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11 Crystals for Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Love

Crystals for Confidence

Has anyone told you how awesome you are today?

I am right now. But so will these crystals.

If you’re struggling with low self-esteem, along with solutions you’re already trying, you can use crystals. These can help remind you that you’re worthy and loved. A more positive outlook about yourself can help you feel better about life. It can also help you thrive in situations where low confidence could be a barrier, such as a job interview.

Read on to learn the crystals for confidence.


Should You Try Crystals for Confidence?

It’s natural to suffer from low confidence from time to time. Most people get down on themselves after a tough day or bad event. However, if you’re in a place of permanent low confidence, things need to change—that’s not healthy.

Low confidence can prevent you from achieving the things you want or need to. But more than that, it just feels bad. It can make simple tasks seem like an anxious chore. It can create non-stop negative thoughts that make you miserable. Eventually, it’s possible it could contribute to mental health issues.

To improve our confidence, we might search for quick hacks. That’s not how it works though. The crystals on this list are meant to inspire confidence. However, they, themselves, cannot make you confident. Crystals are amazing but they’re just rocks. To get confidence, you’ll need to actually do the work. If you don’t know where to begin, you might consider the reasons for low self-confidence. Then you can try these tools to build your self-esteem. Also, consider that some people may benefit from therapy.

Alongside these science-backed confidence methods, you can use crystals. Always use stones as a way to supplement the action you’re already taking, not as your sole hope.


11 Crystals for Confidence

Crystals for Confidence

Whether you’re looking to boost your self-esteem or just increase your situational confidence, try these stones.

#1 Sunstone

This orange stone brightens your sense of self-worth and self-acceptance. It vibrates to energies of hope and happiness. If you’re having trouble recognizing or approving your skills, it could be a good stone to help usher in confidence. It can help you feel comfortable showing off your talent and expressing yourself creatively without fear.

Since it’s one of the “happy” stones, it’s a great choice for those suffering from low confidence due to depression or anxiety.

#2 Red Jasper

This fiery stone can light up your sense of self-worth in bold ways.

Many of the stones on this list deal with confidence in yourself. These are useful, especially situationally when we’re feeling low. However, sometimes we want to go beyond surface-level self-confidence. We want to access the deeper layers that we believe give us value. We want to feel empowered as spiritual human beings.

Red jasper not only encourages confidence, but also empowerment. On a deep level, it can help you feel worthy; like you belong here and you have a job to do. It can encourage a sense of fearlessness that you’ve only dreamed of.

#3 Rose Quartz

We talked about red jasper being a bold confidence-maker. On the other hand, rose quartz is more subtle. It’s a great choice for empaths or highly sensitive people who respond better to gentle nudges. While hard pushes can be effective, some grow confidence with repeat, light exposure.

Rose quartz makes us feel safe loving ourselves. We might think loving ourselves or having confidence will make us complacent. If we don’t see our faults, we won’t improve, we might think. This thought can hold us back and prevent us from having the self-worth we need to glow in life. Rose quartz lets us know that a realistic confidence isn’t only kinder, it’s necessary to thrive.

#4 Garnet

Garnet is another deep red stone that can help you tear down the walls that lead to self-destruction. It can help us see the toxic behavior we’re giving to ourselves. Which thought patterns or action cycles do we need to break? Garnet can help us realize the main ideas about ourselves that are holding us back.

In the list of crystals for confidence, garnet is special because it also helps us with strength and endurance. In particular, its benefit on inner strength can help us learn confidence. Let’s face it: Self-esteem isn’t built from one stone. Or in one day. It’s a process that takes time—sometimes a lifetime—to develop. You’ll need inner strength and courage to forgo this confidence journey, which garnet will help with.

#5 Moonstone

Moonstone is another gentle stone ideal for empaths or highly sensitive people struggling with self-esteem. The mystical and metaphysical prosperities of this crystal can make confidence less intimidating.

Many times, self-love is pushed on us in a self-help, “tough love” military-tone way. Moonstone comes at confidence from a motherly tone. It soothes your doubts and reassures you. If your self-esteem issues are rooted in anxiety or trauma, this could be a calming stone to help you slowly regain a sense of yourself.

#6 Carnelian

These reddish-orange stones bring about a sense of passion. This can help when you’re lacking self-love. When we think about passion, we often correlate it with other people, especially romantically.

Carnelian encourages us to think about the passion we have for ourselves and our own life. It can inspire motivation and the action you need to kick things into high gear. in this way, this stone calms you with confidence and then spurs motivational action.

It’s also thought to be a crystal of courage. This can be of use when you’re entering a situation you’re not confident in. For example, a first date or job interview may be benefitted by carnelian.

#7 Blue Lace Agate

Looking at blue lace agate, you can probably tell that it’s a calming stone. Its baby blue and white stripes almost remind you of a lightly colored nursery.

This calming stone can help ease the harmful feelings you have about yourself. It can slowly, stably help you build self-esteem. In particular, it’s ideal in situations where you want to speak up, but have trouble doing so. It can help you express how you feel. Although you might still feel fear, it will give you a courageous nudge to step forward.

#8 Citrine

Out of all the crystals for confidence, citrine is one of the most popular options. Even looking at the stone, you might feel joyful energy radiating from it. If you’re someone who’s down on themselves for their faults, it might be a good option.

Since it’s ideal for dampening negatively, it can help lessen the bad thoughts you have about yourself. In this way, it can also brighten your outlook on life. Instead of being pessimistic about your future, it could help add bursts of optimism and hope.

#9 Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is known to be a mystical, creative stone. However, it can also be one of the crystals for confidence. Out of the stones on this list, this is a good one for when decision-making or brainstorming is needed.

For example, several options may lie in front of you but you’re not sure which to choose. A huge factor in your decision is your confidence. Tiger’s eye can help instill the confidence you need to make the right decision. It can also help you creatively see how each option could play out. Those foreshadowing visions could be bolstered by it’s mystical, intuitive properties.

#10 Orange Calcite

Orange calcite is known to be a powerful energy cleanser. It can help purify negative energies and neutralize them. This can be helpful when you’re having negative thoughts or fears about yourself. It may inspire a fresh feeling you can use to build confidence.

If you need a crystal to help give you the courage to tackle a new project, orange calcite might be the one. Since it can also help with creativity, it’s a good stone for brainstorming and then having the confidence to share those ideas.

As a sacral chakra stone, orange calcite is also thought to help with sexual matters. If you’re not confident in the bedroom, or even romantically, it can be a good crystal to ease tensions.

#11 Amazonite

Amazonite is another stone ideal for lovingly, gently nudging you toward a more confident self. As its light blue color might suggest, it carries more subtle, gentle energies.

This is ideal if you’re someone whose fears and doubts seem too large to handle. For example, if your lack of convincing is keeping you from pursuing a job or person you like, many people will suggest “exposure therapy.” This can be an abrupt change for someone with a self-esteem deficit.

Amazonite helps us see that it’s okay to take small steps instead of giant leaps. Instead of leading the way, it walks alongside us. It inspires hope that things will get better while soothing any current fears. In combination, over time, these effects can clear the pathway for permanent confidence.


How to Use Crystals for Confidence

There’s plenty of ways you can use your crystals for confidence.

  • Under your pillow. If you want to really bathe in the essence of confidence, put a stone under your pillow or under your bedpost.
  • Wear it. Purchase a jewelry piece with a confidence crystal. Alternatively, make one yourself.
  • Carry it. If you don’t like jewelry, there’s other ways you can carry a stone with you. You can put it in your purpose, pocket or even in your bra.
  • Make a crystal tincture. Gem tinctures can be taken sublingually to “absorb” the benefits of the crystal.
  • Make a crystal spray. Using a crystal tincture, you can also make a crystal spray. This can be used to mist over yourself every day to start it off with a confident tone.
  • Keep by the mirror. If your confidence issues are about appearance or body image, keeping your crystals for confidence by mirrors is a great idea. This can include on bedroom or bathroom vanities.
  • Keep around. Another option is to just place your confidence crystals around the home wherever you frequent most.
  • Crystal grid. If you’re really working on your confidence, you can make a crystal grid to help you out. To do this, use several stones mentioned in this post.


Summary: Crystals for Confidence

Although it’s natural to have unconfident moments from time to time, feeling generally unconfident is something that should be addressed. Along with using science-backed tools, you might also consider therapy. With these actions, you can use crystals for confidence that can inspire your goal. Try the stones on this list to increase your sense of self-worth.

Crystals for Confidence


Losing Weight with Intuitive Eating Cravings? Honest Must-Knows

Losing Weight with Intuitive Eating Cravings

Can we stop marketing intuitive eating as a weight loss strategy?

I mean, it can lead to weight loss. But it can also lead to weight gain. Or just maintaining your size. And all of that is completely okay.

When people are looking into dieting plans, they might become curious whether losing weight with intuitive eating is possible. If you’re told you can eat whatever you want, how would it work?

Plus, how do cravings work? Can you eat an unlimited amount of anything?

The truth is that the answer isn’t clear-cut to any of these questions. Intuitive eating isn’t a diet. There aren’t strict rules. But it can help you achieve a healthy weight ideal for your specific body.


What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating is a habit of eating that honors your body’s instructs. Instead of following a diet plan or sticking to a strict set of rules, you listen and rely heavily on your body’s cues. To oversimplify it, when you’re hungry, you eat. When you’re not hungry, you don’t eat.

This sounds obvious but most of us don’t follow what our body wants. We eat when we’re stressed or sad, not when our body needs nourishment. Or, we might wait until we’re super hungry and could eat an entire house (and often do). We might restrict ourselves from certain foods. Instead of eating a bit of cake, we pretend our new favorite snack is carrot sticks.

Intuitive eating is the opposite of diet culture. Actually, it throws the idea of dieting on its head. Research has shown that despite our best efforts, diets don’t actually work.

So, how do you know what to eat? Intuitive eating helps you make decisions that are right for your body at that moment. It teaches you to value health and how you feel overlooking stick-thin. The idea is that when you follow your body’s cues, you will achieve the healthiest weight for you. This can include losing weight with intuitive eating or gaining it if you’re currently underweight. The phrase “intuitive eating” was coined in a 1995 book by the same name. It was written by two dieticians, whose concept has become more widely known.


Losing Weight With Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating Cravings weight loss

Losing weight with intuitive eating is possible. But that doesn’t happen for everyone. It’s also not exactly the goal of intuitive eating.

How your weight changes with mindful eating depends on two factors:

  1. How often you head to your body’s cues
  2. Your “healthy” weight according to your natural body

By “healthy” weight, we’re referring to the most natural, healthy weight for your body. For example, if your goal is to be a size 0, if that’s not healthy for your frame or body, it won’t occur with intuitive eating. Instead, it can help you lose a healthy amount of weight or maintain your current weight.

If your goal is unhealthy or unrealistic, it won’t be accomplished with intuitive eating. At first glance, this might be a bummer. But you should also consider that every other diet will fail too. You might lose a lot of weight quickly with diets. Since it’s unsustainable though, you’ll gain it all back once the diet ends.

Intuitive eating lets us start to see our bodies in a new light. There’s no emphasis put on “looking” a certain way. All the focus is on how you feel. How’s your energy levels? How do you feel when you eat this vs. that?

It also helps us address the reasons we might be overeating. If we eat the whole bag of chips and later discover we weren’t even hungry, we don’t need to shame ourselves as diet culture does. Instead, we ask ourselves why? What emotional need were we trying to fulfill? How might we better fulfill it, properly, without food?

According to one of the dieticians who coined the term, nobody can rightfully tell you that you’ll lose weight with intuitive eating. She explains that focusing on an external goal, like weight loss, isn’t sustainable and impedes the intuitive eating process. She goes as far to say that if an ‘expert’ is coaching you to lose weight with intuitive eating, you should run.

If intuitive eating triggers body image issues or worries that the “healthy” size isn’t thin enough, you can also consider talking to a therapist.


Studies on Losing Weight With Intuitive Eating

As we discussed, losing weight isn’t a guarantee with intuitive eating. And that’s exactly what the research has shown.

When it comes down to it, how will you lose weight quicker: eating significantly less or being an intuitive eater? The former will obviously make you shed the pounds. It’s scientific fact. To illustrate this, one study compared those who followed intuitive eating versus those who used calorie restriction. Those who restricted calories lost significantly more weight.

Sounds great right? The problem is that eating that strict isn’t healthy and you won’t sustain it long-term, meaning that you’ll eventually gain back the weight. Over time, going through this cycle and do damage emotionally and could hurt your body too.

A 2012 study concluded that intuitive eating might be a healthier and more innate alternative to current dieting strategies for weight loss.

Another study looked specifically at new mothers trying to lose weight. They found that an intuitive eating approach may allow them to lose weight without weighing, measuring, recording and assessing their diet. For busy new moms, something lower effort could be a better alterative, they theorized.

More research has found that intuitive eating combined with mindfulness is more effective than traditional weight-loss programs.

There’s something else to consider that may benefit people trying to lose weight: Mindset shifts. Traditional approaches are based on how you look and appear to others. In other words, they’re extrinsically motivational.

In contrast, research shows that intuitive eating works on intrinsic motivation. This transition can be more effective.

For example, research shows that people who are internally motivated to workout are more likely to enjoy it and less likely to have restrictive eating patterns. This is compared to those who use external motivation or “guilt” as motivation. This group was more likely to have emotional eating patterns. Intuitive eaters also had a lower BMI in this study.

So, is losing weight with intuitive eating possible? Yes, it is. But it’s not a guarantee and not the goal. Instead, you’re encouraged to have internal reasons for following your body’s cues.


Intuitive Eating Hunger Scales

Intuitive Eating Hunger Scales

Before we discuss intuitive eating cravings, you should know about a guideline you can use. The intuitive eating hunger scale helps you evaluate how hungry you. This helps you determine whether you want to eat because of physical or emotional hunger.

For more tips on how to use this reference, read Intuitive Eating Hunger Scale Guide.


5 Ways to “Deal” with Intuitive Eating Cravings

Intuitive Eating Cravings weight loss

Any diet includes cravings and so does intuitive eating. The difference is that as an intuitive eater, you deal with cravings a lot differently.

It’s a truly judgement-free zone. In this space, we pick apart cravings a little more. We try to investigate them to find the cause. When we find the cause, we can come up with good solutions.

Of course, sometimes no solution is better than a slice of cake. So if you have it, intuitive eating encourages you not to shame yourself. In fact, enjoy it. Every. Single. Bite.

As you might tell, there’s no true rules when it comes to dealing with intuitive eating cravings. But there’s some general principles to help guide you.

#1 Indulge

Cravings in diets are meant to be suppressed. If you want a “bad” food, you need to find a way to get rid of that urge. A common diet “trick” is to replace the “bad” food with something “good.” Instead of reaching for chips, eat a carrot.

Intuitive eating doesn’t label foods as “good” or “bad.” It’s all just… food. The way each food impacts your body is specific to you and something you’ll probably come to notice overtime. However, none are morally off-limits. For that reason, you’re free to have what you want. If you want chocolate, have it. Chips? Have some.

Intuitive eating wants you to fully enjoy the experience of that food. So the trick here is to really indulge in whatever you’re eating. Don’t eat and work, eat and text or eat and watch TV. Don’t do it mindlessly, make yourself present for each bite. Pay attention to the flavor and textures.

As you’re doing this, use your intuitive eating hunger scale to gauge how your hunger level is changing. This should let you know when to back off the food. At this point, you’ll notice it’s getting less enjoyable by bite.

While “giving into” cravings can sound scary for former dieters, when you pay attention to your body, it will begin to tell you how much is good for you. Maybe a few bites of cake is enough sweetness to fulfill your sweet tooth. Being fully present with food may lower how much you eat it because it makes you feel satisfied with the experience sooner.

#2 Pinpoint Trigger

When you have a craving for something, it’s a good idea to reference the intuitive eating hunger scale. Let’s say you realize that you’re not actually hungry but you still really want that food.

The next step is to try to frill down why. What emotional need are you trying to fulfill with food?

The thing with intuitive eating is that it goes beyond the body; it dives into the mind too. Since the way we eat has become so linked with our psychology, it’s a necessary pairing for many people.

In the original intuitive eating principles, #7 is “Cope with Your Emotions with Kindness.”

As you might feel, stuffing your face with food to number your emotions isn’t exactly kindness. Telling your emotions to disappear without acknowledging them isn’t self-compassion. However, neither is restricting yourself from foods.

What’s causing the trigger, if not your hunger? Examples include:

  • Boredom
  • Loneliness
  • Sadness or depression
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Procrastination from doing something else

Once you’ve pinpointed the main cause, read the next tip

#3 Find Solutions for Emotions

Remember that if you actually are hungry, you should eat. But if you’re not and you’re craving to fill a void, pinpoint the trigger as suggested above.

Once you know what’s caused the craving, you can begin to brainstorm other things to solve it.

If you’re bored and reach for chips out of habit, think about other hobbies that will keep your hands busy. For example, knitting or beading could give you something else to do.

Often, the trigger is more emotional. Stressful days can have us wanting to say screw it with intuitive eating. It can also make you feel a little more numb if you’re depressed. Still though, none of these problems long-term are made better by eating. What will? If you’re stressed, look for healthy coping mechanisms. If you’re anxious, depressed or are having trouble finding ways to handle life, talk to a therapist. If one isn’t available, research coping mechanisms for your specific feeling/concern.

#4 Find Comfort

If you want to eat when you’re not hungry and it’s a habit, developing coping skills and methods is the long-term solution.

While you’re doing that though, there’s a “Band-Aid” solution that doesn’t involve food: Comfort.

Many times, when we’re reaching for food and it’s not because of hunger, it’s because we need soothing. We need some sort of sensory vacation from what we’re feeling. What else can trigger our sensations in a soothing, pleasing way? What will make us feel comforted? What’s something kind you can do for yourself at that moment?

The warmth of a bath or heating pad can provide a “mother’s love” type of comfort that supersedes any baked good. A cuddle with a dog or your partner can make you feel connected to your body again. Watching a funny TikTok video can give you relief in a demanding workday without reaching running to the vending machine.

The key is to not make this into a “diet hacks” thing. We’re not finding food alternatives and losing weight with intuitive eating. We’re just trying to be kind to ourselves. We’re trying to be specific with the nurturing we need.

We comfort ourselves with things besides food because it works better. Not because it will help us lose weight.

#5 Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Intuitive eating encourages you to recognize hunger cues. If you’re not hungry, you should look at why you want to eat anyway. This is the most healthy way to deal with a non-hunger-derived craving.

Yet, we’re human beings. We don’t always do what’s “best” for us. Sometimes, we know we aren’t hungry, but we’ll eat anyways. We know that it’s better to look to other alternatives for emotional soothing, but we still eat the whole cake.

Maybe our in judgment turned into a flat-out binge and now we’re uncomfortable and full. We feel like intuitive eating “failed us”. Or that we failed it.

This is normal. It’s life. It happens.

Take a deep breath. Unlike your diet, intuitive eating isn’t going to club you over the head for “giving into” that donut. Actually, it would prefer if you didn’t even use the phrase “giving in.”

Take away the shame and guilt. You can deal with your cravings better another time. Nobody is perfect.


Summary: Losing Weight With Intuitive Eating Cravings

losing weight with intuitive eating may be a side effect of the lifestyle, but it’s not a goal. The aim of intuitive or mindful eating is to listen to your body’s cues. Instead of focusing on external factors, we respect our body and pay attention to how it makes us feel. No foods are off-limits, but we’re encouraged to recognize emotional versus hunger eating.

In this process, the idea is that our bodies will reach their ideal healthy weight. This could mean weight loss or gain or maintaining how you are today. It all depends on your body and what’s healthy for it.

For that reason, nobody should say that you losing weight with intuitive eating is a guarantee. If you’re using the practice properly, weight loss shouldn’t be goal in the forefront anyway. Although it may be “goal” for health reasons, you’re encouraged to focus more on how internal motivators.

When we do this, we can address cravings in a healthy way. If we’re hungry, we eat the food we’re hungry for until we’re full. If we’re not hungry and we want to eat, we look into other ways to fulfill out emotional hunger. If we eat anyway, even when we’re not physically hungry, we don’t beat ourselves up over it.


3 Tarot Spreads for Future Love: Will I Find Love?

Tarot Spreads for Future Love

If people aren’t asking tarot about money, they’re probably asking about love.

It makes the world go around. We feel great when we’re in love. But might feel like we’re missing out when we don’t have anyone.

These tarot spreads for future love will show you your most likely outcome. You’ll also more about how you interact in relationships, what you’re doing great and what you can improve on.


“Will I Find Love” Tarot Spreads

One of the most common reasons for using tarot is to gain insight on love. If you’re single, you might be wondering if or when the next person will come along. But there’s more to know. For example, are there factors you can control? What are your strengths in finding a new match? Could be accidentally be repelling some people?

These tarot spreads answer the question “will I find love?” but it also dives in deeper. Remember that no tarot spread for future love is 100% set in stone. You’re a human being, you have the power to control the situation. If you don’t like the outcome of your spread, resist the temptation to keep pulling cards until you do. Instead, take some solace in the fact that destiny is in your hands. While tarot shows you the most likely outcome based on the present information, it can also be a wakeup call to change the direction you’re headed.


2: Future Love Tarot Spread

Tarot Spreads for Future Love

This relationship tarot spread helps you understand where you want to be and how to get there. While we might want a new person in our life, why aren’t they here yet? What can you focus on to meet someone? How will you meet them? This layout will answer all those questions and more as you continue on your journey to find future love.

  1. Where you are right now
  2. Are you ready for a relationship?
  3. How you feel about a new relationship (healthy want, desperation, pushing love away, etc.)
  4. What you’re doing that’s repelling relationships
  5. Something you can do to focus on attracting the right relationship
  6. When or how you will meet someone new
  7. Represents the next partner in your life


4-Card Stock of Your Love Life: Tarot Spread Relationship

Tarot Spreads for Future Love

This is a simple spread to know the basics of your love life past, present and future. Talking about future love can be a sensitive issue. We don’t always like the card we pick and it can feel devastating. It’s important to know that tarot is never set in stone. The outcome can always be changed based on your behavior or the behavior of others. For this reason, we’ve added a fourth card. This one represents how you can make the most out of the third card. If the card seems negative, how can you prevent the issue or make it better? If the card is positive, how can you ensure it comes to fruition or make it even better?

  1. Past love life
  2. Present love life
  3. Future love life
  4. How to improve your future love life (AKA how to change the future if the third card is negative or how to make it even better if it’s positive)


Summer Sun Love: Summer Tarot Reading Relationship Spread

Tarot Spreads for Future Love

Summer is a great time to find new love but will you? This summer sun love tarot spread will give you hints on what you can expect this season. Will there be any summer flings? Will you exit into fall in a new relationship? It also gives you insight into the things you can control, like what you might consider working on before trying to meet someone.

  1. Where you’re at in life in general
  2. Areas to focus on in yourself before meeting someone
  3. Is it the right time for a new relationship or summer fling?
  4. How you feel about meeting a new love interest
  5. What factors might prevent you from meeting them
  6. Traits you have that others will find attractive this summer
  7. What traits/type of partner you should look for (who’s right for you)?
  8. Where you might meet a new love interest this summer
  9. General vibe for the summer ahead (not just love life).
  10. Final outcome of any summer love interests (relationship, just a fling, single summer)


Tarot Spread for Future Love

A “will I find love tarot spread” is helpful in gaining insight into your love life. However, remember that nothing is surefire. If you like the cards you’ve pulled, you will still need to put in the work to make a relationship happen. If you don’t like the cards, you may have an opportunity to turn it around by looking for hints in the other cards in the spread.

Tarot Spreads for Future Love

15 Things To Do When You Want To Text Your Ex

Having trouble not texting your ex?

Going no contact can be really hard, especially when we’re used to seeing someone so often.

But as difficult as it can be, it’s important to keep our word to ourselves. That’s because if we’ve broken up, we probably have for a reason. Whether we’re thinking of taking them back or asking why for the 10th time, it’s probably better left unsaid.

Knowing that doesn’t make it any easier though.

We’re going to help you out a little bit.

Here are 15 things to do when you want to text your ex.


15 Things to Do to Stop Texting Your Ex

dont text ex

Having trouble not texting your ex? Here’s some things you can do instead.

#1 Make a Negative List

Almost everyone has good things about them and being realistic about it is important. However, sometimes we need to lean more on the negative side to help ourselves see the reality.

Take a moment to try to just focus on your partner’s negative attributes. That could be:

  • Their personality
  • Things they do
  • Things they said
  • Things they believe
  • Annoying things about them
  • Needs they don’t meet

Make a list on the notes app in your phone. Every time you want to text your ex, you have a long list of reasons not to.

Also, realize this list also represents that you can eventually find somebody better suited to you. But you won’t if you keep texting your ex back!


#2 Download a Dating App

If you just broke up with your ex, it’s probably not a great idea to get back out there right away. Taking time to process the breakup and heal is a good thing.

All of this doesn’t mean you can’t window shop though. If you want to remain anonymous, you can. Some apps, like Plenty of Fish, don’t need to show your location or be connected to your social media. You can use an ambiguous picture too if you don’t want to put yourself out there just yet.

Browsing your other options can make you realize that there’s more out there.  You don’t need to message anyone but simply use it as a reminder that you can do better.


#3 Play a Game

If you just can’t get off your phone because you want to be there the moment they text you *if* they ever do—focus your energy elsewhere.

Download a new phone game. If you’re stuck on what to try, here’s 23 Addictive Mobile Games. Need some inspiration? If you hit the leaderboard, I will allow you to send your ex ONE text. Ok, GO!


#4 Find a New Texting Buddy

If you always texted your ex, the sudden change of nobody to text can be hard to deal with. Like your person has just been ripped from you and you’re alone.

While it won’t solve it, having another person to text can soften the blow. You can ask a person to be your designated texting breakup buddy. Or you can just begin texting them more and go with the flow.

If you don’t have anyone in your life, you can use the Bumble BFF feature on the Bumble app.


#5 Go Online Window Shopping

Give yourself an imaginary unlimited budget and hit up all of your favorite online stores. Add to your wish list in case you want to buy later.


#6 Meditate

Meditate can seem like an excoriating thing—why would you want to be stuck with your thoughts? But the truth is, meditating actually changes our brain. It rewires the way we think.

When this happens, we’re better able to control our thoughts. That means the constant battle to text your ex may subside more quickly.


#7 Blast Music

If you want to text your ex, it’s probably because you’re n the feels. So get those feels out another way.

Find a song that you can relate to. Something that speaks clearly to how you feel or your situation. Put it on blast and sing, dance around, scream in your pillow, anything. Put it on repeat if you need to.


#8 Go for a Walk

One time, when I when I was really upset about a guy, I walked 16 miles home and I felt a lot better afterwards. There’s something about movement that just makes you forget about things a little bit. Oh yeah, maybe it’s those feel-good endorphins exercise releases.


#9 Bake

I moved into my first basement apartment with my ex. When we broke up, my landlord came down while I was baking some cupcakes.

“Do you usually bake when you’re sad? I do that too!” he said.


#10 Clean Your Space

It’s not fun, but if the result is a clean home or room, you’ll feel a lot better. Hard to text when you have a spray bottle in one hand and paper towel in the other.

To make it less agonizing, put on a podcast or eBook. Even though you might feel sad, you’ll at least get the feeling you’re progressing.


#11 Binge a Show… or a Pizza

I’m not saying this is a permanent solution—of course it’s not. But binging a show or a snack can get your head out of the rhythm of contemplating whether to text them.


#12 Paint Your Nails

When my nails are done, I just feel a bit better about myself. But also, I text less because I don’t want to screw up the paint and start at layer one. That’s literally one of the most annoying things ever.


#13 Text Yourself

Okay, you really can’t stop yourself, can you? Then get it out. Write what you want to say to them. Say it all. But write it in a text message to yourself. This lets you get out everything you need to without breaking no contact.


#14 Stalk Exes You Don’t Care About Anymore

If you’ve dated a few people, there’s probably other people you stopped talking to, which was sad at the time. But now, it doesn’t matter that much to you.

Online stalking them can remind you that you made the right decision—just like you did this time. Even though you might not feel it right away, there’s proof things will get better and the urge to text will fade.


#15 Get More Breakup Help

Breakups are seriously the hardest moments in my life. I hate them so much. You’re not alone!

dont text ex

dont text ex




14 Signs They Don’t Care At All About You- Sorry!!

signs someone doesnt care

If someone cares about you, they definitely won’t do the things on this list.

Caring about someone has a lot to do with learning about them and how they want to be cared for. These things are personal and can vary by person.

But there’s some non-negotiables. Some things that you shouldn’t experience in any relationship.

Read on to learn the signs they don’t care about you.


Caring Vs. Not Caring

Before we get into the signs of whether someone cares about you or not, we should note something pretty important.

Someone can care about you and show it in horrible, unhealthy ways. That does not make it okay.

Some people say “if they cared, they wouldn’t treat you like that.” In some cases, that may be the truth. But sometimes you might feel that someone actually genuinely loves and cares about you despite their actions or words. That could be true. Just because we have the capacity to love doesn’t mean we know how to do so in a healthy, deep way. That is never an excuse though.

Many, if not all, points on this list are deal-breakers. If you can relate, you might consider where the courage is within yourself to choose yourself.


14  Signs They Don’t Care About You

signs someone doesnt care

Here are the signs he really doesn’t care about you.


#1 Name Calling

Seriously, name-calling should always be off-limits. Never let someone disrespect you by calling you negative names. By the way, they don’t even need to be swear words or things that other people consider rude. It can be something that you specifically have asked them not to call you.

For example, let’s say they call you a “baby” when you express you don’t like something. They refuse to stop calling you that word even though you’ve asked him several times. This isn’t okay. If they cared about you, they care how you felt about that being called that and stop.


#2 Directing Swears At

Other people may disagree with this one. But as someone who wears a lot, there’s a time and a place for it. The time and place isn’t when you’re arguing with your partner. Casual swearing is one thing. But in my opinion, you should never direct a swear word at a partner during a confrontation or serious, tense moment. Swearing during these times can erode the relationship we have with our partners. It can make them trust us less. And further, it helps escalate the situation and make it worse. That’s not what you want. If you can’t deescalate, the very least you could do is not inflame it with hostile language. Of course, sometimes we get angry and one may accidently slip. That doesn’t mean we’re bad people but we should realize what we’ve done wrong and try to hold back more next time.


#3 They Blame You

If everything is your fault in a relationship, it likely isn’t. If you notice yourself taking responsibility and the other person can never admit their faults, that’s not normal. One person may have more work to do than the other. But being blamed for every little thing is a sign they don’t care.


#4 Insulting

Everyone has things they dislike about their partner. For example, maybe they’re a bit sloppy and need to work on picking up after themselves. Maybe they cook a food they love but you find hard to stomach. That’s okay. What’s not okay is insulting the person for it by calling them “a pig,” or “lazy do nothing” or “horrible cook.” In some cases, it might be appropriate to have a calm discussion about it and let the person know how you feel. Other times, it doesn’t matter and you should just let the person be themselves. No need to degrade them in any situation.


#5 Using Information or Vulnerabilities Against You

As you get closer to a person, you’ll begin to share more and more personal things. It’s normal and a good thing to begin opening up. Vulnerability is a key within relationships. However, if your partner is using what you’ve told them against you, they’re not caring about you.

For example, I was dating a guy one time and I opened up about my previous relationship to someone with addictions and mental health problems. He got into an argument with me about harm reduction and used my own story against me.

“My ex slowed her use with me. Why couldn’t you make your ex? If we’re supposed to help people, why can’t you even help him?”

Clearly, not a guy who cared about how I felt. People should never use your vulnerabilities or information against you to try to make a point.


#5 Glossing Over Your Feelings or Problems

When someone cares about you deeply, they’ll want to know more about your feelings or things you’re going through. That’s because they’ll want to provide comfort and make sure you’re not alone in that experience, even if they can’t fix it.

For example, let’s say you open up and tell the person that you’re grieving the loss of a family member or going through a depressive period. If the person responds, “ok” and then goes on to switch the subject or talk about themselves again, that’s not good.

A partner who cares shouldn’t gloss over details when you open up. They should learn into them to know more. If someone is doing this, it may be worth asking them why this is a pattern. But oftentimes, they just might not be open enough to care deeply—and that’s not something you can change.


#6 You’re Chasing Them

At the beginning of a relationship, it may normal to feel like one person is chasing the other. It’s part of the process of getting to know each other. But if that never settles down, and you’re always the one reaching you, they may not care as much as you do. It shouldn’t always be a chase. This isn’t always the case; some people have different communication styles. For example, some people like to text more or less and that’s not necessarily a sign of care.

But if you’re the one planning dates, trying to impress them, calling first, texting first, waiting forever for answers, dodging canceled dates—you might want to forfeit the game.


#7 Talks Badly About You

A partner who cares about you should say good things about you when he talks to other people. If you notice that in a group, your partner is constantly saying negative things, even light-heartedly, that’s not a good sign. It could get downright disrespectful if he brings up private matters or insults you.


#8 They Reject All Romance

It’s worth noting that some people just aren’t wired for romance and that’s okay. But if that’s a need you value, you deserve someone who can meet that. If your partner doesn’t want to ever kiss you, hold your hand, go on dates, spend quality time together, you might wonder why they’re even there in the first place.


#9 Refuses to Compromise

There’s some things we should never compromise on. And what that looks different to everyone because it depends on our values and our standards for those values.

But regardless of that, every relationship will likely have some flexibility; some give and take that makes it work. If you realize you seem to be the only one giving up things or making compromises, you should ask yourself if you’re being cared for. There may be periods in life where you’re comprising more (ex. if your partner is busy this month on a work project). But if it never ends, know that you deserve someone to meet you halfway.


#10 He Doesn’t Make Time

If the person isn’t making time for you, it’s likely they don’t care on some level. Maybe they like you and like spending time with you, but they don’t care enough to invest regularly. One of my boyfriends would rather sit at home with his roommate and watch TV than see me 6/7 days of the week. That’s okay, but it’s also a sign that he probably didn’t care enough, so I too, had better things to do.

How much time someone has or they should have depends on both of your lifestyles. Some people want to see their partner a lot. Some people are okay with one day a week even 5 years in. Rather than labeling someone’s needs as “right” or “wrong,” reframe it as “a match for mine” or “not a match for mine.”


#11 They Don’t Listen

Are you ever talking and realize it looks like your partner is in daydream land? But as it’s their turn to speak, they quickly snap out of their haze. Or maybe they change the topic altogether. These things can make us feel unseen and unheard. Everyone has off days, but a good partner should genuinely try to listen and connect.


#11 They Flirt with Others

If you’re in an open relationship, obviously this doesn’t apply to you. But if you’re exclusively dating someone and they still continue to flirt with other people, that’s a sign they don’t care. First, consider if what you think is flirting actually is. I’ve had some boyfriends accuse me of flirting when I’m talking the same way I would to a woman (and I’m straight). Consider the person’s personality and their normal standard of communicating.

If you determine that the person is flirting, know that you deserve someone who focuses on you only.


#12 They Don’t Say Sorry

In any given relationship, each person will eventually say sorry hundreds, if not thousands of times. That’s life. We all make mistakes. The key is to learn from them and make amends. If you notice that your partner can’t hold themselves accountable, it could be time for a change. They might also continuously apologize in ineffective ways. It’s hard to grow together when they don’t admit your faults and make an effort to apologize.


#13 He Doesn’t Put Effort to Make Things Work

They say it takes two to tango, but it also takes two to make things work. If you’re trying to fix your relationship and your partner doesn’t seem to be putting forth anything, it’s likely he doesn’t care. You deserve someone who wants to keep you around forever and that’s not happening if one person refuses to budge.


#14 Your Wrongdoings Justify Theirs

If someone is constantly bringing up a handful of your wrongdoings to justify their boatload, that’s just not right.

One of my boyfriends would constantly do hurtful things. Whenever they occurred, he might throw a quick “sorry” and proceed to say “but you did X and Y, so it’s not that bad.” The X and Y would always be the same minor events. But they somehow excused all of his behavior for the entire relationship.

signs someone doesnt care

8 Crystals for the Sacral Chakra: Sex, Connection, Creativity, Pleasure

Sacral Chakra Crystals Gemstones

Sex. Connection. Relationships. Creativity. Passion. Pleasure.

These are the aspects of the sacral chakra, the third energy center in the system.

An unbalanced sacral chakra can lead to issues in these areas.

One way to help spiritually fix these?

Stones for the sacral chakra.

In this post, we’re showing you 8 crystals you can try to make your sacral chakra happy.

DISCLAIMER: Chakras are a fun and helpful spiritual tool. But there’s no hard evidence to back their existence. Always speak to your doctor or a relevant professional for advice or help. Science-backed services and treatments should always be considered your first route.


Sacral Chakra Meaning

The Sacral Chakra is the 2nd energy center in the 7-center charka system.

If you’re not familiar with the idea of chakras, they’re spinning energy disks located in a line in the center of your body. Each of the 7 chakras corresponds to specific body parts, spiritual lessons and more. It’s believed that chakras should stay open and balanced. Unbalanced or closed down chakras may lead to issues related to the spiritual meaning of that center. For example, an unbalanced heart chakra could mean being too closed down when it comes to love. When all of our chakras are in good condition, we’re working through life in healthy ways.

The chakra system originated in ancient India, being referenced in a spiritual text called the Vedas. Today, the belief of chakras is common in many varying spiritual beliefs. It’s important to understand that while charkas are a helpful spiritual tool, they should not be used as a replacement for physical or mental healthcare or any other issue.


The Meaning of Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra, the third energy center, is related to creativity, sexuality, relationships, connection and pleasure. This could be the chakra of discovering who you are–your likes, dislikes, hobbies, personalities, sexual preferences, how you love and like to be loved, etc. It can also be the center of sex and everything erotic. Another angle of the Sacral could be used to explore roles and the meaning of power within relationships. This center could be one to look at for artists or anyone involved in creation. This openness here can dictate how open you are to new ideas and inspirations.

When the Sacral chakra is balanced, it may look like someone who has a good sense of themselves and knows how to control the power of sexuality when appropriate. An unbalanced Sacral Chakra can look like succumbing to the power of things–like drugs, gambling, working or sex addiction. It could also look like someone who has intimacy issues or judgments around sexuality.

It’s believed that an unbalanced Sacral could also lead to negative physical manifestations. These involve problems around the area where the third chakra is located, including:

  • Vaginal issues
  • Groin or penis problems, including erectile dysfunction
  • Arthritis
  • Lower back issues
  • Hip issues

There’s several ways we can work to balance and open the Sacral Chakra. One of them is by using stones for the sacral chakra.


8 Crystals for the Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra Crystals Gemstones

When we’re looking for stones for a specific chakra, one quick hack is to consider the color of that energy center. For example, the Sacral chakra is Orange, so we can assume ogange-ish crystals will be associated with this center.


#1 Carnelian

Carnelian is a popular crystal that’s usually easy to find and affordable, making it a great choice for a sacral chakra stone. This center is associated with the reproductive organs and the genital area. Keeping with that theme, this stone is known to some as a fertility stone.

It’s known for its warm energy that can bring a joyful glow or mood. It can also bring a boost of passion or instill a healthy but balanced self-confidence. Known as a stone good for creativity and motivation, it can transfer those qualities into your relationships or sex life.


#2 Orange Calcite

This bright stone imparts a new and invigorating energy that can be useful for awakening the Sacral chakra.

Similar to the stone above, orange calcite is also known for its warm and motherly like qualities. This could also make it a good stone for those trying to conceive open up to the idea of making a family. It’s supportive qualities can gently guide you to see the truths in situations where you may be a bit emotionally blind. Yet, it’s motivating and creative energy can instill the passion you need to power on and through.


#3 Orange Moonstone

Moonstone in general is known to ease anxieties for emotional balance. The addition of orange makes it related more closely to the sacral chakra. Given this, it’s a powerful combination of lunar energy combined with feminine energy of fertility.

When considering crystals for the sacral chakra, this one can be used to boost creativity and give you the passion to go ahead on projects or new visions. As stated, it stress-relieving effects, which can be helpful for those who worry about their relationships.


#4 Amber

This yellow or golden brown stone is great for releasing emotional holdbacks. If you’re looking for crystals for the sacral chakra, it may be helpful to know this can include romantic blocks. For example, if you’re having trouble getting over an ex or crush, amber can help clear that energy.

Its warm energy can leave you feeling more joyful and invigorated too. Amber is also known to have protective effects, absorbing lower energies so you don’t need to.


#5 Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is known as the “Creativity Stone” which makes it perfect for the creative Sacral chakra. If you’re looking to increase your creativity related to a project, or even overall, this is a good sacral chakra crystal to start with. It can also impart creativity in other senses–such as revealing new paths, making you see new opportunities, etc.

Tiger’s Eye is also known for its courage. This can be courage you need for a specific situation, or related to the sacral chakra specifically, the courage to be who you are romantically or sexually. If you’re feeling sexually anxious, Tiger’s Eye could be the stone you need to shed the worries and be vulnerable.


#6 Sunstone

As you may guess from the name, sunstone can represent the sun’s energy–a vibrant, warm, motherly feel that imparts positivity, joy and a sense of support. This can make you feel more self-confident in your relationships, in the bedroom or simply with your identity. It can bring a sense of enthusiasm related to the sacral chakra and help reinvigorate the connection and sexuality of this area.


#7 Goldstone

Goldstone is thought of as the Ambition Stone. It’s also known to be mysterious, which is perfect for the sexual energy of the sacral chakra. It can help you harness your power as a sexual being and be comfortable with yourself from that lens.


#8 Tangerine Quartz

If you’re looking for crystals for the sacral chakra, tangerine quartz is another one to try that can enhance self-confidence and bring a more light-hearted approach to a situation. Related to the third chakra, this could mean a more playful approach to romantic or sexual relationships. It can help you unleash your sexual energy or give you the passion to work on creative pursuits.

It can also assist you in finding yourself and your purpose in life (one reason it’s called the stone of ambition!).  Compared to other crystals for sacral chakra, this one is a bit different. It’s made using copper and glass with varying theories about its origins. Still, since it’s man-made, it’s not technically a crystal. Still, it’s thought to impart numerous benefits.


How to Heal the Sacral Chakra with Stones for Sacral Chakra

There are plenty of ways you can use crystals for the sacral chakra.



You can simply hold your sacral chakra crystal or have it beside you as you meditate. An even better idea? Place the stone on your third chakra area. Focus on your breath and the energy of your stone.


Crystal Grid

If there’s something specific you’re working on or want to manifest related to the sacral chakra, you can create a crystal grid for it using stones related to that center. For example, if you want to manifest more confidence in your sexuality, choose some stones above and set that intention for your grid.



You can also create an altar dedicated to working on your sacral chakra or issues related to that area. Altars can include many things such as nature findings, oracle cards, oils, statues and your sacral chakra crystals.



You can make your own DIY healing jewelry using your favorite sacral chakra crystal. Or purchase a piece with that intention.


Crystal Singing Bowls

You can also invest in a crystal singing bowl made with a stone on this list. Use it while setting your intention to balance and open your third chakra.


Make a Crystal Essene

You can infuse your crystal in water to create a DIY crystal essence or tincture. This can be used under the tongue, added to drinks or made into a spray to help your sacral chakra.


Put in Your Bra

If you want to balance your third chakra but don’t wear jewelry, another option is to slip the crystal inside your bra for the day. If you don’t wear a bra, keep it in your pocket.


Summary on Crystals for the Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is related to sexuality, connection, relationships and creativity. When this center is unbalanced or closed, you may experience issues in these areas of life or this area of the body. To balance and open the sacral chakra, you can use stones. There’s a variety of crystals for the sacral chakra you can use. You can experiment with some on the list and see if any work for you.

Remember that crystals are a spiritual tool but your first line of advice and help should always be your doctor or another relevant professional.

Sacral Chakra Crystals Gemstones

How to Stop Chasing Love For Now and Forever

stop chasing love

Chasing love can be exciting but it’s also usually hurtful.

We can put in 100% to make someone like us and sometimes, it really works. But other times, we don’t think they like us at all. This sets us on a roller coaster of emotions.

This pattern continues but the answer doesn’t become anymore clear: why don’t they like us more? We’re trying so hard.


What Chasing Love Looks Like

When we first meet someone, we will probably chase each other. This means we both like each other, what to impress each other and are putting in effort. This is a natural and healthy process.

When we chase love, we feel like we’re constantly on the hunt for another person. It’s more of a one-sided effort and it’s hard to know where we stand. This is not a healthy start to a relationship.

We might keep trying and putting in effort and having it not met back. In response, we keep putting more time and effort in, hoping that it will eventually be reciprocated.

This might be a specific person you keep being drawn to. For example, an ex that you keep around in an on and off relationship hoping it will permanently change. Or, this could be a dating pattern for you. Maybe you frequently find yourself with unavailable men who it feels like you have to ask for love.

Unfortunately, chasing love rarely leads to love. It usually just leadings to a cycle of putting in time and effort to no avail.


Are You Chasing Love?

If you think you’re chasing love and aren’t sure what to do, read the tips below.


Know Some People Suck

We’re listing ways you can take control of the situation and stop chasing love. These are meant to empower you to move onto something better that you deserve.

However, you shouldn’t feel at blame that others aren’t reciprocating your love. While you can ask yourself if you’re choosing the wrong people, ultimately we have to accept that some people suck. Some partners will try to manipulate us, play us and are just in it for the chase. That’s not our fault.


Ask Who We’re Choosing

If you constantly feel like you’re chasing a partner, it might be helpful to ask yourself which types of partners you’re choosing. And why?

For example, maybe you’re always choosing emotionally unavailable men because they feel like home; your parents were that way too. Or maybe, deep down, the thought of being in a long term relationship scares you, so you choose relationships with expiry dates.

Of course, this isn’t always the case (refer to the section above). But looking at why or how our patterns developed can help use choose people who are better suited to us.


Let Old Wounds Heal

Sometimes we continuously chase love to avoid being stagnant in the pain of another love. For example, we break up with an ex and immediately start searching for the next person. We don’t give ourselves time to process the pain. Instead, we try to numb with and fill that hole with love from someone else.

This can lead to an unhealthy cycle of chasing love. Instead of waiting for a healthy relationship, we might jump into another just to fix the void.

If you can relate, force yourself to be single for a bit and deal with your emotions. Take time to feel your feelings and heal.


Try Not To Take It Personally

When we’re chasing someone and the feelings or effort isn’t reciprocated, it can hurt a lot. It feels like something is wrong with you or that you’re not good enough. But that’s not true.

The truth is that not everyone is for you, and you’re not for everyone. All this situation reflects is that you have a better match available somewhere.


Let Them Go

Chasing someone and getting no results is a tough blow to our ego. Sometimes, this can lead us to chase more though. Maybe it will eventually change, you think. Maybe if you just try harder.

Unfortunately, this usually isn’t the case. If nothing has changed this far, it’s unlikely it will. Ending this situationship could save yourself heartbreak and open yourself up to better opportunities.


Have a Healthy Relationship Goal

Instead of having the goal for someone to like you, have the goal to have a healthy relationship.

One-sided effort and chasing isn’t a trait of a healthy relationship. Actually, it can be a trait of a toxic one that makes you feel like you’re on a rollercoaster.

When we have the goal of a healthy relationship, we know that chasing someone is a red flag. Whether they like us or not is irrelevant because our #1 goal isn’t being met.


Know You Deserve Love

“Stay away from people who make you feel you’re hard to love.”

It’s a popular quote and good advice. We should be with someone who makes us feel loved. Even in the angry moments, it doesn’t feel like we’re chasing someone. Instead, it feels like we’re on a team where we both put effort to love each other.


Brainstorm Better Options

Look, how you feel isn’t a nice feeling, right? It’s not fun to chase someone and not feel loved back.

What you need to consider is that better is available to you, even if not right this moment. You can be in a relationship that doesn’t feel like this. You can be with someone who makes you feel loved easily. If you can’t stop chasing someone, take a moment to brainstorm you better options. How much more loved, happy and stable will you feel?

stop chasing love

How to Create a Magical Morning Routine for Everyday Miracles

We’re often told that the first meal of the day is the most important—but what about the first activities?

Editing your morning routine to include some magical practices can help lead you to a brighter day. Even if you’re a night owl, there’s some small habits that won’t add much time and will be worth the effort.

Read on to learn 13 ways to create a magical morning routine.


13 Activities Add to Your Magical Morning Routine

The first step to creating your magical morning routine is to select the activities you want to make a habit. Below are some ideas.



Meditating has been shown to change the brain. This can lead to better control over your thoughts, which means increased well-being and less stress.

Some people just sit in silence and pay attention to their breathe. Others use music or a guided audio meditation. Some also include visualization and involve goal setting, spirituality and more.



Yoga can improve your energy levels, making you feel ready for the day ahead It can also improve strength and heart health and help you manage stress.

You can follow a quick morning mediation on YouTube or learn a few moves to repeat each morning.


Put on a Positive Podcast

As you get ready, listen to an inspirational podcast or audiobook. This can leave you in a good mood before you’ve even really started your day.



Smudging is a practice that originated from Native American traditions. It involves lighting a bundle of herbs–usually sage or sweetgrass–and letting the smoke disperse. The belief is that this spiritually cleanses the energy of yourself, the room, an object, etc.

People who practice this hope it will dispel negative energies and revive the aura. You can sage yourself or your space every morning to symbolize entering a new day with renewed energy and intention. This can set the tone and may act as a placebo effect for a good day.


Read a Positive Story

Make it a point to read something uplifting each morning. My favorite book for this is the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. I leave with a lesson before I’ve even got out of bed.



Sometimes exercising doesn’t feel like a magical morning routine but honestly, it is. It releases chemicals in your body that make you feel better and less stressed. It can also raise your self-confidence and give you a step up in the day.



Affirmations work for some people and for others, it dampens their day. Research says they work best if you’re already in a good state. If you wake up feeling like everything sucks, you might want to skip it that day.

Another trick is to pick affirmations you actually believe in. Picking phrases too far out of reach could feel unattainable.


Pull a Card

If you like angel or tarot cards, it can be helpful to pull a card every morning. You can use this as a message for your “Higher Self” or spirit guide. But you could also use it as a daily lesson.

Even if you don’t believe in the cards, they represent archetypes and patterns that can help us understand ourselves, others and the world around us.



You can use time every morning to visualize something you want to make your reality. This is a trick often used by those that practice the Law of Attraction AKA Manifesting.

You could visualize:

  • Living your dream life
  • Doing well in your job today
  • Attracting money or the right romantic partner
  • Happy moments throughout the day
  • Just having a good day in general

In your mind, really map out this situation. See it play as a movie in your head.

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps was known to use visualization to help him achieve the perfect swim.



There’s several different ways to journal that can make your day a lot better. You can brain dump, which is exactly what it sounds like. You can do some morning pages, which is basically anything. You can write diary-style to relieve your stresses. Or you can do some spiritual journaling.


Use Essential Oil

Scent can be a powerful thing. To try to condition yourself to feel reinvigorated each morning, take a whiff of your favorite refreshing essential oil. If you want, dab a bit on the inside of your wrist. Another option: add some to your diffuser to fill the room as you go about your morning routine.


Make Your Beverage a Ritual

Most people drink something hot in the morning and don’t think a thing of it. Take time to put some love into it and consider it a self-care activity. Make matcha. Use a French press instead of a regular drip coffee. Squeeze fresh lemon into your tea instead of the regular bag. Make it something special for yourself.


Manifesting Writing Activities

If you’re someone who believes in the Law of Attraction and who wants to manifest, make it a daily morning habit to speed up the process. You can use writing prompts and a morning script to start your day. For ideas on all that, read 11 Fun Manifestation Writing Exercises To Attract ASAP.


Gratitude List

Keep a notebook by your bed. First thing when you wake up, list 3 to 5 things you’re grateful for. Groggy mornings might make this tough, but refocusing your lens first thing can be healthy.


How to Customize Your Morning Routine

magical morning routine ideas activities

consider the time available to you in the morning. How many activities can you realistically fit add?

If there’s a few practices you want to do but don’t have the time, you can make a “micro routine.” Instead of doing the full version of these practices, you can spend a few minutes on each.

For example, instead of spending 30 minutes reading, 15 meditating and 15 journaling—do what you can.

Maybe that looks like 5 minutes of inspirational reading, 5 minutes of mind dump journaling and a quick 3-minute meditation before you hop in the shower.

Finding what works can take time. You can practice a few different variations of morning routines to see which fit best.


How to Find Time for a Magical Morning Routine

The first thing many people think of when it comes to their mornings is time. Adding all of these activities only lengthens the time it takes for you to get ready or get out the door. So how can you possibly find the time.

First, try to accept your time constraints, even if they’re different than everyone else’s. Some gurus say “you make time for what’s important to you.” While that’s true, it’s also true that some seasons in life just don’t lend themselves to huge morning routines. For example, if you start work very early and you need to also rush 4 kids out the door after walking the dog. In these cases, do what’s possible. Use the tips in the section above to customize your morning routine.

It’s helpful to remember that some “seasons” of life are busy and morning routines need to be short. Other “seasons,” you can afford to add some extra time.

The next thing you can do is consider if you can get up earlier. This might mean going to bed a bit earlier.

You can also consider which activities you can transfer to your night routine to free up time. For example, maybe you can buy yourself 5 minutes for a quick meditation if you pick your clothes out at night.

Tarot Spread for Career Guidance: 3 Layouts for Financial Success

tarot spreads for career guidance

Stuck on where to head in your career?

Not sure which decision to make?

Or maybe you’re stuck under a pile of debt so large that you’re not even sure which step to take first.

When you’re in this situation, an expert should always be your first go-to. But one thing that can provide support and guidance are tarot spreads. These can help give you hope along your journey and provide hints on how to feel better.

You can use these spreads to try to tell your future in the career realm. However, if you’re not into that, you should know that many people also use tarot as a tool for self-discovery and self-improvement. By learning their meanings, we can shine a light on patterns, problems and archetypes that play large roles in our lives.

Read on to see 3 layouts you can use if you’re looking for a tarot spread for career advice.

Important: Your first line of advice should always be an accredited expert, such as a financial advisor or career coach. Tarot is a spiritual tool that can help support us along our journeys.


3 Tarot Spreads for Career Guidance

tarot spreads for career guidance

These tarot spreads will help spiritually guide you throughout your career or financial journeys. Take a look at the layouts and choose the one that aligns the closest to what you want to discover.


#1 Tarot Spread for Career Searching or Finance Advice

tarot spreads for career guidance

This layout is ideal if you’re searching for options when it comes to your career and finances. Sometimes, we might be presented with so many options or different paths that it’s hard to choose. Other times, we don’t even think we have one good option.

This tarot spread for career will help you uncover the paths and purposes you should consider. It will also make you think about deep blocks you have in these areas and what you can do to overcome them. Finally, life is tough, so you’ll leave with a card of encouragement about your career and finances.

Card Placement Meanings:

  1. Your prior careers, jobs or finance situation
  2. Your current career, job or finance situation
  3. Represents your current purpose
  4. How on track you are with your current purpose
  5. How you can better align with your current purpose
  6. Options that you have for your career or finance situation
  7. How you feel about your options
  8. Deep blocks you have toward career and finance
  9. How to overcome these deep blocks
  10. The most critical advice you should consider
  11. A hint on where you’ll find future opportunities
  12. The birds-eye view of your current career outcome
  13. A word of encouragement about your career and finances


#2 Tarot Spread for Career and Finance Direction

tarot spreads for career guidance

This is another tarot spread for career advice that deals with options and decision-making. Whether you have a ton of options, just a few or no direction at all, this layout will help point you toward a path.

It will highlight where you’re at, where you want to be and the options before you, even the ones you don’t see. You’ll uncover your feelings toward these decisions, what you should consider and what’s likely the best choice for you.

We’ll also look forward into what qualities you can learn to help you be more successful in the area of career and finance. And also, what lessons you’ll learn from this crossroad situation.

Card Placement Meanings:

  1. Where you currently are in your career
  2. Where you want to be in your career
  3. Your options for your career
  4. Are there any “hidden” options you’re not considering?
  5. Your feelings around your options
  6. The option you’re considering the most
  7. Something important to consider in regard to your options
  8. The likely best decision for you
  9. The qualities to expand on to be successful
  10. The ultimate outcome of your decision
  11. A lesson to learn from this situation


#3 Step Ladder Tarot Spread for Career

tarot spreads for career guidance

If you’re looking for a basic tarot spread for career advice, we’ve got you. This quick layout is great to hit the main points of what you need to know regarding your career and purpose.

It will look at where you’re at now and what your most ideal goal career-wise is. Of course, our work life is about more, even if it doesn’t directly fulfill our passions. So, this spread will also look at where the deep purpose within your job or career lies. How is this fulfilling that? And how can we better fulfill our purpose within this career?

Then we’ll touch on something for the future: how you can find these or even better opportunities to boost your future success or finances.

Card Placement Meanings:

  1. Your career now
  2. Your dream career
  3. Your deep purpose right now
  4. How you can fulfill that purpose
  5. Where you’ll find these opportunities or support


Summary: Tarot Spread for Career Guidance

These three tarot spreads for career advice will help you narrow in on where you’re at, where you want to go and where you should go. You’ll learn the options in front of you, how to uncover hidden ones and where to go from here. Talking about career and finances can be heavy, so each spread offers at least one point of positivity for the future: something you can look forward to or look to for more opportunities.

tarot spreads for career guidance

80 Best Summer Date Ideas That Are Free or Cheap

Date Night Ideas Summer: 80 Summer Date Ideas for Couples

Table of Contents

Stuck on date ideas?

Tired of reading the same lists with the same ideas?

That’s why I’ve created this gigantic list of every summer date idea that possibly think of. The best part is that they don’t require a lot of money, making many accessible to almost anyone.

Read on to learn 80 best summer date ideas that are free or cheap.


80 Best Summer Date Ideas That Are Free or Cheap

summer date ideas

Take some time scrolling through this list, considering what both you and your partner would enjoy doing together.

#1 Visit a Museum

Even if you’ve been to the museum before it can be different with a partner. Explore new exhibits and see what they’re interested in.


#2 Have a Picnic

Pack some drinks and food and find a spot to sit down. Picnics are somehow made better when you have a proper picnic better. You can probably pick one up for cheap at your local thrift store.

Get your lunch or few a few snacks ready and lay out a blanket. You can set the mood with some music played through Bluetooth speakers.


#3 Midnight Picnic

Another version of the picnic is the midnight picnic. This adds another level of romance to an already-cute date.

Set the vibe with slow music and battery-operated twinkle lights.


#4 Wine and Cheese Picnic

If you don’t want to pack lunch, you can simply bring your partner out for a casual wine and cheese picnic.

Select a few different types of meats, cheeses and cracks. Add additional foods, like pickles, vegetables and dips to create a full charcuterie board.

If you want to bring wine on your picnic, make sure you’re in a city where you’re allowed to have open alcohol in parks. Or find a place out of public view.


#5 Have a Walk

Walks seem basic but they make for great first dates. Action tends to lessen your nerves. Plus, you can comment on things happening around you. This means silence and pressure to talk are less likely.


#6 Go for a Hike

Whether you’ve hiked before or not, walking can be a great activity to bond with our partner. Since they’re


#7 Go Kayaking

Kayaking is one of the best Summer Date Ideas That Are Free if you know someone with a kayak. If not, they may be cheap to rent in your location. You might paddle away to an island and have a picnic.


#8 Questions Game

Sit down with your partner with a drink or snack and take turns exchanging questions.

You can have a prepared list or choose from a large list of questions to ask your date.

Ask each other the same questions or different ones, it’s up to you.

This is a great activity to learn about your partner and get closer.


#9 Go to the Beach

Over course, one of the best summer date ideas that are free is going to the beach. Pack your bathing suit, a towel, sunscreen, water and meet your partner on the way.


#10 Wedding Crash

If there’s a wedding going on near you and it looks fun, see if there’s a way to join the party. Bonus points if you get free food and drinks without getting kicked out.


#11 Explore Your City

Summer is tourist season—so why not be a tourist in your own city? If there are attractions that you haven’t seen in years, visit them again with your date.


#12 Try The Questions for Love

Have you heard of The New York Times’ Questions That Lead to Love? It’s an article that details 36 questions to ask your partner. By the end of it, you’re supposed to have more love for them.

Make it a date by asking these questions over a drink or during a romantic midnight picnic.


#13 Rent a Local Airbnb

If you don’t have money or time for a big vacation, see if you can find an Airbnb just a few hours away for a reasonable price. If you want, look for places near lakes or nature centers so you can spend time outside enjoying the summer.


#14 Aquarium

If there’s an aquarium near you, they can make fantastic date ideas for rainy days and romantic summer nights.


#15 Go to a Flea Market

Warm summer weekends are perfect for shopping at the flea market. Whether you’re shopping for garden vegetables or antiques, it’s fun to experience the vendors with your date.


#16 Make Dinner

Try a new recipe with your partner and have fun working toward a goal together.


#17 Go Fishing

Get a rod and some bait or tackles and head to your nearest lake. Since finishing can be boring, it can be a great time to talk and get close with your partner.


#18 Craft

If your partner is creative, decide on a craft to make together. If you’re stuck, search “Summer Crafts for Adults” on Pinterest to get ideas.


#19 Go to a Paint Night

Check out your local paint night. Even if you’re not an artist, research shows that partners who attend paint nights experience a boost of oxytocin—the love hormone. Interestingly, the highest boost was seen among men.


#20 Make a Tree House

If you have a backyard, ask for your partner’s help in making a treehouse. This is a great project you can keep returning to. Look to Pinterest for aesthetic inspiration.


#21 Outdoor Yoga

During the summer, many yoga classes are offered outside. See what’s available locally and bring your partner.


#22 Make a Summer Dessert

If you have a local market, pick up a fruit in season. Then make a dessert with it while your partner helps. For example, pies are hard to make—making it a great 2-person project.


#23 A Good Deed Day

Choose a nice day and walk around your city doing nice deeds for people. You can make a list beforehand so you can prepare. Examples include:

  • Paying for coffee for the person behind you
  • Anonymously paying for a random table’s meal
  • Leaving coins around
  • Leaving scratch tickets around
  • Assisting if it looks like someone needs help
  • Handing out packages to homeless people
  • Complimenting people

To gamify it, see how many you can do in one day.


#24 Watch the Stars

Where you have a backyard or need to go to a park, bring blankets and romantically stargaze with your partner.


#25 DIY Paint Night

If you don’t have a paint night near you or don’t want to spend the money, have a DIY paint night date instead. Pick a painting tutorial on YouTube (I recommend Painting with Jane). Look at the notes to see the colors she used. Then, head to the dollar store and pick up similar colors, a canvas and some brushes. Follow the tutorial with your partner and see how it turns out.


#26 Have a Campfire

If you have a backyard or public space where you can, start a fire and roast some marshmallows. If you like horror, have a few ghost stories ready. Or just drink some beer and talk.


#27 Sample Foods or Drinks

Prepare a food sampling for your partner. This could include any food or drink they like:

  • Chocolate
  • Candy
  • Wine
  • Beer
  • Whiskey
  • Meats
  • Cheeses


#28 Have a Themed Night

Pick a country and make the entire date around it. For example, let’s say you choose Italy. You could dress in similar styles, cook Italian food, make Italian dessert and watch an Italian movie. If you’re up for it, you could even learn a few words of the language.


#29 Go to a Festival

There’s so many festivals during the summer, it can be hard to choose. Pick one and plan to attend with your partner.


#30 Spa Night

Even in the summer, sometimes you just need a night in for self-care. Have your partner join you for face masks, foot baths and massages.


#31 Outdoor Mini Golf

Outdoor mini golf can be a fun way to connect with your partner while catching some rays.


#32 Volunteer

See what volunteer opportunities exist near you and help out with your date.


#33 Create a Couple Bucket List

Create a bucket list of things you want to do with your partner. If you plan to be with them forever, list things that may seem out of reach now, like a vacation or buying a house.


#34 Have a Fondu

Choose whether you want to have a cheese or chocolate fondue. Then, buy ingredients to dip in it.


#35 Christmas in July

In a gift-giving mood? Choose a day in July and make it Christmas again.


#36 Create a Summer Bucket List

To narrow your bucket list down even further, what do you hope to do with your partner this summer? Make a list of fun date ideas.


#37 Visit a Small Town

If you want to visit somewhere new for the day, pick a small town near you. Drive out and explore small shops or cafes.


#38 Go to an Escape Room

Work with your partner to solve clues and release yourselves from the room.


#39 Play Cards

Pull out a deck of cards, pick a game and see who wins. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also learn a new game using YouTube.


#40 Portage

Go on a canoe adventure with your partner. Portages are planned ahead of time and involve overnight stays. Make sure you pick a route that’s easy if you’re a beginner.


#41 Go to a Baseball Game

Whether it’s a major one or just a local league, it’s fun to root for the same team.


#42 Go Skinny Dipping

If you have a private lake near you, why not skinny dip?


#43 Make Sangria

Choose red or white wine. Look up a sangria recipe or make your own. With your partner’s help, prepare the fruits and let it steep. Taste your create together and enjoy it on the patio or on a picnic.


#44 Food Truck Frenzy

If there’s a spot in town where all the best food trucks go, take your date and sample new foods.


#45 Have a Summer Couple Photoshoot

Want to capture the memories of the summer with your partner more formally? Plan a photoshoot. What will you wear? Where will you have it?

Make sure you have a tripod prepared, set your timer and strike your best pose.


#46 Visit a Waterfall

See which waterfalls are in your area and visit with your partner. Bonus points if you find one you can swim in.


#47 Relax in a Tube

If you’re near the water, put a tube in the water and just relax.


#48 Watch an Outdoor Movie

Some cities host free outdoor movie nights that everyone can attend. Pack a blanket and snacks and go with your partner.


#49 Water Balloon Fight

Fill balloons with water and challenge your partner to a duel.


#50 Go to a Pool

If you have access to a pool, take your partner for a splash. Some hotels allow you to buy day passes to use their facilities.


#51 Go Biking

If you and your date bike, make a day out of it. Bring some snacks, choose a long route and get peddling.


#52 Rock Climbing

Find a rock climbing class and get your blood pumping.


#53 Boat Ride

If you know someone with a boat, ask if you can take it out for the day or rent it for a small fee.


#54 Rent Bikes

If you don’t have a bike, there’s probably somewhere near you that rents them. Plan a beginner’s route and take rests to chat.


#55 Road Trip

Even if you don’t have a destination in mind, going anywhere can be fun with the person you love.


#56 Roller Skating

If you don’t have roller skates, you might be able to rent them at a rollerskating facility near you.


#57 Visit a Garden

There’s probably some glorious gardens where you love—check them out.


#58 Breakfast in Bed

Fresh summer fruits are perfect for a nice surprise breakfast in bed for your partner. Complete it with juice (or a mimosa) and their favorite morning main.


#59 Ice Cream Bar

There’s not a lot better on a hot day than ice cream. Prepare a few flavors of ice cream along with ample topping. Set them up nicely and create delicious combinations with your date.


#60 Outdoor Beer Pong

…Because some nights you just want to go back to (or live in) your college days.


#61 Paddleboarding

Paddleboarding can be a fun but challenging activity to learn with someone.


#62 Outdoor Concert

Whether it’s a free concert or one you scored tickets to, outdoor concerts bring the type of energy you want to bask in.


#63 Take a Cooking Class

Cooking classes are great ways to learn how to use fresh, local ingredients.


#64 Forest Walk

Forests can feel magical on a summer day. They’re also a great way to cool off. Pick a nature spot or conservation area with deep forests.


#65 Play Badminton or Tennis

Find an outdoor space and challenge your date.


#67 Go to an Amusement Park

If you want to get your adrenalin pumping, take your date on some roller coaster rides at a local amusement park.


#68 Romantic Takeout

If you want to have dinner with your partner, but don’t want to dine out or cook, there’s another option. You can make takeout romantic.

Light some candles and plate the takeout as they would in a restaurant. Dress up and serve it, pretending you’re on a fancy date.


#69 Pick Fruits

If there’s a local strawberry or apple farm near you, go pick some with your date!


#70 Go Camping

Another that tops the list of best summer date ideas that are free is camping. Find a place where you can pitch a tent for the night. Another option is to simply camp in your backyard for the night.


#71 Go Patio Hopping

On a nice summer night, choose an area where there’s a lot of bars and go patio hopping.


#72 Drive-In Theatre

Old fashioned drive-in theatres are so romantic, especially when they’re complete with blankets. Just be aware that the windows fog up when things get frisky.


#73 Water Gun Fight

Get some water guns at the dollar store and see who gets the most shots.


#74 Play 5-Ingredient Chef: BBQ Version

We’ve suggested playing 5-Ingredient Chef in other date idea guides. Like popular cooking shows, give yourself a set of ingredients and challenge yourself to make the best you can out of it. See who comes up with the best creation.

The summer version is a bit different: All foods or desserts must be cooked on the BBQ.


#75 Plan a Vacation

Wish you were on vacation but aren’t? Make a date out of planning a vacation. Where would you go? What would you see? Make a list of attractions you’d visit or places you’d stay. If you want, create a Pinterest vision board.


#76 Have a Smoothie Competition

If you love summer fruit, challenge your partner to a smoothie-making completion. Take turns taking your best shot at a fruit-infused concoction.


#77 Day Drinking

Day drinking isn’t technically a date idea. But sometimes it’s nice to have day drinks on a patio, beach or somewhere enjoying the afternoon sunshine.


#78 Projection Movie Night

If you have access to a movie projector, cast a movie in your backyard. Make the space romantic and cozy with blankets and patio or fairy lights.


#79 Play a Board Game Outside

To make board games less boring, change the environment. Go to the park, lay down a blanket and challenge your date.


#80 Play Bartender

Grab some cocktail mixes or collect few recipes to make. Buy the ingredients necessary and create a signature couple cocktail.


Summary of Best Summer Date Ideas That Are Free or Cheap

summer date ideas

Even if you don’t have a lot of money, you can still make the best out of summer. Whether it’s inside or outside, you’ll find an idea on this list that will bring you and your partner closer together.