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The Best 3 Card Tarot Spread Ideas: Ultimate Basic Tarot Spreads

3 card tarot spread, basic tarot spread

3 card tarot spreads are a wonderful way to gain insight quickly.

Whether for love, career, family or health—you can use the cards to gain information using the layouts in this post.

Keep reading for the best 3 card tarot spread ideas.

4 Tips: Basic Tarot Spread with 3 Card Spreads

Before we jump into our 3 card tarot spread ideas, let’s cover a few basics on using tarot.

  • Cleanse deck. Before you use a tarot deck, make sure to cleanse its energy first. You can do this in a variety of ways, so do whatever feels right to you (knock the deck 3 times, use sage smoke, place a crystal on top, etc.).
  • Say prayer or intention. With a 3 card tarot spread or any layout, always make sure to say a prayer or intention beforehand. This prayer or intention statement is meant to protect you from negative energies and increase clarity from your guides/angels/higher power/higher you.
  • Always seek pro advice first. Remember that, like any spiritual tool, tarot isn’t a replacement for professional advice or treatment. Always seek the appropriate care first (ex. doctor, therapist, etc.)
  • Insights over answers. Most of us turn to the tarot for answers—and it may give us those. However, we invite you to view tarot in a more holistic way. Use it as a tool for self-introspection. The ideas, symbols and archetypes in the cards can help you gain different perspectives that can help you handle situations. If you’d like, try journaling about the cards you choose. Refer back to your energies to remember your insights.

3 Card Tarot Spread Ideas: Basic Tarot Spreads

If you’re looking for a basic 3 card tarot spread, scroll through our options below and select the most relevant to your questions.

Triangle of Challenge

If you have a challenge that’s bothering you or that you need to overcome, try this triangle of challenge 3 card tarot spread. For any type of challenge, get a quick overview of the energy around the situation, the problem and what you can do about it. This basic tarot spread helps you determine what you can control within a particular challenge.

3 card tarot spread, basic tarot spread

  • Situation. This card represents the general situation this 3 card tarot spread concerns. What’s this situation about, who does it concern, and which emotions are involved?
  • Challenge. Now, you can delve into the particular challenge this situation brings forth. Whether the challenge is relation to a decision, a personal matter, health, family, finances or romance—this card points out the troubles you’re currently having. The challenge may be directed inward, such as a challenging personal decision to make. Or it may be directed outward, such as a challenging boss or co-worker.
  • Solution. In this triangle 3 card tarot spread, the last card points to a suggested solution. This suggestion may completely resolve the challenge. However, keep in mind that it’s not always a magic wand that can directly delete challenges. Rather, this card may guide you toward improving the situation, even if the challenge ultimately still exists. This card will focus on what you can control within the situation and how you may personally make peace with it.

Crescent Moon of Creativity

If you’ve been experiencing creative blocks, or just want to ramp up your creativity, this 3 card tarot spread is right for you! The crescent moon often represents creativity and to learn how to best honor that energy, turn to your cards. You’ll begin by learning were you can look for inspiration to spark your creativity. Then you’ll highlight a block you’re experiencing that’s stopping you from creating as much as you wish. Lastly, you’ll learn a tip to overcome that block, leading you to blossom even more creatively.

3 card tarot spread, basic tarot spread

  • Where to look for inspiration. Inspiration can be anywhere around us, but we may not be in the habit of recognizing it. This card will help point out where you should look for inspiration. It could be something within yourself, a challenge, nature, other people—or anything else entirely. Get new gems of creative inspiration by learning different interpretations of the card pulled.
  • Something currently holding back your creativity. If you’re using this 3 card tarot spread, it’s likely because you feel something may be holding back your creative energy from its full potential. Although you may already be creative, to fully embrace it, you may need to clear out blocks. This card suggests what may be stopping you from unleashing your full artistic power.
  • A tip to overcome that block. Now that you know what’s causing a creative block, how can you fix it? This card suggests ways or ideas to overcome the creative challenge. Consider reading the card inwardly—focusing on your own thoughts, feelings and experiences. And consider reading it outwardly too—focusing on practical advice and more ideas for inspiration.

What You Really, Really Want

As the Spice Girls would say, these cards will tell you want you want, what you really, really want. Whether it’s romance, finances or health related, these cards will show what you want, what’s stopping you and how you might get there sooner. This is a great basic tarot spread to use when there’s something you’re yearning for.

3 card tarot spread, basic tarot spread

  • What you want. In this 3 card tarot spread, this card represents the desire in question during the reading. What are your deepest hopes surrounding it?
  • Something holding you back from getting it. This card highlights a factor that’s stopping you from getting what you want. The card may point to blocks in yourself that are affecting your own movement. Or it may point to an external factor, such as someone else interfering with what you desire.
  • A suggestion to move closer to what you want. Lastly in this 3 card tarot spread, you’ll learn about what you can to do move closer toward the thing you want. What small or big action can you take? Consider that we don’t always get want we want, but what we need. While the card may bring us toward our realized “want,” it may also bring us closer to what we “need” with an acceptance of it.

Buried Down Tarot Spread

This 3 card tarot spread is a basic tarot spread that’s all about your deep, inner world. These cards will help you uncover the parts of yourself that stay hidden. These revelations will be unknown to those around you, and, most likely, yourself too.

3 card tarot spread, basic tarot spread

  • A deeply held belief about yourself or your life. What’s a belief that you hold about yourself or your life that persists? This is one that’s deeply rooted and so integral to your nature that you might not even realize the belief consciously. Without knowing this, this thought can affect the way we interact and perceive the world, others and ourselves. Uncovering this can act as a pinpoint of where to start working on your thoughts and inner dialogue.
  • A situation you haven’t fully healed from. In this 3 card tarot spread, this second card is designed to show you something you still need to heal. You might discover a situation you thought you already healed, but still needs a little work or frequent check-ups. The situation might also be glaringly obvious if it’s one that you’ve struggled to deal with over the past years.
  • Something you’re not being honest with yourself about. What aren’t you being honest with yourself about? Knowingly or unknowingly, we can tell ourselves fibs in order to stay comfortable. Unfortunately, this can work against us and prevent us from moving forward. Gaining honesty parts you’ve been hiding from yourself can help you discover clarity.

Healing Isn’t Linear Tarot Spread

This is a great 3 card tarot spread when you need some insight into your healing work. Often, we feel healing should happen because we’re taking all the right steps. However, we might take a few steps backwards before ultimately moving forward. In any case, healing isn’t usually linear. Knowing this, this basic tarot spread helps you highlight something you’re doing that’s already working. To help you move forward through setbacks, it also suggests another idea to take into consideration to help you heal.

3 card tarot spread, basic tarot spread

  • Situation you’re trying to heal from. This card represents a situation you’re currently trying to heal from. In this basic tarot spread, this first card will explain the current energy you’re dealing with in regards to the difficult situation that needs healing.
  • A step you’ve made in the right direction. Something that you’ve already done to start or speed up your healing. You should congratulate yourself for doing this because healing can be difficult and you’ve already taken initiative.
  • A suggestion to continue healing. What else can you do to facilitate your own healing? This card points to something you can do to support yourself. In this 3 card tarot spread, this card may point toward a realization you need to have or perspective you should consider. Or it may point to practical advice, such as a certain action you can take.

I F’d Up Tarot Spread

This is a good 3 card tarot spread to use when you feel you’ve messed something up. Whether it’s a mistake in regards to your love life, family, health or career, what can you do about it now? Use self-compassion as you work through this basic tarot spread.

3 card tarot spread, basic tarot spread

  • How you F’d up. The first card in this 3 card tarot spread represents how you feel you’ve messed up in your current situation. It may outline the situation, how you feel about it or how others are responding. Try to have self-compassion for your mistake. Try to accept that every human makes mistakes.
  • A suggestion to attempt to repair the situation. What can you do to make your mistake better? This card points to a suggestion of something you can do to help “fix” the situation.
  • The ultimate outcome of the situation. Will you ultimately fix the situation you messed up? Sometimes, we can try our best to fix a mistake, but it won’t ultimately repair it fully. Other times, an action we take can clear up problems or misunderstandings.

My Biggest Dream Tarot Spread

3 card tarot spread, basic tarot spread

What’s your biggest dream, what’s in your way and how can you get there? This 3 card tarot spread is designed to answer all those questions, moving you forward on your ultimate path.

  • Your dream. The first card in this basic tarot spread represents your dream in question.
  • A challenge or obstacle in realizing your dream. What’s preventing you from achieving this dream? This card points to possible things standing in your way. These may be factors you can or cannot control.
  • Guidance to move forward toward dream. What step should you take to move closer to your dream? The last card in this 3 card tarot spread will help you get practical on achieving your deepest dreams.

More Basic Tarot Spreads

Do you need more tarot spread ideas? Read our other guides:

Summary: 3 Card Spread Ideas

Using a 3 card tarot spread is a great way to get quick but insightful answers on some of life’s toughest questions. Scroll through our basic tarot spreads above and use the layout that you resonate with most.

10 Most Useful Healing Crystals for Beginners to Ignite Life

Crystals for Beginners

Discovering crystals opens up a whole new, magical world.

At first though, you might be confused when it comes to crystals for beginners. There’s so many different stones with varying meanings. How do you know which to start with?

When beginning your crystal journey, you can start with one stone, a few or an entire kit you hand-pick. The most important part is that you choose crystals you’re drawn to and that relate to areas you want to work on.

In this guide, we’re sharing the hands-down best 10 healing crystals for beginners.

Ready to dive in? Keep scrolling to find out our top picks.

What Are Healing Crystals for Beginners?

Healing crystals for beginners are the best stones to use if you’re starting out.

If you’re not familiar with healing crystals, here’s a quick primer. Some people believe that different stones correspond to different energies that can help heal a variety of challenges in life. For example, it’s believed that rose quartz can help with love or hematite can help ground you. By using these crystals, you can take advantage of their healing energies and improve your life.

Even if you don’t believe in the “magical” properties of healing crystals, many people use them as inspiration. Carrying a stone that symbolizes love can be a reminder to love yourself and be gentle. For others, crystals serve more of an aesthetic purpose, brightening up their rooms and themselves, when worn as jewelry.

People who believe crystals share healing energies also believe you need to “clean” your crystals. Recharging or cleaning crystals helps them maintain their vibrant energy. Read: How To Recharge Crystals: 6 Basic Ways To Try Now

As with most spiritual tools, using crystals for healing is not a science-backed practice. Although rocks are mystery ancient, there’s no evidence they’re actually imparting energies that affect your body or mind

Disclaimer for Healing Crystals for Beginners

Since you’re just learning about crystals, we need to remind you that healing crystals are a spiritual tool only. Healing crystals for beginners do not replace evidenced-backed advice. You should always seek the advice of the relevant professional before using crystals.

For example, pink stones are thought to resonate with the heart and may help heart problems. However, you should never rely on any stone to fix any ailment. Instead, you should go to your doctor and get proper treatment before turning crystals. Crystals should never be your only solution for physical problems. Use common sense.

Crystals for beginners are also not a mental health treatment. You can choose crystals to help inspire your healing of a mental health condition, but it should never be your only solution. Instead, you should talk to your doctor or psychotherapist about science-backed mental health treatments. You can use crystals alongside your treatment to support your healing.

Crystals are also not a solution to life’s problems. You need to seek the help of a relevant professional here too.  For example, while you can turn to a crystals for good luck to help draw in money, you should also talk to a financial advisor.

Long story short: Crystals for beginners aren’t a solution to physical, mental or life problems. Instead, they can help support you along your journey as you seek and find evidence-backed solutions.

Crystals: How to Use for Beginners

When it comes to healing crystals for beginners, there’s many ways you can use them. Since you’re just starting out, we recommend trying a few ways and see what feels best.

If it helps, make a dedicated journal for your stones. Take notes on which methods of how to use crystals work best.

Here are the most common ways for crystals and how to use them.

  • Crystals are beautiful aesthetic pieces that look great just about anywhere. Try to keep them where you’ll feel their energy most. You could also display them in places that correspond to their meaning. For example, rose quart could be kept near a mirror to encourage self-love.
  • Crystals or beginners are made into rings, necklaces, earrings and more. You can also do a DIY crystal craft to create your own piece.
  • Carry on you. You can keep your favorite crystals for beginners on you wherever you go. Where you put them depends on the size of your stone and what feels comfortable. Place a crystal in your bra, in your purse, pocket or wallet.
  • Meditate with. If you’re using crystals for beginners, a good way to connect with their energy is to mediate with them. Try choosing a crystal with your eyes closed. Feel it on the palm of your hand and meditate with it, guessing it’s meaning. When your meditation is over, look at your crystal and read its meaning. See if the information you learned through meditation matches. You could also start a journal to record your crystal meditations.
  • DIY Crystal Crafts. Learn how to wire wrap your favorite crystals for beginners and create a craft, like this DIY Ribbon Crystal Bookmark. Don’t know how to wire wrap? Make these Healing Crystal Paperclip Bookmarks Reading a book with a relevant crystal can elevate your experience. For example, reading a book on psychic abilities with an amethyst bookmark can help spiritual connection.

10 Crystals for Beginners

The healing crystals for beginners we use on this list are:

  • Affordable
  • Easily accessible (not rare)
  • Great for several purposes

Although you can buy a “crystals for beginners” kit, we recommend hand-selecting your favorite types. That’s because it’s a great way to start educating yourself. As you learn about the crystals for beginners and their meanings, you can tailor your kit to what you like. That way, when you come across a frequent problem or emotion you experience, you know exactly which stone to go to.

When you hand-pick your own crystals for beginners, you can also choose which ones you’re drawn to. If you buy a pre-selected kit, this isn’t an option. Instead, you can feel more connected going to a store in-person and seeing which stones capture your attention. Often these are the ones you need most.

Crystals for Beginners

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is the most basic stone you’ll want to include in your kit for crystals for beginners. Clear quartz is exactly like it sounds: clear. Quartz can come in a variety of colors but clear quartz is free from all color. It can come as a round stone, or most interestingly, as a pointed crystal.

Clear quartz is thought to be the “everything” stone and can support you in whatever you need. Ask it for help cleansing your energy, balancing emotion or improving your psychic abilities.

Clear quartz is also known to provide clarity. You can use it to help you make tough decisions by understanding all the factors involved. It can also aid in finding clarity in yourself or relationships.

This crystal for beginners can amplify the effects of other stones around it. For example, it’s a great stone to put in a crystal grid because it can increase the energy of every stone nearby.

With that, for better or worse, clear quartz also amplifies your own energy. This can be good if you’re having an amazing day. But if you’re having a bad day or feeling depressed, clear quartz can make that feeling more intense, so it’s best avoided in those scenarios unless used with intention. To use a clear quartz with intention, ask it to help you deal with the difficult emotion you’re experiencing.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is quartz that has a light pink color. What makes clear quartz different than rose quartz? Scientifically speaking, rose quartz is pink because of “impurities” caused by other minerals, like iron or manganese, etc.

Rose quartz is one of the best crystals for beginners because it symbolizes all aspects of love:

  • Romantic love
  • Family/friend/platonic love
  • Parental love
  • Self-love
  • Compassion
  • Empathy
  • Love for hobbies or specific things
  • Love for a cause or humanitarian issue
  • Drawing boundaries to protect your heart
  • Gentleness with emotions
  • Calming worries and sadness
  • Gentleness with addiction issues

Rose quartz is related to the heart chakra. It’s thought to support physical matters related to the heart, like heart problems, postpartum issues, infertility, etc. It can help you in situations involving love, self love, compassion, gentleness, etc.


Amethyst is another go-to when looking for crystals for beginners. It’s also another type of quartz stone with its purple color coming from manganese present in clear quartz. It’s easy to find, beautiful and mysterious with a light or dark purple color.

Amethyst is thought to help with:

  • Calming worries and anxiety
  • Balances mood swings
  • Calms intense emotions or thoughts
  • Protection
  • Soothes insomnia
  • Spiritual understanding
  • Spatula enlightenment
  • Spirit communication
  • Cleansing energy
  • Peace

As one of the best crystals for beginners, amethyst is mainly thought of as an anti-worry and spiritual stone. It’s associated with the brow and crown chakras and can help increase intuition and spirit communication. Remember to turn to it when you’re doing spiritual work or feeling anxious. According to Love Is In the Earth by Melody, amethyst can support hearing problems, digestive problems, headaches and the strengthening of the skeletal system for good posture.


Hematite is an iron-oxide black stone with a shiny surface. It’s a great option for crystals for beginners because it has earthy qualities.

You might already have a hematite bracelet. It’s magnetic qualities make it common in anti-arthritis jewelry. Although not proven, some believe the magnetic qualifies can help relieve pain and joint stiffness.

Hematite is thought to symbolize:

  • Grounding
  • Protection
  • Ward off other’s negative energies
  • Balances emotion
  • Courage
  • Stability
  • Survival
  • Self-esteem
  • Courage

As one of the best crystals for beginners, hematite is associate with the root chakra, making it ideal for grounding. Hold a piece of hematite as you envision your feet growing roots that extend in the layers of the earth’s crust.


Adding some color back into our crystals for beginner kit, our next stone is citrine. Citrine is yet another type of quartz–this time, yellow. As you might have guessed from the color, citrine is a joyful stone. It’s thought to represent everything positive.

When looking for crystals for beginners, citrine is ideal as it encourages:

  • Joy
  • Happiness
  • Self-love
  • Encouragement
  • Personal power
  • Confidence
  • Manifestation

Citrine is related to the solar plexus chakra. It’s one of the best crystals for confidence. With that, it’s one of the best crystals for beginners to impart confidence and self-love. Hold citrine in your hand while repeating positive affirmations to increase self-esteem.

Citrine, with its joyous energy, is also a top choice for crystals for beginners if you’re looking to manifest.

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian is another black crystal that’s perfect for ground. It’s one of the best crystals for beginners because it’s easy to find and can help balance negative emotions.

Black obsidian is thought to symbolize:

  • Grounding
  • Stability
  • Strength
  • Protection
  • Easing tough motions
  • Soothing mood swings
  • Relaxing anger

Black obsidian is tied to the root chakra. For this reason, is another top choice for crystals for beginners who need grounding and protection.


Carnelian is an iron-oxide orange stone that can come in a variety of shades. As one of the best healing crystals for beginners, it’s bold color is thought to symbolize different types of passion.

Carnelian is often used for:

  • Creativity
  • Passion in play or hobbies
  • Passion in love
  • Sexuality
  • Desire
  • Confidence
  • Eases shyness
  • Protects against fear and rage

According to Love Is In The Earth, carnelian awakens talent and produces inspiration from the spirit world. If you’re looking for crystals for beginners that relate to the sacral chakra, carnelian is a go-to pick.


Sodalite is a common stone with dark blue and white color. It’s thought of as a communication stone and one that can also help you connect with spirit. This mix makes it a great choice for crystals for beginners.

Sodalite is believed to help with:

  • Confusion
  • Communication
  • Direction and purpose
  • Manifestation
  • Trust
  • Insomnia

If you’re looking for crystals for beginners that represent the throat chakra, sodalite is a good choice. According to Love Is In The Earth, some believe Sodalite can also support digestive issues and sleep problems.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is another pick for crystals for beginners that’s easy to find. It had dark brown and golden stripes that, when tumbled, look shiny, like a Tiger’s eye.

Tiger’s eye symbolizes:

  • Protection
  • Courage
  • Strength
  • Creativity
  • Self-confidence
  • Personal Power

Tiger’s eye is a good choice if you need to stand in yourself more and gain a better sense of personal power and confidence. This healing crystal for beginners is related to the root chakra, solar plexus and sacral chakra.

Green Aventurine

Green aventurine is another top choice for beginners because it symbolizes a variety of benefits, including happiness, confidence and love.

It’s believed green aventurine can help support:

  • Love
  • Happiness
  • Confidence
  • New opportunities
  • Good luck
  • Financial abundance

Green aventurine is tied to the heart chakra, so use this stone to help with any matter related to the heart, including romantic love and self-love. As a green stone, it’s also thought to bring financial abundance—or really, abundance of any type. If you’re looking for crystals for beginners that will help your money situation, try placing a small piece of green aventurine in your wallet.

Summary: Crystals for Beginners

When it comes to crystals for beginners, any crystal you’re drawn to is pretty much good to start with. However, some crystals are easier to find than others. In this guide, we’ve outline the most accessible and affordable crystals that you can put in your starter kit. The group of stones outlined here give you a good variety as each stone has multiple purposes, but varying main focuses. When choosing crystals for beginners, try to visit a store in-person and see what you’re gravitating toward. If you’re shopping online, use this guide to refer to each stone and their meaning.

Crystals for Beginners

11 Ways How to Relieve Anxiety: Anxiety Exercises Breathing

Effective Anxiety Exercises, Relieve Anxiety Help

Treating anxiety isn’t always easy but it’s possible.

In just a few minutes a day, you can start to chip away at your anxious mind, making way for a calmer state. Using at home exercises, you can retrain your brain to respond differently to your worrisome thoughts.

In this guide, we’re sharing the best anxiety exercises for breathing and the most effective mindfulness for anxiety exercises.

Take a deep breath with us.

Now keep reading. And keep breathing.

How To Relieve Anxiety with Exercises

If you’re looking for ways on how to relieve anxiety, choose a practice you like and stick with it. While some anxiety exercises for breathing won’t be comfortable for you, try to find one that resonates.

Then make a pact with yourself to practice it for a few minutes each day. If you notice that’s what helps anxiety, keep the practice. If not, switch to another mindfulness for anxiety exercise and try again.

Sometimes the key for how to relieve anxiety is making coping mechanisms into a practice. That way, whenever you feel anxious, you’ll have a different automatic go-to response. Over time, this should work to treat your anxiety disorder.

5 Anxiety Exercises Breathing: What Helps Anxiety?

First, let’s discuss the best anxiety exercises for breathing. If you’re wondering what helps anxiety, try to treat your anxiety disorder with mindfulness breathing techniques. By following your breath, you focus on your body’s natural responses rather than your anxious thoughts. When you’re looking for natural ways on how to relieve anxiety, these exercises are amongst the first recommend.

4-4-4-4 Breathing: Anxiety Exercises Breathing

Effective Anxiety Exercises, Relieve Anxiety Help

If you want to try anxiety exercises for breathing, use this simple technique. It’s easy to remember and can be done anywhere. Here’s how:

  1. Breathe in for 4 seconds
  2. Hold your breath for 4 seconds
  3. Exhale for 4 seconds
  4. Hold for 4 seconds
  5. Repeat

Out of all the anxiety exercises for breathing, this is one of the most popular. You simply need to remember that each action in the breath cycle is 4 seconds long. While you’re breathing, try to focus all your thoughts on the movement of your breath and counting. When your mind strays to anther topic, gently bring yourself back to your breathing. Pay attention to all the breathing sensations like how it feels, how your chest expands and contracts, etc. What helps anxiety is to control your thoughts, which affect how you feel. Overtime, mindfulness for anxiety exercises can help you recognize negative thoughts and shift them toward your present moment, relieving anxiety.

Anxiety exercises for breathing can be used whenever you’re feeling anxious. Practice this whenever you’re feeling anxious at work, school or at home. Since the exercises is discreet, you can also try it during a meeting or on public transit.

Slow Belly Breathing

Effective Anxiety Exercises, Relieve Anxiety Help

Here’s another idea for anxiety exercises for breathing. Slow belly breathing encourages you to focus on your breath while also feeling your belly. In this exercise, what helps anxiety is to focus on your breathing and the sensations. Every time a thought pops up and you recognize it, shift your attention back to breathing.

  1. Sit down and place your hands on your belly
  2. Slowly breath in, filling up your belly with breathe. Imagine your belly as a balloon, as you inhale, blow the balloon up as much as you can. Feel your inflated belly.
  3. Hold for a moment.
  4. Breathe out, exhaling slowly, letting the air out the “balloon.” Feel your belly getting smaller again
  5. Repeat

To treat anxiety disorder using this technique, try to put all your focus onto your breathing sensations. Notice your hands move up and down as you breathe in and out. Like other anxiety exercises for breathing, you repeat this for as long as you’d like. Start with 5 minutes and work your way up to 10, or longer if you’d like. Mindfulness for anxiety exercises are most helpful when they’re practiced daily.

A Come Back Breath

If you’re looking for anxiety exercises for breathing you can do quickly, try this simple technique.  Set the intention to “come back” to the present moment after you take a deep breath.

Next time you notice yourself getting caught up in negative thoughts, take one deep, slow breath. Pay attention to the sensations of the breath. When you’re finished exhaling, return back to the present moment, leaving your anxious thoughts behind.

Do this every time you feel your yourself drifting off to a worrisome place. When you’re wondering how to relieve anxiety, take deep breaths and intend to expel the thoughts with your exhale.

Straw Breathing For How to Relieve Anxiety

Another technique for how to relieve anxiety is to breathe through a straw. This helps regulate and slow your breathing, which may also slow down your anxious mind. Here’s how to do straw anxiety exercises for breathing:

  1. Inhale through your nose, counting to 4
  2. Pause and place a straw into your mouth for the exhale
  3. Exhale through the straw, counting to 6
  4. Repeat

If you don’t have a straw, you can simply use pursed lips for the exhale.

In Through Nose, Out Through Mouth

For another variation of anxiety exercises for breathing, pay attention to the breath as it flows through your nose and mouth.

  1. Inhale through your nose while counting to 5
  2. Exhale through your mouth while counting to 5
  3. Repeat
  4. If you’re still looking for how to relieve anxiety, continue a few more cycles of this breathing technique.

Like many of these anxiety exercises for breathing, you can use them in public whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed.

6 Mindfulness for Anxiety Exercises: How to Relieve Anxiety

Anxiety exercises for breathing have shown to reduce anxiety for some people. You can also try mindfulness for anxiety exercises. These exercises help you focus on the present moment so you can minimize your anxious thoughts. If you’re wondering how to relieve anxiety, these techniques can work over time.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) for How to Relieve Anxiety

Effective Anxiety Exercises, Relieve Anxiety Help

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) involves slowly relaxing your muscles. According to one study, progressive muscle relaxation significantly reduce anxiety levels.

For many of us, anxiety isn’t only mental, but becomes physical too. Our anxious thoughts tense our body, even without us realizing. The tension in our body sends signals to our brain confirming we’re anxious. And the cycle continues.

What helps anxiety is to break that cycle by telling your body to relax with progressive muscle relaxation. Start from the top of your body and work your way downwards, tensing for 10 seconds and then releasing each muscle for 10 seconds. For example, tense your forehead muscles for 10 seconds. Then release for 10 seconds. Then move onto your jaw, your neck and shoulders, etc.

Practicing this is a good trick for how to relieve anxiety. When you do it over and over, you’ll learn what relaxation and tension feels like. When you’re able to be conscious of the tension in your body, you can release it and send “relaxation signals” back to your brain to treat anxiety disorder.

Do a “Pleasure” or “Play” Activity

Effective Anxiety Exercises, Relieve Anxiety Help

Many of the activities in our day are “have tos” and not “want tos.” From showering, going to work and cooking dinner, most of our day revolves around a check-list. Although this is part of being an adult, you can’t completely erase the child within you. If you’re looking for how to relieve anxiety, try simply doing things you like more often. Carve out time to do things you find pleasurable or playful. These things should be done for no reason other than that you enjoy them. They also shouldn’t have a goal. For example, making crafts to sell doesn’t count, however making jewelry just because you enjoy it does.

Try to take some time each day, even if it’s only 5 minutes, to do something you enjoy. This looks different to anyone and may include:

  • Woodworking
  • Crafts
  • Painting or drawing
  • Jewelry making
  • Board games
  • Video games
  • Phone app games
  • Photography
  • Dancing
  • Reading a novel
  • Watching comedy
  • Traveling
  • Visiting new places in town
  • Going for walks
  • Hiking
  • Yoga
  • Spending time with pets
  • Hanging out with friends or family
  • Enjoying a meal with others

One person’s joyful activity might cause you stress and vice versa. The trick is to choose activities you like doing and to do them with no goal in mind. Sometimes what helps anxiety is to find the joy in life again—and to find it daily.

Name 3 Senses

If you’re looking for ways to treat anxiety during an anxious moment, try these short mindfulness for anxiety exercises. Take a few moments to pause and name:

  • One thing you can see (lamp, desk, picture frame)
  • One thing you can hear (people talking, cars driving by, birds chirping)
  • One thing you can feel (chair beneath you, wind against your skin, feet resting on the floor)

Slowly answer one question at a time to yourself. Allow it to bring you back into the present moment.

Sometimes the answer to how to relieve anxiety in the moment is to get back into your body and focus on your senses.

Repeat Affirmation

Affirmations can sound cheesy, but they work for many people. Anxiety affirmations are short phrases you repeat to calm your anxiety. Although you can repeat them out loud, they’re usually said inside your head as a reminder.

The trick to how to relieve anxiety with affirmations is to choose one that feels good to you. For example, repeating “I’m calm” might not help because calm feels out of reach during an anxious period. Instead, choose something you find realistic but that still brings your anxiety down a notch. For example, “I’ve got through it before, I’ll get through it again,” is encouraging, factual and realistic—making it a great affirmation.

What helps anxiety when you’re using affirmations is to pay attention to the words and the meaning. Try repeating your affirmation inside your head 10 times, directing all of your attention on the statement.

Need ideas for positive affirmations for anxiety? Read these 33 Ultra Life-Changing Anxiety Affirmations.

Thought Balloons

Next, learn how to relieve anxiety using visualization. Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few moments to try this exercise to treat anxiety disorder. In this exercise, what helps anxiety dissipate is visualizing it getting smaller and smaller.

Call something you’re anxious about to mind. Now imagine placing that anxiety in a balloon and blowing it up. Visualize the balloon drifting high into the air. See it getting smaller and smaller until it disappears over the horizon. As the balloon disappears, imagine your worry disappearing. When you’re finished, move on to the next worry to put inside a balloon and repeat.

1 Minute Exercise

Research shows that physical activity can help anxiety. It releases feel-good chemicals that help minimize anxiety. In fact, having an active lifestyle is associated with a 60% lower risk of developing an anxiety disorder. It’s a good idea to add exercise into your daily routine if you haven’t already. Physical exercise can also be done in short bursts to reduce anxiety.

Next time you’re looking for how to relieve anxiety, try doing something physical for one minute. That could be:

  • Running on the spot
  • Taking a walk around your home or office
  • Doing squats
  • Air boxing

The exercise you choose should speed up your heart rate. Start with one minute and work your way up to 5 minutes if you find it helps treat anxiety disorder.

How to Treat Anxiety Disorder Professional: What Helps Anxiety?

Using anxiety exercises for breathing can help you treat anxiety disorder. Sometimes though, we need professional help. Working with a trained mental health professional can help us find the treatments and coping mechanisms that work best. Since everyone is different, they can help you pinpoint your triggers and what specifically might work best.

Consider asking your doctor to refer you to a mental health professional. If you don’t have the budget to pay for a therapist, consider these alternatives:

  • Ask your doctor about free or low-cost mental health resources
  • Ask your community health center about local resources
  • Find therapists who work on a sliding scale (adjusting therapy rates to your income)
  • Online therapists often have reduced fees
  • Find online support groups, like searching “anxiety support group” on Facebook

Summary: How to Relieve Anxiety with Anxiety Exercises for Breathing & Mindfulness

If you’re wondering how to treat your anxiety disorder, the first step is to talk to your doctor. Seeking professional advice can help us find mental health solutions faster. A therapist can teach you coping mechanisms specific to your situation.

At home, you should also try anxiety exercises for breathing. These practices help you regulate your breath and return to the present moment. You can also use mindfulness of anxiety exercises to help reduce the chatter in your anxious mind. Scroll through our list of ways on how to relieve anxiety above. Choose an exercise that resonates and practice it daily to see if you notice changes.

Effective Anxiety Exercises, Relieve Anxiety Help

Tarot Reading YES or NO: 5 Spreads for The Best Decisions

tarot reading yes or no

Yes or no?

If you’re having trouble making a decision, tarot may be able to help with that.

The tarot reading yes or no spreads in this post will highlight the 2 possible paths forward. What will each one look like? And which should you take?

Use these tarot spreads to help you gain insight and make the best choice.

Ready to get clarity on your yes or no question? Keep reading.

Do Tarot Readings Work for Yes or No Questions?

Tarot readings are a fun spiritual and personal development tool.

Rather than looking to the cards for your “answer,” try to use the cards as a jumping off point. When you’re having difficulty making a decision, tarot can help you look into other perspectives. The card’s meanings can help you consider what both paths may look light. In that, you may gain better self-awareness or awareness of the situation at hand, leading you to make a better decision.

With that being said, you should always seek professional, science-backed advice before turning to spiritual tools. For example, a tarot reading for decision-making does not replace the advice of a therapist, doctor, lawyer or financial advisor. The best decisions are made with well-rounded information. Please seek the relevant advice while leaning on tarot as a supportive tool.

Tarot Reading Yes Or No Spreads

If you’re having trouble choosing between yes and no, try one of the spreads below to gain extra insight.

Exploring Yes & No

This tarot reading for yes or no questions allows you to explore in-depth the possibilities of saying yes and the possibilities of saying no. Instead of telling you what to do, this spread allows you to go deeper to uncover ideas and factors that can lead you to the best decision. First, you’ll focus on “yes.” You’ll review your current feelings about it, then discover something new to consider. The third card will represent the outcome of saying yes. The second set of cards will answer those same questions for saying “no.”

tarot reading yes or no

  • Your current feelings about saying Yes. This card represents how you’re currently feeling about the possibility of saying yes. What are your thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors around the possibility of yes.
  • Something to consider about saying Yes. What’s a factor or idea you should consider when contemplating saying yes. This could point to internal or external influences. It may also point to possibilities in the future if you are to say yes.
  • Outcome of saying Yes. This third card in this tarot reading for yes or no gets straight to the point. If you say yes, what will be the final outcome?
  • Your current feelings about saying No. This card represents how you’re currently feeling about the possibility of saying no. What are your thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors around the possibility of no.
  • Something to consider about saying No. This fifth card in this tarot reading for yes or no highlights hidden information. What’s a factor or idea you should consider when contemplating saying no. This could point to internal or external influences. It may also point to possibilities in the future if you are to say no.
  • Outcome of saying No. If you say no, what will be the final outcome?

Tarot Reading Yes or No

This tarot reading yes or no spread will help you make your decision quickly. You’ll first start with an overview of the situation. Then you’ll learn about energies, factors or circumstances affecting your decision. The last card will recommend whether you should choose yes or no.

tarot reading yes or no

  • Represents the question/situation. The first card in this tarot reading yes or no spread represents your current question. What’s the situation in question?
  • Energies affecting question/situation. This card helps you look into the energies affecting your questions or situation. What internal or external factors are influencing or will influence your decision?
  • Yes or no? The last card in this spread will recommend you to choose either yes or no. Consider the card’s traditional meaning and your intuition. Also, pay close attention to the imagery on the card. Sometimes, we see the answer we want to see, even if that’s not what the card means. Considering this last card from multiple perspectives will help you discern what it’s trying to tell you.

Yes or No Contemplation

This tarot spread helps you contemplate a decision you need to make. If you’re questioning whether you should choose yes or no, you can get an overview of possibilities with this spread. Learn about the possibilities if you say yes and those if you say no. Then delve into the internal and external factors that you should take into consideration. The last card will suggest the best decision to make.

tarot reading yes or no

  • Represents question or situation. This first card represents the reason you’re doing this tarot reading yes or no spread. What are you hoping to gain clarity on?
  • Possibilities if you say Yes. If you choose yes, what possibilities will be laid out before you? What can you expect to happen in the future? How might life play out after saying yes?
  • Possibilities if you say No. If you choose no, what possibilities will be laid out before you? What can you expect to happen in the future? How might life play out after saying no?
  • Internal factors to consider. What’s an internal factor you should consider when making your decision? This may point to your own thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors. It could concern your own hopes, fears, and desires.
  • External factors to consider. What’s an external factor to consider when contemplating? These are factors outside of your control. It could involve your family, coworkers or partner. It could also point to world events, other opportunities, and outside influences.
  • A suggestion on whether yes or no is best. The last card in this tarot reading for yes or no questions will suggest a decision. As it looks right now, is it better to say yes or no?

Yes or No Choice Spread

This tarot reading yes or no spread gets straight to the point: What will happen if you say yes and what will happen if you say no? Instead of suggesting a decision to make, you’ll learn about the 2 different paths you could take. In learning the 2 possibilities, you can make your own decision on which sounds best.

tarot reading yes or no

  • Outcome if you say Yes. If you say yes to this opportunity or decision, what’s the most likely outcome? Will it play out in your favor? What will happen? How will you feel?
  • Outcome if you say No. If you say yes to this opportunity or decision, what’s the most likely outcome? Will it play out in your favor? What will happen? How will you feel?

Options Tarot Spread

This tarot reading for yes or no questions helps you look at both options. How will your life or situation play out if you take option #1? And what about option #2? It also looks at another factor you may not have considered but is important in the decision-making process. Finally, this spread will recommend a direction to take.

tarot reading yes or no

  • Represents option #1: Yes. This card represents your first option, your option to say yes. What’s the energy around saying yes and what will happen if you make that decision?
  • Representations option #2: No. The second card represents your second option, your option to say no. What’s the energy around saying no and what will happen if you make that decision?
  • A factor to consider. The third card in this tarot reading yes or no spread urges you to consider an important factor. This is one that should be top of mind when making your choice.
  • Best option. The fourth card suggests what your best option is. The first two cards might have already given you points that lean toward one decision or another. This last card wraps it up with a recommendation.

Summary: Tarot Reading Yes Or No Spreads

Tarot reading yes or no spreads are ideal to use when you’re having difficulty making a decision. The spreads above will help you highlight the possibilities of both choices. In gaining insight, you’ll be able to make a confident decision to move forward. As always, seek relevant professional advice before using tarot cards. Tarot readings do not replace the advice of a therapist, doctor, lawyer or financial advisor. To make the best decision, be sure to gather well-rounded information before turning to tarot.

141 Essential Couple Conversation Starters for Strong Bonding

Couple Conversation Starters

Couple conversation starters create bonding, connection and vulnerability.

You’ll learn interesting things about your partner that you wish you knew sooner. From fun facts to deep secrets, these prompts help reveal everything lost in small talk.

To have the best conversation with your partner, keep reading to discover 141 best couple conversation starts.

What Are Couple Conversation Starters?

Couple conversation starts are prompts you can use to open up a discussion. Whether you’re in a new partnership or one that’s lasted decades, using couple conversation starters is a good way to connect. You can shove aside small talk and talk about much deeper topics. In this, you’ll learn more about your partner. You’ll get to know more about them, how they think, feel and how they process the world around them. Couple conversation starters can also help you learn things you need to know about your partner. Before going any further, there’s things you might need to know about your partner. For example, their views on kids, moral values or religion. Although you may not have thought to discuss these topics beforehand, these prompts can help bring up the important questions.

Couple conversation starters create bonding experiences. They’re also great to use when it feels like you have nothing to talk about anymore.

Communication skills are critical for a good relationship. By practicing this skill, you’ll be better able to use it when there’s tough conversations to be had. Using couple conversation starters frequently can help create vulnerability and bring you closer to your partner. This can also help you develop more empathy, causing you to be gentler during arguments when you consider their perspective.

An interesting fact: Research shows people enjoy deep conversations with strangers. So imagine how much you’ll enjoy deep conversation starts with your partner!

How to Use Couple Conversation Starters

How should you use couple conversation starters?

The first thing to know is that you should be taking turns. If it’s one-sided and only one person is answering the prompts, it’s more of an interview than a conversation. Decide whether both you and your partner should answer the same prompt. Or will you choose different prompts for each other?

Keep in mind, it’s a good idea to start off with “easy” prompts before getting deeper. For example, conversation starters about movies are good to use before asking about their insecurities. This gives them time to “warm up” before getting vulnerable.

After that, you can choose how to use the couple conversation starters.

  • Read off list. Print these questions out and simply choose which to ask each other. Hand the paper to your partner when it’s their turn to choose a question.
  • Make flashcards. Write the prompts on flashcards or print them and cut them into cards. Shuffle the cards and randomly choose which to ask each other.
  • Computerized picker. To pick a prompt at random, enter all the questions on a computerized picker. Out of your list of couple conversation starters, the website will randomly pick one. You can repeat this for each prompt you ask, going back and forth between partners.

141 Couple Conversation Starters

Couple Conversation Starters

Here are the best couple conversation starters to use to learn more about your partner and bring them closer. We’ve grouped these prompts into different categories to give your discussion an interesting variety of topics.

Warm-Up Couple Conversation Starters

Use these couple conversation starters to warm up and create a fun environment before getting too deep.

  1. What’s your favorite movie?
  2. What’s your least favorite movie?
  3. Do you like watching documentaries?
  4. Have you ever cried while watching a movie?
  5. Is there any song that makes you cry?
  6. What’s your average screen time per week?
  7. What’s your favorite novel?
  8. Do you read any non-fiction books? About what?
  9. Would you ever go on a reality show? Which one?
  10. Do you think social media has made life better or worse?
  11. You can only live the rest of your life with one device. Which would you choose?
  12. If you had to eat one meal forever, what would it be?
  13. If you were on death row, what would be your last meal?
  14. What’s your favorite dessert?
  15. What food do you hate?
  16. What’s your favorite snack?
  17. Do you have any allergies?
  18. Who was your favorite teacher in school? Why?
  19. Who was your least favorite teacher in school? Why?

Family Couple Conversation Starters

Learn more about your partner’s family with these specially-picked family couple conversation starters.

  1. Who in the world do you love the most?
  2. Would you ever get a pet/more pets?
  3. Do you have a favorite parent?
  4. How’s your relationship with your mom?
  5. How’s your relationship with your dad?
  6. How’s your relationship with your siblings?
  7. Do you think your parents tried their best?
  8. What was the hardest thing about your childhood?
  9. What was the best thing about your childhood?
  10. Were your parents loving toward you?
  11. If you want a family, what does the ideal family look like to you?
  12. If you were a parent, would you play good cop or bad cop?
  13. If you were a parent, what would you do differently than your parents?
  14. If you could pass one trait onto your future kids, what would it be?

Opinions & Values Couple Conversation Starters

Opinions and values can be ignored in the beginning but when a relationship gets serious, their morals can be a make or break. Probe their values with these couple conversation starters below.

  1. What do you think about abortion?
  2. What do you think about gay rights?
  3. What do you think about trans rights?
  4. What do you think about women’s rights?
  5. What do you think about Black Lives Matter?
  6. Do you believe in gender roles?
  7. Are there any causes you’re passionate about?
  8. What’s the last fund or cause you donated to?
  9. Have you ever attended a protest? For what?
  10. Do you have a favorite politician?
  11. Do you have a least favorite politician?
  12. Would you describe yourself as more of a Republican or Democrat? Why?
  13. If you ran for president and won, what would you change?
  14. What’s your most controversial opinion?
  15. What an opinion that, if your partner held, you couldn’t be with them?
  16. Have you ever become educated on a topic that’s changed your opinion? If so, what?
  17. Which of my firmly-held opinions do you disagree with?
  18. If you experienced someone saying something racist, sexist or homophobic, would you stand up? How?
    Are you religious or spiritual?
  19. Do you believe in reincarnation?
  20. Do you believe in ghosts?
  21. Do you think people can be psychic?
  22. Do you believe in soulmates?
  23. Do you believe in aliens?
  24. How do you think life started?
  25. How do you think the world will end?

Introspective, Deep Couple Conversation Starters

What does your partner think about themselves and the world around them? Dive deeper with these couple conversation starters.

  1. Tell me about your first breakup.
  2. Tell me about your hardest heartbreak.
  3. How do you deal with losing someone you love?
  4. How soon is too soon to say “I love you”?
  5. What’s something about yourself that you wish I knew?
  6. What takes you out of your comfort zone?
  7. How often do you lie?
  8. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
  9. What’s something that changed you as a person?
  10. What’s something about yourself that you’ve never told anyone?
  11. Without telling me, do you have any secrets you’d never tell anyone? Why?
  12. Are there any habits you wish you could enforce in your routine?
  13. What are your bad habits?
  14. What drugs have you tried? What were your experiences?
  15. Is it easier for you to give or receive?
  16. Do you find it hard to apologize?
  17. What’s your biggest accomplishment so far?
  18. Tell me about the hardest time in your life.
  19. Tell me about the biggest mistake you’ve made.
  20. Is there an apology you still owe someone? Who?
  21. Tell me about your perfect day.
  22. You’re given one year to live. What would you do.
  23. Imagine you won the lottery. How would you spend it?
  24. Tell me about the nicest thing you’ve done for someone else.
  25. What’s something you’d like to get better at?
  26. Imagine a crystal ball can answer one question about your future. What would you ask?
  27. How do you think other people describe you?
  28. What misconception do people have about you?
  29. What’s something that makes you raging angry?
  30. Tell me about something you’re struggling with right now.
  31. Who are you the most honest with?
  32. When’s the last time you cried?
  33. What makes you most emotional?
  34. What’s your love language?
  35. How were you different from the person you were as a teenager?
  36. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  37. What are you self-conscious about?
  38. Are you happy with your personality?
  39. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
  40. Have you ever been in trouble with the law?
  41. Do you have any health conditions I don’t know about?
  42. On a scale from 1 to 10, how’s your mental health?
  43. What are you most grateful for?
  44. What’s your favorite hobby?
  45. What’s your favorite way to relax and unwind?
  46. What do you think is your purpose in life?

About Us Couple Conversation Starters

What are your partner’s thoughts about you together as a couple? Use these couple conversation starters to learn more about the relationship from their perspective.

  1. Try to read my mind right now. What am I thinking?
  2. What’s something you’re afraid to ask me?
  3. When in the past have I worried you?
  4. What’s something I said that hurt you?
  5. What’s something I said that you loved?
  6. What do you think we should do more of as a couple?
  7. What would you like to change about us as a couple?
  8. What’s your favorite thing about me?
  9. What’s your favorite thing about us, together, as a couple?
  10. How would we split chores? What chores would you prefer doing? Which would you hate doing?
  11. What turns you on most about me?
  12. So far, what’s the best time we’ve spent together?
  13. Until now, what’s the best date we’ve been on?
  14. What new date night idea would you like to try together?
  15. Name our biggest 3 differences.
  16. Consider the statement “opposites attract.” Do we fit into that phrase?
  17. What do you think keeps a relationship “alive”?
  18. Where’s a place you’d like to visit together?
  19. When you’re sad or upset, what can I do to make it better?
  20. What could we do to make our relationship even better?
  21. What could I do to better support you?
  22. Where do you think we’ll be 10 years from now?

Sex Couple Conversation Starters

  1. It can be hard to talk about sex, but it’s important to many couples. Learn about your sex life through each other’s perspective with these sex couple conversation starters.
    What does an ideal sex life look like to you?
  2. How important is sex to you?
  3. What do you like most in bed?
  4. Do you think you’re an affectionate person?
  5. What sexual acts or things are a no-no for you?
  6. Is there somewhere new you’d like to have sex?
  7. What non-sexual thing turns you on?
  8. What’s your favorite part of my body?
  9. What time of day is the best time to have sex?
  10. Which is better: Fast or slow?
  11. What’s your favorite position?
  12. What’s your least favorite position?
  13. What makes you have the best orgasm?
  14. Are there any kinks you have that I don’t know about?
  15. If I could dress up as anything in bed, what would you choose?

Summary: Couple Conversation Starters

Couple Conversation Starters

These couple conversation starters are great to use to improve bonding between yourself and your partner. Small talk can only take you so far. Big talk helps you learn about your partner, their thoughts and how they feel about the world. Opening up and being vulnerable on the more difficult topics can also bring you closer together.

Couple conversation starters play another role too: They tell you things you need to know going forward. You might discover an aspect of your partner that you’ll have to consider for your future.


111 Crystals for Chakras + How to Use Crystals for Each Chakra

Crystals for Chakras

Looking for crystals for chakras? Then you’ll love this huge list.

When you’re working with chakras, you might be wondering which crystals align with what chakras. And, how do you use crystals for specific chakras?

In this guide, we’ll be sharing all the crystals we can think of that belong to each chakra. We’ll also suggest tangible ways you can use your crystals to balance your energy.

Keep reading to learn all the crystals for chakras—from root to crown.

What Are Crystals for Chakras?

Many people believe healing crystals contain energy that can help them through life’s challenges. Other people view crystals as more symbolic, with each stone’s meaning helping to inspire and support.

When you work with crystals for chakras, the aim is to balance or open the chakra that the crystal corresponds with. For example, you can use rose quartz to help balance the heart chakra.

Keep in mind that, historically, chakras weren’t tied to crystals. The ida that chrakras have corresponding crystals is a Westernized adaption of the original chakra system, which originated from the Vedas, a body of ancient Indian texts. That’s not to say that crystals don’t work for chakras, but rather a note on the historical and cultural accuracy.

Remember that healing crystals are spiritual tool. You should never use stones to replace physical or mental health treatments or other professional advice. Always seek evidence-backed advice before using crystals.

How to Use Crystals for Chakras

How you use crystals for charkas depend on which chakra you’re working on. Below are some ideas.


Use one of your favorite crystals for chakras to meditate with. You can also use 7 crystals—one for each chakras. Lay down and place the crystal or crystals on where the corresponding chakra is located. For example, place your throat chakra crystal directly on your throat. Begin your meditation with a few deep breaths and envision that chakra spinning and opening. If you’re using 7 chakras, work from the bottom up during your meditation. Envision the root chakra, red, spinning and open. Then move onto the sacral chakra, solar plexus, etc.

Place Around Home

If there’s a specific chakra you’re working with, place crystals for that chakra around your home. It’s a good idea to place them where you’ll see frequently—such as the kitchen, bedroom or living room. However, you can also place crystals for chakras in spaces that make sense for that chakra. For example, the sacral chakra relates to sexuality, so you might choose to keep that crystal in your bedroom. Another example: The root chakra relates to grounding, so you can place a root chakra crystal on your shoe mat.

Keep On You

Another option for crystals for chakras is to keep your favorite stone on you. When you leave the house, you can keep it in your:

  • Bra
  • Wallet
  • Purse
  • Pocket
  • Backpack


A common way to use crystals for chakras is by wearing them. If there’s a specific charka you’re honing in on, get a jewelry piece of a corresponding crystal. Where possible, try to wear the crystal where the chakra is located. For example, celestite relates to the throat chakra and would make a great necklace. Or hematite is related to the root chakra and could be worn as an anklet.

Make Crystal DIYs

A fun way to use crystals for chakras is by making DIYs. This unleashes your creativity, which can help you connect with your chakras. Here’s some ideas:

  • Décor. Make a DIY crystal décor piece of a certain color to honor a specific chakra. For example, a rose quartz crystal mobile can help support your heart chakra.
  • Make your crystals into bookmarks that you can use. If you’re reading about chakras or spirituality, these would be a magical way to mark where you left off.
  • If you don’t want to purchase chakra jewelry, make it yourself! Learn how to wire-wrap crystals to make a pendant and the options are endless!

Journal on Chakras

You can also use the crystals for chakras to help inspire your journaling practice. Hold a crystal that corresponds with the chakra you’re working with. Contemplate what the chakra represents. Is this chakra healthy? Does this chakra need more attention? How can you better support this chakra in daily life? Reflect and write your findings in a journal.

111 Crystals for Chakras

Crystals for Chakras

When you’re looking for crystal for chakras, there’s a few general things to keep in mind. Each chakra has a different set of corresponding crystals. And some crystals correspond to more than one chakra.

If you’re not sure which crystal corresponds to what chakra, here’s a good general rule to remember: Pay attention to the chakra’s color and match it with a crystal. For example, the heart chakra is pink and corresponds with pink stones, like rose quartz. The throat chakra is blue and corresponds with blue stones, like aquamarine.

With that being said, the color of a stone doesn’t need to match the color of the chakra. For example, many black stones are used for the red root chakra. If a stone isn’t listed for a particular chakra, it doesn’t mean you can’t use it. When using crystals for chakras, do what feels right and use your intuition.

Crystals for Root Chakra

Mainly red or black crystals

Location: Bottom of spine

Supports: Stability, security, safety, grounding

  • Red jasper
  • Carnelian
  • Rhodonite
  • Red goldstone
  • Garnet
  • Ruby
  • Fire agate
  • Red tiger’s eye
  • Apache Tear
  • Mookaite
  • Bloodstone
  • Black onyx
  • Hematite
  • Tourmaline
  • Shungite
  • Smoky quartz
  • Black kyanite
  • Obsidian
  • Dalmatian jasper

Ideas to use crystals for chakras—Root chakra:

  • Place crystal on shoe mat or shoe rack
  • Place crystal near door
  • Place crystal in all 4 corners of your house, apartment or room
  • Wear anklet or toe ring with root chakra crystal
  • Meditate with crystal between your toes
  • Make a root chakra grounding altar with root chakra crystals, red candles, earth/nature findings, etc.
  • Make a root chakra crystal décor piece to place near your front door for safety

Crystals for Sacral Chakra

Mainly orange crystals

Location: Above public bone

Supports: Sexuality, creativity, passion

  • Citrine
  • Orange calcite
  • Carnelian
  • Tiger’s eye
  • Sunstone
  • Peach moonstone
  • Tangerine quartz
  • Orange jasper
  • Goldstone
  • Orange moonstone
  • Orange calcite
  • Golden topaz
  • Amber
  • Stilbite
  • Orange coral

Ideas to use crystals for chakras—Sacral chakra:

  • Keep crystal next to your bed for sexual passion
  • Keep crystal under your pillow for sexual passion
  • Keep crystal in your workshop, craft room or desk for creativity
  • Meditate with crystal above your pubic bone
  • Make a “belly chain” with crystals
  • Make a sexuality altar with crystals, orange candles, feminine statues and sensual essential oils
  • Make a sacral chakra crystal mobile to hang above your bed

Crystals for Solar Plexus Chakra

Mainly yellow crystals

Location: Upper stomach area

Supports: Confidence and identity

  • Citrine
  • Pyrite
  • Tiger’s eye
  • Topaz
  • Fire opal
  • Yellow aventurine
  • Yellow calcite
  • Lemon quartz
  • Amber
  • Yellow apatite
  • Yellow jasper
  • Yellow tourmaline
  • Rutilated quartz

Ideas to use crystals for chakras—Solar Plexus chakra:

  • Place crystals near your mirror or vanity
  • Place crystals where you have trouble with confidence, like on your office desk
  • Hold crystal while repeating “I am” affirmations for confidence
  • Hold crystal while journaling a list of 10 things you love about yourself
  • Mediate with crystal on your upper stomach area
  • Make a confidence solar plexus mobile to hang above your bedroom vanity
  • Make a crystal bookmark with solar plexus crystals. Use it when reading books on self-help, slf-compassion and increasing your confidence.
  • Create an altar for confidence with crystals for chakras, yellow candles and yellow-toned nature findings

Crystals for Heart Chakra

Mainly green and pink crystals

Location: Centre of heart area

Supports: Love, compassion, affection

  • Rose quartz
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Rhodonite
  • Agate
  • Moss agate
  • Amazonite
  • Aventurine
  • Green jade
  • Peridot
  • Green opal
  • Malachite
  • Morganite
  • Kunzite
  • Watermelon tourmaline
  • Green tourmaline
  • Emerald
  • Serpentine
  • Fuchsite
  • Unakite
  • Chrysoprase
  • Chrysocolla
  • Pink opal

Ideas to use crystals for chakras—heart chakra:

  • Place heart chakra crystals around your home to reinvigorate loves
  • Hold crystal to draw in compassion while having an argument
  • Carry crystal in your bra, next to your heart to encourage feelings of compassion
  • Make a heart chakra crystal mobile and hang it in your living room to promote love
  • Meditate with crystal in the center of your heart area
  • Make an altar for love using crystals for chakras, heart symbols, pink candles and green-toned findings
  • Hold crystal as you journal on this prompt: “What can I do to allow more love into my life?”
  • Wear a low-hanging heart chakra crystal necklace that sits in your heart area

Crystals for Throat Chakra

Mainly blue crystals

Location: Throat

Supports: Communication, truth, expression

  • Sodalite
  • Aquamarine
  • Blue lace agate
  • Angelite
  • Celestite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Chrysocolla
  • Amazonite
  • Blue kyanite
  • Turquoise
  • Blue howlite
  • Blue opal
  • Apatite
  • Blue calcite
  • Azurite
  • Larimar
  • Labradorite
  • Blue chalcedony
  • Blue topaz
  • Blue quartz

Ideas to use crystals for chakras—Throat chakra:

  • To encourage communication, hold a throat chakra crystal when having an argument, tough conversation or giving a speech
  • Meditate with crystal on your throat area
  • Place crystal in places where you have trouble “speaking up” (eg. Office, at home, etc.)
  • Hold crystal and journal using this prompt: “How can I better express myself today?”
  • Carry crystal in your pocket to help you communicate on important days
  • Wear a throat chakra crystal as a necklace
  • Make a mobile using throat chakra crystals and pace it in your home to encourage good family communication
  • Create an altar for communication using crystals for chakras, blue candles and symbols representing expression

Crystals for Third Eye Chakra

Mainly purple or blue crystals

Location: Between eyebrows

Supports: Intuition and wisdom

  • Amethyst
  • Purple fluorite
  • Black obsidian
  • Moldavite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Azurite
  • Sapphire
  • Dumortierite
  • Sodalite
  • Angelite
  • Celestite
  • Blue lace agate
  • Blue kyanite
  • Lepidolite
  • Tanzanite
  • Blue aventurine
  • Labradorite
  • Azurite
  • Tanzanite
  • Moonstone
  • Iolite
  • Charoite

Ideas to use crystals for chakras—Third Eye chakra:

  • Meditate with crystal on your third eye
  • Hold crystal when you need to make a decision. Use it to hone in on your intuition about a situation.
  • Carry crystal in your pocket or bra to promote all-day intuition
  • Hold crystal and journal using prompt, “What can I do to further develop my intuition?”
  • Create a Third Eye Intuition altar using crystals for chakras, indigo candles, intuition symbols and your favorite nature findings
  • Create a spirituality mobile using third eye crystals. Hang it anywhere to encourage your intuition.
  • Place crystals where you regularly practice spirituality or read spirituality books

Crystals for Crown Chakra

Mainly white or purple crystals

Location: Top of head

Supports: Spiritual connection and inner guidance

  • Amethyst
  • Clear quartz
  • Moonstone
  • Labradorite
  • Selenite
  • Diamond
  • Howlite
  • Tanzanite
  • Herkimer diamond
  • Pearl
  • Selenite
  • White opal
  • Gold
  • White agate
  • Purple fluorite
  • Lepidolite
  • Rutilated quartz
  • Sugilite
  • Charoite
  • Calcite

Ideas to use crystals for chakras—Crown chakra:

  • Meditate with crystal on your forehead or above your head
  • Place crystal in the space you use to connect with your guides or meditate
  • Hold crystal and use it to connect with your guides, asking “what do I need to know today?”
  • Carry crystal in your pocket every day to encourage connection with your guides or angels
  • Use crown chakra stones to create a mobile to encourage communication with your guides
  • Create crystal bookmarks using crown chakra stones. Use them when you’re reading books on spirituality, spirit guides or angels.
  • Make a crown chakra crystal into a hairpiece to keep near your crown chakra all day
  • Make an altar for spirit communication using crystals for chakras, purple or white candles, and your favorite angel or tarot card.
  • Hold crystal when you’re feeling weary and need reassurance from your spirit team

Summary: Crystals for Chakras

When it comes to crystals for chakras, there’s many to choose from. Each energy center has a list of corresponding stones that you can use to help strengthen and support your energetic body. You can work on one chakra at a time, or you can work to balance your entire chakra system. Look through the list of crystals for chakras above. Choose a few crystals you’re drawn to and check the suggestions for how to use your stones for a particular chakra.

Remember that although these are the most common crystals for chakras, there are no rules! Use your intuition and the stones you have on hand to match crystals to energy centers.

Meditation for Self-Compassion: 11 Audios To Change Your Life

Meditation for Self Compassion

A few minutes could change your life—or at least, your mindset.

Meditations for self-compassion can help bring awareness, calm and confidence.

In this guide, we’re showing you the best meditations for self-compassion and self-confidence building.

What Is Self-Compassion?

Self-compassion simply means having compassion for yourself. Imagine extending the compassion you have for others to yourself. When your friend is going through a rough situation, compassion may look like:

  • Noticing the suffering
  • Understanding their pain
  • Feel care towards the person

Similarly, self-compassion also means:

  • Noticing your suffering
  • Understanding your pain
  • Feeling care toward yourself

Instead of judging yourself and criticizing your downfalls, you respond to yourself with grace, gentleness and kindness.

For example,  you might think, “I’m a stupid loser for failing my test.” Self-compassion urges you to switch that thought to something understanding and kind like, “Everyone fails sometimes and it’s a really difficult experience for me too. How can I care for myself in this moment?

Self-compassion also requires you to see the common humanity in the situation. In the example above that means knowing that failure, while personal, is a very common human experience. It also means that you accept the reality that’s happened—even if you don’t like it. You accept that everyone will experience disappointment, frustrations and setbacks.

You may think that criticizing yourself makes you stronger but research proves it actually makes you weaker. Adopting self-compassion is a way to strengthen yourself through adversity. Studies shows that self-compassion reduced negative self-talk and activates a calm state of mind.

Self-criticism usually comes easier than self-compassion. That’s why we need to work toward having a mind that naturally thinks compassionate thoughts. The best way to ingrain this response is to use practices, like meditation for self-compassion.

The concept of self-compassion was created by professor Dr. Kristin Neff. She wrote the book Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself, an important read for those interested in improving their mindset. Watch Dr. Neff talk about what self-compassion is below.

Self-Compassion Examples

To understand what self-compassion is, let’s look at a few self-talk examples below.

SELF-CRITISISM: “I’m stupid.”

SELF-COMPASSION: “Everyone has moments where they fumble. I will continue to improve but first I need to take a moment to center myself.”

SELF-CRITISISM: “I look ugly today.”

SELF-COMPASSION: “Everyone has days where they feel bad about their appearance. It’s tough to deal with.”

SELF-CRITISISM: “I suck at my job.”

SELF-COMPASSION: “There will be challenging day but those don’t define me or my job performance

SELF-CRITISISM: “I left so many things on my to-do list today.”

SELF-COMPASSION: “I can only do my best. I’m only person. What I really need is a moment to relax.”

SELF-CRITISISM: “I never stick to my workout routine. I’m lazy and it won’t change.”

SELF-COMPASSION: “I will get better at sticking to my workout routine. Most people have trouble sticking to new routines at first. I’ll continue trying my best. And it will get easier once I’ve established a routine.”

Self-Compassion Exercises

The best way to harness self-compassion is to make it a practice. Over time, this will train your brain to respond more kindly. Self-compassion exercises should be practiced regularly and especially when you’re in the midst of negative self-talk.

Journal Compassionate Response Pretending You’re a Friend

Imagine your friend is going through the same situation you are. How would you respond? What would you say to help their suffering? Journal about your response. After, use these same responses to respond to yourself.

3 Step Self Compassion Break

When you’re in the midst of negative self-talk, use this self-compassion exercise. Take a break using these 3 steps below.

  1. Be mindful about the suffering without minimizing it. Recognize it hurts or is stressful.
  2. Remind yourself everyone suffers. Know that other people feel this way and everyone suffers at some points in life.
  3. Be kind to yourself. Ask yourself what you can do to ease your criticism and move into a space of self-compassion. This could mean forgiving yourself, giving yourself a moment to relax, reminding yourself it will get better, etc.

Self-Criticism Check-In for Self-Talk

The first step to developing self-compassion is usually acknowledging when you’re being critical of yourself. Out of all the self-compassion exercises, this one can be easily done several times daily to increase awareness. If you’re used to your negative self-talk, this can be challenging to recognize. Take breaks throughout the day to ask yourself, “what negative thoughts have I had about myself in the past hour?” For each self-criticism you can recall, try replacing it with something positive (see examples in the previous section for ideas). Using this practice will make identifying critical thoughts automatic over time.

Physically Self-Soothing for Self-Compassion

Self-compassion exercises can also be physical. When you’re in a moment of self-criticism, think about ways you can physically soothe yourself. For example, let’s say you made a mistake at work and you’re stressed about it. Rather than going down the rabbit hole of criticism, you could gently stroke your arm to soothe yourself. Dr. Neff calls this “supportive touch.” Examples include:

  • Gently stroking your arm
  • Cradling your face with your hands
  • Massaging your neck
  • Massaging tense jaw bones
  • Placing your hand over your heart

Meditation for Self Compassion

One of the best self-compassion exercises is finding a good meditation for self-compassion. This can help quiet your mind and redirect you to better thoughts. In the next section, we’ll explore the best meditations for self compassion

Meditation for Self-Compassion: 11 Guided Audios

Meditation for Self Compassion

Meditation for self compassion is a great tool to gain awareness of your self-criticism and turn it around. They provide a gentle way to work on your mindset and train your brain for different thought patterns. If you’re looking for a meditation for self compassion, we recommend trying a few. Some guided audios and voices may work better for you than others. Find what resonates with you.

Meditation for Self Compassion – 7 Minutes

This 7-minute meditation for self compassion is created by AboutKids Health. It’s a simple and quick meditation that’s perfect for both kids and adults. Especially if you’ve never meditated before, this audio is great for beginners. It guides you through breathing and recognising your emotions while accepting them.

Meditation with Tara Brach: Developing Self-Compassion- 18 Minutes

This meditation for self compassion is led by Dr. Tara Brach. You’re first led to envision someone you love, like a parent or pet. You’re guided to viscerally feel the love and kindness you hold for them. With phrases like, “may you be happy and free from suffering,” you wish this person well. You’re then guided to turn that same love inward, feeling a sense of compassion and kindness toward yourself. Sometimes, by envisioning the love we have for someone else first, we can hold onto that feeling and direct it toward ourselves.

Guided Mediation for Self Compassion – 5 Minutes

This meditation for self compassion is a great one to do if you’re currently suffering and need to offer love to yourself. The narrator guides you to first recognize that you’re in a moment of suffering. It reminds you that stress or hurt is a common feeling that makes you part of humanity. It then guides you to ask yourself, “what do i need right now?” The answer to that may be a kind message like, “May I accept myself as I am” or “May I forgive myself.”

RAIN Mediation for Self Compassion by Tara Brach – 11 Minutes

This meditation for self compassion is another led by Dr. Tara Brach. In this one, she uses the RAIN acronym to help guide you to a place of self compassion. You’re first led to “recognize” your feeling and name it. For example, maybe you’re suffering from stress from a mistake you made. The next step is “allow”–allowing you to experience your emotion and making it okay to feel. Next, she leads you to “investigate” that feeling and experience. Lastly, she guides you to “nurture” yourself by asking yourself what you need to hear in this moment.

Self Compassion Loving Kindness Meditation by Kristin Neff – 21 Minutes

This meditation for self compassion is by the researcher who coined the term “self-compassion,” Dr. Neff. You begin by taking a few deep breaths and going through self-compassion phrases, such as “May I be at peace.” She directs you to call to mind someone supportive in your life. After feeling those loving, kind feels toward them, she guides you to turn that energy inwards. After that, you extend the compassionate energy toward your community and the world.

Guided Meditation for Self-Compassion and Loving Kindness – 10 Minutes

This meditation by Dr. KJ Foster first guides you to notice how you’re feeling and accept it. Then she leads you to envision someone you love and imagine that they also have good days and bad ones. Like you, they also suffer and struggle, even if you don’t know it. After sending them loving phrases, you check in again on how you’re feeling. Once you’ve connected with the compassionate energy and phrases, you may be better able to apply it to yourself.

Guided Sleep Meditation for Self Compassion and Self Love – 3 Hours

This meditation for self compassion is ideal to play before going to bed Since it’s 3 hours long, it’s perfect for those who have trouble sleeping and need something to doze off to. This guided meditation shares self-love affirmations like “I accept my struggles with warmth and ease.” After listening to these positive phrases, you can continue breathing into the moment listening to the calming music, drifting off to sleep.

Meditation: From Self Judgment to Self Compassion – 10 Minutes

In this meditation for self compassion, Robert Stock guides you to gain awareness of your thoughts. He walks you through accepting your emotions. Unlike other meditations for self compassion, this one focuses less on breathing and affirmations. Instead, it’s more of a realistic talk that opens you up to the idea of being kind to yourself. If you’re intimidated by the idea of self compassion or find it cheesy, this is a great beginner meditation to start with.

ASMR Guided Meditation for Self Compassion – 35 Minutes

This meditation for self compassion is perfect for those who also love ASMR. The narrator whispers the meditation instructions and holds a calming space for you to explore self compassion. After taking a few long, deep breaths, she guides you to become aware of your body, easing into full relaxation. She suggests to invite the hidden fragments of yourself to the meditation. These may be difficult parts or the shadow side. She guides you to offer these parts of yourself love, compassion and acceptance.

Body Scan Meditation for Self Compassion – 15 Minutes

This meditation for self compassion is a great one to try if you’re experiencing body pain. It begins by becoming aware of your body. From the top down, you’re guided to become aware of each body part and have gratitude for it. You’re invited to breathe soothing energy into each body part, paying special attention to the ones that bother you most.

Summary: Meditation for Self Compassion

Self compassion is a way of thinking that helps quiet critical thoughts. In the long-run self-compassion strengthens you and helps you gain resilience through hardships. To make this mental shift, self compassion exercises and meditation for self compassion is key. Keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to varying meditations. You may dislike most audios but finally find one that changes everything. For this reason, we recommend trying at least a few of the meditations for self compassion in this post. When you find one you like, stick with it.

Meditation for Self Compassion

7 Tarot One Card Spreads for Quick Guidance & Instant Magic

Tarot One Card spread, Pick a Card spread

You can use tarot cards without doing a full spread.

In fact, a tarot one card reading can provide plenty of insight into situations or specific questions. One card pulls are also perfect for daily inspiration or messages from spirit.

How do you read a tarot one card layout? And when should you use one?

In this guide, we’re sharing all that, plus 7 quick tarot one card spreads.

When Should You Use a Tarot One Card Pull?

As opposed to a full reading, tarot one card spreads focus on one theme. Although a one card pull probably won’t give you the ins and outs of a situation, it will help you focus in on an aspect.

When is it best to use a tarot one card pull? You can pick a one card spread whenever it feels appropriate. That includes:

  • Lack of time. When you do a full Celtic cross tarot spread, reading the meanings of each card and how they relate to one another can take time. Especially if you’re a tarot beginner, a full spread can take a while to read while a tarot one card spread can be done at any time. If you’re short on time but looking for some guidance, a quick pull is perfect.
  • Getting to know the cards. If you’re just learning tarot, reading the meanings of 10 cards at once can feel daunting. Doing a quick tarot one card pull each day can help you learn the meanings quicker. You can focus on one card a day, giving your mind time to fully “soak” in each card.
  • Daily guidance. Even for advanced tarot readers, a daily tarot one card pull can provide guidance. You can take the wisdom of the card throughout the day and ponder it.
  • Tarot one card spreads are fantastic to use before meditation. After you’ve selected your card, meditate on its meaning, symbolism and how it may relate to different situations. Ask yourself what the card means to you personally and if it has a message for you.
  • Doing a tarot one card pull is also a great idea if you need a card for your altar. Rather than picking a specific card, let the tarot work its magic for you. You might be amazed at how well the card fits your altar theme. You can display crystals, herbs, candles and other small trinkets to complete your tarot altar.
  • Personal development. More and more, people are turning to tarot not just for magic, but for personal development. Do a tarot one card reading and with your selected card, pay attention to the symbolism, the traditional meaning and what your intuition is telling you. Journal about it. How does this card relate to you or your current situation? What wise advice does it have to offer you?
  • One question. Another time you might only do a one card reading is when you have a very specific question. Sometimes, we don’t need 10 cards to interpret a situation. Many times, one card can give us all the information we need.
  • Use for pets. Some people use tarot one card readings to learn about their pet. For example, you might ask the cards, “what message does my dog have for me?” or “what’s something I need to know about my cat?” After you pull the card, interpret it through an animal lens, understanding how it may relate to your pet.

How to Read Tarot One Card Readings

Reading a tarot one card spread is a lot different than reading a full spread.

With a full tarot layout, you interpret each card, their placement and each card’s relation to each other.

When you only pull one card, how can you get the most out of your reading? The answer is by going deeper into the card’s meaning. Consider these tips on how to read a tarot one card spread.

  • Use your intuition. A good place to start a tarot one card reading is by using your intuition. What does your intuition say about the card?
  • Next, look at the image on the tarot card. What symbols are there and what do they mean? Are there a certain number of object that symbolize something? Look at the big picture symbolism and the small illustrations you may usually overlook.
  • Check traditional book meaning. Most people who study tarot have book they work from the holds the traditional meaning of each card. Even if you know what the card means, referring back to this book for a tarot one card reading can reveal aspects you’ve forgotten about. Also, different ideas might “pop out” more this time.
  • Check online meaning. Your go-to tarot book is a good place to start when getting a deeper interpretation of the card. However, checking online versions can help you learn different ways to see the card and how it may be applied to varying situations. You can simply Google, “meaning of [card name] love spread” or “meaning of [card name] career spread.”
  • Pay attention to the symbolism on the card you’ve pulled. What do certain objects mean? Are there a certain number of the same objects (if so, then what does that number mean?)? If you’re not sure the symbolism of something, do a quick Google search and see what resonates.
  • Suits and numbers. As with any reading, you’ll want to pay attention to the suit and number on the card you’ve pulled. How do those meanings factor into the card’s interpretation?

Tarot One Card Spreads

Choose the tarot one card spread ideal for your situation.

Today’s Wisdom

In this tarot one card spread, this card represents what today has to teach you. This could be something you can expect to happen today or it may be a lesson to ponder inside your mind. Think about the advice this card has to offer. If it presents a challenge, what solution does the card hint at? What stage of the hero’s journey might this card refer to and what can you learn from that step in the journey?

Tarot One Card spread, Pick a Card spread

One Question

This is a great tarot one card spread to use if you have a single question. Ask the card a question. Try to be as specific as possible. The card you pull represents the answer. Look at the symbolism on the card to better understand possible internal and external influences.

Tarot One Card spread, Pick a Card spread

Energy Around a Situation

If you want to know the energy around a situation but don’t want to dive in too deeply, this tarot one card layout is for you. Ask about a certain situation, like a new job offer, relationship, or challenge. The card pulled represents the current energy around that situation. The card may refer to internal or external influences or aspects you’re not considering. Mostly though, it summarizes the situation, helping you understand it better.

Tarot One Card spread, Pick a Card spread

My Solution

Life is difficult and although tarot can’t give you all the answers, it can inspire your solution. Before shuffling, ask the cards to give you guidance on specific challenge you’re experiencing. The card you pull represents the solution or something to consider that will draw you closer to a solution. Use this card to gain insight into the situation, both from other perspectives and from a birds-eye view.

Tarot One Card spread, Pick a Card spread

Next Step

Sometimes we know where we want to go, but we’re not sure how to get there. This tarot one card pull helps you understand your next step forward. Before shuffling, tell the cards about end goal and ask them to provide guidance on your next step. The message may reinforce the step you’re already pondering taking, or it may highlight a route you haven’t considered.

Tarot One Card spread, Pick a Card spread

Spirit Message

What message does your spirit guide or higher-self have for you? Before shuffling the cards, ask your spirit guides or higher self for a message. Investigate the card that’s drawn for its meaning and symbolism. How does it relate to your life and what may it be trying to tell you?

Tarot One Card spread, Pick a Card spread

Happiness Surprise

Life can be dull and depressing and if you’re going through that stage, this is a good tarot one card spread for you. Before shuffling, ask the cards to help guide you toward happiness. The card you pull may represent something tangible you can do for a glimmer of happiness (ex. doing crafts, having a hard conversation, going for a walk). It may also point to a belief that you can practice to amplify happiness.

Tarot One Card spread, Pick a Card spread

Summary: Tarot One Card Spreads

Tarot one card spreads are great to use when you need quick insight into a situation. They’re also great for when you have a very specific question that doesn’t require a full layout. Others use tarot one card spreads to get a message from spirit or daily wisdom.

39 Acts of Kindness Anyone Can Do To Brighten Someone’s Day

coronavirus volunteer acts of kindness

Want to brighten up a sad world?

Tiny acts that cost little to nothing can help turn someone’s day around and give them hope.

In this post, we’re sharing 38 acts of kindness you can do anyday.

Reasons for Acts of Kindness

Why should you do a good deed when you may also be struggling? Well, there’s a few reasons:

  • Makes You Happier, Improves Well-Being. Researchers analyzed a series of studies and found that performing acts of kindness makes you modestly happy and improves well-being. In fact, they said the effect was a “small-to-medium-comparable” to interventions such as mindfulness, which is often recommend to decrease anxiety.
  • Boredom. If you’re stuck at home and looking for things to do, these can provide a productive hobby that others will appreciate.
  • Keep Kids Busy. If you need to keep your kids busy, there’s a few ideas on here that could be good for them too.
  • Help Others. So many people are struggling right now. Whether it be their health, job or finances. Pretty much everyone could use a good deed to uplift them 🙂

39 Acts of Kindness & Good Deeds

Whether you have millions to spend or literally nothing, there’s something you can do to bring a smile to someone’s face.

FREE Good Deed Ideas

No money? No problem. (Actually, a big problem. But not for this list)

#1 Leave Google Reviews for Local Businesses

Small, local businesses appreciate reviews more than anyone else. These companies are the ones that need kind words the most now.

#2 Write a Gratitude Letter

Write a letter to a friend, family member, co-worker or your partner about how much they mean to you. Just about everyone could use a smile right now.

#3 Leave a Review for Your Favorite Entertainment Source

Reviews help everyone! For example, leave a review on iTunes for your favorite Podcast or on a Facebook page for your local theatre or concert hall.

#4 Nice YouTube Comment

Leave your favorite YouTube entertainer a nice comment. 

#5 Spread Good Gossip

Spread the good kind of gossip. When you hear someone say something good about something else, pass it on to that person when you see them. Saying “The other day Mary said you looked beautiful with your haircut” takes nothing and will brighten their day. It also helps bring people closer when they know they’re complimenting each other behind their back.

#6 Write Local Politicians

If something is pissing you off, for example, the lack of help for homeless people in your town, write a local politician. Tell them what matters to you and what you think they can do to change it.

#7 Let Someone Vent

 If you have enough mental capacity, letting your friend rant for a bit could really help them. (But never do it at the risk of your own mental health!)

#8 Display Drawings in Your Window

Make drawings or signs of support and hang them in your window. It could be a simple painting to brighten someone’s day. Or it may be a protest sign for something you’re passionate about, like “My Body, My Choice.”

#9 Chalk

The kids in my neighborhood have been doing this, but who says adults can’t too? To give you some inspiration, here are some things I’ve read on chalked sidewalks:

  • “We’re all in this together”
  • “Hope you have a great day”
  • “You’re beautiful”
  • And just a bunch of hearts drawn along an entire street (I love this)

#10 Stone Messages

This is another idea I didn’t come up with. The credit goes to amazing kids in my area and the good people that parent them. They put a basket of stones at the end of their driveway with some blank and some drawn stones. There was a marker beside the basket to write and leave your own message on a rock. Or, you could take an inspirational stone message home. 

#11 Write Corporations

This could be a long shot because many, in my opinion, are unlikely to listen. But we can still try, right? If you’re pissed off at a company, tell them! For example, writing Amazon heads telling them that they can afford to treat their employees well.

Don’t have a company contact? Here’s a hint: type “company + position (CEO, marketing, COO, CFO, etc.)” + “LinkedIn” into Google. Once you find the name of the person you’re looking for, download the Google Chrome extension Hunter. Go to the company’s website, click the extension on your toolbar and type the person’s name in the box. If the person doesn’t show up, you’ll probably at least be left with a hint about the email format (ex. [email protected]).

Airing your grievances can be cathartic! Just remember to never make attacks personal; the people reading your emails may just be employees doing their job without any decision-making power. Still, it’s their job to pass on the message.

#12 Stop Supporting Asshole Companies

Pissed about how Tim Hortons tried to enforce doctor’s notes during COVID-19? Or how a local company laid off employees while giving the CEO a huge pay raise? Give it to them where it hurts most: By not giving anything at all. 

#13 Check-In with People, Especially Those Most Vulnerable

Checking-in with people costs nothing. Those who are elderly or live alone need it the most. Actually, I think who really need it the most are people who you suspect may be in abusive relationships/family. Make sure they’re safe, let them know about local resources, provide help when you can and alert authorities if you are aware of any violence. 

#14 Pick Up Trash

Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of trash on the street. Take a few hours, a garbage bag and gloves and pick it up.

#15 Order a Meal to Someone Who Needs It

Know a family that’s struggling to eat but they’re too stubborn to take money? Order take-out to their home and then say, “it’s too late, already ordered, will be outside your home in 20 minutes.”

#16 Play with Your Pet

Your dog and cat agree–playing with them is a good deed! 

#17 Offer Help with Signs or Posts

Offer to pick up groceries or medication for those who can’t. You can do this by posting in a local Facebook group or even making a sign and posting it in your community (you can use a fake email or number if you wish).

#18 Do What You Can with Your Profession

If you have a certain skill set that can benefit others during this time, consider offering it for free or low cost. If you’re a well-off landlord, consider being a good person and letting rent slide for a month. If you own or manage a hotel, consider offering rooms to homeless people.

#19 Be Nice

The least you can do is not be an asshole. Say please and thank you to retail workers and healthcare staff. Then carry that new habit with you for decades to come.

#20 Collect Small Soaps & Shampoos

Homeless shelters, women’s shelters and rehab programs love receiving donations of mini soaps and shampoos. Save them next time you go to a hotel.

#21 Try Not to Judge Others

We may not be able to fully control our immediate judgments, but we can try to limit them. When your first instinct is to be judgemental, be curious instead.

#22 Bake & Give Away

Bake something delicious and give it to someone else. Elderly neighbors, office co-workers and family members may love receiving a batch of cupcakes or cookies.

Good Deeds Involving Money

#23 Pay for Someone’s Groceries

If you’re in a position to do so, spot someone in line who looks like they may be struggling. Then, offer to pay for their groceries. If your budget is limited, you can offer to pay for just one big item instead. If they resist, explain that you want to and they can repay you by doing something nice for someone else whenever they can. This happened to my sister when a stranger bought her a case of pop—it brightened her day and almost made us both cry.

#24 Support Good Businesses

Support businesses (local or corporations) that you know are treating employees well. For example, I got an email from a tattoo shop saying they’re still paying laid off artists and offering a line of credit, for which the company themselves will pay the interest on. This was a kind thing to do during COVID-19. So, I wrote them to say that. You can do the same with any business that runs with integrity first.

#25 Donate a Can when Buying

Most grocery stores have a designated cart or box where you can drop in non-perishable items for a food bank. After you check out, add a can or another item into the pile.

#26 Donate Through Social Posts

Many Facebook local community groups or local employment groups have people posting about what they should do if they can’t afford food, rent, etc. This is a quick way to spot people who need it if you’re looking to donate.

#27 Vemo Money

There’s people online, particularly Twitter, asking for money to help them pay rent or afford meals for their family. They often share their PayPal and Vemo info which you can easily donate to.

#28 Leave Coins/Bills Around

Leave coins or bills around town. If you want, lightly tape the coin or bill to a kind note, saying something like, “If you need this, take it!” Then you can tape the bag to any sign or pole. You can also leave it on a shelf in a store.

#29 Make a Donation

There’s so many places that need money so they can help others. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but here’s some starter ideas:

  • Food banks
  • Homeless shelters 
  • Homeless shelters for children/teenagers
  • Domestic violence shelters 
  • Addiction programs 

*Please email us any that I should add to this list!

#30 Buy Local

Instead of shopping at a big box grocery store, can you afford to shop at a local grocery store? Or, if a friend’s birthday is coming up and you need to get them a gift, consider a small shop in town. Buying from Etsy can also support tiny businesses who will appreciate every single sale. 

#31 Pay for Take-Out

If you order takeout and go in to pick up and pay, ask if you can also pay for the next person picking up.

#32 Pay for Drive-Thru

Ask to pay for the person behind you when you pay for yours.

#33 Tweet a Thanks

Tweet a heartfelt thanks to someone who you love following on Twitter.

#34 Pre-Pay for Laundry At Laundromat

Put a few coins in a washer or dryer WITHOUT pressing start. The next person to use it will have a nice free surprise 🙂

#35 Leave a Tip

Tip anywhere you can–even if it’s not somewhere you usually tip, like the ice cream parlor or coffee shop.

#36 Tip Your Grocery Store Worker

Say thanks by tipping your grocery cashier or stock person, similar to how you would a waitress.

#37 Tip Your Delivery Driver

Tip your delivery driver well 🙂

#38 Foster a Pet

Many animal shelters constantly operate at or around full capacity. That means they can’t accept any more until they clear space, which is a terrifying thought for kill shelters. Taking care of a pet is a big responsibility, so this isn’t for everyone. But fostering is a way you can temporarily have a dog or cat while she’s trying to find her forever home. She will keep you company while you keep her safe and make room for other animals who need help.

#39 Bonus: Perspective?

I think using a crappy situation to gain perspective and have empathy is an act of kindness. For example, if you’re well-off and you’ve lost some savings, you can hopefully have a little more empathy for those that don’t have a lot in their emergency fund. Everyone has a story. If we can use our experiences to understand others a bit better, I think the world would be a kinder, better place to live, right?

Have Any Other Good Deed Ideas? Email Me 🙂

good deed ideas, acts of kindness ideas, good deeds good deed ideas, acts of kindness ideas, good deeds

Introverted Intuition: A Guide of 25 Relatable Signs for INFJ + INTJ

introverted intuition

Whether you’re into personality tests or spirituality, you probably came across the term “introverted intuition” or “INFJ” or “INTJ.”

But what do those phrases mean? And are you one?

In this post, we’re describing what introverted intuition is, where it originated from and whether you fall into that Myers-Briggs personality type.

What is Introverted intuition?

introverted intuition

Introverted intuition can be thought of in a few ways. The most simple definition is a personality that’s both introverted and intuitive.

Let’s break those 2 terms down further.

Introverted Intuition: A Breakdown

Introverts are more reserved and enjoy spending more time alone. They prefer small groups over large crowds or parties. When they do engage in situations with large amounts of people, they need time alone to recharge their batteries, so to speak. They also tend to be more introspective, self-reflective and “in their heads.”

We can contrast introverts with extroverts, who are more talkative, outgoing and don’t mind being at large parties or even being the life of one. Unlike introverts, extroverts recharge their batteries by being social with others.

What if someone doesn’t fit into either category? You can think of introversion and extroversion as a spectrum rather than two binary options. Most people have traits of both, but lean closer to one side than the other. People that have many of both traits can be classified as an ambivert, which simply means a balance of both.

Now, let’s tackle the term Intuition.

Intuition is the ability to know information without having direct, logical reasoning for it. Another word for it could be “instincts.” For example, intuition is that feeling in your gut that you shouldn’t take the job, even though everything looks perfect in the beginning. Later, you find out the company is involved in scandals, but there’s no way you could have known that at the time–you just felt something was “off.”

So, what’s the reason for our intuition? Some people have a mystical or spiritual take on it. Others have a logical or rational perspective. And others (like me) believe intuition is both magical and ration.

On the magical side, you can think of intuition as a sort of “psychic” power that allows you to see things other people don’t. Most people in this camp believe that intuition is a 6th sense. That means everyone has it and can learn to improve it. But just like picking up an instrument, it comes more naturally to some than others.

On the logical side, some researchers believe intuition is simply a sensitive that allows us to see things others cant. We notice subtle cues such as body language or a different tone of voice and that hints to us that something is different. Even though everyone could see these things, we’re just better at noticing and listening to them. In other cases, we may be intuitive because we’re more in our heads. That is, we give our mind information but also give it time to process that data, leading to more profound realizations.

Introverted Intuition: Myers Briggs

There’s different ways you may come to the conclusion that you’re an introverted intuitive, but most likely, it’s because you took a Myers-Briggs test.

The Myers Briggs test is a personality test created to help you understand your personality type, strengths, weakness, wants and needs. The test was designed based on famous psychologist Carl Jung’s work. The theory is that by learning about ourselves, we can better understand how we act or respond. This can help us make life decisions, such as a career change, or simply allows us to feel at home with who we are. Millions of people have taken the paid test online or through a certified practitioner. If you want to take the test for free, you can try other version, although the accuracy can be a bit shaky, so taking a few may be best. Here’s a free online Myers Brigg-type tests:

After you take the test, you’ll be shown the type you most match with by percentage. There are 16 possible types, all of which consist of 4 letters. Each letter stands for a trait. Here’s a rundown:

  • Extraverted (E) vs. Introverted (I)
  • Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N)
  • Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)
  • Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)

If your personality type is introverted intuition, your result will be INFJ or INTJ.

Ni and Myers Briggs

In the Myers Briggs world, Introverted Intuiting is represented by (Ni).

There’s 4 Myers Briggs perceiving functions AKA how we get information. Unlike others, Ni happens on an unconscious level–what we call “intuition.” Many people get most of their information through the traditional 5 senses–so they hear something, read something, smell something, etc. But for us Ni’s, we tend to get a lot of our information from our intuition. So, while other people are more “in the world,” we’re more “in our heads.” We really more on our internal insights.

Ni’s have a challenging time trying to stay in the moment and their heads are usually elsewhere. For example, when in a conversation, driving or watching TV, their head may be playing something entirely different. They’re always thinking.

All of this thinking means that Ni’s can easily see the big picture of a situation or problem. Concepts or theories are their thing. Overlooking the situation from a wider perspective, they can connect the dots or spot patterns. Another benefit is that they’re able to play out situations to “foresee” the ending. For example, if a friend asks you whether decision A or B is better, you’d be able to see the consequences and advantages of both and where each will lead them.

Details though? Not so much. Although possible, Ni’s can have a hard time on tasks that require them to be detail-orientated.

In history, before the Myers Briggs test was even created, some believe that those with Ni were likely fortune-tellers, shamans, or other mysterious people.

Now, let’s take a look at the specific personality types of Ni: INFJ and INTJ.

INFJ: A Type of Introverted Intuition

INFJ stands for introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging.

With INFJ personalities, introverted intuition meets feeling. This makes them good at understanding others, which can also make them more skilled in relationships or on topics such as human rights issues. They’re usually creative, caring and highly sensitive to other people’s emotions as well as their own.

INFJ’s typically enjoy deep topics rather than small talk. They think about the meaning of life, moral standards and consequences or reactions to every action. They’re not one to have friends just to expand their network. They’re more of a meaningful, deep relationship kind of people.

Called the “advocate” type by some, they have the ability to put their ideas for change into real, tangible action.

When you meet an INFJ, they’ll likely come across as quiet, soft-spoken and caring. But on the downside, they can be overly sensitive with high expectations. You may also get the sense that they’re difficult to get to know—probably because they are. To really know an INFJ, you’ll need to try to get inside their head with them. That means meaningful conversations and real connection. They are the #1 to spot when you’re faking it or acting different just to gain something from them. They value honesty, integrity and emotional intimacy. If you’re in a romantic relationship—or even a friendship—with an INFJ, one of the most important factors is whether you share the same core beliefs. Because INFJ’s uphold themselves to a strict moral code in which they try to do good and harm no one, they expect you to as well. That can seem like too much pressure for types that don’t like to get overly deep.

INFJ’s can be stubborn when it comes to issues they believe in and although not typically pushovers, getting into arguments is difficult and overly unpleasant for them.

If you are an INFJ, it will probably interest you to know that you’re a rare gem. Although it’s hard to measure, some theorize that INFJs only make up 1 to 3% of the population.

Many people suspect that Carl Jung, the psychologist who the test is based off of, was an INFJ. After all, to come up with 16 personality types for everyone requires a lot of observation, intuition and inside-your-head work.

A sampling of job types for an INFJ includes psychologist, librarian, entrepreneur, artist, writer and teacher.

INTJ: A Type of Introverted Intuition

Another introverted intuition (Ni) type is the INTJ, which stands for introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging.

Compared to the INFJ discussed above, they can be better at strategizing. Once they’ve mulled over a situation, they can put it into action easier with sequential steps or a reliable plan. While both types are capable of this, it comes more naturally to an INTJ. Another difference is that although intuitive, they tend to care more about logic, rational conclusions and data. They’re more able to get outside of their head when they feel it’s necessary and put their emotions to the side.

INTJ’s are good at seeing the big picture instead of the small, moving parts. They’re also good at creating order in a situation. They feel most comfortable when they have a sense of control, which makes them more like to plan than the INFJ. In thinking about the future, they’re good at exploring options and differing outcomes.

Whereas an INFJ may make decisions based on their feeling or intuition, INTJ’s are more likely to make them based on logic.

While both types value close relationships over many distant ones, INFJ’s care less about other people’s feelings or thoughts. While they will care for a group of people close to them, their ability for empathy outside that circle is capped.

INFJ’s can be hard to get to know too. Because they can appear “aloof” and really, many don’t care to interact outside of those they know, understanding who they really are can be difficult. But, if you put the time in, they are also willing to put time and effort into the relationship.

Since INFJ’s are more analytical, they tend to have career paths that use that skill.

A sampling of job types for the INFJ includes scientist, mathematician, lawyer, doctor and teacher.

Introverted Intuition (Ni) VS. Extroverted Intuition (Ne): The Difference

introverted intuition

In the Myers Brigg personality test, introversion can take two major forms: introverted (Ni) and extroverted (Ne).

We’ve explained the difference between introversion and extroversion in the first section, but what does it mean when we add intuition to both? How can you tell if your intuition is introverted or extroverted?

Both the introverted and extroverted intuitive are good at identifying patterns or causes from a set of data. They have the ability to look at things from a bigger perspective.

Here’s the difference: Introverted Intuitive typically come to these conclusions on their own, inside their heads. They then take that into the world to create changes or solutions. On the other hand, extroverts often come to their intuitive conclusions via brainstorming, role-playing or by running situations by others. Then, they execute on their decision.

Extroverted Intuition Examples

While a brainstorming meeting full of executives could be an introverted person’s worst nightmare, it may actually excite the extroverted intuitive.

If someone uses an introverted intuition to reach a conclusion, you may be confused how they came up with their answer. They also may have a hard time explaining it since it all happened within their head. By contrast, even if the extrovert comes up with the same conclusion, people are more likely to see how she reached it through a sequence of steps or thoughts.

Extroverted intuition can be more scattered, jumping from thought to thought. Introverts can thin about one topic for a lengthier amount of time. To give an example, extroverted intuitives are more likely to dive down a YouTube rabbit hole and end up watching something random, thinking “how did I get here?” Meanwhile, introverted intuitives are more likely to go down a YouTube rabbit hole on the same subject, delving in deeper and deeper.

Another example would be to imagine introverted intuition like a computer program. You don’t even notice it, but there’s a lot of systems working in the background to allow you to even read this screen. On the other hand, extroverted intuitives need to do those “calculations” consciously and outwardly in a way you can see or hear.

So, both are good at connecting the dots or seeing relationships in data. But extroverts do it consciously while introverts do this inwardly with rumination.


25 Signs of Introverted intuition

introverted intuition

Introverted intuitives share many things in common, but it’s still important to realize that personality varies person by person. That’s why the Myers Briggs test is more a personality measurement rather than a promise to fit your inside one perfectly square box. As such, if you’re an introverted intuitive, everything on this list may not apply. Still though, these signs give you helpful hints as to whether you’d be classified as an introverted intuitive.

#1 You Like Abstract Convos

You like discussing ideas that others may think are abstract or hard to pin down. You’re excited to talk about theories that explain events rather than the events themselves.

#2 Big Picture Conv

You can talk about someone’s experience for hours. But what really interests you about that isn’t really the details—it’s the big picture. For example, you can connect dots of a person’s childhood story to figure out how or why they became the person they are today.

#3 Small Talk is Okay If It Makes You Go Away

As a rule, introverted intuitives hate small talk because it’s meaningless. They’d much rather deep conversations. There is an exception though: If you meet someone new and you know that just a little small talk will get them to go away, you’ll do it. It’s not to be rude, you just like to be alone or with a small group of known people only.

#4 I Like Doing Things Alone

If you’re an introverted intuitive there’s a good chance that the phrases “let’s get into groups” or “team meeting” makes you want to run until no human is left in sight.

#5 I Want to Get Behind the Mask

This is a bad analogy in the time of COVID-19, but still. When you meet someone, you don’t care that much to hear about their day-to-day life. You want to know who they really are when they take off the mask. What are their innermost fears, hurts, desires etc.?

#6 I Need Time to Go Inside

You need time alone where you can just be by yourself without any distractions, not even TV. This allows you to get inside your own thoughts and allow your mind to work.

#7 I Need a Break from Stimulation

Even when you go to an event you like, say a concert for your favorite singer, you need a break from the stimulation. While others can go from event to event to party to party, you need time away from the noise to reset.

#8 I Am Interested in Spiritual Topics

Not every person with introverted intuition will be interested in spirituality. Some are hardcore science folks. But types that fall within this category are more likely to be interested in otherworldly topics. This could include religion, Buddhism or more mystical subjects such as psychic, palm reading, tarot, astrology and numerology. Since our intuition brings us inside ourselves and allows us to access our subconscious, some of us try to delve even deeper.

#9 We’re Curious

Part of what makes us want to go deep with people or learn mystical topics is that we’re curious. We want to go beyond what’s obvious (our 5 senses) to see what else there is. Or, we are curious to understand how things came to be, which makes us good at recognizing patterns.

#10 You Like Strategy

Despite being intuitive, when you come to conclusions, they are not “airy fairy.” They come complete with a set of steps or ways to move forward. To put this in a more tangible way, you may be great at designing and planning your future. Or, you may love games that involve strategy.

#11 You Can’t Always Explain How You Came to Conclusions

When you ruminate over a topic or idea, sometimes you have trouble explaining how you developed your conclusion because it happened inside your head over a period of time. A simple example could be a child who does a math problem, gets the right answer, but gets points taken off because she can’t explain or show how she got to that answer.

#12 You Look for Meaning in Most Things

When most people see a weird, bizarre video or animation, they may think “what was that creator on?” However, you may think “what was she trying to convey?” or “what’s the message?”

#13 Instincts are Natural to You

While other people think that following their gut can be risky, you have experience with it and know it’s your God-given skill. You use it to make important decisions, even if it doesn’t always align with the logical data.

#14 You Need to Have Purpose

Introverted intuitives are driven by purpose and meaning, so naturally, they’ll find that in their work or hobbies. If this type doesn’t find their “purpose” they themselves may end up feeling meaningless and/or depressed.

#15 You are Creative

Many intuitives are creative in different senses of the word. This doesn’t mean you paint pictures or draw or even craft. Creativity can be put to work in many situations, such as creative ways of problem solving in the work world.

#16 You’re Stubborn in Your Morals

What you believe in you believe in your core and there’s no shaking that. While some people can be convinced by the masses or peer pressure, you’re more moved by your inner knowingness that you’re doing the right thing.

#17 You Don’t Give a Sht About Power

While many people can be convinced by someone’s power or fame, you can read through the bull real quick. And you won’t put up with it. While they may be lured into their hypnotic trance of superficial success, you’re more likely to roll your eyes and walk away. Friends: Introverted intuitive are not the type to be wooed by your designer clothing or fancy car on a first date. Just no.

#18 You Can See Different Perspectives

Many people can’t envision realities outside of their own. But because you’re so in your head, you’ve probably put yourself in the shoes of other people many times. This gives you a wider perspective on issues, so you are able to see things from varying sides, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them.

#19 Quiet but Powerful

You may be quiet and stand on the sidelines when people are talking about things you don’t care about. But if you see something wrong happening, your personality almost shifts. Because you’re so convinced of your morals, you come out of your “shell” when something isn’t right. You’ll say or do what it takes to right the situation, even if others aren’t making a big deal about it.

#20 Connecting with People Can Be Hard

Once we connect with people, we really connect with them. But most of the times, it’s hard for us to meet new people or put ourselves in uncomfortable situations. We could spend weeks alone before feeling lonely and being coaxed outside by a friend.

#21 Friends Say You’re a Good Listener

Introverted intutives, particularly INFJ’s make great therapists. That’s because listening comes naturally to them. While the INTJ may listen, she may do so less empathically whereas INFJs are more connected to feelings and emotion.

#22 You Daydream or Zone Out

When you’re driving, sitting on transit, walking or doing pretty much anything that doesn’t require your full attention, you have a tendency to zone out. Often this comes in the form of daydreaming or envisioning scenarios.

#23 You Enjoy Personal Growth

Plenty of personality types enjoy personal growth. However, introverted intuitives have a natural knack for it.

#24 You’re Private

It can be hard for you to share details about your life or how you feel. Others may see you as private or tell you that you’re hard to get to know.

#25 You Have Trouble Being In the Moment

Being in the moment AKA mindfulness is an important skill because getting out of our heads means less negative thinking and thought patterns. But we have a hard time doing this because we’re always thinking. It can be especially hard to turn off our monkey minds. In turn, meditation is something that can greatly help us but some of us kind of hate it.


Introverted Intuition: A Summary

introverted intuition

Introverted intuition can be seen from the sense that someone is an introvert and has intuition. However, the phrase was popularized because of the Myers Briggs personality test, which lists some types being introverted or extroverted intuitives. In this sense, to have introverted intuition means that you often go inside your head and ruminate to solve issues. You notice the subtilties that others may overlook and are able to see the big picture, allowing you to point out patterns or trends. Learning this information about yourself can do a few things. Firstly, it can normalize you when you feel abnormal. Most importantly though, knowing yourself better allows you to make better decisions in varying areas of life.