of one:


Place Around Home

You can use your breakup crystals simply by spreading them around your home. This less hands-on method is good if you don’t want to get into crystals yet, but feel comforted by the idea of them. Pick a few stones off our list and place them in areas you’ll see them daily.


Carry with You

If you’re comforted by the idea of crystals or want to infuse with its energy throughout the day, you can carry it with you. You can do this by:

  • Keeping it in your purse
  • Putting it in your pocket
  • Bringing it to your work desk and back home
  • Stuffing it in your bra


Making it Into Jewelry

Another way to wear your jewelry and have it with you in the day is to turn it into jewelry. Whether or not you’re a creative person, this can be a fun small project that can serve as a breakup distraction. It’s also a good breakup gift if you’re trying to help a friend through a breakup.

To make your breakup crystal into jewelry, you can wire wrap it and attach it to a necklace or bracelet. Or you can small stones with holes in them and use the crystals as beads. When you put it on every day, remind yourself of your intention of healing.


Summary on Best Crystals for a Breakup

Breakups and divorces are tough in almost every case. One way we may deal with it is turning to spirituality and experimenting with the best crystals for a breakup. You can try a few crystals to help with heartbreak and see if they work for you. Of course, if you think you’re dealing with clinical depression or anxiety, you should see a doctor before turning to crystals.

Crystals to Help with Heartbreak

14 Ways to Help Friend After Breakup (Or a Daughter)

Help Friend After Breakup

First of all, if you’re here, you are SO awesome.

That’s because, if you’re on this page, you’re trying to help your friend get over a breakup—which makes you an amazing person.

Turning to—instead of away from—someone’s pain makes you a strong person and a worthwhile friend.

With that being said, it’s not always easy to help a friend through this difficult time. That’s why we want to make it a bit easier for you.


14 Ways to Help Friend After Breakup

Help Friend After Breakup

If you’re trying to help a friend after a breakup, here are a few things you can try to make their grief more manageable.


#1 Let Them Vent and Cry

When someone first breaks up with their partner, the first thing they probably need is someone to vent to. If you can, try to be there in person. If not, try to be there as much as you can over the phone or messaging. Whether you need to listen to the same complaint 10 times in one day or just hug them while they cry, being there means a lot.

You may not know what to say. But during this period, you may not need to say anything. Some friends may want you to ask questions about their breakup. Others may not want to talk about it at all, and may just want to cry or sit with you.


#2 Don’t Minimize Their Emotions

It doesn’t matter if the breakup happened months ago, you should never tell someone to “just get over it.” Or “they weren’t that good for you anyway.” Or “you didn’t know them that long so it’s not too bad.” Or “well I was with my ex 8 years so you can imagine how much worse that was.”

Realize that different people deal with heartbreak differently. You may be less emotional and heal quicker. Maybe your friend just got very attached to the person they broke up with. In any case, their feelings of sadness are valid, even if the person was bad for them. Instead of telling them why they should feel better or cutting to the silver lining, meet them where they are at.


#3 Ask What They Need

Often times, we assume what people need. But everyone is different and therefore will probably need different things. For example, some people want their friends to be there ASAP so they can rant and cry. Other people, like myself, need a few days to cry by themselves and process their own emotions first.

People may need different types of help too. For example, if your friend lived with her ex, she may need physical help moving. Or she may need help looking for an apartment. But if you don’t ask and she doesn’t outright tell you, you won’t know.

Try to ask something like:

  • “What’s the best way I can support you right now?”
  • “What’s the best thing I can do for you right now?”
  • “Is there anything practical you need help with, like washing dishes, meals, etc.?”
  • “Would you like me to come over now or would you like a bit of space first?”


#4 Help with Practical Things

As mentioned above, there’s circumstances where you friend doesn’t just need emotional support, but practical support too.

If they’re going through a divorce or lived with their partner, they may be looking to move. So they may need your help packing or getting things into order.

In other cases, your friend may be so devastated that she can barely take care of herself. For example, during my first breakup, I couldn’t eat. I had no interest in cooking or eating. I had to use Ensure drinks to get some calories in my body. But one day, my cousin brought over some pasta my aunt had cooked. Even though I didn’t “feel” like eating, I still recall it as one of the best pastas I’ve ever had.

If your friend is so into their grief that they’re neglecting household chores, you can help out with that too. For example:

  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • Washing dishes
  • Doing laundry
  • Taking their dog to the dog park
  • Taking their children out for a bit so they can have alone time


#5 Get them a Breakup Gift

Let’s be real: Gifts don’t solve heartbreak. However, they can help your friend feel like they’re still cared for. And, since nobody ever expects a “breakup gift,” it will probably feel extra special to them.

So, what’s a breakup gift? Really, it could be anything that you think your friend would like. What I would suggest is making a small gift basket filled with different items. Here’s a few ideas:

  • A box filled with items of the same color (ex. yellow for “happiness box”)
  • A “Get Over Them” box filled with snacks, eye drops for crying, fish candies (fish in the sea), something to make them laugh
  • A “Eat Your Feelings” box with a variety of comfort food snacks
  • A “You are beautiful” box filled with their favorite beauty items
  • A “Box of Sunshine” filled with scrolls featuring positive messages for them

For more visual ideas, check out our Pinterest board “Breakup Gifts.”


#6 Balance Their Rose-Colored Glasses

When we get out of a relationship, we have a tendency to overstate how good our ex was. Instead of thinking about the negatives that led to the breakup, we think about all the things we’ll miss.

It’s fine to do this for the first while, but if you notice your friend staying in this space, gently try to remind them of their ex’s downfalls. There’s a large caveat here though: If you talk negative about their ex and they end up reuniting, there will likely be harsh feelings toward you. You also don’t want to crap talk a friend’s ex to the point of degrading the person and their relationship. That is not helping your friend after a breakup.

However, if you know they’re likely broken up for good and they’re still thinking too highly of their ex, brainstorm ways you can balance out their thinking. Being blunt about how much the ex sucks isn’t a good idea. Instead, see if there’s questions you can ask that will lead your friend to come to their own conclusions. For example:

  • “You seem to be mentioning all of the good things about him, what WON’T you miss?”
  • “When I broke up with my ex, I thought of all his positives, but I noticed it was more realistic to think of his negatives too. There must be a few things you didn’t like about him?”
  • “Do you ever feel relieved in a sense, because now, even if a long time from now, you get to meet someone without [these negative traits]?”


#7 Make Them See the Benefits

Again, breaking up isn’t all bad. Even though it’s a horrible feeling, there’s at least a few positives depending on their situation.

A big caveat here though: Nobody likes a Positive Polly Pocket. You need to let your friend vent, feel their feelings and miss their ex. You can’t sprinkle positivity on a breakup and expect your friend to feel better. However, you can gently inculpate positive points into the conversation. If your friend rejects them, that’s ok, they may ruminate over them later. Or, they may see your point automatically. If they say “stop being positive about this,” listen to what they need and stop.

Here are a few examples of breakup benefits you can work into conversations:

  • They get to order the takeout they like
  • Nobody will steal their food anymore (more for your friend)
  • They have more time to pursue hobbies or reinvent themselves
  • They can meet someone who treats them better
  • They don’t have to sit through really boring TV shows anymore
  • They can do the [really annoying thing] they avoided doing around their partner

For more ideas, read 22 Bright Sides to Breaking Up. See which apply to your friend and gently share them with her. If she’s open to the idea, you can sit down with her and write a list of all the benefits.


#8 Get Them Social

When we’re depressed, many of us have a tendency to shy away from the world like a wounded animal. That’s ok for a period of time. But eventually, your friend will need to get back out into the world and have some sense of normalcy. Not only that, but socializing can help them feel better and help your friend with a breakup.

If you can, try to take them out. This could mean to a bar, restaurant, movie theatre, museum or just a walk. Anything that gets them out of the house can remind them that there’s a large world outside of themselves welcoming them back. You could also organize group friend activities or encourage them to reach out to family members to reconnect.


#9 Suggest New Activities

Breakups are a great time to try something new. That’s because you’re starting a new beginning anyway. But also because they’ll have extra free time that they shouldn’t be using to think about their ex. If they haven’t already, suggest taking up a new hobby or activity. If they’re too depressed to try something new alone, you can join them and make it a friend date. Ideas for new activities could include:

  • A paint night
  • Knitting
  • Learning cooking
  • Going to the gym
  • Doing at home workouts
  • Crafting
  • Making jewelry
  • Learning new dances


#10 Check-In

Throughout the first few days of their breakup, many people will gush about their grievances and you may not need to reach out. However, if you have a shy friend who’s not always open, you may need to ask more questions to make them feel comfortable (but never pry).

After the first days though, your friend may be reaching out less. It’s important to realize that that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re over the breakup. They could just be trying to annoy you less or they have nothing new to say. Still, you should reach out to check-in. Even saying something simple like, “how are you feeling today?” can make them feel like someone is still on their side and caring about how they’re feeling.

This can be especially true if your friend feels like they should be “over it” already. They may feel shame for feeling that deeply, especially if their ex was total crap to them. They may feel like an idiot for still liking somebody so horrible. In an effort to hide that, they may force themselves to stop bringing it up, acting like it’s normal again. Although this can be part of the healing process, doing a check-in will let you know if they still need emotional support.

I was listening to a podcast one time and the host mentioned that when somebody first loses a loved one, everyone reaches out. But in the weeks, months and first year that follows, the amount of people checking in becomes less and less. She said, for that reason, she always makes sure to do the opposite—reach out even long after the event. I think the same is true for breakups too. Your friend’s family may be giving them support right away because they see how much pain they’re currently going through. But as the pain becomes less visible, they receive less support, even though the pain is actually still there. That can be and feel really isolating. So, checking in even after the first bit can be a good idea.


#11 Get Them Moving

Breakups are typically a time of intense sadness, so doing something that is known to elevate emotions is a great idea.

Exercise has been proven to release endorphins, which are the body’s feel-good chemical. This effect has been linked to decreases in depression and anxiety, making it perfect to try during this time.

Of course, for most people, suggesting to go do a workout while they’re balling their eyes out is not the best idea. However, after they’ve calmed down a bit, you can suggest something less intense. Anything that gets their body moving can help:

  • Going for a walk
  • Going for a jog
  • YouTubing a dance tutorial
  • Doing a yoga session with them
  • Experimenting with pilates
  • Biking
  • Playing beach volleyball
  • Kicking around a soccer ball


#12 Let Them Browse Your Dating Profile

While your friend is revering from a breakup, they will probably need some time before jumping back into the dating pool. Actually, they should take their time. Serial dating is likely to create more problems than it will ever solve.

However, while your friend is still healing, you can meet them in the middle. Instead of signing them up for a dating profile, you can let them scroll through yours. What’s the point in that? Well, although they won’t message anyone, looking through their options can give them hope. For example, if they’re so hung up that their ex was the only guy for them, seeing so many cute, kind single guys can lift their spirits. Instead of thinking there’s no options, they’re alerted of a world of opportunity waiting for them when they’re ready.


#13 Kindly Tell Them When You Need Breaks

Again, you are an awesome friend for reading this post. However, you need to care about yourself too. Especially through tough breakups, being someone’s support person can be demanding and difficult. You need to take time for yourself to relax, recharge and do your own thing. That’s ok, normal and very necessary. Here are some tips to draw boundaries:

  • Gently say no when you have prior plans
  • If you’re tired and your friend asks you to come over, simply say “sorry, I can’t right now” (no explanation required)
  • It’s ok to say, “Sorry, I’m just really needing time to myself today to recharge.”
  • It’s ok to say, “I’m having a hard time talking about this right now, but I can sit with you and play a game or watch a movie.”
  • Enlist other friends to be there for your friend when you can’t
  • Encourage them that spending time alone is part of the healing process


#14 Know You Can’t Fix It

Some people are natural “fixers.” They want to automatically fix a situation, losing sight of the nuances. For example, don’t tell your friend “ok, here’s what to do to get over your ex,” and then proceed listing the steps. This is heartbreak, not a manual.

Other people know that they can’t heal others, but are still very disappointed when they can’t.

While helping a friend after a breakup, keep in the forefront your goal: to provide support in the best way you can. Whether that support moves mountains or nothing, you can’t really control. Some breakups are tough and nothing you do will make your friend feel better. Still, having support can bring a glimmer of hope.


Summary: How to Help Friend with Breakup

When trying to help friend with a breakup, make sure to give them time to talk, vent and cry. Without minimizing their emotions, hear them out and let them feel their feelings. Then, you can move on to practical things you can do for them or introducing new activities to get them out of the house. When in doubt, you can always ask your friend what they need. Above all else, pay attention to yourself and how you’re feeling. You’re a good person for trying to help your friend after a breakup, but you need to preserve your energy too. When things are getting too much for you, it’s appropriate to draw boundaries and keep them.

Help Friend After Breakup